// dtor which is _not_ virtual, so it shouldn't be used as a base class.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// dtor which is _not_ virtual, so it shouldn't be used as a base class.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{ Close(); m_fp = fp; m_name = name; }
void Detach() { m_fp = NULL; }
FILE *fp() const { return m_fp; }
{ Close(); m_fp = fp; m_name = name; }
void Detach() { m_fp = NULL; }
FILE *fp() const { return m_fp; }
// returns the number of bytes written
size_t Write(const void *pBuf, size_t nCount);
// returns true on success
// returns the number of bytes written
size_t Write(const void *pBuf, size_t nCount);
// returns true on success
// file pointer operations (return ofsInvalid on failure)
// move ptr ofs bytes related to start/current pos/end of file
// file pointer operations (return ofsInvalid on failure)
// move ptr ofs bytes related to start/current pos/end of file