#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
+import wx
+##First, make sure Numeric or numarray can be imported.
import Numeric
import RandomArray
haveNumeric = True
except ImportError:
+ # Numeric isn't there, let's try numarray
import numarray as Numeric
import numarray.random_array as RandomArray
haveNumeric = True
except ImportError:
+ # numarray isn't there either
haveNumeric = False
-if not haveNumeric:
- errorText = """
-The FloatCanvas requires either the Numeric or Numarray module:
-You can get them at:
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy
-NOTE: The Numeric module is substantially faster than numarray for this
-purpose, if you have lot's of objects
-StartUpDemo = "all"
-if __name__ == "__main__": # parse options if run stand-alone
- # check options:
- import sys, getopt
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'l',["local","all","text","map","stext","hit","hitf","animate","speed","temp","props"])
- for opt in optlist:
- if opt[0] == "--all":
- StartUpDemo = "all"
- elif opt[0] == "--text":
- StartUpDemo = "text"
- elif opt[0] == "--map":
- StartUpDemo = "map"
- elif opt[0] == "--stext":
- StartUpDemo = "stext"
- elif opt[0] == "--hit":
- StartUpDemo = "hit"
- elif opt[0] == "--hitf":
- StartUpDemo = "hitf"
- elif opt[0] == "--animate":
- StartUpDemo = "animate"
- elif opt[0] == "--speed":
- StartUpDemo = "speed"
- elif opt[0] == "--temp":
- StartUpDemo = "temp"
- elif opt[0] == "--props":
- StartUpDemo = "props"
-import wx
-import time, random
-class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
- def __init__(self, parent, log):
- self.log = log
- wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
- b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Show the FloatCanvas sample", (50,50))
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton, b)
- def OnButton(self, evt):
- if not haveNumeric:
- dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, errorText, 'Sorry', wx.OK |
- dlg.ShowModal()
- dlg.Destroy()
- else:
- win = DrawFrame(None, -1, "FloatCanvas Drawing Window",wx.DefaultPosition,(500,500))
- win.Show(True)
- win.DrawTest()
+ errorText = (
+ "The FloatCanvas requires either the Numeric or numarray module\n\n"
+ "You can get them at:\n"
+ "http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy\n\n"
+ "NOTE: The Numeric module is substantially faster than numarray for this\n"
+ "purpose, if you have lots of objects\n"
+ )
-if haveNumeric:
+def BuildDrawFrame(): # this gets called when needed, rather than on import
from floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas
except ImportError: # if it's not there locally, try the wxPython lib.
from wx.lib.floatcanvas import NavCanvas, FloatCanvas
- import wxPython.lib.colourdb
+ import wx.lib.colourdb
+ import time, random
class DrawFrame(wx.Frame):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.SpeedTest, item)
item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "Change &Properties","Run a test of Changing Object Properties")
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.PropertiesChangeTest, item)
+ item = draw_menu.Append(-1, "&Arrows","Run a test of Arrows")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ArrowTest, item)
MenuBar.Append(draw_menu, "&Tests")
view_menu = wx.Menu()
self.EventsAreBound = False
## getting all the colors and linestyles for random objects
- wxPython.lib.colourdb.updateColourDB()
- self.colors = wxPython.lib.colourdb.getColourList()
+ wx.lib.colourdb.updateColourDB()
+ self.colors = wx.lib.colourdb.getColourList()
#self.LineStyles = FloatCanvas.DrawObject.LineStyleList.keys()
self.EventsAreBound = True
def UnBindAllMouseEvents(self):
- ## Here is how you catch FloatCanvas mouse events
+ ## Here is how you unbind FloatCanvas mouse events
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None)
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_UP(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None )
+ FloatCanvas.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(self.Canvas, None )
FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(self.Canvas, None )
FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_UP(self.Canvas, None )
FloatCanvas.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK(self.Canvas, None)
def OnWheel(self, event):
print "Mouse Wheel Moved in DrawFrame"
+ Rot = event.GetWheelRotation()
+ print "Wheel Rotation is:", Rot
+ print "Wheel Delta is:", event.GetWheelDelta()
+ Rot = Rot / abs(Rot) * 0.1
+ if event.ControlDown(): # move left-right
+ self.Canvas.MoveImage( (Rot, 0), "Panel" )
+ else: # move up-down
+ self.Canvas.MoveImage( (0, Rot), "Panel" )
def OnMove(self, event):
- Updates the staus bar with the world coordinates
+ Updates the status bar with the world coordinates
self.SetStatusText("%.2f, %.2f"%tuple(event.Coords))
def DrawTest(self,event=None):
-# import random
-# import RandomArray
Range = (-10,10)
colors = self.colors
D = random.randint(1,50)
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
Canvas.AddPoint((x,y), Color = colors[cf], Diameter = D)
- # Circles
+ # Circles
for i in range(5):
x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
D = random.randint(1,5)
cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
Canvas.AddCircle(x,y,D,LineWidth = lw,LineColor = colors[cl],FillColor = colors[cf])
Canvas.AddText("Circle # %i"%(i),x,y,Size = 12,BackgroundColor = None,Position = "cc")
- # Lines
+ # Lines
for i in range(5):
points = []
for j in range(random.randint(2,10)):
cf = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
cl = random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)
Canvas.AddLine(points, LineWidth = lw, LineColor = colors[cl])
- # Polygons
+ # Polygons
for i in range(3):
points = []
for j in range(random.randint(2,6)):
x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
Canvas.AddScaledText(String, x, y, Size = ts, Color = colors[cf], Position = "cc")
+ # Arrows
+ N = 5
+ Points = RandomArray.uniform(Range[0], Range[1], (N,2) )
+ for i in range(N):
+ Canvas.AddArrow(Points[i],
+ random.uniform(20,100),
+ Direction = random.uniform(0,360),
+ LineWidth = random.uniform(1,5),
+ LineColor = colors[random.randint(0,len(colors)-1)],
+ ArrowHeadAngle = random.uniform(20,90))
def TestAnimation(self,event=None):
- #Add a HitAble rectangle
+ #Add a Hit-able rectangle
w, h = 60, 20
dx = 80
#start = time.clock()
- Shorelines = Read_MapGen(os.path.join("data",'world.dat'),stats = 0)
+ Shorelines = self.Read_MapGen(os.path.join("data",'world.dat'),stats = 0)
#print "It took %f seconds to load %i shorelines"%(time.clock() - start,len(Shorelines) )
#start = time.clock()
for segment in Shorelines:
x,y = (random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]),random.uniform(Range[0],Range[1]))
w,h = random.randint(1,5), random.randint(1,5)
+ self.Canvas.Draw(Force = True)
+ def ArrowTest(self,event=None):
+ wx.GetApp().Yield()
+ self.UnBindAllMouseEvents()
+ Canvas = self.Canvas
+ Canvas.ClearAll()
+ Canvas.SetProjectionFun(None)
+ # put in a rectangle to get a bounding box
+ Canvas.AddRectangle(0,0,20,20,LineColor = None)
+ # Draw some Arrows
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 40, Direction = 0)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 50, Direction = 45 ,LineWidth = 2, LineColor = "Black", ArrowHeadAngle = 20)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 60, Direction = 90 ,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Red", ArrowHeadAngle = 30)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 70, Direction = 135,LineWidth = 4, LineColor = "Red", ArrowHeadAngle = 40)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 80, Direction = 180,LineWidth = 5, LineColor = "Blue", ArrowHeadAngle = 50)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 90, Direction = 225,LineWidth = 4, LineColor = "Blue", ArrowHeadAngle = 60)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 100,Direction = 270,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 70)
+ Canvas.AddArrow((10,10),Length = 110,Direction = 315,LineWidth = 2, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 90 )
+ Canvas.AddText("Clickable Arrow",4,18,Position = "bc")
