wxPanel.__init__(self, parent, -1)
sizer = RowColSizer()
- text = "This sizer lays out it's items by row and column that are"\
- "specified explicitly when the item is added to the sizer.\n"\
- "Grid cells with nothing in them are supported and column-"\
- "or row-spanning is handled as well. Growable rows and\n"\
- "columns are specified just like the wxFlexGridSizer."
+ text = "This sizer lays out it's items by row and column "\
+ "that are specified explicitly when the item is \n"\
+ "added to the sizer. Grid cells with nothing in "\
+ "them are supported and column- or row-spanning is \n"\
+ "handled as well. Growable rows and columns are "\
+ "specified just like the wxFlexGridSizer."
sizer.Add(wxStaticText(self, -1, text), row=1, col=1, colspan=5)
sizer.Add(wxTextCtrl(self, -1, "(3,1)"), flag=wxEXPAND, row=3, col=1)