-// Name: No names yet.
-// Purpose: Contrib. demo
+// Name: bardragpl.cpp
+// Purpose: cbBarDragPlugin implementation
// Author: Aleksandras Gluchovas
// Modified by:
// Created: 23/09/98
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Aleksandras Gluchovas
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifdef __GNUG__
static inline bool rect_hits_rect( const wxRect& r1, const wxRect& r2 )
- if ( ( r2.x >= r1.x && r2.x <= r1.x + r1.width ) ||
- ( r1.x >= r2.x && r1.x <= r2.x + r2.width ) )
- if ( ( r2.y >= r1.y && r2.y <= r1.y + r1.height ) ||
- ( r1.y >= r2.y && r1.y <= r2.y + r2.height ) )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ if ( ( r2.x >= r1.x && r2.x <= r1.x + r1.width ) ||
+ ( r1.x >= r2.x && r1.x <= r2.x + r2.width ) )
+ if ( ( r2.y >= r1.y && r2.y <= r1.y + r1.height ) ||
+ ( r1.y >= r2.y && r1.y <= r2.y + r2.height ) )
+ return true;
+ return false;
static inline bool rect_contains_point( const wxRect& rect, int x, int y )
- return ( x >= rect.x &&
- y >= rect.y &&
- x < rect.x + rect.width &&
- y < rect.y + rect.height );
+ return ( x >= rect.x &&
+ y >= rect.y &&
+ x < rect.x + rect.width &&
+ y < rect.y + rect.height );
/***** Implementation for class cbBarDragPlugin *****/
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( cbBarDragPlugin, cbPluginBase )
- //EVT_PL_LEFT_DOWN ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonDown )
- EVT_PL_LEFT_UP ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonUp )
- EVT_PL_MOTION ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnMouseMove )
- EVT_PL_DRAW_HINT_RECT ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnDrawHintRect )
- EVT_PL_START_BAR_DRAGGING ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnStartBarDragging )
- EVT_PL_LEFT_DCLICK ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLDblClick )
+ //EVT_PL_LEFT_DOWN ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonDown )
+ EVT_PL_LEFT_UP ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonUp )
+ EVT_PL_MOTION ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnMouseMove )
+ EVT_PL_DRAW_HINT_RECT ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnDrawHintRect )
+ EVT_PL_START_BAR_DRAGGING ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnStartBarDragging )
+ EVT_PL_LEFT_DCLICK ( cbBarDragPlugin::OnLDblClick )
- : mBarDragStarted ( FALSE ),
- mCanStick ( TRUE ),
- mpScrDc ( NULL ),
- mpCurCursor ( NULL ),
- mpDraggedBar ( NULL ),
- mInClientHintBorder( 4 )
+ : mBarDragStarted ( false ),
+ mCanStick ( true ),
+ mpScrDc ( NULL ),
+ mpCurCursor ( NULL ),
+ mpDraggedBar ( NULL ),
+ mInClientHintBorder( 4 )
cbBarDragPlugin::cbBarDragPlugin( wxFrameLayout* pPanel, int paneMask )
- : cbPluginBase( pPanel, paneMask ),
- mBarDragStarted ( FALSE ),
- mCanStick ( TRUE ),
- mpScrDc ( NULL ),
- mpCurCursor ( NULL ),
- mpDraggedBar ( NULL ),
- mInClientHintBorder( 4 )
+ : cbPluginBase( pPanel, paneMask ),
+ mBarDragStarted ( false ),
+ mCanStick ( true ),
+ mpScrDc ( NULL ),
+ mpCurCursor ( NULL ),
+ mpDraggedBar ( NULL ),
+ mInClientHintBorder( 4 )
- // nothing
+ // nothing
// helper methods (protected)
void do_clip_edges( int len, int& rectPos, int& rectLen )
- if ( rectPos < 0 )
- {
- rectLen += rectPos;
- rectPos = 0;
- if ( rectLen < 0 )
+ if ( rectPos < 0 )
+ {
+ rectLen += rectPos;
+ rectPos = 0;
+ if ( rectLen < 0 )
+ rectLen = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( rectPos > len-1 )
+ {
+ rectPos = len-1;
rectLen = 1;
- }
- else
- if ( rectPos > len-1 )
- {
- rectPos = len-1;
- rectLen = 1;
- }
- else
- if ( rectPos + rectLen - 1 > len )
- rectLen -= (rectPos + rectLen) - len + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( rectPos + rectLen - 1 > len )
+ rectLen -= (rectPos + rectLen) - len + 1;
void cbBarDragPlugin::ClipRectInFrame( wxRect& rect )
- int w, h;
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().GetClientSize( &w, &h );
+ int w, h;
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().GetClientSize( &w, &h );
- do_clip_edges( w, rect.x, rect.width );
- do_clip_edges( h, rect.y, rect.height );
+ do_clip_edges( w, rect.x, rect.width );
+ do_clip_edges( h, rect.y, rect.height );
void cbBarDragPlugin::ClipPosInFrame( wxPoint& pos )
- int w, h;
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().GetClientSize( &w, &h );
+ int w, h;
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().GetClientSize( &w, &h );
- if ( pos.x < 0 )
+ if ( pos.x < 0 )
pos.x = 0;
- if ( pos.y < 0 )
+ if ( pos.y < 0 )
pos.y = 0;
- if ( pos.x > w )
+ if ( pos.x > w )
pos.x = w-1;
- if ( pos.y > h )
+ if ( pos.y > h )
pos.y = h-1;
void cbBarDragPlugin::AdjustHintRect( wxPoint& mousePos )
- mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - mMouseInRectX;
- mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - mMouseInRectY;
+ mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - mMouseInRectX;
+ mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - mMouseInRectY;
cbDockPane* cbBarDragPlugin::HitTestPanes( wxRect& rect )
- //wxRect clipped = rect;
