+bool wxGridCellFloatEditor::EndEdit(int row, int col,
+ wxGrid* grid)
+ double value = 0.0;
+ wxString text(Text()->GetValue());
+ if ( (text.IsEmpty() || text.ToDouble(&value)) && (value != m_valueOld) )
+ {
+ if (grid->GetTable()->CanSetValueAs(row, col, wxGRID_VALUE_FLOAT))
+ grid->GetTable()->SetValueAsDouble(row, col, value);
+ else
+ grid->GetTable()->SetValue(row, col, text);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void wxGridCellFloatEditor::Reset()
+ DoReset(GetString());
+void wxGridCellFloatEditor::StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ int keycode = (int)event.KeyCode();
+ if ( isdigit(keycode) || keycode == '+' || keycode == '-' || keycode == '.'
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD0
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD1
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD2
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD3
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD4
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD5
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD6
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD7
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD8
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD9
+ || keycode == WXK_ADD
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD_ADD
+ || keycode == WXK_SUBTRACT
+ || keycode == WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT)
+ {
+ wxGridCellTextEditor::StartingKey(event);
+ // skip Skip() below
+ return;
+ }
+ event.Skip();
+void wxGridCellFloatEditor::SetParameters(const wxString& params)
+ if ( !params )
+ {
+ // reset to default
+ m_width =
+ m_precision = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long tmp;
+ if ( params.BeforeFirst(_T(',')).ToLong(&tmp) )
+ {
+ m_width = (int)tmp;
+ if ( params.AfterFirst(_T(',')).ToLong(&tmp) )
+ {
+ m_precision = (int)tmp;
+ // skip the error message below
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Invalid wxGridCellFloatEditor parameter string '%s' ignored"), params.c_str());
+ }
+wxString wxGridCellFloatEditor::GetString() const
+ wxString fmt;
+ if ( m_width == -1 )
+ {
+ // default width/precision
+ fmt = _T("%f");
+ }
+ else if ( m_precision == -1 )
+ {
+ // default precision
+ fmt.Printf(_T("%%%d.f"), m_width);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fmt.Printf(_T("%%%d.%df"), m_width, m_precision);
+ }
+ return wxString::Format(fmt, m_valueOld);
+bool wxGridCellFloatEditor::IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ if ( wxGridCellEditor::IsAcceptedKey(event) )
+ {
+ int keycode = event.GetKeyCode();
+ switch ( keycode )
+ {
+ case WXK_NUMPAD0:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD1:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD2:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD3:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD4:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD5:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD6:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD7:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD8:
+ case WXK_NUMPAD9:
+ case WXK_ADD:
+ return TRUE;
+ default:
+ // additionally accept 'e' as in '1e+6'
+ if ( (keycode < 128) &&
+ (isdigit(keycode) || tolower(keycode) == 'e') )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+#endif // wxUSE_TEXTCTRL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellBoolEditor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler)
+ m_control = new wxCheckBox(parent, id, wxEmptyString,
+ wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
+ wxGridCellEditor::Create(parent, id, evtHandler);
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::SetSize(const wxRect& r)
+ bool resize = FALSE;
+ wxSize size = m_control->GetSize();
+ wxCoord minSize = wxMin(r.width, r.height);
+ // check if the checkbox is not too big/small for this cell
+ wxSize sizeBest = m_control->GetBestSize();
+ if ( !(size == sizeBest) )
+ {
+ // reset to default size if it had been made smaller
+ size = sizeBest;
+ resize = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( size.x >= minSize || size.y >= minSize )
+ {
+ // leave 1 pixel margin
+ size.x = size.y = minSize - 2;
+ resize = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( resize )
+ {
+ m_control->SetSize(size);
+ }
+ // position it in the centre of the rectangle (TODO: support alignment?)
