wxCondError Wait();
+ /**
+ Waits until the condition is signalled and the associated condition true.
+ This is a convenience overload that may be used to ignore spurious
+ awakenings while waiting for a specific condition to become true.
+ Equivalent to
+ @code
+ while ( !predicate() )
+ {
+ wxCondError e = Wait();
+ if ( e != wxCOND_NO_ERROR )
+ return e;
+ }
+ return wxCOND_NO_ERROR;
+ @endcode
+ The predicate would typically be a C++11 lambda:
+ @code
+ condvar.Wait([]{return value == 1;});
+ @endcode
+ @since 3.0
+ */
+ template<typename Functor>
+ wxCondError Wait(const Functor& predicate);
Waits until the condition is signalled or the timeout has elapsed.