+ //wxRect clipped = rect;
- //ClipRectInFrame( clipped );
+ //ClipRectInFrame( clipped );
- cbDockPane** pPanes = mpLayout->GetPanesArray();
+ cbDockPane** pPanes = mpLayout->GetPanesArray();
- for( int i = 0; i != MAX_PANES; ++i )
- if ( rect_hits_rect( pPanes[i]->mBoundsInParent, rect ) )
+ for( int i = 0; i != MAX_PANES; ++i )
+ if ( rect_hits_rect( pPanes[i]->mBoundsInParent, rect ) )
+ return pPanes[i];
- return pPanes[i];
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
cbDockPane* cbBarDragPlugin::HitTestPanes( wxPoint& pos )
- wxPoint clipped = pos;
- //ClipPosInFrame( pos );
+ wxPoint clipped = pos;
- cbDockPane** pPanes = mpLayout->GetPanesArray();
+ //ClipPosInFrame( pos );
- for( int i = 0; i != MAX_PANES; ++i )
- if ( rect_contains_point( pPanes[i]->mBoundsInParent, clipped.x, clipped.y ) )
+ cbDockPane** pPanes = mpLayout->GetPanesArray();
- return pPanes[i];
+ for( int i = 0; i != MAX_PANES; ++i )
+ if ( rect_contains_point( pPanes[i]->mBoundsInParent, clipped.x, clipped.y ) )
+ return pPanes[i];
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
bool cbBarDragPlugin::HitsPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxRect& rect )
- return rect_hits_rect( pPane->mBoundsInParent, rect );
+ return rect_hits_rect( pPane->mBoundsInParent, rect );
int cbBarDragPlugin::GetDistanceToPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos )
- wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
- switch( pPane->mAlignment )
- {
- case FL_ALIGN_TOP : return mousePos.y - ( bounds.y + bounds.height );
+ wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
- case FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM : return bounds.y - mousePos.y;
+ switch( pPane->mAlignment )
+ {
+ case FL_ALIGN_TOP : return mousePos.y - ( bounds.y + bounds.height );
+ case FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM : return bounds.y - mousePos.y;
+ case FL_ALIGN_LEFT : return mousePos.x - ( bounds.x + bounds.width );
+ case FL_ALIGN_RIGHT : return bounds.x - mousePos.x;
+ default : return 0; // never reached
+ }
- case FL_ALIGN_LEFT : return mousePos.x - ( bounds.x + bounds.width );
- case FL_ALIGN_RIGHT : return bounds.x - mousePos.x;
- default : return 0; // never reached
- }
-// return 0;
+// return 0;
bool cbBarDragPlugin::IsInOtherPane( wxPoint& mousePos )
- cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mousePos );
+ cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mousePos );
- if ( pPane && pPane != mpCurPane ) return TRUE;
- else return FALSE;
+ if ( pPane && pPane != mpCurPane ) return true;
+ else return false;
bool cbBarDragPlugin::IsInClientArea( wxPoint& mousePos )
- return ( HitTestPanes( mousePos ) == NULL );
+ return ( HitTestPanes( mousePos ) == NULL );
bool cbBarDragPlugin::IsInClientArea( wxRect& rect )
- return ( HitTestPanes( rect ) == NULL );
+ return ( HitTestPanes( rect ) == NULL );
void cbBarDragPlugin::CalcOnScreenDims( wxRect& rect )
- if ( !mpCurPane || mpDraggedBar->IsFixed() ) return;
+ if ( !mpCurPane || mpDraggedBar->IsFixed() ) return;
- wxRect inPane = rect;
+ wxRect inPane = rect;
- mpCurPane->FrameToPane( &inPane );
+ mpCurPane->FrameToPane( &inPane );
- int rowNo = mpCurPane->GetRowAt( inPane.y, inPane.y + inPane.height );
+ int rowNo = mpCurPane->GetRowAt( inPane.y, inPane.y + inPane.height );
- bool isMaximized = ( rowNo >= (int)mpCurPane->GetRowList().Count() || rowNo < 0 );
+ bool isMaximized = ( rowNo >= (int)mpCurPane->GetRowList().Count() || rowNo < 0 );
- if ( isMaximized )
- {
- inPane.x = 0;
- inPane.width = mpCurPane->mPaneWidth;
+ if ( isMaximized )
+ {
+ inPane.x = 0;
+ inPane.width = mpCurPane->mPaneWidth;
- mpCurPane->PaneToFrame( &inPane );
+ mpCurPane->PaneToFrame( &inPane );
- rect = inPane;
- }
+ rect = inPane;
+ }
-// helpers
+// helpers
static inline void check_upper_overrun( int& pos, int width, int mousePos )
- if ( mousePos >= pos + width )
- pos = mousePos - width/2;
+ if ( mousePos >= pos + width )
+ pos = mousePos - width/2;
static inline void check_lower_overrun( int& pos, int width, int mousePos )
- if ( mousePos <= pos )
- pos = mousePos - width/2;
+ if ( mousePos <= pos )
+ pos = mousePos - width/2;
void cbBarDragPlugin::StickToPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos )
- int wInPane = GetBarWidthInPane ( pPane );
- int hInPane = GetBarHeightInPane( pPane );
+ int wInPane = GetBarWidthInPane ( pPane );
+ int hInPane = GetBarHeightInPane( pPane );
+ // adjsut hint-rect horizontally (in pane's orientation)
- // adjsut hint-rect horizontally (in pane's orientation)
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
- {
- mHintRect.width = wInPane;
- mHintRect.height = hInPane;
- }
- else
- {
- mHintRect.height = wInPane;
- mHintRect.width = hInPane;
- }
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
+ {
+ mHintRect.width = wInPane;
+ mHintRect.height = hInPane;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mHintRect.height = wInPane;
+ mHintRect.width = hInPane;
+ }
- // adjsut hint-rect vertically (in pane's orientation)
