- MsgBox('No installation of Python %(PYTHONVER)s found. Aborting...',
- mbConfirmation, MB_OK);
- Result := false;
- end else
- Result := true;
+ if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
+ 'Software\Python\PythonCore\%(PYTHONVER)s\InstallPath',
+ '', PythonDir) then begin
+ MsgBox('No installation of Python %(PYTHONVER)s found in registry.\nBe sure to enter a pathname that places wxPython\non the PYTHONPATH',
+ mbConfirmation, MB_OK);
+ PythonDir := 'C:\Put a directory on PYTHONPATH here\';
+ end;
+ end;
+ InstallDir := PythonDir;
+ %(IF22)s
+ Result := true;