+#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined (__WXMOTIF__)
+ // the checkbox without label still has some space to the right in wxGTK,
+ // so shift it to the right
+ size.x -= 8;
+#elif defined(__WXMSW__)
+ // here too, but in other way
+ size.x += 1;
+ size.y -= 2;
+ int hAlign = wxALIGN_CENTRE;
+ int vAlign = wxALIGN_CENTRE;
+ if (GetCellAttr())
+ GetCellAttr()->GetAlignment(& hAlign, & vAlign);
+ int x = 0, y = 0;
+ if (hAlign == wxALIGN_LEFT)
+ {
+ x = r.x + 2;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ x += 2;
+ y = r.y + r.height/2 - size.y/2;
+ }
+ else if (hAlign == wxALIGN_RIGHT)
+ {
+ x = r.x + r.width - size.x - 2;
+ y = r.y + r.height/2 - size.y/2;
+ }
+ else if (hAlign == wxALIGN_CENTRE)
+ {
+ x = r.x + r.width/2 - size.x/2;
+ y = r.y + r.height/2 - size.y/2;
+ }
+ m_control->Move(x, y);
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::Show(bool show, wxGridCellAttr *attr)
+ m_control->Show(show);
+ if ( show )
+ {
+ wxColour colBg = attr ? attr->GetBackgroundColour() : *wxLIGHT_GREY;
+ CBox()->SetBackgroundColour(colBg);
+ }
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
+ wxASSERT_MSG(m_control,
+ wxT("The wxGridCellEditor must be Created first!"));
+ if (grid->GetTable()->CanGetValueAs(row, col, wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL))
+ m_startValue = grid->GetTable()->GetValueAsBool(row, col);
+ else
+ {
+ wxString cellval( grid->GetTable()->GetValue(row, col) );
+ m_startValue = !( !cellval || (cellval == wxT("0")) );
+ }
+ CBox()->SetValue(m_startValue);
+ CBox()->SetFocus();
+bool wxGridCellBoolEditor::EndEdit(int row, int col,
+ wxGrid* grid)
+ wxASSERT_MSG(m_control,
+ wxT("The wxGridCellEditor must be Created first!"));
+ bool changed = FALSE;
+ bool value = CBox()->GetValue();
+ if ( value != m_startValue )
+ changed = TRUE;
+ if ( changed )
+ {
+ if (grid->GetTable()->CanGetValueAs(row, col, wxGRID_VALUE_BOOL))
+ grid->GetTable()->SetValueAsBool(row, col, value);
+ else
+ grid->GetTable()->SetValue(row, col, value ? _T("1") : wxEmptyString);
+ }
+ return changed;
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::Reset()
+ wxASSERT_MSG(m_control,
+ wxT("The wxGridCellEditor must be Created first!"));
+ CBox()->SetValue(m_startValue);
+void wxGridCellBoolEditor::StartingClick()
+ CBox()->SetValue(!CBox()->GetValue());
+bool wxGridCellBoolEditor::IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ if ( wxGridCellEditor::IsAcceptedKey(event) )
+ {
+ int keycode = event.GetKeyCode();
+ switch ( keycode )
+ {
+ case WXK_ADD:
+ case WXK_SPACE:
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+// return the value as "1" for true and the empty string for false
+wxString wxGridCellBoolEditor::GetValue() const
+ bool bSet = CBox()->GetValue();
+ return bSet ? _T("1") : wxEmptyString;
+#endif // wxUSE_CHECKBOX
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellChoiceEditor
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxGridCellChoiceEditor::wxGridCellChoiceEditor(size_t count,
+ const wxString choices[],
+ bool allowOthers)
+ : m_allowOthers(allowOthers)
+ if ( count )
+ {
+ m_choices.Alloc(count);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ m_choices.Add(choices[n]);
+ }
+ }
+wxGridCellEditor *wxGridCellChoiceEditor::Clone() const
+ wxGridCellChoiceEditor *editor = new wxGridCellChoiceEditor;
+ editor->m_allowOthers = m_allowOthers;
+ editor->m_choices = m_choices;
+ return editor;
+void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler)
+ size_t count = m_choices.GetCount();
+ wxString *choices = new wxString[count];
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ choices[n] = m_choices[n];
+ }
+ m_control = new wxComboBox(parent, id, wxEmptyString,
+ wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
+ count, choices,
+ m_allowOthers ? 0 : wxCB_READONLY);
+ delete [] choices;
+ wxGridCellEditor::Create(parent, id, evtHandler);
+void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::PaintBackground(const wxRect& rectCell,
+ wxGridCellAttr * attr)
+ // as we fill the entire client area, don't do anything here to minimize
+ // flicker
+ // TODO: It doesn't actually fill the client area since the height of a
+ // combo always defaults to the standard... Until someone has time to
+ // figure out the right rectangle to paint, just do it the normal way...
