+// Set a new PS, this means we have to recreate the old region in the new
+// PS
+void wxRegion::SetPS(
+ RGNRECT vRgnData;
+ PRECTL pRect = NULL;
+ if (::GpiQueryRegionRects( ((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hPS
+ ,((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hRegion
+ ,&vRgnData
+ ))
+ {
+ pRect = new RECTL[vRgnData.crcReturned];
+ vRgnData.crc = vRgnData.crcReturned;
+ vRgnData.ircStart = 1;
+ if (::GpiQueryRegionRects( ((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hPS
+ ,((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hRegion
+ ,&vRgnData
+ ,pRect
+ ))
+ {
+ //
+ // First destroy the region out of the old PS
+ // and then create it in the new and set the new to current
+ //
+ ::GpiDestroyRegion( ((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hPS
+ );
+ ((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hRegion = ::GpiCreateRegion( hPS
+ ,vRgnData.crcReturned
+ ,pRect
+ );
+ ((wxRegionRefData*)m_refData)->m_hPS = hPS;
+ }
+ delete [] pRect;
+ }
+} // end of wxRegion::SetPS