+ // adjsut hint-rect vertically (in pane's orientation)
- wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
+ wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
- // TRUE, if hint enters the pane through it's lower edge
+ // true, if hint enters the pane through it's lower edge
- bool fromLowerEdge = ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
- ? mousePos.y > bounds.y
- : mousePos.x > bounds.x;
+ bool fromLowerEdge = ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
+ ? mousePos.y > bounds.y
+ : mousePos.x > bounds.x;
- // NOTE:: about all the below min/max things: they are meant to ensure
- // that mouse pointer doesn't overrun (leave) the hint-rectangle
- // when dimensions it's are recalculated upon sticking it to the pane
+ // NOTE:: about all the below min/max things: they are meant to ensure
+ // that the mouse pointer doesn't overrun (leave) the hint-rectangle
+ // when its dimensions are recalculated upon sticking it to the pane
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
- {
- int paneBottomEdgeY = bounds.y + bounds.height;
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ int paneBottomEdgeY = bounds.y + bounds.height;
- mHintRect.y = wxMin( paneBottomEdgeY, mousePos.y );
+ mHintRect.y = wxMin( paneBottomEdgeY, mousePos.y );
- check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.y, hInPane, mousePos.y );
+ check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.y, hInPane, mousePos.y );
- }
- else
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
- {
- int paneTopEdgeY = bounds.y;
+ }
+ else
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ int paneTopEdgeY = bounds.y;
- mHintRect.y = wxMax( paneTopEdgeY - hInPane, mousePos.y - hInPane );
+ mHintRect.y = wxMax( paneTopEdgeY - hInPane, mousePos.y - hInPane );
- check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.y, hInPane, mousePos.y );
- }
- else
- if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
- {
- int paneRightEdgeX = bounds.x + bounds.width;
+ check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.y, hInPane, mousePos.y );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ int paneRightEdgeX = bounds.x + bounds.width;
- mHintRect.x = wxMin( paneRightEdgeX, mousePos.x );
+ mHintRect.x = wxMin( paneRightEdgeX, mousePos.x );
- check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.x, hInPane, mousePos.x );
- }
- else
- if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
- {
- int paneLeftEdgeX = bounds.x;
+ check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.x, hInPane, mousePos.x );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ int paneLeftEdgeX = bounds.x;
- mHintRect.x = wxMax( paneLeftEdgeX - hInPane, mousePos.x - hInPane );
+ mHintRect.x = wxMax( paneLeftEdgeX - hInPane, mousePos.x - hInPane );
- check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.x, hInPane, mousePos.x );
- }
+ check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.x, hInPane, mousePos.x );
+ }
- mMouseInRectX = mousePos.x - mHintRect.x;
- mMouseInRectY = mousePos.y - mHintRect.y;
+ mMouseInRectX = mousePos.x - mHintRect.x;
+ mMouseInRectY = mousePos.y - mHintRect.y;
- mpCurPane = pPane; // memorize pane to which the hint is currently sticked
+ mpCurPane = pPane; // memorize pane to which the hint is currently sticked
void cbBarDragPlugin::UnstickFromPane( cbDockPane* pPane, wxPoint& mousePos )
- // unsticking causes rectangle to get the shape, in which
- // dragged control-bar would be when floated
+ // unsticking causes rectangle to get the shape in which
+ // dragged control-bar would be when floated
+ int newWidth = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_FLOATING].x;
+ int newHeight = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_FLOATING].y;
- int newWidth = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_FLOATING].x;
- int newHeight = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_FLOATING].y;
+ wxRect& flBounds = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[wxCBAR_FLOATING];
- wxRect& flBounds = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[wxCBAR_FLOATING];
+ if ( flBounds.width != -1 )
+ {
+ newWidth = flBounds.width;
+ newHeight = flBounds.height;
+ }
- if ( flBounds.width != -1 )
- {
- newWidth = flBounds.width;
- newHeight = flBounds.height;
- }
+ mHintRect.width = newWidth;
+ mHintRect.height = newHeight;
- mHintRect.width = newWidth;
- mHintRect.height = newHeight;
+ wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
- wxRect& bounds = pPane->mBoundsInParent;
+ // true, if hint leaves the pane through it's lower edge
- // TRUE, if hint leaves the pane through it's lower edge
+ bool fromLowerEdge = ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
+ ? mousePos.y > bounds.y
+ : mousePos.x > bounds.x;
- bool fromLowerEdge = ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
- ? mousePos.y > bounds.y
- : mousePos.x > bounds.x;
+ // NOTE:: ...all the below min/max things - see comments about it in StickToPane(..)
