#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/math.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
#endif // wxUSE_DATETIME
-static void ClearVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg) ;
-static void ReleaseVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg) ;
-// static void ShowException(LPOLESTR szMember, HRESULT hr, EXCEPINFO *pexcep, unsigned int uiArgErr);
- * wxAutomationObject
- */
+// Report an OLE error when calling the specified method to the user via wxLog.
+static void
+ShowException(const wxString& member,
+ EXCEPINFO *pexcep = NULL,
+ unsigned int uiArgErr = 0);
+// wxAutomationObject
wxAutomationObject::wxAutomationObject(WXIDISPATCH* dispatchPtr)
if (!m_dispatchPtr)
return false;
- // nonConstMember is necessary because the wxString class doesn't have enough consts...
- wxString nonConstMember(member);
- int ch = nonConstMember.Find('.');
+ int ch = member.Find('.');
if (ch != -1)
// Use dot notation to get the next object
- wxString member2(nonConstMember.Left((size_t) ch));
- wxString rest(nonConstMember.Right(nonConstMember.length() - ch - 1));
+ wxString member2(member.Left((size_t) ch));
+ wxString rest(member.Right(member.length() - ch - 1));
wxAutomationObject obj;
if (!GetObject(obj, member2))
return false;
- ClearVariant(& vReturn);
+ VariantInit(& vReturn);
VARIANTARG* vReturnPtr = & vReturn;
DISPPARAMS dispparams;
unsigned int uiArgErr;
- EXCEPINFO excep;
// Get the IDs for the member and its arguments. GetIDsOfNames expects the
// member name as the first name, followed by argument names (if any).
1 + namedArgCount, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, dispIds);
if (FAILED(hr))
-// ShowException(szMember, hr, NULL, 0);
+ ShowException(member, hr);
delete[] argNames;
delete[] dispIds;
return false;
dispparams.cArgs = noArgs;
dispparams.cNamedArgs = namedArgCount;
- excep.pfnDeferredFillIn = NULL;
+ EXCEPINFO excep;
+ wxZeroMemory(excep);
hr = ((IDispatch*)m_dispatchPtr)->Invoke(dispIds[0], IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,
(WORD)action, &dispparams, vReturnPtr, &excep, &uiArgErr);
delete[] dispIds;
for (i = 0; i < noArgs; i++)
- ReleaseVariant(& oleArgs[i]) ;
+ VariantClear(& oleArgs[i]) ;
delete[] oleArgs;
if (FAILED(hr))
// display the exception information if appropriate:
-// ShowException((const char*) member, hr, &excep, uiArgErr);
+ ShowException(member, hr, &excep, uiArgErr);
// free exception structure information
if (vReturnPtr)
- ReleaseVariant(vReturnPtr);
+ VariantClear(vReturnPtr);
return false;
vReturn.pdispVal = NULL;
- ReleaseVariant(& vReturn);
+ VariantClear(& vReturn);
return true;
return false;
-// Get a dispatch pointer from the current object associated
-// with a class id
-bool wxAutomationObject::GetInstance(const wxString& classId) const
- if (m_dispatchPtr)
- return false;
- CLSID clsId;
- IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
- wxBasicString unicodeName(classId);
- if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID((BSTR) unicodeName, &clsId)))
- {
- wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID"));
- return false;
- }
- if (FAILED(GetActiveObject(clsId, NULL, &pUnk)))
- {
- wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot find an active object"));
- return false;
- }
- if (pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*) &m_dispatchPtr) != S_OK)
+HRESULT wxCLSIDFromProgID(const wxString& progId, CLSID& clsId)
+ HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(wxBasicString(progId), &clsId);
+ if ( FAILED(hr) )
- wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot find IDispatch interface"));
- return false;
+ wxLogSysError(hr, _("Failed to find CLSID of \"%s\""), progId);
- return true;
+ return hr;
-// Get a dispatch pointer from a new object associated
