@page overview_xrcformat XRC File Format
-Table of contents:
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_overview
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_root
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_objects
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_object
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_object_ref
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_datatypes
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_windows
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_std_props
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_controls
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_sizers
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_other_objects
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_platform
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_idranges
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_extending
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_subclass
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_unknown
- - @ref overview_xrcformat_extending_custom
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_packed
-- @ref overview_xrcformat_oldversions
-This document describes the format of XRC resource files, as used by wxXmlResource.
-@section overview_xrcformat_overview Overview
+This document describes the format of XRC resource files, as used by
XRC file is a XML file with all of its elements in the
@c http://www.wxwidgets.org/wxxrc namespace. For backward compatibility,
be accessed using XRCCTRL().
@section overview_xrcformat_root Resource Root Element
The root element is always @c \<resource\>. It has one optional attribute, @c
XRC uses similar, but more flexible, abstract description of fonts to that
used by wxFont class. A font can be described either in terms of its elementary
-properties, or it can be derived from one of system fonts.
+properties, or it can be derived from one of system fonts or the parent window
The font property element is "composite" element: unlike majority of
properties, it doesn't have text value but contains several child elements
@hdr3col{property, type, description}
@row3col{size, unsigned integer,
Pixel size of the font (default: wxNORMAL_FONT's size or @c sysfont's
- size if the @c sysfont property is used.}
+ size if the @c sysfont property is used or the current size of the font
+ of the enclosing control if the @c inherit property is used.}
@row3col{style, enum,
One of "normal", "italic" or "slant" (default: normal).}
@row3col{weight, enum,
(default: unspecified).}
@row3col{sysfont, ,
Symbolic name of system standard font(one of wxSYS_*_FONT constants).}
+@row3col{inherit, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ If true, the font of the enclosing control is used. If this property and the
+ @c sysfont property are specified the @c sysfont property takes precedence.}
@row3col{relativesize, float,
- Float, font size relative to chosen system font's size; can only be
- used when 'sysfont' is used and when 'size' is not used.}
+ Float, font size relative to chosen system font's or inherited font's size;
+ can only be used when 'sysfont' or 'inherit' is used and when 'size' is not
+ used.}
All of them are optional, if they are missing, appropriate wxFont default is
-used. If the @c sysfont property is used, then the defaults are taken from it
+used. If the @c sysfont or @c inherit property is used, then the defaults are
+taken from it instead.
+@note You cannot use @c inherit for a font that gets used before the enclosing
+ control is created, e.g. if the control gets the font passed as parameter
+ for its constructor, or if the control is not derived from wxWindow.
@section overview_xrcformat_windows Controls and Windows
+@subsubsection xrc_wxauinotebook wxAuiNotebook
+A wxAuiNotebook can have one or more child objects of the @c notebookpage
+@c notebookpage objects have the following properties:
+@hdr3col{property, type, description}
+@row3col{label, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_text,
+ Page label (required).}
+@row3col{bitmap, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bitmap,
+ Bitmap shown alongside the label (default: none).}
+@row3col{selected, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_bool,
+ Is the page selected initially (only one page can be selected; default: 0)?}
+Each @c notebookpage must have exactly one non-toplevel window as its child.
+<object class="wxAuiNotebook">
+ <style>wxBK_BOTTOM</style>
+ <object class="notebookpage">
+ <label>Page 1</label>
+ <bitmap>bitmap.png</bitmap>
+ <object class="wxPanel" name="page_1">
+ ...
+ </object>
+ </object>
+Notice that wxAuiNotebook support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
+later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
+ #include <wx/xrc/xh_auinotbk.h>
+ AddHandler(new wxAuiNotebookXmlHandler);
+to use it.
@subsubsection xrc_wxbannerwindow wxBannerWindow
+@subsubsection xrc_wxribbon wxRibbon
+A wxRibbonBar is a container of ribbon pages which, in turn, contain elements
+that can be wxRibbonControl or wxRibbonGallery.