- // NOTE:: ...all the below min/max things - see comments about it in StickToPane(..)
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ // bool fromLowerEdge = mousePos.y > bounds.y;
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
- {
- bool fromLowerEdge = mousePos.y > bounds.y;
+ mHintRect.y = wxMax( bounds.y + bounds.height + 1, mousePos.y - newHeight );
- mHintRect.y = wxMax( bounds.y + bounds.height + 1, mousePos.y - newHeight );
+ check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.y, newHeight, mousePos.y );
- check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.y, newHeight, mousePos.y );
+ // this is how MFC's hint behaves:
- // this is how MFC's hint behaves:
+ if ( mMouseInRectX > newWidth )
+ mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - ( newWidth / 2 );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ mHintRect.y = wxMin( bounds.y - newHeight - 1, mousePos.y );
- if ( mMouseInRectX > newWidth )
- mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - ( newWidth / 2 );
- }
- else
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
- {
- mHintRect.y = wxMin( bounds.y - newHeight - 1, mousePos.y );
+ // -/-
- // -/-
+ if ( mMouseInRectX > newWidth )
+ mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - ( newWidth / 2 );
- if ( mMouseInRectX > newWidth )
- mHintRect.x = mousePos.x - ( newWidth / 2 );
+ check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.y, newHeight, mousePos.y );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ mHintRect.x = wxMax( bounds.x + bounds.width, mousePos.x - newWidth );
- check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.y, newHeight, mousePos.y );
- }
- else
- if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && fromLowerEdge )
- {
- mHintRect.x = wxMax( bounds.x + bounds.width, mousePos.x - newWidth );
+ // -/-
- // -/-
- if ( mMouseInRectY > newHeight )
+ if ( mMouseInRectY > newHeight )
+ mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - ( newHeight / 2 );
- mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - ( newHeight / 2 );
+ check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.x, newWidth, mousePos.x );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
+ {
+ mHintRect.x = wxMin( bounds.x - newWidth - 1, mousePos.x );
- check_upper_overrun( mHintRect.x, newWidth, mousePos.x );
- }
- else
- if ( !pPane->IsHorizontal() && !fromLowerEdge )
- {
- mHintRect.x = wxMin( bounds.x - newWidth - 1, mousePos.x );
+ // -/-
- // -/-
- if ( mMouseInRectY > newHeight )
+ if ( mMouseInRectY > newHeight )
+ mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - ( newHeight / 2 );
- mHintRect.y = mousePos.y - ( newHeight / 2 );
+ check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.x, newWidth, mousePos.x );
+ }
- check_lower_overrun( mHintRect.x, newWidth, mousePos.x );
- }
+ mMouseInRectX = mousePos.x - mHintRect.x;
+ mMouseInRectY = mousePos.y - mHintRect.y;
- mMouseInRectX = mousePos.x - mHintRect.x;
- mMouseInRectY = mousePos.y - mHintRect.y;
- mpCurPane = NULL;
+ mpCurPane = NULL;
int cbBarDragPlugin::GetBarWidthInPane( cbDockPane* pPane )
- if ( pPane == mpSrcPane )
+ if ( pPane == mpSrcPane )
+ return mBarWidthInSrcPane;
- return mBarWidthInSrcPane;
+ // this is how MFC's bars behave:
- // this is how MFC's bars behave:
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
- return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY].x;
- else
- return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_VERTICALLY ].x;
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
+ return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY].x;
+ else
+ return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_VERTICALLY ].x;
int cbBarDragPlugin::GetBarHeightInPane( cbDockPane* pPane )
- if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
- return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY].y;
- else
- return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_VERTICALLY ].y;
+ if ( pPane->IsHorizontal() )
+ return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY].y;
+ else
+ return mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[wxCBAR_DOCKED_VERTICALLY ].y;
void cbBarDragPlugin::ShowHint( bool prevWasInClient )
- bool wasDocked = FALSE;
+ bool wasDocked = false;
- if ( mpDraggedBar->mState != wxCBAR_FLOATING && !mpCurPane )
- {
- mpLayout->SetBarState( mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_FLOATING, TRUE );
- }
- else
- if ( mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING && mpCurPane )
- {
- mpLayout->SetBarState( mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY, FALSE );
+ if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == false )
+ {
+ // do heavy calculations first
- wasDocked = TRUE;
- }
+ wxRect actualRect = mHintRect; // will be adjusted depending on drag-settings
- if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == FALSE )
- {
- // do hevy calculations first
+ if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn && mpCurPane )
+ {
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ bool success =
+ mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, false );
- wxRect actualRect = mHintRect; // will be adjusted depending on drag-settings
+ wxASSERT( success ); // DBG::
- if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn && mpCurPane )
- {
- bool success = mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, FALSE );
+ actualRect = mpDraggedBar->mBounds;
- wxASSERT( success ); // DBG::
