-controlled by {\it flags} (the second parameter of the Add() function): Zero or no flag indicates that
-the window will get aligned at the left (in a column sizer) and the top (row sizer), whereas
-wxALIGN\_RIGHT and wxALIGN\_BOTTOM will do what they say. The item can also be centered
-using the wxCENTRE flag (same as wxCENTER) or it can be forced to grow with the sizer (using
-the wxGROW flag (same as wxEXPAND)).
+controlled by {\it flags} (the second parameter of the Add() function): Zero or no flag
+indicates that the window will preserve it is original size, wxGROW flag (same as wxEXPAND)
+forces the window to grow with the sizer, and wxSHAPED flag tells the window to change it is
+size proportionally, preserving original aspect ratio. When wxGROW flag is not used,
+the item can be aligned within available space. wxALIGN\_LEFT, wxALIGN\_TOP, wxALIGN\_RIGHT,
+wxALIGN\_CENTRE (same as wxALIGN\_CENTER) is defined as (wxALIGN\_CENTER\_HORIZONTAL |
+wxALIGN\_CENTER\_VERTICAL). Default alignment is wxALIGN\_LEFT | wxALIGN\_TOP.