+<DD>This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
+values at the same time. The function only applies the maximum bound
+if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
+only if both operations succeed. <B><I>Note: leaving out an argument
+will remove the corresponding bound, and result in the behavior of
+an unbounded control.</I></B>
+<DT><B>GetBounds(as_string = False)</B>
+<DD>This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
+current bounds of the control. Each value can be None if
+that bound is not set. The values will otherwise be wxDateTimes
+unless the as_string argument is set to True, at which point they
+will be returned as string representations of the bounds.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if no value is specified and the current value
+of the control falls within the current bounds. This function can also
+be called with a value to see if that value would fall within the current
+bounds of the given control. It will raise ValueError if the value
+specified is not a wxDateTime, mxDateTime (if available) or parsable string.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I>if specified value is a legal time value and
+falls within the current bounds of the given control.
+<DD>If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
+to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
+(Provided both bounds have been set.)
+If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
+be set to the nearest bound.
+If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
+limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
+place if bounds have been set for the control.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently limiting the
+value to fall within the current bounds.
+import copy
+import string
+import types
+import wx
+from wx.tools.dbg import Logger
+from wx.lib.maskededit import MaskedTextCtrl, Field
+dbg = Logger()
+ from mx import DateTime
+ accept_mx = True
+except ImportError:
+ accept_mx = False
+# This class of event fires whenever the value of the time changes in the control:
+wxEVT_TIMEVAL_UPDATED = wx.NewEventType()
+class TimeUpdatedEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
+ def __init__(self, id, value ='12:00:00 AM'):
+ wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, wxEVT_TIMEVAL_UPDATED, id)
+ self.value = value
+ def GetValue(self):
+ """Retrieve the value of the time control at the time this event was generated"""
+ return self.value
+class TimeCtrl(MaskedTextCtrl):
+ valid_ctrl_params = {
+ 'display_seconds' : True, # by default, shows seconds
+ 'min': None, # by default, no bounds set
+ 'max': None,
+ 'limited': False, # by default, no limiting even if bounds set
+ 'useFixedWidthFont': True, # by default, use a fixed-width font
+ 'oob_color': "Yellow" # by default, the default MaskedTextCtrl "invalid" color
+ }
+ def __init__ (
+ self, parent, id=-1, value = '12:00:00 AM',
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
+ fmt24hr=False,
+ spinButton = None,
+ style = wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB,
+ validator = wx.DefaultValidator,
+ name = "time",
+ **kwargs ):
+ # set defaults for control:
+ dbg('setting defaults:')
+ for key, param_value in TimeCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.items():
+ # This is done this way to make setattr behave consistently with
+ # "private attribute" name mangling
+ setattr(self, "_TimeCtrl__" + key, copy.copy(param_value))
+ # create locals from current defaults, so we can override if
+ # specified in kwargs, and handle uniformly:
+ min = self.__min
+ max = self.__max
+ limited = self.__limited
+ self.__posCurrent = 0
+ # (handle positional args (from original release) differently from rest of kwargs:)
+ self.__fmt24hr = fmt24hr
+ maskededit_kwargs = {}
+ # assign keyword args as appropriate:
+ for key, param_value in kwargs.items():
+ if key not in TimeCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
+ raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
+ if key == "display_seconds":
+ self.__display_seconds = param_value
+ elif key == "min": min = param_value
+ elif key == "max": max = param_value
+ elif key == "limited": limited = param_value
+ elif key == "useFixedWidthFont":
+ maskededit_kwargs[key] = param_value
+ elif key == "oob_color":
+ maskededit_kwargs['invalidBackgroundColor'] = param_value
+ if self.__fmt24hr:
+ if self.__display_seconds: maskededit_kwargs['autoformat'] = 'MILTIMEHHMMSS'
+ else: maskededit_kwargs['autoformat'] = 'MILTIMEHHMM'
+ # Set hour field to zero-pad, right-insert, require explicit field change,
+ # select entire field on entry, and require a resultant valid entry
+ # to allow character entry:
+ hourfield = Field(formatcodes='0r<SV', validRegex='0\d|1\d|2[0123]', validRequired=True)
+ else:
+ if self.__display_seconds: maskededit_kwargs['autoformat'] = 'TIMEHHMMSS'
+ else: maskededit_kwargs['autoformat'] = 'TIMEHHMM'
+ # Set hour field to allow spaces (at start), right-insert,
+ # require explicit field change, select entire field on entry,
+ # and require a resultant valid entry to allow character entry:
+ hourfield = Field(formatcodes='_0<rSV', validRegex='0[1-9]| [1-9]|1[012]', validRequired=True)
+ ampmfield = Field(formatcodes='S', emptyInvalid = True, validRequired = True)
+ # Field 1 is always a zero-padded right-insert minute field,
+ # similarly configured as above:
+ minutefield = Field(formatcodes='0r<SV', validRegex='[0-5]\d', validRequired=True)
+ fields = [ hourfield, minutefield ]
+ if self.__display_seconds:
+ fields.append(copy.copy(minutefield)) # second field has same constraints as field 1
+ if not self.__fmt24hr:
+ fields.append(ampmfield)
+ # set fields argument:
+ maskededit_kwargs['fields'] = fields
+ # This allows range validation if set
+ maskededit_kwargs['validFunc'] = self.IsInBounds
+ # This allows range limits to affect insertion into control or not
+ # dynamically without affecting individual field constraint validation
+ maskededit_kwargs['retainFieldValidation'] = True
+ # allow control over font selection:
+ maskededit_kwargs['useFixedWidthFont'] = self.__useFixedWidthFont
+ # allow for explicit size specification:
+ if size != wx.DefaultSize:
+ # override (and remove) "autofit" autoformat code in standard time formats:
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = 'T!'