+ Arrow = Canvas.AddArrow((4,18), 80, Direction = 90 ,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Red", ArrowHeadAngle = 30)
+ Arrow.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.ArrowClicked)
+ Canvas.AddText("Changable Arrow",16,4,Position = "cc")
+ self.RotArrow = Canvas.AddArrow((16,4), 80, Direction = 0 ,LineWidth = 3, LineColor = "Green", ArrowHeadAngle = 30)
+ self.RotArrow.Bind(FloatCanvas.EVT_FC_LEFT_DOWN, self.RotateArrow)
+ Canvas.ZoomToBB()
+ def ArrowClicked(self,event):
+ print "The Arrow was Clicked"
+ def RotateArrow(self,event):
+ print "The Changeable Arrow was Clicked"
+ ## You can do them either one at a time, or both at once
+ ## Doing them both at once prevents the arrow points from being calculated twice
+ #self.RotArrow.SetDirection(self.RotArrow.Direction + random.uniform(-90,90))
+ #self.RotArrow.SetLength(self.RotArrow.Length + random.randint(-20,20))
+ self.RotArrow.SetLengthDirection(self.RotArrow.Length + random.randint(-20,20),
+ self.RotArrow.Direction + random.uniform(-90,90) )
self.Canvas.Draw(Force = True)
print "Point Num: %i Hit"%Point.VerticeNum
self.SelectedPoint = Point
+ def Read_MapGen(self, filename, stats = 0,AllLines=0):
+ """
+ This function reads a MapGen Format file, and
+ returns a list of NumPy arrays with the line segments in them.
+ Each NumPy array in the list is an NX2 array of Python Floats.
+ The demo should have come with a file, "world.dat" that is the
+ shorelines of the whole world, in MapGen format.
+ """
+ import string
+ file = open(filename,'rt')
+ data = file.readlines()
+ data = map(string.strip,data)
+ Shorelines = []
+ segment = []
+ for line in data:
+ if line:
+ if line == "# -b": #New segment beginning
+ if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
+ segment = []
+ else:
+ segment.append(map(float,string.split(line)))
+ if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
+ if stats:
+ NumSegments = len(Shorelines)
+ NumPoints = 0
+ for segment in Shorelines:
+ NumPoints = NumPoints + len(segment)
+ AvgPoints = NumPoints / NumSegments
+ print "Number of Segments: ", NumSegments
+ print "Average Number of Points per segment: ",AvgPoints
+ if AllLines:
+ Lines = []
+ for segment in Shorelines:
+ Lines.append(segment[0])
+ for point in segment[1:-1]:
+ Lines.append(point)
+ Lines.append(point)
+ Lines.append(segment[-1])
+ return Lines
+ else:
+ return Shorelines
+ return DrawFrame
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # check options:
+ import sys, getopt
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'l',["local","all","text","map","stext","hit","hitf","animate","speed","temp","props","arrow"])
+ if not haveNumeric:
+ raise ImportError(errorText)
+ StartUpDemo = "all" # the default
+ for opt in optlist:
+ if opt[0] == "--all":
+ StartUpDemo = "all"
+ elif opt[0] == "--text":
+ StartUpDemo = "text"
+ elif opt[0] == "--map":
+ StartUpDemo = "map"
+ elif opt[0] == "--stext":
+ StartUpDemo = "stext"
+ elif opt[0] == "--hit":
+ StartUpDemo = "hit"
+ elif opt[0] == "--hitf":
+ StartUpDemo = "hitf"
+ elif opt[0] == "--animate":
+ StartUpDemo = "animate"
+ elif opt[0] == "--speed":
+ StartUpDemo = "speed"
+ elif opt[0] == "--temp":
+ StartUpDemo = "temp"
+ elif opt[0] == "--props":
+ StartUpDemo = "props"
+ elif opt[0] == "--arrow":
+ StartUpDemo = "arrow"
+ try:
+ import fixdc
+ except ImportError:
+ print ("\n *************Notice*************\n"
+ "The fixdc module fixes the DC API for wxPython2.5.1.6 You can get the module from:\n"
+ "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/fixdc.py?download\n"
+ " It will set up the DC methods to match both older and upcoming versions\n")
+ raise
class DemoApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
+ DrawFrame = BuildDrawFrame()
frame = DrawFrame(None, -1, "FloatCanvas Demo App",wx.DefaultPosition,(700,700))
elif StartUpDemo == "props":
"starting PropertiesChange Test"
+ elif StartUpDemo == "arrow":
+ "starting arrow Test"
+ frame.ArrowTest()
return True
- def Read_MapGen(filename,stats = 0,AllLines=0):
- """
- This function reads a MapGen Format file, and
- returns a list of NumPy arrays with the line segments in them.
