+// Move caret to bottom of page, or one page down if already at bottom of page, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StutteredPageDownExtend() {
+ SendMsg(2438, 0, 0);
+// Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordLeftEnd() {
+ SendMsg(2439, 0, 0);
+// Move caret left one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordLeftEndExtend() {
+ SendMsg(2440, 0, 0);
+// Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordRightEnd() {
+ SendMsg(2441, 0, 0);
+// Move caret right one word, position cursor at end of word, extending selection to new caret position.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::WordRightEndExtend() {
+ SendMsg(2442, 0, 0);
+// Set the set of characters making up whitespace for when moving or selecting by word.
+// Should be called after SetWordChars.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetWhitespaceChars(const wxString& characters) {
+ SendMsg(2443, 0, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(characters));
+// Reset the set of characters for whitespace and word characters to the defaults.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetCharsDefault() {
+ SendMsg(2444, 0, 0);
+// Get currently selected item position in the auto-completion list
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::AutoCompGetCurrent() {
+ return SendMsg(2445, 0, 0);
+// Enlarge the document to a particular size of text bytes.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::Allocate(int bytes) {
+ SendMsg(2446, bytes, 0);
+// Find the position of a column on a line taking into account tabs and
+// multi-byte characters. If beyond end of line, return line end position.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::FindColumn(int line, int column) {
+ return SendMsg(2456, line, column);
+// Can the caret preferred x position only be changed by explicit movement commands?
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetCaretSticky() {
+ return SendMsg(2457, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Stop the caret preferred x position changing when the user types.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetCaretSticky(bool useCaretStickyBehaviour) {
+ SendMsg(2458, useCaretStickyBehaviour, 0);
+// Switch between sticky and non-sticky: meant to be bound to a key.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ToggleCaretSticky() {
+ SendMsg(2459, 0, 0);
+// Enable/Disable convert-on-paste for line endings
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetPasteConvertEndings(bool convert) {
+ SendMsg(2467, convert, 0);
+// Get convert-on-paste setting
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetPasteConvertEndings() {
+ return SendMsg(2468, 0, 0) != 0;
+// Duplicate the selection. If selection empty duplicate the line containing the caret.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SelectionDuplicate() {
+ SendMsg(2469, 0, 0);
+// Start notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StartRecord() {
+ SendMsg(3001, 0, 0);
+// Stop notifying the container of all key presses and commands.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StopRecord() {
+ SendMsg(3002, 0, 0);
+// Set the lexing language of the document.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetLexer(int lexer) {
+ SendMsg(4001, lexer, 0);
+// Retrieve the lexing language of the document.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetLexer() {
+ return SendMsg(4002, 0, 0);
+// Colourise a segment of the document using the current lexing language.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::Colourise(int start, int end) {
+ SendMsg(4003, start, end);
+// Set up a value that may be used by a lexer for some optional feature.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetProperty(const wxString& key, const wxString& value) {
+ SendMsg(4004, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), (long)(const char*)wx2stc(value));
+// Set up the key words used by the lexer.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetKeyWords(int keywordSet, const wxString& keyWords) {
+ SendMsg(4005, keywordSet, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(keyWords));
+// Set the lexing language of the document based on string name.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetLexerLanguage(const wxString& language) {
+ SendMsg(4006, 0, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(language));
+// Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty.
+wxString wxStyledTextCtrl::GetProperty(const wxString& key) {
+ int len = SendMsg(SCI_GETPROPERTY, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), (long)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(4008, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), (long)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);
+// Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty,
+// with '$()' variable replacement on returned buffer.
+wxString wxStyledTextCtrl::GetPropertyExpanded(const wxString& key) {
+ int len = SendMsg(SCI_GETPROPERTYEXPANDED, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), (long)NULL);
+ if (!len) return wxEmptyString;
+ wxMemoryBuffer mbuf(len+1);
+ char* buf = (char*)mbuf.GetWriteBuf(len+1);
+ SendMsg(4009, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), (long)buf);
+ mbuf.UngetWriteBuf(len);
+ mbuf.AppendByte(0);
+ return stc2wx(buf);
+// Retrieve a 'property' value previously set with SetProperty,
+// interpreted as an int AFTER any '$()' variable replacement.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetPropertyInt(const wxString& key) {
+ return SendMsg(4010, (long)(const char*)wx2stc(key), 0);
+// Retrieve the number of bits the current lexer needs for styling.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetStyleBitsNeeded() {
+ return SendMsg(4011, 0, 0);
+// END of generated section
+// Returns the line number of the line with the caret.