-// with the given class id
-bool wxAutomationObject::CreateInstance(const wxString& classId) const
+void *DoCreateInstance(const wxString& progId, const CLSID& clsId)
- if (m_dispatchPtr)
- return false;
- CLSID clsId;
- wxBasicString unicodeName(classId);
- if (FAILED(CLSIDFromProgID((BSTR) unicodeName, &clsId)))
- {
- wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot obtain CLSID from ProgID"));
- return false;
- }
// get the server IDispatch interface
// NB: using CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER results in failure when getting
// Automation interface for Microsoft Office applications so don't use
// CLSCTX_ALL which includes it
- if (FAILED(CoCreateInstance(clsId, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER, IID_IDispatch,
- (void**)&m_dispatchPtr)))
+ void *pDispatch = NULL;
+ HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(clsId, NULL, CLSCTX_SERVER,
+ IID_IDispatch, &pDispatch);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
- wxLogWarning(wxT("Cannot start an instance of this class."));
- return false;
+ wxLogSysError(hr, _("Failed to create an instance of \"%s\""), progId);
+ return NULL;
- return true;
+ return pDispatch;
+} // anonymous namespace
-WXDLLEXPORT bool wxConvertVariantToOle(const wxVariant& variant, VARIANTARG& oleVariant)
+// Get a dispatch pointer from the current object associated
+// with a ProgID
+bool wxAutomationObject::GetInstance(const wxString& progId, int flags) const
- ClearVariant(&oleVariant);
- if (variant.IsNull())
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_NULL;
- return true;
- }
- wxString type(variant.GetType());
- if (type == wxT("long"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_I4;
- oleVariant.lVal = variant.GetLong() ;
- }
- // cVal not always present
-#ifndef __GNUWIN32__
- else if (type == wxT("char"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt=VT_I1; // Signed Char
- oleVariant.cVal=variant.GetChar();
- }
- else if (type == wxT("double"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_R8;
- oleVariant.dblVal = variant.GetDouble();
- }
- else if (type == wxT("bool"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_BOOL;
- // 'bool' required for VC++ 4 apparently
-#if (defined(__VISUALC__) && (__VISUALC__ <= 1000))
- oleVariant.bool = variant.GetBool();
- oleVariant.boolVal = variant.GetBool();
- }
- else if (type == wxT("string"))
- {
- wxString str( variant.GetString() );
- oleVariant.vt = VT_BSTR;
- oleVariant.bstrVal = wxConvertStringToOle(str);
- }
- else if (type == wxT("datetime"))
- {
- wxDateTime date( variant.GetDateTime() );
- oleVariant.vt = VT_DATE;
- long dosDateTime = date.GetAsDOS();
- short dosDate = short((dosDateTime & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
- short dosTime = short(dosDateTime & 0xFFFF);
- DosDateTimeToVariantTime(dosDate, dosTime, & oleVariant.date);
- }
- else if (type == wxT("void*"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_DISPATCH;
- oleVariant.pdispVal = (IDispatch*) variant.GetVoidPtr();
- }
- else if (type == wxT("list") || type == wxT("stringlist"))
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_VARIANT | VT_ARRAY;
- VARIANTARG *pvargBase;
- VARIANTARG *pvarg;
- int i, j;
- int iCount = variant.GetCount();
- saBound.lLbound = 0;
- saBound.cElements = iCount;
- psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, &saBound);
- if (psa == NULL)
- return false;
- SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void**)&pvargBase);
- pvarg = pvargBase;
- for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
- {
- // copy each string in the list of strings
- wxVariant eachVariant(variant[i]);
- if (!wxConvertVariantToOle(eachVariant, * pvarg))
- {
- // memory failure: back out and free strings alloc'ed up to
- // now, and then the array itself.