+ mpCurPane->PaneToFrame( &actualRect );
+ }
+ else
+ CalcOnScreenDims( actualRect );
- actualRect = mpDraggedBar->mBounds;
+ // release previous hint
- mpCurPane->PaneToFrame( &actualRect );
- }
- else
- CalcOnScreenDims( actualRect );
+ if ( mPrevHintRect.x != POS_UNDEFINED )
+ {
+ // erase previous rectangle
- // release previous hint
+ cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( mPrevHintRect, prevWasInClient, true, false );
- if ( mPrevHintRect.x != POS_UNDEFINED )
- {
- // erase previous rectangle
+ mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
+ }
- cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( mPrevHintRect, prevWasInClient, TRUE, FALSE );
+ // draw new hint
- mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
- }
+ cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( actualRect, mpCurPane == NULL, false, false );
- // draw new hint
+ mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
- cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( actualRect, mpCurPane == NULL, FALSE, FALSE );
+ mPrevHintRect = actualRect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // otherwise, if real-time updates option is ON
- mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
+ if ( mpDraggedBar->mState != wxCBAR_FLOATING && !mpCurPane )
+ {
+ mpLayout->SetBarState( mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_FLOATING, true );
+ }
+ else
+ if ( mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING && mpCurPane )
+ {
+ mpLayout->SetBarState( mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY, false );
- mPrevHintRect = actualRect;
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise, if real-time updates option is ON
+ wasDocked = true;
+ }
- if ( mpCurPane )
- {
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnStartChanges();
+ if ( mpCurPane )
+ {
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnStartChanges();
- if ( wasDocked )
+ if ( wasDocked )
- mpDraggedBar->mUMgrData.SetDirty( TRUE );
+ mpDraggedBar->mUMgrData.SetDirty( true );
- bool success = mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, FALSE );
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ bool success =
+ mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, false );
- wxASSERT( success ); // DBG ::
+ wxASSERT( success ); // DBG ::
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnFinishChanges();
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().UpdateNow();
- }
- else
- {
- if ( mpLayout->mFloatingOn )
- {
- // move the top-most floated bar around as user drags the hint
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnFinishChanges();
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().UpdateNow();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( mpLayout->mFloatingOn )
+ {
+ // move the top-most floated bar around as user drags the hint
- mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ] = mHintRect;
+ mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ] = mHintRect;
- mpLayout->ApplyBarProperties( mpDraggedBar );
- }
- }
- }
+ mpLayout->ApplyBarProperties( mpDraggedBar );
+ }
+ }
+ }
/*** event handlers ***/
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnMouseMove( cbMotionEvent& event )
- // calculate postion in frame's coordiantes
- if ( !mBarDragStarted )
- {
- event.Skip(); // pass event to the next plugin
- return;
- }
- wxPoint mousePos = event.mPos;
- event.mpPane->PaneToFrame( &mousePos.x, &mousePos.y );
- bool prevIsInClient = ( mpCurPane == 0 );
- AdjustHintRect( mousePos );
- // if the hint-rect is not "tempted" to any pane yet
- if ( mpCurPane == NULL )
- {
- cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );
- if ( !pPane )
- // enable sticking again, if we've left the pane completely
- mCanStick = TRUE;
- if ( mCanStick && pPane &&
- GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
- StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
- else
- if ( pPane && HitTestPanes( mousePos ) == pPane && 0 ) // FOR NOW:: disabled
- StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
- }
- else
- {
- // otherwise, when rect is now sticked to some of the panes
- // check if it should still remain in this pane
- mCanStick = TRUE;
- bool mouseInOther = IsInOtherPane( mousePos );
- if ( mouseInOther )
- {
- cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mousePos );
- StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( IsInClientArea( mousePos ) )
- {
- cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );
- if ( pPane &&
- pPane != mpCurPane &&
- GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
- StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
- else
- if ( !pPane )
- {
- UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );
- // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
- //mCanStick = FALSE; // prevents from sticking to this
- // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
- // leaves the pane completely
- }
- else
- if ( GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) > GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
- {
- if ( !HitsPane( mpCurPane, mHintRect ) )
- {
- UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );
- // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
- //mCanStick = FALSE; // prevents from sticking to this
- // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
- // leaves the pane completely
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- ShowHint( prevIsInClient );