+int wxStyledTextCtrl::GetCurrentLine() {
+ int line = LineFromPosition(GetCurrentPos());
+ return line;
+// Extract style settings from a spec-string which is composed of one or
+// more of the following comma separated elements:
+// bold turns on bold
+// italic turns on italics
+// fore:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the foreground colour
+// back:[name or #RRGGBB] sets the background colour
+// face:[facename] sets the font face name to use
+// size:[num] sets the font size in points
+// eol turns on eol filling
+// underline turns on underlining
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StyleSetSpec(int styleNum, const wxString& spec) {
+ wxStringTokenizer tkz(spec, wxT(","));
+ while (tkz.HasMoreTokens()) {
+ wxString token = tkz.GetNextToken();
+ wxString option = token.BeforeFirst(':');
+ wxString val = token.AfterFirst(':');
+ if (option == wxT("bold"))
+ StyleSetBold(styleNum, true);
+ else if (option == wxT("italic"))
+ StyleSetItalic(styleNum, true);
+ else if (option == wxT("underline"))
+ StyleSetUnderline(styleNum, true);
+ else if (option == wxT("eol"))
+ StyleSetEOLFilled(styleNum, true);
+ else if (option == wxT("size")) {
+ long points;
+ if (val.ToLong(&points))
+ StyleSetSize(styleNum, points);
+ }
+ else if (option == wxT("face"))
+ StyleSetFaceName(styleNum, val);
+ else if (option == wxT("fore"))
+ StyleSetForeground(styleNum, wxColourFromSpec(val));
+ else if (option == wxT("back"))
+ StyleSetBackground(styleNum, wxColourFromSpec(val));
+ }
+// Set style size, face, bold, italic, and underline attributes from
+// a wxFont's attributes.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StyleSetFont(int styleNum, wxFont& font) {
+#ifdef __WXGTK__
+ // Ensure that the native font is initialized
+ int x, y;
+ GetTextExtent(wxT("X"), &x, &y, NULL, NULL, &font);
+ int size = font.GetPointSize();
+ wxString faceName = font.GetFaceName();
+ bool bold = font.GetWeight() == wxBOLD;
+ bool italic = font.GetStyle() != wxNORMAL;
+ bool under = font.GetUnderlined();
+ wxFontEncoding encoding = font.GetEncoding();
+ StyleSetFontAttr(styleNum, size, faceName, bold, italic, under, encoding);
+// Set all font style attributes at once.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StyleSetFontAttr(int styleNum, int size,
+ const wxString& faceName,
+ bool bold, bool italic,
+ bool underline,
+ wxFontEncoding encoding) {
+ StyleSetSize(styleNum, size);
+ StyleSetFaceName(styleNum, faceName);
+ StyleSetBold(styleNum, bold);
+ StyleSetItalic(styleNum, italic);
+ StyleSetUnderline(styleNum, underline);
+ StyleSetFontEncoding(styleNum, encoding);
+// Set the character set of the font in a style. Converts the Scintilla
+// character set values to a wxFontEncoding.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StyleSetCharacterSet(int style, int characterSet)
+ wxFontEncoding encoding;
+ // Translate the Scintilla characterSet to a wxFontEncoding
+ switch (characterSet) {
+ default:
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_13;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_CP950;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2;
+ break;
+ case wxSTC_CHARSET_GB2312:
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_CP936;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_CP949;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_KOI8;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_CP932;
+ break;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9;
+ break;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_6;
+ break;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_11;
+ break;
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5;
+ break;
+ case wxSTC_CHARSET_8859_15:
+ encoding = wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15;;
+ break;
+ }
+ // We just have Scintilla track the wxFontEncoding for us. It gets used
+ // in Font::Create in PlatWX.cpp. We add one to the value so that the
+ // effective wxFONENCODING_DEFAULT == SC_SHARSET_DEFAULT and so when
+ // Scintilla internally uses SC_CHARSET_DEFAULT we will translate it back
+ // to wxFONENCODING_DEFAULT in Font::Create.