- Each NumPy array in the list is an NX2 array of Python Floats.
- The demo should have come with a file, "world.dat" that is the
- shorelines of the whole world, in MapGen format.
- """
- import string
- file = open(filename,'rt')
- data = file.readlines()
- data = map(string.strip,data)
- Shorelines = []
- segment = []
- for line in data:
- if line:
- if line == "# -b": #New segment beginning
- if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
- segment = []
- else:
- segment.append(map(float,string.split(line)))
- if segment: Shorelines.append(Numeric.array(segment))
- if stats:
- NumSegments = len(Shorelines)
- NumPoints = 0
- for segment in Shorelines:
- NumPoints = NumPoints + len(segment)
- AvgPoints = NumPoints / NumSegments
- print "Number of Segments: ", NumSegments
- print "Average Number of Points per segment: ",AvgPoints
- if AllLines:
- Lines = []
- for segment in Shorelines:
- Lines.append(segment[0])
- for point in segment[1:-1]:
- Lines.append(point)
- Lines.append(point)
- Lines.append(segment[-1])
- return Lines
- else:
- return Shorelines
-## for the wxPython demo:
-def runTest(frame, nb, log):
- win = TestPanel(nb, log)
- return win
-if haveNumeric:
- try:
- import floatcanvas
- except ImportError: # if it's not there locally, try the wxPython lib.
- from wx.lib import floatcanvas
- overview = floatcanvas.__doc__
+ app = DemoApp(False)# put in True if you want output to go to it's own window.
+ app.MainLoop()
- overview = ""
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # It's not running stand-alone, set up for wxPython demo.
if not haveNumeric:
- print errorText
- else:
- app = DemoApp(False)# put in True if you want output to go to it's own window.
- app.MainLoop()
+ ## TestPanel and runTest used for integration into wxPython Demo
+ class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ self.log = log
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ import images
+ note1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, errorText)
+ note2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "This is what the FloatCanvas can look like:")
+ S = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ S.Add((10, 10), 1)
+ S.Add(note1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ S.Add(note2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.BOTTOM, 4)
+ S.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(self,-1,images.getFloatCanvasBitmap()),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ S.Add((10, 10), 1)
+ self.SetSizer(S)
+ self.Layout()
+ else:
+ ## TestPanel and runTest used for integration into wxPython Demo
+ class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, log):
+ self.log = log
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
+ note1 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "The FloatCanvas Demo needs")
+ note2 = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "a separate frame")
+ b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Open Demo Frame Now")
+ b.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
+ S = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+ S.Add((10, 10), 1)
+ S.Add(note1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
+ S.Add(note2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.BOTTOM, 5)
+ S.Add(b, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, 5)
+ S.Add((10, 10), 1)
+ self.SetSizer(S)
+ self.Layout()
+ def OnButton(self, evt):
+ DrawFrame = BuildDrawFrame()
+ frame = DrawFrame(None, -1, "FloatCanvas Drawing Window",wx.DefaultPosition,(500,500))
+ #win = wx.lib.plot.TestFrame(self, -1, "PlotCanvas Demo")
+ frame.Show()
+ frame.DrawTest()
+ def runTest(frame, nb, log):
+ win = TestPanel(nb, log)
+ return win
+ # import to get the doc
+ from wx.lib import floatcanvas
+ overview = floatcanvas.__doc__