- wxTable(wxDB *pwxDB, const char *tblName, const int nCols,
- const char *qryTblName = 0, bool qryOnly = !QUERY_ONLY, const char *tblPath=NULL);
- virtual ~wxTable();
- bool Open(void);
- bool CreateTable(bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
- bool DropTable(void);
- bool CreateIndex(const char * idxName, bool unique, int noIdxCols, CidxDef *pIdxDefs, bool attemptDrop=TRUE);
- bool DropIndex(const char * idxName);
- bool CloseCursor(HSTMT cursor);
- int Insert(void);
- bool Update(void);
- bool Update(const char *pSqlStmt);
- bool UpdateWhere(const char *pWhereClause);
- bool Delete(void);
- bool DeleteWhere(const char *pWhereClause);
- bool DeleteMatching(void);
- virtual bool Query(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
- bool QueryBySqlStmt(char *pSqlStmt);
- bool QueryMatching(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
- bool QueryOnKeyFields(bool forUpdate = FALSE, bool distinct = FALSE);
- bool GetNext(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
- bool operator++(int) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
- /***** These four functions only work with wxDB instances that are defined *****
+ wxDbTable(wxDb *pwxDb, const wxString &tblName, const UWORD numColumns,
+ const wxString &qryTblName=wxEmptyString, bool qryOnly = !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY,
+ const wxString &tblPath=wxEmptyString);
+ wxDbTable(wxDb *pwxDb, const wxString &tblName, const UWORD numColumns,
+ const wxChar *qryTblName=wxEmptyString, bool qryOnly = !wxDB_QUERY_ONLY,
+ const wxString &tblPath=wxEmptyString)
+ );
+ virtual ~wxDbTable();
+ bool Open(bool checkPrivileges=false, bool checkTableExists=true);
+ bool CreateTable(bool attemptDrop=true);
+ bool DropTable(void);
+ bool CreateIndex(const wxString &indexName, bool unique, UWORD numIndexColumns,
+ wxDbIdxDef *pIndexDefs, bool attemptDrop=true);
+ bool DropIndex(const wxString &indexName);
+ // Accessors
+ // The member variables returned by these accessors are all
+ // set when the wxDbTable instance is created and cannot be
+ // changed, hence there is no corresponding SetXxxx function
+ wxDb *GetDb() { return pDb; }
+ const wxString &GetTableName() { return tableName; }
+ const wxString &GetQueryTableName() { return queryTableName; }
+ const wxString &GetTablePath() { return tablePath; }
+ UWORD GetNumberOfColumns() { return m_numCols; } // number of "defined" columns for this wxDbTable instance
+ const wxString &GetFromClause() { return from; }
+ const wxString &GetOrderByClause() { return orderBy; }
+ const wxString &GetWhereClause() { return where; }
+ bool IsQueryOnly() { return queryOnly; }
+ void SetFromClause(const char *From) { from = (char *)From; }
+ void SetOrderByClause(const char *OrderBy) { orderBy = (char *)OrderBy; }
+ void SetWhereClause(const char *Where) { where = (char *)Where; }
+ void SetFromClause(const wxString &From) { from = From; }
+ void SetOrderByClause(const wxString &OrderBy) { orderBy = OrderBy; }
+ bool SetOrderByColNums(UWORD first, ...);
+ void SetWhereClause(const wxString &Where) { where = Where; }
+ void From(const wxString &From) { from = From; }
+ void OrderBy(const wxString &OrderBy) { orderBy = OrderBy; }
+ void Where(const wxString &Where) { where = Where; }
+ const wxString &Where() { return where; }
+ const wxString &OrderBy() { return orderBy; }
+ const wxString &From() { return from; }
+ int Insert(void);
+ bool Update(void);
+ bool Update(const wxString &pSqlStmt);
+ bool UpdateWhere(const wxString &pWhereClause);
+ bool Delete(void);
+ bool DeleteWhere(const wxString &pWhereClause);
+ bool DeleteMatching(void);
+ virtual bool Query(bool forUpdate = false, bool distinct = false);
+ bool QueryBySqlStmt(const wxString &pSqlStmt);
+ bool QueryMatching(bool forUpdate = false, bool distinct = false);
+ bool QueryOnKeyFields(bool forUpdate = false, bool distinct = false);
+ bool Refresh(void);
+ bool GetNext(void) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
+ bool operator++(int) { return(getRec(SQL_FETCH_NEXT)); }
+ /***** These four functions only work with wxDb instances that are defined *****