Sets the date to be equal to Today() and the time from supplied
+ See the full Set() overload for the remarks about DST.
wxDateTime& Set(wxDateTime_t hour, wxDateTime_t minute = 0,
wxDateTime_t second = 0, wxDateTime_t millisec = 0);
Sets the date and time from the parameters.
+ If the function parameters are invalid, e.g. @a month is February and
+ @a day is 30, the object is left in an invalid state, i.e. IsValid()
+ method will return @false.
+ If the specified time moment is invalid due to DST, i.e. it falls into
+ the "missing" hour on the date on which the DST starts, a valid
+ wxDateTime object is still constructed but its hour component is moved
+ forward to ensure that it corresponds to a valid moment in the local
+ time zone. For example, in the CET time zone the DST started on
+ 2013-03-31T02:00:00 in 2013 and so setting the object to 2:30 at this
+ date actually sets the hour to 3, and not 2.
wxDateTime& Set(wxDateTime_t day, Month month,
int year = Inv_Year, wxDateTime_t hour = 0,