-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDEFAULT\_FRAME\_STYLE}}{Defined as {\bf wxMINIMIZE\_BOX \pipe wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX \pipe wxRESIZE\_BORDER \pipe wxSYSTEM\_MENU \pipe wxCAPTION}.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxDEFAULT\_FRAME\_STYLE}}{Defined as {\bf wxMINIMIZE\_BOX \pipe wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX \pipe wxRESIZE\_BORDER \pipe wxSYSTEM\_MENU \pipe wxCAPTION \pipe wxCLOSE\_BOX}.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxICONIZE}}{Display the frame iconized (minimized). Windows only. }
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxCAPTION}}{Puts a caption on the frame.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxMINIMIZE}}{Identical to {\bf wxICONIZE}. Windows only.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxMINIMIZE\_BOX}}{Displays a minimize box on the frame.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxMAXIMIZE}}{Displays the frame maximized. Windows only.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX}}{Displays a maximize box on the frame.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxCLOSE\_BOX}}{Displays a close box on the frame.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxSTAY\_ON\_TOP}}{Stay on top of all other windows,
see also wxFRAME\_FLOAT\_ON\_PARENT. Windows only.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxSYSTEM\_MENU}}{Displays a system menu.}
a wxEVT\_HELP event if the user clicked on an application window. {\it Note} that this is an extended
style and must be set by calling \helpref{SetExtraStyle}{wxwindowsetextrastyle} before Create is called (two-step construction).
You cannot use this style together with wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX or wxMINIMIZE\_BOX, so
-you should use
+you should use
frames having this style (the dialogs don't have minimize nor maximize box by
wxFrame processes the following events:
-\twocolitem{wxEVT\_SIZE}{If the frame has exactly one child window, not
-counting the status and toolbar, this child is resized to take the entire frame
-client area. If two or more windows are present, they should be laid out
-explicitly either by manually handling wxEVT\_SIZE or using
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxEVT\_SIZE}{wxsizeevent}}{If the frame has exactly one
+child window, not counting the status and toolbar, this child is resized to
+take the entire frame client area. If two or more windows are present, they
+should be laid out explicitly either by manually handling wxEVT\_SIZE or using
-\twocolitem{wxEVT\_MENU\_HIGHLIGHT}{The default implementation displays the
-\helpref{help string}{wxmenuitemgethelp} associated with the selected item in
-the first pane of the status bar, if there is one.}
+\twocolitem{\helpref{wxEVT\_MENU\_HIGHLIGHT}{wxmenuevent}}{The default
+implementation displays the \helpref{help string}{wxmenuitemgethelp} associated
+with the selected item in the first pane of the status bar, if there is one.}
-\docparam{iconize}{If TRUE, iconizes the frame; if FALSE, shows and restores it.}
+\docparam{iconize}{If true, iconizes the frame; if false, shows and restores it.}
\wxheading{See also}
-Returns TRUE if the frame is in fullscreen mode.
+Returns true if the frame is in fullscreen mode.
\wxheading{See also}
-Returns TRUE if the frame is iconized.
+Returns true if the frame is iconized.
-Returns TRUE if the frame is maximized.
+Returns true if the frame is maximized.
-\docparam{maximize}{If TRUE, maximizes the frame, otherwise it restores it.}
+\docparam{maximize}{If true, maximizes the frame, otherwise it restores it.}
See also \helpref{wxIconBundle}{wxiconbundle}.
-% VZ: we don't have all this any more (18.08.00)
+% VZ: we don't have all this any more (18.08.00)
%Under Windows, instead of using {\bf SetIcon}, you can add the
%following lines to your MS Windows resource file:
\helpref{wxFrame::GetMenuBar}{wxframegetmenubar}, \helpref{wxMenuBar}{wxmenubar}, \helpref{wxMenu}{wxmenu}.
+\func{bool}{SetShape}{\param{const wxRegion&}{ region}}
+If the platform supports it, sets the shape of the window to that
+depicted by \it{region}. The system will not display or
+respond to any mouse event for the pixels that lie outside of the
+region. To reset the window to the normal rectangular shape simply
+call \it{SetShape} again with an empty region. Returns TRUE if the
+operation is successful.
\func{void}{SetStatusBar}{\param{wxStatusBar*}{ statusBar}}
\func{bool}{ShowFullScreen}{\param{bool}{ show}, \param{long}{ style = wxFULLSCREEN\_ALL}}
-Passing TRUE to {\it shows} shows the frame full-screen, and passing FALSE restores the frame
-again. {\it style} is a bit list containing some or all of the following values, which
-indicate what elements of the frame to hide in full-screen mode:
+Depending on the value of {\it show} parameter the frame is either shown full
+screen or restored to its normal state. {\it style} is a bit list containing
+some or all of the following values, which indicate what elements of the frame
+to hide in full-screen mode:
This function has not been tested with MDI frames.
+Note that showing a frame full screen also actually
+\helpref{Show()s}{wxwindowshow} if it hadn't been shown yet.
\wxheading{See also}