- pvarg = pvargBase;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
- {
- SysFreeString(pvarg->bstrVal);
- pvarg++;
- }
- SafeArrayDestroy(psa);
- return false;
- }
- pvarg++;
- }
- SafeArrayUnaccessData(psa);
- oleVariant.parray = psa;
- }
- else
- {
- oleVariant.vt = VT_NULL;
+ if (m_dispatchPtr)
return false;
- }
- return true;
-#ifndef VT_TYPEMASK
-#define VT_TYPEMASK 0xfff
+ CLSID clsId;
+ HRESULT hr = wxCLSIDFromProgID(progId, clsId);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
-wxConvertOleToVariant(const VARIANTARG& oleVariant, wxVariant& variant)
- bool ok = true;
- if ( oleVariant.vt & VT_ARRAY )
+ IUnknown *pUnk = NULL;
+ hr = GetActiveObject(clsId, NULL, &pUnk);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
- // Compute the total number of elements in all array dimensions
- int cElements = 1;
- for ( int cDims = 0; cDims < oleVariant.parray->cDims; cDims++ )
- cElements *= oleVariant.parray->rgsabound[cDims].cElements;
- // Get a pointer to the data
- void* pvdata;
- HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(oleVariant.parray, &pvdata);
- if ( FAILED(hr) )
- return false;
- switch (oleVariant.vt & VT_TYPEMASK)
+ if ( flags & wxAutomationInstance_CreateIfNeeded )
- case VT_VARIANT:
- {
- variant.ClearList();
- VARIANTARG *variant_data=(VARIANTARG*)pvdata;
- for ( int i = 0; i < cElements; i++ )
- {
- VARIANTARG& oleElement = variant_data[i];
- wxVariant vElement;
- if ( !wxConvertOleToVariant(oleElement, vElement) )
- {
- ok = false;
- variant.ClearList();
- break;
- }
- variant.Append(vElement);
- }
- }
- break;
- case VT_BSTR:
- {
- wxArrayString strings;
- BSTR *string_val=(BSTR*)pvdata;
- for ( int i = 0; i < cElements; ++i )
- {
- wxString str=wxConvertStringFromOle(*string_val);
- strings.Add(str);
- ++string_val;
- }
- variant=strings;
- }
- break;
- default:
- wxLogDebug(wxT("unhandled VT_ARRAY type %x in wxConvertOleToVariant"),
- oleVariant.vt & VT_TYPEMASK);
- variant = wxVariant();
- ok = false;
- break;
+ const_cast<wxAutomationObject *>(this)->
+ m_dispatchPtr = DoCreateInstance(progId, clsId);
+ if ( m_dispatchPtr )
+ return true;
- SafeArrayUnaccessData(oleVariant.parray);
- }
- else if ( oleVariant.vt & VT_BYREF )
- {
- switch ( oleVariant.vt & VT_TYPEMASK )
+ else
- case VT_VARIANT:
- {
- VARIANTARG& oleReference = *((LPVARIANT)oleVariant.byref);
- if (!wxConvertOleToVariant(oleReference,variant))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- default:
- wxLogError(wxT("wxAutomationObject::ConvertOleToVariant: [as yet] unhandled reference %X"),
- oleVariant.vt);
- return false;
+ wxLogSysError(hr,
+ _("Cannot get an active instance of \"%s\""), progId);
- }
- else // simply type (not array or reference)
- {
- switch ( oleVariant.vt & VT_TYPEMASK )
- {
- case VT_BSTR:
- {
- wxString str(wxConvertStringFromOle(oleVariant.bstrVal));
- variant = str;
- }
- break;
- case VT_DATE:
- {
- unsigned short dosDate = 0;
- unsigned short dosTime = 0;
- VariantTimeToDosDateTime(oleVariant.date, & dosDate, & dosTime);
- long dosDateTime = (dosDate << 16) | dosTime;
- wxDateTime date;
- date.SetFromDOS(dosDateTime);
- variant = date;
- }
-#endif // wxUSE_DATETIME
- break;
- case VT_I4:
- variant = (long) oleVariant.lVal;
- break;
- case VT_I2:
- variant = (long) oleVariant.iVal;
- break;
- case VT_BOOL:
- variant = oleVariant.boolVal != 0;
- break;
- case VT_R8:
- variant = oleVariant.dblVal;
- break;
- variant = (void*) oleVariant.pdispVal;
- break;
- case VT_NULL:
- variant.MakeNull();
- break;
- case VT_EMPTY:
- break; // Ignore Empty Variant, used only during destruction of objects
- default:
- wxLogError(wxT("wxAutomationObject::ConvertOleToVariant: Unknown variant value type %X -> %X"),
- oleVariant.vt,oleVariant.vt&VT_TYPEMASK);
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
- return ok;
+ hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (LPVOID*) &m_dispatchPtr);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ wxLogSysError(hr,
+ _("Failed to get OLE automation interface for \"%s\""),
+ progId);
+ return false;
+ }
- * ClearVariant
- *
- * Zeros a variant structure without regard to current contents
- */
-static void ClearVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg)
- pvarg->vt = VT_EMPTY;
- pvarg->wReserved1 = 0;
- pvarg->wReserved2 = 0;
- pvarg->wReserved3 = 0;
- pvarg->lVal = 0;
+ return true;
- * ReleaseVariant
- *
- * Clears a particular variant structure and releases any external objects
- * or memory contained in the variant. Supports the data types listed above.