- wxCursor* pPrevCurs = mpCurCursor;
- if ( mpCurPane )
- mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpDragCursor;
- else
- {
- if ( mpLayout->mFloatingOn && mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn )
- mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpDragCursor;
- else
- mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNECursor;
- }
- if ( pPrevCurs != mpCurCursor )
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpCurCursor );
+ // calculate postion in frame's coordiantes
+ if ( !mBarDragStarted )
+ {
+ event.Skip(); // pass event to the next plugin
+ return;
+ }
+ wxPoint mousePos = event.mPos;
+ event.mpPane->PaneToFrame( &mousePos.x, &mousePos.y );
+ bool prevIsInClient = ( mpCurPane == 0 );
+ AdjustHintRect( mousePos );
+ // if the hint-rect is not "tempted" to any pane yet
+ if ( mpCurPane == NULL )
+ {
+ cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );
+ // enable sticking again, if we've left the pane completely
+ if ( !pPane )
+ mCanStick = true;
+ if ( mCanStick && pPane &&
+ GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
+ StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
+ else
+ if ( pPane && HitTestPanes( mousePos ) == pPane && 0 ) // FOR NOW:: disabled
+ StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // otherwise, when rect is now sticked to some of the panes
+ // check if it should still remain in this pane
+ mCanStick = true;
+ bool mouseInOther = IsInOtherPane( mousePos );
+ if ( mouseInOther )
+ {
+ cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mousePos );
+ StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( IsInClientArea( mousePos ) )
+ {
+ cbDockPane* pPane = HitTestPanes( mHintRect );
+ if ( pPane &&
+ pPane != mpCurPane &&
+ GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) < GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
+ StickToPane( pPane, mousePos );
+ else
+ if ( !pPane )
+ {
+ UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );
+ // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
+ // mCanStick = false; // prevents from sticking to this
+ // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
+ // leaves the pane completely
+ }
+ else
+ if ( GetDistanceToPane( pPane, mousePos ) > GetBarHeightInPane( pPane ) )
+ {
+ if ( !HitsPane( mpCurPane, mHintRect ) )
+ {
+ UnstickFromPane( mpCurPane, mousePos );
+ // FOR NOW:: disabled, would cause some mess
+ // mCanStick = false; // prevents from sticking to this
+ // pane again, flag is reset when hint-rect
+ // leaves the pane completely
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ShowHint( prevIsInClient );
+ wxCursor* pPrevCurs = mpCurCursor;
+ if ( mpCurPane )
+ {
+ mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNormalCursor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if floating is off, and we are in the client
+ // area, the cursor will be invalid, otherwise
+ // it will be the normal cursor
+ if (mpLayout->mFloatingOn)
+ {
+ mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNormalCursor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpCurCursor = mpLayout->mpNECursor;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( pPrevCurs != mpCurCursor )
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpCurCursor );
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonDown( cbLeftDownEvent& event )
- if ( mBarDragStarted )
- {
- wxMessageBox("DblClick!");
- }
+ if ( mBarDragStarted )
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(wxT("DblClick!"));
+ }
- event.Skip();
+ event.Skip();
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnLButtonUp( cbLeftUpEvent& event )
- if ( mBarDragStarted )
- {
- if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == FALSE )
- {
- // erase current rectangle, and finsih on-screen drawing session
- cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( mPrevHintRect, mpCurPane == NULL, TRUE, TRUE );
- mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
- if ( mpCurPane != NULL )
- {
- if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn )
- {
- mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, FALSE );
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnFinishChanges();
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().UpdateNow();
- }
- else
- mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane );
- }
- }
- mHintRect.width = -1;
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpLayout->mpNormalCursor );
+ if ( mBarDragStarted )
+ {
+ if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == false )
+ {
+ // erase current rectangle, and finsih on-screen drawing session
+ cbDrawHintRectEvent evt( mPrevHintRect, mpCurPane == NULL, true, true );
+ mpLayout->FirePluginEvent( evt );
+ if ( mpCurPane != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn )
+ {
+ mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane, false );
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnFinishChanges();
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().UpdateNow();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING)
+ {
+ mpLayout->SetBarState( mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_DOCKED_HORIZONTALLY, true);
+ }
+ mpLayout->RedockBar( mpDraggedBar, mHintRect, mpCurPane );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (mpDraggedBar->mState != wxCBAR_FLOATING)
+ {
+ mpLayout->SetBarState(mpDraggedBar, wxCBAR_FLOATING, true);
+ }
+ mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ] = mHintRect;
