Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node.
Should check for validity. {\it parent} is a higher-level object (usually window, dialog or panel)
-that is often neccessary to create the resource.
+that is often necessary to create the resource.
If {\bf instance} is non-NULL it should not create a new instance via 'new' but
should rather use this one, and call its Create method.
\item replaces $\backslash$n, $\backslash$r, $\backslash$t by respective characters (according to C syntax)
-\item replaces \tt{\$} by \tt{\&} and \tt{\$\$} by \tt{\$} (needed for \tt{\_File} to \tt{\&File}
+\item replaces {\tt\$} by {\tt\&} and {\tt\$\$} by {\tt\$} (needed for {\tt\_File} to {\tt\&File}
translation because of XML syntax)
\item calls wxGetTranslations (unless disabled in wxXmlResource)