+<object class="wxRibbonBar" name="ribbonbar">
+ <object class="page" name="FilePage">
+ <label>First</label>
+ <object class="panel">
+ <label>File</label>
+ <object class="wxRibbonButtonBar">
+ <object class="button" name="Open">
+ <bitmap>open.xpm</bitmap>
+ <label>Open</label>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="page" name="ViewPage">
+ <label>View</label>
+ <object class="panel">
+ <label>Zoom</label>
+ <object class="wxRibbonGallery">
+ <object class="item">
+ <bitmap>zoomin.xpm</bitmap>
+ </object>
+ <object class="item">
+ <bitmap>zoomout.xpm</bitmap>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+Notice that wxRibbon support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
+later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
+ #include <wx/xrc/xh_ribbon.h>
+ AddHandler(new wxRibbonXmlHandler);
+to use it.
@subsubsection xrc_wxrichtextctrl wxRichTextCtrl
Maximum length of the text entered (default: unlimited).}
+Notice that wxRichTextCtrl support in XRC is available in wxWidgets 2.9.5 and
+later only and you need to explicitly register its handler using
+ #include <wx/xrc/xh_richtext.h>
+ AddHandler(new wxRichTextCtrl);
+to use it.
@subsubsection xrc_wxscrollbar wxScrollBar
@row3col{max, integer,
Maximum allowed value (default: 100).}
@row3col{pagesize, integer,
- Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
+ Page size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves
pages up or down (default: unset).}
@row3col{linesize, integer,
Line size; number of steps the slider moves when the user moves it
@subsubsection xrc_wxspinctrl wxSpinCtrl
-wxSpinCtrl supports the properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton.
+wxSpinCtrl supports the same properties as @ref xrc_wxspinbutton and, since
+wxWidgets 2.9.5, another one:
+@row3col{base, integer,
+ Numeric base, currently can be only 10 or 16 (default: 10).}
@subsubsection xrc_wxsplitterwindow wxSplitterWindow
by wxStatusBar::SetStatusWidths().}
@row3col{styles, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_string,
Comma-separated list of @em fields flags. Each value specifies status bar
- fieldd style and can be one of @c wxSB_NORMAL, @c wxSB_FLAT or
- @c wxSB_RAISED. See wxStatusBar::SetStatusStyles() for their description.}
+ fieldd style and can be one of @c wxSB_NORMAL, @c wxSB_FLAT,
+ @c wxSB_RAISED or, since wxWidgets 2.9.5, @c wxSB_SUNKEN. See
+ wxStatusBar::SetStatusStyles() for their description.}
- <growablecols>0</growablecols>
- <growablerows>0</growablerows>
+ <growablecols>0:1</growablecols>
+ <growablerows>0:1</growablerows>
<object class="sizeritem">
@row3col{cols, integer, Number of columns in the grid (default: 0 - determine automatically).}
@row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
@row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL or @c wxBOTH (default).
+ This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
+@row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
+ This property is only available since wxWidgets 2.9.5.}
@row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
- Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable
- (default: none).}
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable (none by default).
+ Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
+ after a colon (@c :).}
@row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
- Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable
- (default: none).}
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable (none by default).
+ Since wxWidgets 2.9.5 optional proportion can be appended to each number
+ after a colon (@c :).}
@subsection overview_xrcformat_wxgridbagsizer wxGridBagSizer
@hdr3col{property, type, description}
@row3col{vgap, integer, Vertical gap between children (default: 0).}
@row3col{hgap, integer, Horizontal gap between children (default: 0).}
+@row3col{flexibledirection, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Flexible direction, @c wxVERTICAL, @c wxHORIZONTAL, @c wxBOTH (default: @c wxBOTH).}
+@row3col{nonflexiblegrowmode, @ref overview_xrcformat_type_style,
+ Grow mode in the non-flexible direction,
+ (default: @c wxFLEX_GROWMODE_SPECIFIED).}
@row3col{growablerows, comma-separated integers list,
- Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of rows that are growable,
+ optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
+ separated by a @c :
(default: none).}
@row3col{growablecols, comma-separated integers list,
- Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable
+ Comma-separated list of indexes of columns that are growable,
+ optionally the proportion can be appended after each number
+ separated by a @c :
(default: none).}