+ mpLayout->ApplyBarProperties( mpDraggedBar );
+ }
+ }
+ mHintRect.width = -1;
+ // In Windows, at least, the frame needs to have a null cursor
+ // else child windows (such as text windows) inherit the cursor
+#if 1
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( wxNullCursor );
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpLayout->mpNormalCursor );
- mpLayout->ReleaseEventsFromPane( event.mpPane );
- mpLayout->ReleaseEventsFromPlugin( this );
+ mpLayout->ReleaseEventsFromPane( event.mpPane );
+ mpLayout->ReleaseEventsFromPlugin( this );
- mBarDragStarted = FALSE;
+ mBarDragStarted = false;
- if ( mBarWasFloating && mpDraggedBar->mState != wxCBAR_FLOATING )
- {
- // save bar's floating position before it was docked
+ if ( mBarWasFloating && mpDraggedBar->mState != wxCBAR_FLOATING )
+ {
+ // save bar's floating position before it was docked
- mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ] = mFloatedBarBounds;
- }
- }
- else
- event.Skip(); // pass event to the next plugin
+ mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ] = mFloatedBarBounds;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ event.Skip(); // pass event to the next plugin
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnLDblClick( cbLeftDClickEvent& event )
- int avoidCompilerWarning = 1;
- if ( avoidCompilerWarning )
- {
- cbBarInfo* pHittedBar;
- cbRowInfo* pRow;
+ int avoidCompilerWarning = 1;
+ if ( avoidCompilerWarning )
+ {
+ cbBarInfo* pHittedBar;
+ cbRowInfo* pRow;
- if ( event.mpPane->HitTestPaneItems( event.mPos, // in pane's coordiantes
- &pRow,
- &pHittedBar ) == CB_BAR_CONTENT_HITTED
- )
- {
- mpLayout->SetBarState( pHittedBar, wxCBAR_FLOATING, TRUE );
+ if ( event.mpPane->HitTestPaneItems( event.mPos, // in pane's coordiantes
+ &pRow,
+ &pHittedBar ) == CB_BAR_CONTENT_HITTED
+ )
+ {
+ mpLayout->SetBarState( pHittedBar, wxCBAR_FLOATING, true );
- mpLayout->RepositionFloatedBar( pHittedBar );
+ mpLayout->RepositionFloatedBar( pHittedBar );
- return; // event is "eaten" by this plugin
- }
+ return; // event is "eaten" by this plugin
+ }
- mBarDragStarted = FALSE;
+ mBarDragStarted = false;
- event.Skip();
- }
+ event.Skip();
+ }
- //wxMessageBox("Hi, dblclick arrived!");
+ //wxMessageBox("Hi, dblclick arrived!");
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnStartBarDragging( cbStartBarDraggingEvent& event )
- mpDraggedBar = event.mpBar;
- mpSrcPane = event.mpPane;
- mpLayout->CaptureEventsForPane( event.mpPane );
- mpLayout->CaptureEventsForPlugin( this );
+ mpDraggedBar = event.mpBar;
+ mpSrcPane = event.mpPane;
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpLayout->mpDragCursor );
+ mpLayout->CaptureEventsForPane( event.mpPane );
+ mpLayout->CaptureEventsForPlugin( this );
- mBarDragStarted = TRUE;
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().SetCursor( *mpLayout->mpNormalCursor );
- wxRect inParent = mpDraggedBar->mBounds;
+ mBarDragStarted = true;
- mBarWasFloating = mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING;
- if ( mBarWasFloating )
- {
- inParent = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ];
- mFloatedBarBounds = inParent;
- }
- else
- event.mpPane->PaneToFrame( &inParent );
+ wxRect inParent = mpDraggedBar->mBounds;
- mHintRect.x = POS_UNDEFINED;
+ mBarWasFloating = mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING;
- mHintRect.width = inParent.width;
- mHintRect.height = inParent.height;
+ if ( mBarWasFloating )
+ {
+ inParent = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mBounds[ wxCBAR_FLOATING ];
+ mFloatedBarBounds = inParent;
+ }
+ else
+ event.mpPane->PaneToFrame( &inParent );
- mMouseInRectX = event.mPos.x - inParent.x;
- mMouseInRectY = event.mPos.y - inParent.y;
+ mHintRect.x = POS_UNDEFINED;
- mpSrcPane = event.mpPane;
+ mHintRect.width = inParent.width;
+ mHintRect.height = inParent.height;
- if ( mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING )
+ mMouseInRectX = event.mPos.x - inParent.x;
+ mMouseInRectY = event.mPos.y - inParent.y;
- mpCurPane = NULL;
- else
- mpCurPane = event.mpPane;
+ mpSrcPane = event.mpPane;
- mPrevHintRect.x = POS_UNDEFINED;
+ if ( mpDraggedBar->mState == wxCBAR_FLOATING )
- mCanStick = FALSE; // we're not stuck into any pane now -
- // there's nowhere to "stick-twice"
+ mpCurPane = NULL;
+ else
+ mpCurPane = event.mpPane;
- mBarWidthInSrcPane = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[ mpDraggedBar->mState ].x;
+ mPrevHintRect.x = POS_UNDEFINED;
- if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == FALSE &&
- mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn )
- mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnStartChanges(); // capture initial state of layout
- // simulate the first mouse movement
+ mCanStick = false; // we're not stuck into any pane now -
+ // there's nowhere to "stick-twice"
- int x = event.mPos.x, y = event.mPos.y;
+ mBarWidthInSrcPane = mpDraggedBar->mDimInfo.mSizes[ mpDraggedBar->mState ].x;
- mpSrcPane->FrameToPane( &x, &y );
+ if ( mpSrcPane->mProps.mRealTimeUpdatesOn == false &&
+ mpSrcPane->mProps.mExactDockPredictionOn )
+ mpLayout->GetUpdatesManager().OnStartChanges(); // capture initial state of layout
- cbMotionEvent motionEvt( wxPoint(x,y), event.mpPane );
+ // simulate the first mouse movement
+ int x = event.mPos.x, y = event.mPos.y;
+ mpSrcPane->FrameToPane( &x, &y );
- this->OnMouseMove( motionEvt );
+ wxPoint pt(x,y);
+ cbMotionEvent motionEvt( pt, event.mpPane );
+ this->OnMouseMove( motionEvt );
