#pragma interface "dbtest.h"
-#include <wx/string.h>
-#include <wx/db.h>
-#include <wx/dbtable.h>
+#include "wx/string.h"
+#include "wx/dbtable.h"
enum DialogModes {mView,mCreate,mEdit,mSearch};
#define FILE_CREATE 100
+#define FILE_DBGRID_TABLE 130
#define FILE_EXIT 199
-#define ABOUT_DEMO 300
+#define HELP_ABOUT 300
// this seems to be missing, Robert Roebling (?)
#ifndef MAX_PATH
-#define MAX_PATH 200
+ #if defined(__WXMAC__)
+ #define MAX_PATH 260 /* max. length of full pathname */
+ #else /* _MAC */
+ #define MAX_PATH 256 /* max. length of full pathname */
+ #endif
// Name of the table to be created/opened
-const wxChar CONTACT_TABLE_NAME[] = "contacts";
+const wxChar CONTACT_TABLE_NAME[] = "contacts";
-// Nuber of columns in the above table
-const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 12; // 0-11
+// Number of columns in the CONTACT table
+const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 13; // 0-12
+const int CONTACT_NO_COLS = 12; // 0-11
+const wxChar PARAM_FILENAME[] = "dbtest.cfg";
-// Global structure for holding ODBC connection information
-struct wxDbConnectInf DbConnectInf;
enum Language {langENGLISH, langFRENCH, langGERMAN, langSPANISH, langOTHER};
class CeditorDlg;
class CparameterDlg;
-const wxChar paramFilename[] = "dbtest.cfg";
+// Used for displaying many of the database capabilites
+// and usage statistics on a database connection
+void DisplayDbDiagnostics(wxDb *pDb);
- * This class contains the actual data members that are used for transferring
- * data back and forth from the database to the program.
- *
- * NOTE: The object described in this class is just for example purposes, and has no
- * real meaning other than to show each type of field being used by the database
- */
+// This class contains the actual data members that are used for transferring
+// data back and forth from the database to the program.
+// NOTE: The object described in this class is just for example purposes, and has no
+// real meaning other than to show each type of field being used by the database
class CstructContact : public wxObject
- wxChar Name[50+1]; // Contact's name
- wxChar Addr1[50+1];
- wxChar Addr2[50+1];
- wxChar City[25+1];
- wxChar State[25+1];
- wxChar PostalCode[15+1];
- wxChar Country[20+1];
+ wxChar Name[50+1]; // Contact's name
+ wxChar Addr1[50+1];
+ wxChar Addr2[50+1];
+ wxChar City[25+1];
+ wxChar State[25+1];
+ wxChar PostalCode[15+1];
+ wxChar Country[20+1];
TIMESTAMP_STRUCT JoinDate; // Date on which this person joined the wxWindows project
Language NativeLanguage; // Enumerated type indicating person's native language
+ wxChar Picture[50000];
bool IsDeveloper; // Is this person a developer for wxWindows, or just a subscriber
UCHAR Contributions; // Something to show off an integer field
ULONG LinesOfCode; // Something to show off a 'long' field
-// NOTE: Ccontact inherits wxDbTable, which gives access to all the database functionality
+// The Ccontact class derives from wxDbTable, so we have access to all
+// of the database table functions and the local memory variables that
+// the database classes will store the data into (and read the data from)
+// all combined in this one class.
class Ccontact : public wxDbTable, public CstructContact
+ // Used to keep track of whether this class had a wxDb instance
+ // passed in to it or not. If an existing wxDb instance was not
+ // passed in at Ccontact creation time, then when the Ccontact
+ // instance is deleted, the connection will be freed as Ccontact
+ // created its own connection when it was created.
bool freeDbConn;
+ // Calls wxDbTable::SetColDefs() once for each column that is
+ // to be associated with some member variable for use with
+ // this database object.
void SetupColumns();
+ // Used in places where we need to construct a WHERE clause to
+ // be passed to the SetWhereClause() function. From example,
+ // where building the WHERE clause requires using ::Printf()
+ // to build the string.
wxString whereStr;
- wxString qryWhereStr; // Where string returned from the query dialog
+ // WHERE string returned from the query dialog
+ wxString qryWhereStr;
Ccontact(wxDb *pwxDb=NULL);
void Initialize();
- bool CreateIndexes(void);
- bool FetchByName(wxChar *name);
+ // Contains all the index definitions and calls to wxDbTable::CreateIndex()
+ // required to create all the indexes we wish to define for this table.
+ bool CreateIndexes(bool recreate);
+ // Since we do not wish to have duplicate code blocks all over our program
+ // for a common query/fetch that we will need to do in many places, we
+ // include this member function that does it all for us in one place.
