#include "wx/app.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/encinfo.h"
- #include "wx/scopeguard.h"
#endif // WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/msw/private.h"
#include "wx/sysopt.h"
+#include "wx/scopeguard.h"
#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
- if ( !m_hFont )
- const_cast<wxFontRefData *>(this)->Alloc();
+ AllocIfNeeded();
return (WXHFONT)m_hFont;
const wxNativeFontInfo& GetNativeFontInfo() const
- { return m_nativeFontInfo; }
+ {
+ // we need to create the font now to get the corresponding LOGFONT if
+ // it hadn't been done yet
+ AllocIfNeeded();
+ // ensure that we have a valid face name in our font information:
+ // GetFaceName() will try to retrieve it from our HFONT and save it if
+ // it was successful
+ (void)GetFaceName();
+ return m_nativeFontInfo;
+ }
void SetNativeFontInfo(const wxNativeFontInfo& nativeFontInfo)
void Init(const wxNativeFontInfo& info, WXHFONT hFont = 0);
+ void AllocIfNeeded() const
+ {
+ if ( !m_hFont )
+ const_cast<wxFontRefData *>(this)->Alloc();
+ }
// retrieve the face name really being used by the font: this is used to
// get the face name selected by the system when we don't specify it (but
// use just the family for example)
return wxString();
- // in spit of its type, the otmpFaceName field of OUTLINETEXTMETRIC
- // gives an offset in _bytes_ of the face name from the struct start
- // while the name itself is an array of TCHARs
+ // in spite of its type, the otmpFamilyName field of OUTLINETEXTMETRIC
+ // gives an offset in _bytes_ of the face (not family!) name from the
+ // struct start while the name itself is an array of TCHARs
+ //
+ // FWIW otmpFaceName contains the same thing as otmpFamilyName followed
+ // by a possible " Italic" or " Bold" or something else suffix
return reinterpret_cast<wxChar *>(otm) +
- wxPtrToUInt(otm->otmpFaceName)/sizeof(wxChar);
+ wxPtrToUInt(otm->otmpFamilyName)/sizeof(wxChar);
// are we using m_nativeFontInfo.lf.lfHeight for point size or pixel size?
void wxNativeFontInfo::SetFamily(wxFontFamily family)
- BYTE ff_family;
- wxArrayString facename;
- // the list of fonts associated with a family was partially
- // taken from http://www.codestyle.org/css/font-family
+ BYTE ff_family = FF_DONTCARE;
switch ( family )
ff_family = FF_SCRIPT;
- facename.Add(wxS("Script"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Brush Script MT"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Comic Sans MS"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Lucida Handwriting"));
ff_family = FF_DECORATIVE;
- facename.Add(wxS("Old English Text MT"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Comic Sans MS"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Lucida Handwriting"));
ff_family = FF_ROMAN;
- facename.Add(wxS("Times New Roman"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Georgia"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Garamond"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Bookman Old Style"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Book Antiqua"));
ff_family = FF_MODERN;
- facename.Add(wxS("Courier New"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Lucida Console"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Andale Mono"));
- facename.Add(wxS("OCR A Extended"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Terminal"));
- ff_family = FF_SWISS;
- facename.Add(wxS("Arial"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Century Gothic"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Lucida Sans Unicode"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Tahoma"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Trebuchet MS"));
- facename.Add(wxS("Verdana"));
- break;
- default:
- {
- // We want Windows 2000 or later to have new fonts even MS Shell Dlg
- // is returned as default GUI font for compatibility
- int verMaj;
ff_family = FF_SWISS;
- if(wxGetOsVersion(&verMaj) == wxOS_WINDOWS_NT && verMaj >= 5)
- facename.Add(wxS("MS Shell Dlg 2"));
- else
- facename.Add(wxS("MS Shell Dlg"));
- // Quoting the MSDN:
- // "MS Shell Dlg is a mapping mechanism that enables
- // U.S. English Microsoft Windows NT, and Microsoft Windows 2000 to
- // support locales that have characters that are not contained in code
- // page 1252. It is not a font but a face name for a nonexistent font."
- }
+ break;
+ wxCHECK_RET( ff_family != FF_DONTCARE, "unknown wxFontFamily" );
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = (BYTE)(DEFAULT_PITCH) | ff_family;
// reset the facename so that CreateFontIndirect() will automatically choose a
return false;
// the face name may be empty
- wxStrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, tokenizer.GetNextToken());
+ SetFaceName(tokenizer.GetNextToken());
return true;
return IsOk() ? &(M_FONTDATA->GetNativeFontInfo()) : NULL;
-wxString wxFont::GetNativeFontInfoDesc() const
- wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid font") );
- // be sure we have an HFONT associated...
- const_cast<wxFont*>(this)->RealizeResource();
- return wxFontBase::GetNativeFontInfoDesc();
-wxString wxFont::GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc() const
- wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid font") );
- // be sure we have an HFONT associated...
- const_cast<wxFont*>(this)->RealizeResource();
- return wxFontBase::GetNativeFontInfoUserDesc();
bool wxFont::IsFixedWidth() const
wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid font") );