- return; // event is "eaten" by this plugin
+ return; // event is "eaten" by this plugin
/*** on-screen hint-tracking related methods ***/
void cbBarDragPlugin::OnDrawHintRect( cbDrawHintRectEvent& event )
- if ( !mpScrDc ) StartTracking();
- DoDrawHintRect( event.mRect, event.mIsInClient );
+ if ( !mpScrDc ) StartTracking();
- if ( event.mLastTime )
+ DoDrawHintRect( event.mRect, event.mIsInClient );
- FinishTracking();
+ if ( event.mLastTime )
+ FinishTracking();
#define _IMG_A 0xAA // Note: modified from _A to _IMG_A, _A was already defined (cygwin)
// FOR NOW:: static
static const unsigned char _gCheckerImg[16] = { _IMG_A,_IMG_B,_IMG_C,_IMG_D,
- };
+ };
void cbBarDragPlugin::StartTracking()
- mpScrDc = new wxScreenDC;
+ mpScrDc = new wxScreenDC;
- wxScreenDC::StartDrawingOnTop(&mpLayout->GetParentFrame());
+ wxScreenDC::StartDrawingOnTop(&mpLayout->GetParentFrame());
void cbBarDragPlugin::DoDrawHintRect( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect)
- wxRect scrRect;
+ wxRect scrRect;
- RectToScr( rect, scrRect );
+ RectToScr( rect, scrRect );
- int prevLF = mpScrDc->GetLogicalFunction();
+ int prevLF = mpScrDc->GetLogicalFunction();
- mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( wxINVERT );
+ mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( wxINVERT );
- if ( isInClientRect )
- {
- // BUG BUG BUG (wx):: somehow stippled brush works only
- // when the bitmap created on stack, not
- // as a member of the class
+ if ( isInClientRect )
+ {
+ // BUG BUG BUG (wx):: somehow stippled brush works only
+ // when the bitmap created on stack, not
+ // as a member of the class
- wxBitmap checker( (const char*)_gCheckerImg, 8,8 );
+ wxBitmap checker( (const char*)_gCheckerImg, 8,8 );
- wxBrush checkerBrush( checker );
+ wxBrush checkerBrush( checker );
- mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mNullPen );
- mpScrDc->SetBrush( checkerBrush );
+ mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mNullPen );
+ mpScrDc->SetBrush( checkerBrush );
- int half = mInClientHintBorder / 2;
+ int half = mInClientHintBorder / 2;
- mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y - half,
- scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );
+ mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y - half,
+ scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );
- mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + scrRect.height - half,
- scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );
+ mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + scrRect.height - half,
+ scrRect.width + 2*half, mInClientHintBorder );
- mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + half - 1,
- mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);
+ mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x - half, scrRect.y + half - 1,
+ mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);
- mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x + scrRect.width - half,
- scrRect.y + half - 1,
- mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);
+ mpScrDc->DrawRectangle( scrRect.x + scrRect.width - half,
+ scrRect.y + half - 1,
+ mInClientHintBorder, scrRect.height - 2*half + 2);
- mpScrDc->SetBrush( wxNullBrush );
- }
- else
- {
- mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mBlackPen );
+ mpScrDc->SetBrush( wxNullBrush );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mpScrDc->SetPen( mpLayout->mBlackPen );
- mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y,
- scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y );
+ mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y,
+ scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y );
- mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y + 1,
- scrRect.x, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );
+ mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x, scrRect.y + 1,
+ scrRect.x, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );
- mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x+1, scrRect.y + scrRect.height,
- scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );
+ mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x+1, scrRect.y + scrRect.height,
+ scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height );
- mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x + scrRect.width , scrRect.y,
- scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height + 1);
- }
+ mpScrDc->DrawLine( scrRect.x + scrRect.width , scrRect.y,
+ scrRect.x + scrRect.width, scrRect.y + scrRect.height + 1);
+ }
- mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( prevLF );
+ mpScrDc->SetLogicalFunction( prevLF );
void cbBarDragPlugin::DrawHintRect ( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect)
- DoDrawHintRect( rect, isInClientRect );
+ DoDrawHintRect( rect, isInClientRect );
void cbBarDragPlugin::EraseHintRect( wxRect& rect, bool isInClientRect)
- DoDrawHintRect( rect, isInClientRect );
+ DoDrawHintRect( rect, isInClientRect );
void cbBarDragPlugin::FinishTracking()
- wxScreenDC::EndDrawingOnTop();
+ wxScreenDC::EndDrawingOnTop();
- delete mpScrDc;
+ delete mpScrDc;
- mpScrDc = NULL;
+ mpScrDc = NULL;
void cbBarDragPlugin::RectToScr( wxRect& frameRect, wxRect& scrRect )
- scrRect = frameRect;
+ scrRect = frameRect;
- int x = frameRect.x, y = frameRect.y;
+ int x = frameRect.x, y = frameRect.y;
- mpLayout->GetParentFrame().ClientToScreen( &x, &y );
+ mpLayout->GetParentFrame().ClientToScreen( &x, &y );
- scrRect.x = x;
- scrRect.y = y;
+ scrRect.x = x;
+ scrRect.y = y;