-# notice that breaking all_changed_files into several lines by replacing spaces
-# with new lines only works as long as we don't have any files with spaces in
-# them -- which is the case for now, but if it ever changes we'd probably need
-# to use a shell array for all_changed_files or just rerun svnlook here again
-changed_sources=`echo $all_changed_files | \
- sed 's/ /\n/g' | \
- egrep "\.(cpp|h|py)$" | \
- egrep -v "src/(tiff|regex|jpeg|stc/scintilla)"`
+# analyze the changed files to find all non-binary and all source files
+for f in $all_changed_files; do
+ mimetype=`svnl proplist -v $f |
+ fgrep "svn:mime-type" |
+ sed 's/^ svn:mime-type : //'`
+ case $mimetype in
+ ''|text/*)
+ ;;