+ // select item and set the focus to the
+ // newly selected item
+ ::SelectItem(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ ::SetFocus(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ break;
+ if ( htItem && isMultiple && (tvht.flags & TVHT_ONITEM) != 0 )
+ {
+ m_htClickedItem = (WXHTREEITEM) htItem;
+ m_ptClick = wxPoint(x, y);
+ if ( wParam & MK_CONTROL )
+ {
+ SetFocus();
+ // toggle selected state
+ ::ToggleItemSelection(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ ::SetFocus(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ // reset on any click without Shift
+ m_htSelStart.Unset();
+ processed = true;
+ }
+ else if ( wParam & MK_SHIFT )
+ {
+ // this selects all items between the starting one and
+ // the current
+ if ( !m_htSelStart )
+ {
+ // take the focused item
+ m_htSelStart = TreeView_GetSelection(GetHwnd());
+ }
+ if ( m_htSelStart )
+ SelectRange(GetHwnd(), HITEM(m_htSelStart), htItem,
+ !(wParam & MK_CONTROL));
+ else
+ ::SelectItem(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ ::SetFocus(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ processed = true;
+ }
+ else // normal click
+ {
+ // avoid doing anything if we click on the only
+ // currently selected item
+ SetFocus();
+ wxArrayTreeItemIds selections;
+ size_t count = GetSelections(selections);
+ if ( count == 0 ||
+ count > 1 ||
+ HITEM(selections[0]) != htItem )
+ {
+ // clear the previously selected items, if the
+ // user clicked outside of the present selection.
+ // otherwise, perform the deselection on mouse-up.
+ // this allows multiple drag and drop to work.
+ if (!IsItemSelected(GetHwnd(), htItem))
+ {
+ UnselectAll();
+ // prevent the click from starting in-place editing
+ // which should only happen if we click on the
+ // already selected item (and nothing else is
+ // selected)
+ TreeView_SelectItem(GetHwnd(), 0);
+ ::SelectItem(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ }
+ ::SetFocus(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ processed = true;
+ }
+ // reset on any click without Shift
+ m_htSelStart.Unset();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+#ifndef __WXWINCE__
+ if ( m_htClickedItem )
+ {
+ int cx = abs(m_ptClick.x - x);
+ int cy = abs(m_ptClick.y - y);
+ if ( cx > GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXDRAG ) || cy > GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYDRAG ) )
+ {
+ HWND pWnd = ::GetParent( GetHwnd() );
+ if ( pWnd )
+ {
+ tv.hdr.hwndFrom = GetHwnd();
+ tv.hdr.idFrom = ::GetWindowLong( GetHwnd(), GWL_ID );
+ tv.hdr.code = TVN_BEGINDRAG;
+ tv.itemNew.hItem = HITEM(m_htClickedItem);
+ TVITEM tviAux;
+ ZeroMemory(&tviAux, sizeof(tviAux));
+ tviAux.hItem = HITEM(m_htClickedItem);
+ tviAux.mask = TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM;
+ tviAux.stateMask = 0xffffffff;
+ TreeView_GetItem( GetHwnd(), &tviAux );
+ tv.itemNew.state = tviAux.state;
+ tv.itemNew.lParam = tviAux.lParam;
+ tv.ptDrag.x = x;
+ tv.ptDrag.y = y;
+ ::SendMessage( pWnd, WM_NOTIFY, tv.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&tv );
+ }
+ m_htClickedItem.Unset();
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __WXWINCE__
+ if ( m_dragImage )
+ {
+ m_dragImage->Move(wxPoint(x, y));
+ if ( htItem )
+ {
+ // highlight the item as target (hiding drag image is
+ // necessary - otherwise the display will be corrupted)
+ m_dragImage->Hide();
+ TreeView_SelectDropTarget(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ m_dragImage->Show();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // facilitates multiple drag-and-drop
+ if (htItem && isMultiple)
+ {
+ wxArrayTreeItemIds selections;
+ size_t count = GetSelections(selections);
+ if (count > 1 &&
+ !(wParam & MK_CONTROL) &&
+ !(wParam & MK_SHIFT))
+ {
+ UnselectAll();
+ TreeView_SelectItem(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ ::SelectItem(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ ::SetFocus(GetHwnd(), htItem);
+ }
+ m_htClickedItem.Unset();
+ }
+ // fall through
+ if ( m_dragImage )
+ {
+ m_dragImage->EndDrag();
+ delete m_dragImage;
+ m_dragImage = NULL;
+ // generate the drag end event
+ wxTreeEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_END_DRAG, m_windowId);
+ event.m_item = htItem;
+ event.m_pointDrag = wxPoint(x, y);
+ event.SetEventObject(this);
+ (void)GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ // if we don't do it, the tree seems to think that 2 items
+ // are selected simultaneously which is quite weird
+ TreeView_SelectDropTarget(GetHwnd(), 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( (nMsg == WM_SETFOCUS || nMsg == WM_KILLFOCUS) && isMultiple )
+ {
+ // the tree control greys out the selected item when it loses focus and
+ // paints it as selected again when it regains it, but it won't do it
+ // for the other items itself - help it
+ wxArrayTreeItemIds selections;
+ size_t count = GetSelections(selections);
+ RECT rect;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < count; n++ )
+ {
+ // TreeView_GetItemRect() will return false if item is not visible,
+ // which may happen perfectly well
+ if ( TreeView_GetItemRect(GetHwnd(), HITEM(selections[n]),
+ &rect, TRUE) )