#include "wx/wxPython/pyistream.h"
+enum {
"Find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher RGB
values than startR, startG, startB. Returns a tuple consisting of a
success flag and rgb values.", "");
+ %extend {
+ DocStr(GetCount,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given key. Use `MakeKey` to create a
+key value from a RGB tripple.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCount(unsigned long key) {
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ DocStr(GetCountRGB,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given RGB values.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCountRGB(unsigned char r,
+ unsigned char g,
+ unsigned char b) {
+ unsigned long key = wxImageHistogram::MakeKey(r, g, b);
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ DocStr(GetCountColour,
+ "Returns the pixel count for the given `wx.Colour` value.", "");
+ unsigned long GetCountColour(const wxColour& colour) {
+ unsigned long key = wxImageHistogram::MakeKey(colour.Red(),
+ colour.Green(),
+ colour.Blue());
+ wxImageHistogramEntry e = (*self)[key];
+ return e.value;
+ }
+ }
+ typedef unsigned char* buffer;
+%typemap(in) (buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ { if (!PyArg_Parse($input, "t#", &$1, &$2)) SWIG_fail; }
+%typemap(in) (buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ { if (!PyArg_Parse($input, "t#", &$1, &$2)) SWIG_fail; }
class wxImage : public wxObject {
+ %typemap(out) wxImage*; // turn off this typemap
wxImage( const wxString& name, long type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, int index = -1 ),
"", "");
%extend {
- %rename(EmptyImage) wxImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear = true);
- wxImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear = true)
- {
- if (width > 0 && height > 0)
- return new wxImage(width, height, clear);
- else
- return new wxImage;
- }
- MustHaveApp(wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap));
- %rename(ImageFromBitmap) wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap);
- wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap)
- {
- return new wxImage(bitmap.ConvertToImage());
- }
- %rename(ImageFromData) wxImage(int width, int height, unsigned char* data);
- wxImage(int width, int height, unsigned char* data)
- {
- // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
- unsigned char* copy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height*3);
- if (copy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ EmptyImage,
+ "Construct an empty image of a given size, optionally setting all
+pixels to black.", "",
+ wxImage(int width=0, int height=0, bool clear = true))
+ {
+ if (width > 0 && height > 0)
+ return new wxImage(width, height, clear);
+ else
+ return new wxImage;
- memcpy(copy, data, width*height*3);
- return new wxImage(width, height, copy, false);
- }
- %rename(ImageFromDataWithAlpha) wxImage(int width, int height, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* alpha);
- wxImage(int width, int height, unsigned char* data, unsigned char* alpha)
- {
- // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
- unsigned char* dcopy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height*3);
- if (dcopy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+ MustHaveApp(wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap));
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromBitmap,
+ "Construct an Image from a `wx.Bitmap`.", "",
+ wxImage(const wxBitmap &bitmap))
+ {
+ return new wxImage(bitmap.ConvertToImage());
- memcpy(dcopy, data, width*height*3);
- unsigned char* acopy = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height);
- if (acopy == NULL) {
- PyErr_NoMemory();
- return NULL;
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromData,
+ "Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts either a
+string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the data
+must be width*height*3.", "",
+ wxImage(int width, int height, buffer data, int DATASIZE))
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != width*height*3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
+ buffer copy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (copy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(copy, data, DATASIZE);
+ return new wxImage(width, height, copy, false);
- memcpy(acopy, alpha, width*height);
+ %RenameDocCtor(
+ ImageFromDataWithAlpha,
+ "Construct an Image from a buffer of RGB bytes with an Alpha channel.
+Accepts either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the
+length of the data must be width*height*3.", "",
+ wxImage(int width, int height, buffer data, int DATASIZE, buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE))
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != width*height*3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ALPHASIZE != width*height) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Copy the source data so the wxImage can clean it up later
+ buffer dcopy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (dcopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(dcopy, data, DATASIZE);
- return new wxImage(width, height, dcopy, acopy, false);
- }
+ buffer acopy = (buffer)malloc(ALPHASIZE);
+ if (acopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(acopy, alpha, ALPHASIZE);
+ return new wxImage(width, height, dcopy, acopy, false);
+ }
+ // TODO: wxImage( char** xpmData );
+ // Turn it back on again
+ %typemap(out) wxImage* { $result = wxPyMake_wxObject($1, $owner); }
void Create( int width, int height );
void Destroy();
wxImage ShrinkBy( int xFactor , int yFactor ) const ;
wxImage& Rescale(int width, int height);
+ // resizes the image in place
+ wxImage& Resize( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos,
+ int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 );
void SetRGB( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
+ %Rename(SetRGBRect,
+ void, SetRGB( const wxRect& rect,
+ unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ));
unsigned char GetRed( int x, int y );
unsigned char GetGreen( int x, int y );
unsigned char GetBlue( int x, int y );
the image already has alpha data. If it doesn't, alpha data will be by
default initialized to all pixels being fully opaque. But if the image
has a a mask colour, all mask pixels will be completely transparent.", "");
+ DocDeclStr(
+ bool , IsTransparent(int x, int y,
+ unsigned char threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD) const,
+ "Returns True if this pixel is masked or has an alpha value less than
+the spcified threshold.", "");
// find first colour that is not used in the image and has higher
- bool , ConvertAlphaToMask(byte threshold = 128),
+ bool , ConvertAlphaToMask(byte threshold = wxIMAGE_ALPHA_THRESHOLD),
"If the image has alpha channel, this method converts it to mask. All pixels
with alpha value less than ``threshold`` are replaced with mask colour and the
alpha channel is removed. Mask colour is chosen automatically using
wxImage GetSubImage(const wxRect& rect);
+ // Paste the image or part of this image into an image of the given size at the pos
+ // any newly exposed areas will be filled with the rgb colour
+ // by default if r = g = b = -1 then fill with this image's mask colour or find and
+ // set a suitable mask colour
+ wxImage Size( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos,
+ int r = -1, int g = -1, int b = -1 ) const;
wxImage Copy();
void Paste( const wxImage &image, int x, int y );
//void SetData( unsigned char *data );
%extend {
- PyObject* GetData() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetData();
+ DocStr(GetData,
+ "Returns a string containing a copy of the RGB bytes of the image.", "");
+ PyObject* GetData()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetData();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char*)data, len));
return rv;
- void SetData(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* dataPtr;
- if (! PyString_Check(data)) {
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "Expected string object"));
- return /* NULL */ ;
- }
- size_t len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
- dataPtr = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( memcpy(dataPtr, PyString_AsString(data), len) );
- self->SetData(dataPtr);
- // wxImage takes ownership of dataPtr...