+ wxGridCellEditor::PaintBackground(rectCell, attr);
+void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid)
+ wxASSERT_MSG(m_control,
+ wxT("The wxGridCellEditor must be Created first!"));
+ m_startValue = grid->GetTable()->GetValue(row, col);
+ if (m_allowOthers)
+ Combo()->SetValue(m_startValue);
+ else
+ {
+ // find the right position, or default to the first if not found
+ int pos = Combo()->FindString(m_startValue);
+ if (pos == -1)
+ pos = 0;
+ Combo()->SetSelection(pos);
+ }
+ Combo()->SetInsertionPointEnd();
+ Combo()->SetFocus();
+bool wxGridCellChoiceEditor::EndEdit(int row, int col,
+ wxGrid* grid)
+ wxString value = Combo()->GetValue();
+ bool changed = value != m_startValue;
+ if ( changed )
+ grid->GetTable()->SetValue(row, col, value);
+ m_startValue = wxEmptyString;
+ if (m_allowOthers)
+ Combo()->SetValue(m_startValue);
+ else
+ Combo()->SetSelection(0);
+ return changed;
+void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::Reset()
+ Combo()->SetValue(m_startValue);
+ Combo()->SetInsertionPointEnd();
+void wxGridCellChoiceEditor::SetParameters(const wxString& params)
+ if ( !params )
+ {
+ // what can we do?
+ return;
+ }
+ m_choices.Empty();
+ wxStringTokenizer tk(params, _T(','));
+ while ( tk.HasMoreTokens() )
+ {
+ m_choices.Add(tk.GetNextToken());
+ }
+// return the value in the text control
+wxString wxGridCellChoiceEditor::GetValue() const
+ return Combo()->GetValue();
+#endif // wxUSE_COMBOBOX
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ switch ( event.KeyCode() )
+ {
+ case WXK_ESCAPE:
+ m_editor->Reset();
+ m_grid->DisableCellEditControl();
+ break;
+ case WXK_TAB:
+ m_grid->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event );
+ break;
+ case WXK_RETURN:
+ if (!m_grid->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event))
+ m_editor->HandleReturn(event);
+ break;
+ default:
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+void wxGridCellEditorEvtHandler::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event)
+ switch ( event.KeyCode() )
+ {
+ case WXK_ESCAPE:
+ case WXK_TAB:
+ case WXK_RETURN:
+ break;
+ default:
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellWorker is an (almost) empty common base class for
+// wxGridCellRenderer and wxGridCellEditor managing ref counting
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGridCellWorker::SetParameters(const wxString& WXUNUSED(params))
+ // nothing to do
+// ============================================================================
+// renderer classes
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellRenderer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGridCellRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
+ wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ const wxRect& rect,
+ int WXUNUSED(row), int WXUNUSED(col),
+ bool isSelected)
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode( wxSOLID );
+ // grey out fields if the grid is disabled
+ if( grid.IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ if ( isSelected )
+ {
+ dc.SetBrush( wxBrush(grid.GetSelectionBackground(), wxSOLID) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetBrush( wxBrush(attr.GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE), wxSOLID));
+ }
+ dc.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
+ dc.DrawRectangle(rect);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellStringRenderer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void wxGridCellStringRenderer::SetTextColoursAndFont(wxGrid& grid,
+ wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ bool isSelected)
+ dc.SetBackgroundMode( wxTRANSPARENT );
+ // TODO some special colours for attr.IsReadOnly() case?
+ // different coloured text when the grid is disabled
+ if( grid.IsEnabled() )
+ {
+ if ( isSelected )
+ {
+ dc.SetTextBackground( grid.GetSelectionBackground() );
+ dc.SetTextForeground( grid.GetSelectionForeground() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetTextBackground( attr.GetBackgroundColour() );
+ dc.SetTextForeground( attr.GetTextColour() );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dc.SetTextBackground(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE));
+ dc.SetTextForeground(wxSystemSettings::GetSystemColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT));
+ }
+ dc.SetFont( attr.GetFont() );
+wxSize wxGridCellStringRenderer::DoGetBestSize(wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ const wxString& text)
+ wxCoord x = 0, y = 0, max_x = 0;
+ dc.SetFont(attr.GetFont());
+ wxStringTokenizer tk(text, _T('\n'));
+ while ( tk.HasMoreTokens() )
+ {
+ dc.GetTextExtent(tk.GetNextToken(), &x, &y);
+ max_x = wxMax(max_x, x);
+ }
+ y *= 1 + text.Freq(wxT('\n')); // multiply by the number of lines.
+ return wxSize(max_x, y);
+wxSize wxGridCellStringRenderer::GetBestSize(wxGrid& grid,
+ wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ int row, int col)
+ return DoGetBestSize(attr, dc, grid.GetCellValue(row, col));
+void wxGridCellStringRenderer::Draw(wxGrid& grid,
+ wxGridCellAttr& attr,
+ wxDC& dc,
+ const wxRect& rectCell,
+ int row, int col,
+ bool isSelected)