echo "command flags:"
echo " skipcopy Don't copy the files for the tarball from the workspace"
echo " skiptar Don't build the tarball"
- echo " skiprpm Don't build the RPM (but why?)"
+ echo " skiprpm Don't build the RPM"
echo " skipclean Don't do the cleanup at the end"
echo " gtk2 Build using wxGTK2 and Unicode"
echo " x11 Build using wxX11"
case ${flag} in
skipcopy) skipcopy=1 ;;
skipclean) skipclean=1 ;;
- skiptar) skiptar=1 ;;
+ skiptar) skiptar=1; skipcopy=1 ;;
skiprpm) skiprpm=1 ;;
gtk2) unicode=1; port=GTK2; lcport=gtk2 ;;
x11) port=X11; lcport=x11 ;;
cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/$d ${tarver} #> /dev/null 2>&1
+# # and tex2rtf too
+# mkdir ${tarver}/utils
+# cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/utils/tex2rtf ${tarver}/utils
+# # tex2rtf needs these files
+# mkdir ${tarver}/samples
+# cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/samples/sample.* ${tarver}/samples
# now do the same thing for wxPython, skipping it's build dirs and such
- mkdir ${tarver}/wxPython
- cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/wxPython/* ${tarver}/wxPython > /dev/null 2>&1
- for d in contrib demo distrib distutils docs include licence samples scripts src SWIG wx wxPython; do
- cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/wxPython/$d ${tarver}/wxPython #> /dev/null 2>&1
+ for dir in `grep -v '#' ${wxdir}/wxPython/distrib/DIRLIST`; do
+ mkdir ${tarver}/${dir}
+ ##echo "cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/* ${tarver}/${dir}"
+ cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/* ${tarver}/${dir} > /dev/null 2>&1
-# cp -Rpf --link ${wxdir}/* ${tarver} > /dev/null 2>&1
-# rm -r ${tarver}/bld*
-# rm -r ${tarver}/wxPython/build*
-# rm -r ${tarver}/wxPython/_build_rpm
+ # using DIRLIST as above will normally skip any files starting
+ # with a dot, but there are a few .files that we do want to
+ # copy...
+ for dir in wxPython/distrib/msw; do
+ cp -pf --link ${wxdir}/${dir}/.[a-zA-Z]* ${tarver}/${dir} > /dev/null 2>&1
+ done
echo "*** Removing uneeded stuff from copy of CVS tree"
pushd ${tarver} > /dev/null
cleanup "core.[0-9]*"
rm -f wxPython/wx/* > /dev/null 2>&1
- rm wxPython/demo/
- rm -r wxPython/docs/xml-raw
popd > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null