one of the released wxPythonSrc-2.5.* tarballs. I'll also assume that
you know your way around your system, the compiler, etc. and most
importantly, that you know what you are doing! ;-)</p>
<p>If you want to also install the version of wxPython you build to be in
your site-packages dir and be your default version of wxPython, then a
few additional steps are needed, and you may want to use slightly
one of the released wxPythonSrc-2.5.* tarballs. I'll also assume that
you know your way around your system, the compiler, etc. and most
importantly, that you know what you are doing! ;-)</p>
<p>If you want to also install the version of wxPython you build to be in
your site-packages dir and be your default version of wxPython, then a
few additional steps are needed, and you may want to use slightly