+ DocStr(SetData,
+ "Resets the Image's RGB data from a buffer of RGB bytes. Accepts
+either a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of
+the data must be width*height*3.", "");
+ void SetData(buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return;
+ }
+ buffer copy = (buffer)malloc(DATASIZE);
+ if (copy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(copy, data, DATASIZE);
+ self->SetData(copy, false);
+ // wxImage takes ownership of copy...
- PyObject* GetDataBuffer() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetData();
+ DocStr(GetDataBuffer,
+ "Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the RGB
+image data buffer inside the wx.Image.", "");
+ PyObject* GetDataBuffer()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetData();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3;
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(data, len) );
return rv;
- void SetDataBuffer(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* buffer;
- int size;
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
- if (!PyArg_Parse(data, "t#", &buffer, &size))
- goto done;
- if (size != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Incorrect buffer size");
- goto done;
+ DocStr(SetDataBuffer,
+ "Sets the internal image data pointer to point at a Python buffer
+object. This can save a copy of the data but you must ensure that the
+buffer object lives longer than the wx.Image does.", "");
+ void SetDataBuffer(buffer data, int DATASIZE)
+ {
+ if (DATASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight() * 3) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid data buffer size.");
+ return;
- self->SetData(buffer);
- done:
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ self->SetData(data, true);
+ DocStr(GetAlphaData,
+ "Returns a string containing a copy of the alpha bytes of the image.", "");
PyObject* GetAlphaData() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetAlpha();
+ buffer data = self->GetAlpha();
if (! data) {
} else {
return rv;
- void SetAlphaData(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* dataPtr;
- if (! PyString_Check(data)) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected string object");
- return /* NULL */ ;
+ DocStr(SetAlphaData,
+ "Resets the Image's alpha data from a buffer of bytes. Accepts either
+a string or a buffer object holding the data and the length of the
+data must be width*height.", "");
+ void SetAlphaData(buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ {
+ if (ALPHASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return;
- size_t len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight();
- dataPtr = (unsigned char*) malloc(len);
- wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( memcpy(dataPtr, PyString_AsString(data), len) );
- self->SetAlpha(dataPtr);
- // wxImage takes ownership of dataPtr...
+ buffer acopy = (buffer)malloc(ALPHASIZE);
+ if (acopy == NULL) {
+ wxPyBLOCK_THREADS(PyErr_NoMemory());
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy(acopy, alpha, ALPHASIZE);
+ self->SetAlpha(acopy, false);
+ // wxImage takes ownership of acopy...
- PyObject* GetAlphaBuffer() {
- unsigned char* data = self->GetAlpha();
+ DocStr(GetDataBuffer,
+ "Returns a writable Python buffer object that is pointing at the Alpha
+data buffer inside the wx.Image.", "");
+ PyObject* GetAlphaBuffer()
+ {
+ buffer data = self->GetAlpha();
int len = self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight();
PyObject* rv;
wxPyBLOCK_THREADS( rv = PyBuffer_FromReadWriteMemory(data, len) );
return rv;
- void SetAlphaBuffer(PyObject* data) {
- unsigned char* buffer;
- int size;
- bool blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
- if (!PyArg_Parse(data, "t#", &buffer, &size))
- goto done;
- if (size != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Incorrect buffer size");
- goto done;
+ DocStr(SetDataBuffer,
+ "Sets the internal image alpha pointer to point at a Python buffer
+object. This can save a copy of the data but you must ensure that the
+buffer object lives longer than the wx.Image does.", "");
+ void SetAlphaBuffer(buffer alpha, int ALPHASIZE)
+ {
+ if (ALPHASIZE != self->GetWidth() * self->GetHeight()) {
+ wxPyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid alpha buffer size.");
+ return;
- self->SetAlpha(buffer);
- done:
- wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked);
+ self->SetAlpha(alpha, true);
void SetMaskColour( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
+ DocDeclAStr(
+ /*bool*/ void , GetOrFindMaskColour( unsigned char *OUTPUT,
+ unsigned char *OUTPUT,
+ unsigned char *OUTPUT ) const,
+ "GetOrFindMaskColour() -> (r,g,b)",
+ "Get the current mask colour or find a suitable colour.", "");
unsigned char GetMaskRed();
unsigned char GetMaskGreen();
unsigned char GetMaskBlue();
+ wxPNG_TYPE_GREY = 2,
wxBMP_24BPP = 24, // default, do not need to set