+ bool FetchByName(const wxString &name);
}; // Ccontact class definition
typedef struct Cparameters
- // The length of these strings were arbitrarily picked, and are
- // dependent on the OS and database engine you will be using.
- wxChar ODBCSource[100+1];
- wxChar UserName[25+1];
- wxChar Password[25+1];
+ wxChar ODBCSource[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH+1];
+ wxChar UserName[SQL_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN+1];
+ wxChar Password[SQL_MAX_AUTHSTR_LEN+1];
wxChar DirPath[MAX_PATH+1];
} Cparameters;
-// Define a new application type
-class DatabaseDemoApp: public wxApp
- public:
- Cparameters params;
- bool OnInit();
-}; // DatabaseDemoApp
// Define a new frame type
class DatabaseDemoFrame: public wxFrame
DatabaseDemoFrame(wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& sz);
+ ~DatabaseDemoFrame();
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
void OnCreate(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnExit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnEditParameters(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnDbGridTable( wxCommandEvent& );
void CreateDataTable(bool recreate);
void BuildEditorDialog();
void BuildParameterDialog(wxWindow *parent);
}; // DatabaseDemoFrame
+// *************************** DBGridFrame ***************************
+class DbGridFrame : public wxFrame
+ bool initialized;
+ DbGridFrame(wxWindow *parent);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ bool Initialize();
+// Define a new application type
+class DatabaseDemoApp: public wxApp
+ public:
+ // These are the parameters that are stored in the "PARAM_FILENAME" file
+ // that are read in at startup of the program that indicate the connection
+ // parameters to be used for connecting to the ODBC data source.
+ Cparameters params;
+ // Pointer to the main frame used by the App
+ DatabaseDemoFrame *DemoFrame;
+ // Pointer to the main database connection used in the program. This
+ // pointer would normally be used for doing things as database lookups
+ // for user login names and passwords, getting workstation settings, etc.
+ //
+ // ---> IMPORTANT <---
+ //
+ // For each database object created which uses this wxDb pointer
+ // connection to the database, when a CommitTrans() or RollBackTrans()
+ // will commit or rollback EVERY object which uses this wxDb pointer.
+ //
+ // To allow each table object (those derived from wxDbTable) to be
+ // individually committed or rolled back, you MUST use a different
+ // instance of wxDb in the constructor of the table. Doing so creates
+ // more overhead, and will use more database connections (some DBs have
+ // connection limits...), so use connections sparringly.
+ //
+ // It is recommended that one "main" database connection be created for
+ // the entire program to use for READ-ONLY database accesses, but for each
+ // table object which will do a CommitTrans() or RollbackTrans() that a
+ // new wxDb object be created and used for it.
+ // Contains the ODBC connection information used by
+ // all database connections
+ wxDbConnectInf *DbConnectInf;
+ bool OnInit();
+ // Read/Write ODBC connection parameters to the "PARAM_FILENAME" file
+ bool ReadParamFile(Cparameters ¶ms);
+ bool WriteParamFile(Cparameters ¶ms);
+ void CreateDataTable(bool recreate);
+ // Pointer to the wxDbTable instance that is used to manipulate
+ // the data in memory and in the database
+ Ccontact *Contact;
+}; // DatabaseDemoApp
// *************************** CeditorDlg ***************************
class CeditorDlg : public wxPanel
+ // Used to indicate whether all of the widget pointers (defined
+ // below) have been initialized to point to the memory for
+ // the named widget. Used as a safeguard from using the widget
+ // before it has been initialized.
bool widgetPtrsSet;
+ // Used when the EDIT button has been pressed to maintain the
+ // original name that was displayed in the editor before the
+ // EDIT button was pressed, so that if CANCEL is pressed, a
+ // FetchByName() can be done to retrieve the original data
+ // to repopulate the dialog.
wxString saveName;
// Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
wxButton *pCreateBtn, *pEditBtn, *pDeleteBtn, *pCopyBtn, *pSaveBtn, *pCancelBtn;
wxButton *pPrevBtn, *pNextBtn, *pQueryBtn, *pResetBtn, *pDoneBtn, *pHelpBtn;
wxButton *pNameListBtn;
+ wxButton *pCatalogBtn, *pDataTypesBtn, *pDbDiagsBtn;
wxTextCtrl *pNameTxt, *pAddress1Txt, *pAddress2Txt,*pCityTxt, *pStateTxt, *pCountryTxt,*pPostalCodeTxt;
wxStaticText *pNameMsg, *pAddress1Msg, *pAddress2Msg,*pCityMsg, *pStateMsg, *pCountryMsg,*pPostalCodeMsg;
wxTextCtrl *pJoinDateTxt,*pContribTxt, *pLinesTxt;
wxStaticText *pNativeLangMsg;
+ // Indicates if the editor dialog has been initialized yet (used to
+ // help trap if the Initialize() function failed to load all required
+ // resources or not.
