+ // -- Callbacks --
+ // Sets the title of the window
+ // (depending on the information passed to SetRelatedFrame() method)
+ virtual void OnSetTitle(const wxString& title);
+ // Called when the mouse hovers over a cell: (x, y) are logical coords
+ // Default behaviour is to do nothing at all
+ virtual void OnCellMouseHover(wxHtmlCell *cell, wxCoord x, wxCoord y);
+ // Called when user clicks on a cell. Default behavior is to call
+ // OnLinkClicked() if this cell corresponds to a hypertext link
+ virtual void OnCellClicked(wxHtmlCell *cell,
+ wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
+ const wxMouseEvent& event);
+ // Called when user clicked on hypertext link. Default behavior is to
+ // call LoadPage(loc)
+ virtual void OnLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
+ // Called when wxHtmlWindow wants to fetch data from an URL (e.g. when
+ // loading a page or loading an image). The data are downloaded if and only if
+ // OnOpeningURL returns TRUE. If OnOpeningURL returns wxHTML_REDIRECT,
+ // it must set *redirect to the new URL
+ virtual wxHtmlOpeningStatus OnOpeningURL(wxHtmlURLType WXUNUSED(type),
+ const wxString& WXUNUSED(url),
+ wxString *WXUNUSED(redirect)) const
+ { return wxHTML_OPEN; }
+ // Helper functions to select parts of page:
+ void SelectWord(const wxPoint& pos);
+ void SelectLine(const wxPoint& pos);
+ void SelectAll();