+ SendMsg(SCI_STYLESETCHARACTERSET, style, encoding+1);
+// Set the font encoding to be used by a style.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::StyleSetFontEncoding(int style, wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ SendMsg(SCI_STYLESETCHARACTERSET, style, encoding+1);
+// Perform one of the operations defined by the wxSTC_CMD_* constants.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::CmdKeyExecute(int cmd) {
+ SendMsg(cmd);
+// Set the left and right margin in the edit area, measured in pixels.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetMargins(int left, int right) {
+ SetMarginLeft(left);
+ SetMarginRight(right);
+// Retrieve the start and end positions of the current selection.
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::GetSelection(int* startPos, int* endPos) {
+ if (startPos != NULL)
+ if (endPos != NULL)
+// Retrieve the point in the window where a position is displayed.
+wxPoint wxStyledTextCtrl::PointFromPosition(int pos) {
+ int x = SendMsg(SCI_POINTXFROMPOSITION, 0, pos);
+ int y = SendMsg(SCI_POINTYFROMPOSITION, 0, pos);
+ return wxPoint(x, y);
+// Scroll enough to make the given line visible
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ScrollToLine(int line) {
+ m_swx->DoScrollToLine(line);
+// Scroll enough to make the given column visible
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::ScrollToColumn(int column) {
+ m_swx->DoScrollToColumn(column);
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::SaveFile(const wxString& filename)
+ wxFile file(filename, wxFile::write);
+ if (!file.IsOpened())
+ return false;
+ bool success = file.Write(GetText(), *wxConvCurrent);
+ if (success)
+ SetSavePoint();
+ return success;
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::LoadFile(const wxString& filename)
+ bool success = false;
+ wxFile file(filename, wxFile::read);
+ if (file.IsOpened())
+ {
+ wxString contents;
+ // get the file size (assume it is not huge file...)
+ ssize_t len = (ssize_t)file.Length();
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ wxMemoryBuffer buffer(len+1);
+ success = (file.Read(buffer.GetData(), len) == len);
+ if (success) {
+ ((char*)buffer.GetData())[len] = 0;
+ contents = wxString(buffer, *wxConvCurrent, len);
+ }
+ wxString buffer;
+ success = (file.Read(wxStringBuffer(buffer, len), len) == len);
+ contents = buffer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (len == 0)
+ success = true; // empty file is ok
+ else
+ success = false; // len == wxInvalidOffset
+ }
+ if (success)
+ {
+ SetText(contents);
+ EmptyUndoBuffer();
+ SetSavePoint();
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+wxDragResult wxStyledTextCtrl::DoDragOver(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def) {
+ return m_swx->DoDragOver(x, y, def);
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::DoDropText(long x, long y, const wxString& data) {
+ return m_swx->DoDropText(x, y, data);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::SetUseAntiAliasing(bool useAA) {
+ m_swx->SetUseAntiAliasing(useAA);
+bool wxStyledTextCtrl::GetUseAntiAliasing() {
+ return m_swx->GetUseAntiAliasing();
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::AddTextRaw(const char* text)
+ SendMsg(SCI_ADDTEXT, strlen(text), (long)text);
+void wxStyledTextCtrl::InsertTextRaw(int pos, const char* text)
+ SendMsg(SCI_INSERTTEXT, pos, (long)text);
+wxCharBuffer wxStyledTextCtrl::GetCurLineRaw(int* linePos)
+ int len = LineLength(GetCurrentLine());
+ if (!len) {
+ if (linePos) *linePos = 0;
+ wxCharBuffer empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ wxCharBuffer buf(len);
+ int pos = SendMsg(SCI_GETCURLINE, len, (long)buf.data());
+ if (linePos) *linePos = pos;
+ return buf;
+wxCharBuffer wxStyledTextCtrl::GetLineRaw(int line)
+ int len = LineLength(line);
+ if (!len) {
+ wxCharBuffer empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ wxCharBuffer buf(len);
+ SendMsg(SCI_GETLINE, line, (long)buf.data());
+ return buf;
+wxCharBuffer wxStyledTextCtrl::GetSelectedTextRaw()
+ int start;
+ int end;
+ GetSelection(&start, &end);
+ int len = end - start;
+ if (!len) {
+ wxCharBuffer empty;
+ return empty;
+ }
+ wxCharBuffer buf(len);
+ SendMsg(SCI_GETSELTEXT, 0, (long)buf.data());
+ return buf;
+wxCharBuffer wxStyledTextCtrl::GetTextRangeRaw(int startPos, int endPos)
+ if (endPos < startPos) {
+ int temp = startPos;
+ startPos = endPos;
+ endPos = temp;