bool initialized;
enum DialogModes mode;
- Ccontact *Contact; // this is the table object that will be being manipulated
CeditorDlg(wxWindow *parent);
void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
bool Initialize();
+ // Sets wxStaticText fields to be editable or not depending
+ // on the current value of 'mode'
void FieldsEditable();
+ // Sets the editor mode, determining what state widgets
+ // on the dialog are to be in based on the operation
+ // being performed.
void SetMode(enum DialogModes m);
+ // Update/Retrieve data from the widgets on the dialog
bool PutData();
bool GetData();
+ // Inserts/updates the database with the current data
+ // retrieved from the editor dialog
bool Save();
+ // Database functions for changing the data that is to
+ // be displayed on the dialog. GetNextRec()/GetPrevRec()
+ // provide database independent methods that do not require
+ // backward scrolling cursors to obtain the record that
+ // is prior to the current record in the search sequence.
bool GetNextRec();
bool GetPrevRec();
- bool GetRec(wxChar *whereStr);
+ bool GetRec(const wxString &whereStr);
}; // CeditorDlg
// *************************** CparameterDlg ***************************
class CparameterDlg : public wxDialog
+ // Used to indicate whether all of the widget pointers (defined
+ // below) have been initialized to point to the memory for
+ // the named widget. Used as a safeguard from using the widget
+ // before it has been initialized.
bool widgetPtrsSet;
enum DialogModes mode;
+ // Have the parameters been saved yet, or do they
+ // need to be saved to update the params on disk
bool saved;
+ // Original params
Cparameters savedParamSettings;
// Pointers to all widgets on the dialog
void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
+ // Update/Retrieve data from the widgets on the dialog
bool PutData();
bool GetData();
+ // Stores the defined parameter for connecting to the selected ODBC
+ // data source to the config file name in "PARAM_FILENAME"
bool Save();
+ // Populates the 'pParamODBCSourceList' listbox with the names of all
+ // ODBC datasource defined for use at the current workstation
void FillDataSourceList();
class CqueryDlg : public wxDialog
- wxDbColInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
- wxDbTable *dbTable;
- wxChar *masterTableName;
- wxChar *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
+ wxDbColInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
+ wxDbTable *dbTable; // generic wxDbTable object for attaching to the table to query
+ wxChar *masterTableName; // Name of the table that 'dbTable' will be associated with
+ wxString pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
wxDb *pDB;
+ // Used to indicate whether all of the widget pointers (defined
+ // below) have been initialized to point to the memory for
+ // the named widget. Used as a safeguard from using the widget
+ // before it has been initialized.
bool widgetPtrsSet;
// Widget pointers
wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
- CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, wxChar *tblName[], wxChar *pWhereArg);
+ CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, wxChar *tblName[], const wxString &pWhereArg);
void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+char * const langNO = "No";
+char * const langYES = "Yes";
+char * const langDBINF_DB_NAME = "Database Name = ";
+char * const langDBINF_DB_VER = "Database Version = ";
+char * const langDBINF_DRIVER_NAME = "Driver Name = ";
+char * const langDBINF_DRIVER_ODBC_VER = "Driver ODBC Version = ";
+char * const langDBINF_DRIVER_MGR_ODBC_VER = "Driver Manager ODBC Version = ";
+char * const langDBINF_DRIVER_VER = "Driver Version = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SERVER_NAME = "Server Name = ";
+char * const langDBINF_FILENAME = "Filename = ";
+char * const langDBINF_OUTER_JOINS = "Outer Joins = ";
+char * const langDBINF_STORED_PROC = "Stored Procedures = ";
+char * const langDBINF_MAX_HDBC = "Max # of Db connections = ";
+char * const langDBINF_MAX_HSTMT = "Max # of cursors (per db connection) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_UNLIMITED = "Unlimited or Unknown";
+char * const langDBINF_API_LVL = "ODBC API conformance level = ";
