% htmlwinparser.tex at 14/Mar/99 20:13:37
This class is derived from \helpref{wxHtmlParser}{wxhtmlparser} and
its mail goal is to parse HTML input so that it can be displayed in
-\helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow}. It uses special
+\helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow}. It uses a special
-\item Product of parsing is wxHtmlCell (resp. wxHtmlContainer) object.
+The product of parsing is a wxHtmlCell (resp. wxHtmlContainer) object.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
-\func{}{wxHtmlWinParser}{\param{wxWindow }{*wnd}}
+\func{}{wxHtmlWinParser}{\param{wxHtmlWindow }{*wnd}}
Constructor. Don't use the default one, use constructor with
-{\it wnd} paremeter ({\it wnd} is pointer to associated \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow})
+{\it wnd} parameter ({\it wnd} is pointer to associated \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow})
\func{virtual wxFont*}{CreateCurrentFont}{\void}
-Creates font based on current setting (see
+Creates font based on current setting (see
and returns pointer to it.
-(If the font was already created only a pointer is returned.)
+If the font was already created only a pointer is returned.
\constfunc{const wxColour\&}{GetActualColor}{\void}
-Returns actual text color.
+Returns actual text colour.
-Returns (average) char height in standard font. It's used as DC-independent metrics.
+Returns (average) char height in standard font. It is used as DC-independent metrics.
-{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return {\it actual} height. If you want to
+{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return the {\it actual} height. If you want to
know the height of the current font, call {\tt GetDC -> GetCharHeight()}.
-Returns average char width in standard font. It's used as DC-independent metrics.
+Returns average char width in standard font. It is used as DC-independent metrics.
-{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return {\it actual} width. If you want to
+{\bf Note:} This function doesn't return the {\it actual} width. If you want to
know the height of the current font, call {\tt GetDC -> GetCharWidth()}
-Returns pointer to the currectly opened container (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
+Returns pointer to the currently opened container (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
Common use:
Returns pointer to the DC used during parsing.
\constfunc{wxEncodingConverter *}{GetEncodingConverter}{\void}
Returns \helpref{wxEncodingConverter}{wxencodingconverter} class used
-to do conversion between \helpref{input encoding}{wxhtmlwinparsergetinputencoding}
+to do conversion between \helpref{input encoding}{wxhtmlwinparsergetinputencoding}
and \helpref{output encoding}{wxhtmlwinparsergetoutputencoding}.
-Returns TRUE if actual font is bold, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if actual font is bold, false otherwise.
Returns actual font face name.
-Returns TRUE if actual font is fixed face, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if actual font is fixed face, false otherwise.
-Returns TRUE if actual font is italic, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if actual font is italic, false otherwise.
-Returns TRUE if actual font is underlined, FALSE otherwise.
+Returns true if actual font is underlined, false otherwise.
Returns input encoding.
\constfunc{const wxHtmlLinkInfo\&}{GetLink}{\void}
-Returns actual hypertext link. (This value has non-empty
+Returns actual hypertext link. (This value has a non-empty
\helpref{Href}{wxhtmllinkinfogethref} string
if the parser is between {\tt <A>} and {\tt </A>} tags,
wxEmptyString otherwise.)
\constfunc{const wxColour\&}{GetLinkColor}{\void}
-Returns color of hypertext link text.
+Returns the colour of hypertext link text.
Returns associated window (wxHtmlWindow). This may be NULL! (You should always
test if it is non-NULL. For example {\tt TITLE} handler sets window
title only if some window is associated, otherwise it does nothing)
Opens new container and returns pointer to it (see \helpref{Overview}{cells}).
\func{void}{SetActualColor}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr}}
-Sets actual text color. Note: this DOESN'T change the color!
+Sets actual text colour. Note: this DOESN'T change the colour!
You must create \helpref{wxHtmlColourCell}{wxhtmlcolourcell} yourself.
\func{void}{SetAlign}{\param{int }{a}}
-Sets default horizontal alignment (see
+Sets default horizontal alignment (see
Alignment of newly opened container is set to this value.
\func{wxHtmlContainerCell*}{SetContainer}{\param{wxHtmlContainerCell *}{c}}
Allows you to directly set opened container. This is not recommended - you should use OpenContainer
-whereever possible.
+wherever possible.
HTML are given in pixels -- e.g. image sizes. 300x300 image would be only one
inch wide on typical printer. With pixel\_scale = 3.0 it would be 3 inches.)
\func{void}{SetFontBold}{\param{int }{x}}
-Sets bold flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
+Sets bold flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either true of false.
\func{void}{SetFontFixed}{\param{int }{x}}
-Sets fixed face flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
+Sets fixed face flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either true of false.
\func{void}{SetFontItalic}{\param{int }{x}}
-Sets italic flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
+Sets italic flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either true of false.
\func{void}{SetFontUnderlined}{\param{int }{x}}
-Sets underlined flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either TRUE of FALSE.
+Sets underlined flag of actualfont. {\it x} is either true of false.
-\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{const int }{*sizes}}
-Sets fonts. This method is identical to \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts}{wxhtmlwindowsetfonts}
+\func{void}{SetFonts}{\param{wxString }{normal\_face}, \param{wxString }{fixed\_face}, \param{const int }{*sizes = NULL}}
+Sets fonts. See \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::SetFonts}{wxhtmlwindowsetfonts} for
+detailed description.
tables from document's encoding to some encoding supported by operating
\func{void}{SetLink}{\param{const wxHtmlLinkInfo\& }{link}}
\func{void}{SetLinkColor}{\param{const wxColour\& }{clr}}
-Sets color of hypertext link.
+Sets colour of hypertext link.