- */
-static void ReleaseVariant(VARIANTARG *pvarg)
+// Get a dispatch pointer from a new object associated
+// with the given ProgID
+bool wxAutomationObject::CreateInstance(const wxString& progId) const
- VARIANTARG _huge *pvargArray;
- LONG lLBound, lUBound, l;
- vt = (VARTYPE)(pvarg->vt & 0xfff); // mask off flags
- // check if an array. If so, free its contents, then the array itself.
- if (V_ISARRAY(pvarg))
- {
- // variant arrays are all this routine currently knows about. Since a
- // variant can contain anything (even other arrays), call ourselves
- // recursively.
- if (vt == VT_VARIANT)
- {
- SafeArrayGetLBound(pvarg->parray, 1, &lLBound);
- SafeArrayGetUBound(pvarg->parray, 1, &lUBound);
- if (lUBound > lLBound)
- {
- lUBound -= lLBound;
- SafeArrayAccessData(pvarg->parray, (void**)&pvargArray);
- for (l = 0; l < lUBound; l++)
- {
- ReleaseVariant(pvargArray);
- pvargArray++;
- }
+ if (m_dispatchPtr)
+ return false;
- SafeArrayUnaccessData(pvarg->parray);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- wxLogWarning(wxT("ReleaseVariant: Array contains non-variant type"));
- }
+ CLSID clsId;
+ HRESULT hr = wxCLSIDFromProgID(progId, clsId);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return false;
- // Free the array itself.
- SafeArrayDestroy(pvarg->parray);
- }
- else
- {
- switch (vt)
- {
- if (pvarg->pdispVal)
- pvarg->pdispVal->Release();
- break;
- case VT_BSTR:
- SysFreeString(pvarg->bstrVal);
- break;
- case VT_I2:
- case VT_I4:
- case VT_BOOL:
- case VT_R8:
- case VT_ERROR: // to avoid erroring on an error return from Excel
- case VT_EMPTY:
- case VT_DATE:
- // no work for these types
- break;
- default:
- wxLogWarning(wxT("ReleaseVariant: Unknown type"));
- break;
- }
- }
+ const_cast<wxAutomationObject *>(this)->
+ m_dispatchPtr = DoCreateInstance(progId, clsId);
- ClearVariant(pvarg);
+ return m_dispatchPtr != NULL;
-#if 0
-void ShowException(LPOLESTR szMember, HRESULT hr, EXCEPINFO *pexcep, unsigned int uiArgErr)
+static void
+ShowException(const wxString& member,
+ EXCEPINFO *pexcep,
+ unsigned int uiArgErr)
- TCHAR szBuf[512];
+ wxString message;
switch (GetScode(hr))
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Unknown name or named argument.", szMember);
+ message = _("Unknown name or named argument.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Incorrect number of arguments.", szMember);
+ message = _("Incorrect number of arguments.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Error %d: ", szMember, pexcep->wCode);
- if (pexcep->bstrDescription != NULL)
- lstrcat(szBuf, pexcep->bstrDescription);
+ if ( pexcep )
+ {
+ if ( pexcep->bstrDescription )
+ message << pexcep->bstrDescription << wxS(" ");
+ message += wxString::Format(wxS("error code %u"), pexcep->wCode);
+ }
- lstrcat(szBuf, L"<<No Description>>");
+ {
+ message = _("Unknown exception");
+ }
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: method or property not found.", szMember);
+ message = _("Method or property not found.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Overflow while coercing argument values.", szMember);
+ message = _("Overflow while coercing argument values.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Object implementation does not support named arguments.",
- szMember);
+ message = _("Object implementation does not support named arguments.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: The locale ID is unknown.", szMember);
+ message = _("The locale ID is unknown.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Missing a required parameter.", szMember);
+ message = _("Missing a required parameter.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Argument not found, argument %d.", szMember, uiArgErr);
+ message.Printf(_("Argument %u not found."), uiArgErr);
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Type mismatch, argument %d.", szMember, uiArgErr);
+ message.Printf(_("Type mismatch in argument %u."), uiArgErr);
+ break;
+ message = _("The system cannot find the file specified.");
+ break;
+ message = _("Class not registered.");
- wsprintf(szBuf, L"%s: Unknown error occurred.", szMember);
+ message.Printf(_("Unknown error %08x"), hr);
- wxLogWarning(szBuf);
+ wxLogError(_("OLE Automation error in %s: %s"), member, message);