+char * const langDBINF_CLI_LVL = "Client (SAG) conformance level = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SQL_LVL = "SQL conformance level = ";
+char * const langDBINF_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR = "Commit Behavior = ";
+char * const langDBINF_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOR = "Rollback Behavior = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SUPP_NOT_NULL = "Support NOT NULL clause = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SUPP_IEF = "Support IEF = ";
+char * const langDBINF_TXN_ISOLATION = "Transaction Isolation Level (default) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_TXN_ISOLATION_CURR = "Transaction Isolation Level (current) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTS = "Transaction Isolation Options Available = ";
+char * const langDBINF_FETCH_DIRS = "Fetch Directions = ";
+char * const langDBINF_LOCK_TYPES = "Lock Types (SQLSetPos) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_POS_OPERS = "Position Operations (SQLSetPos) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_POS_STMTS = "Position Statements = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SCROLL_CONCURR = "Concurrency Options (scrollable cursors) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_SCROLL_OPTS = "Scroll Options (scrollable cursors) = ";
+char * const langDBINF_STATIC_SENS = "Static Sensitivity = ";
+char * const langDBINF_TXN_CAPABLE = "Transaction Support = ";
+char * const langDBINF_LOGIN_TIMEOUT = "Login Timeout = ";
+char * const langDBINF_NONE = "None";
+char * const langDBINF_LEVEL1 = "Level 1";
+char * const langDBINF_LEVEL2 = "Level 2";
+char * const langDBINF_NOT_COMPLIANT = "Not Compliant";
+char * const langDBINF_COMPLIANT = "Compliant";
+char * const langDBINF_MIN_GRAMMAR = "Minimum Grammer";
+char * const langDBINF_CORE_GRAMMAR = "Core Grammer";
+char * const langDBINF_EXT_GRAMMAR = "Extended Grammer";
+char * const langDBINF_DELETE_CURSORS = "Delete cursors";
+char * const langDBINF_CLOSE_CURSORS = "Close cursors";
+char * const langDBINF_PRESERVE_CURSORS = "Preserve cursors";
+char * const langDBINF_READ_UNCOMMITTED = "Read Uncommitted";
+char * const langDBINF_READ_COMMITTED = "Read Committed";
+char * const langDBINF_REPEATABLE_READ = "Repeatable Read";
+char * const langDBINF_SERIALIZABLE = "Serializable";
+char * const langDBINF_VERSIONING = "Versioning";
+char * const langDBINF_NEXT = "Next";
+char * const langDBINF_PREV = "Prev";
+char * const langDBINF_FIRST = "First";
+char * const langDBINF_LAST = "Last";
+char * const langDBINF_ABSOLUTE = "Absolute";
+char * const langDBINF_RELATIVE = "Relative";
+char * const langDBINF_RESUME = "Resume";
+char * const langDBINF_BOOKMARK = "Bookmark";
+char * const langDBINF_NO_CHANGE = "No Change";
+char * const langDBINF_EXCLUSIVE = "Exclusive";
+char * const langDBINF_UNLOCK = "Unlock";
+char * const langDBINF_POSITION = "Position";
+char * const langDBINF_REFRESH = "Refresh";
+char * const langDBINF_UPD = "Upd";
+char * const langDBINF_DEL = "Del";
+char * const langDBINF_ADD = "Add";
+char * const langDBINF_POS_DEL = "Pos Delete";
+char * const langDBINF_POS_UPD = "Pos Update";
+char * const langDBINF_SELECT_FOR_UPD = "Select For Update";
+char * const langDBINF_READ_ONLY = "Read Only";
+char * const langDBINF_LOCK = "Lock";
+char * const langDBINF_OPT_ROWVER = "Opt. Rowver";
+char * const langDBINF_OPT_VALUES = "Opt. Values";
+char * const langDBINF_FWD_ONLY = "Fwd Only";
+char * const langDBINF_STATIC = "Static";
+char * const langDBINF_KEYSET_DRIVEN = "Keyset Driven";
+char * const langDBINF_DYNAMIC = "Dynamic";
+char * const langDBINF_MIXED = "Mixed";
+char * const langDBINF_ADDITIONS = "Additions";
+char * const langDBINF_DELETIONS = "Deletions";
+char * const langDBINF_UPDATES = "Updates";
+char * const langDBINF_DML_ONLY = "DML Only";
+char * const langDBINF_DDL_COMMIT = "DDL Commit";
+char * const langDBINF_DDL_IGNORE = "DDL Ignore";
+char * const langDBINF_DDL_AND_DML = "DDL and DML";
+char * const langDBINF_DB_BLOCK_GETS = "DB block gets";
+char * const langDBINF_CONSISTENT_GETS = "Consistent gets";
+char * const langDBINF_PHYSICAL_READS = "Physical reads";
+char * const langDBINF_CACHE_HIT_RATIO = "Cache hit ratio";
+char * const langDBINF_PHYSICAL_WRITES = "Physical writes";