+ # Now we can initialize the base control:
+ MaskedTextCtrl.__init__(
+ self, parent, id=id,
+ pos=pos, size=size,
+ style = style,
+ validator = validator,
+ name = name,
+ setupEventHandling = False,
+ **maskededit_kwargs)
+ # This makes ':' act like tab (after we fix each ':' key event to remove "shift")
+ self._SetKeyHandler(':', self._OnChangeField)
+ # This makes the up/down keys act like spin button controls:
+ self._SetKeycodeHandler(wx.WXK_UP, self.__OnSpinUp)
+ self._SetKeycodeHandler(wx.WXK_DOWN, self.__OnSpinDown)
+ # This allows ! and c/C to set the control to the current time:
+ self._SetKeyHandler('!', self.__OnSetToNow)
+ self._SetKeyHandler('c', self.__OnSetToNow)
+ self._SetKeyHandler('C', self.__OnSetToNow)
+ # Set up event handling ourselves, so we can insert special
+ # processing on the ":' key to remove the "shift" attribute
+ # *before* the default handlers have been installed, so
+ # that : takes you forward, not back, and so we can issue
+ # EVT_TIMEUPDATE events on changes:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self._OnFocus ) ## defeat automatic full selection
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._OnKillFocus ) ## run internal validator
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.__LimitSelection) ## limit selections to single field
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._OnDoubleClick ) ## select field under cursor on dclick
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._OnKeyDown ) ## capture control events not normally seen, eg ctrl-tab.
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.__OnChar ) ## remove "shift" attribute from colon key event,
+ ## then call MaskedTextCtrl._OnChar with
+ ## the possibly modified event.
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.__OnTextChange, self ) ## color control appropriately and EVT_TIMEUPDATE events
+ # Validate initial value and set if appropriate
+ try:
+ self.SetBounds(min, max)
+ self.SetLimited(limited)
+ self.SetValue(value)
+ except:
+ self.SetValue('12:00:00 AM')
+ if spinButton:
+ self.BindSpinButton(spinButton) # bind spin button up/down events to this control
+ def BindSpinButton(self, sb):
+ """
+ This function binds an externally created spin button to the control, so that
+ up/down events from the button automatically change the control.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::BindSpinButton')
+ self.__spinButton = sb
+ if self.__spinButton:
+ # bind event handlers to spin ctrl
+ self.__spinButton.Bind(wx.EVT_SPIN_UP, self.__OnSpinUp, self.__spinButton)
+ self.__spinButton.Bind(wx.EVT_SPIN_DOWN, self.__OnSpinDown, self.__spinButton)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<TimeCtrl: %s>" % self.GetValue()
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ """
+ Validating SetValue function for time values:
+ This function will do dynamic type checking on the value argument,
+ and convert wxDateTime, mxDateTime, or 12/24 format time string
+ into the appropriate format string for the control.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetValue(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ try:
+ strtime = self._toGUI(self.__validateValue(value))
+ except:
+ dbg('validation failed', indent=0)
+ raise
+ dbg('strtime:', strtime)
+ self._SetValue(strtime)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def GetValue(self,
+ as_wxDateTime = False,
+ as_mxDateTime = False,
+ as_wxTimeSpan = False,
+ as_mxDateTimeDelta = False):
+ if as_wxDateTime or as_mxDateTime or as_wxTimeSpan or as_mxDateTimeDelta:
+ value = self.GetWxDateTime()
+ if as_wxDateTime:
+ pass
+ elif as_mxDateTime:
+ value = DateTime.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, value.GetHour(), value.GetMinute(), value.GetSecond())
+ elif as_wxTimeSpan:
+ value = wx.TimeSpan(value.GetHour(), value.GetMinute(), value.GetSecond())
+ elif as_mxDateTimeDelta:
+ value = DateTime.DateTimeDelta(0, value.GetHour(), value.GetMinute(), value.GetSecond())
+ else:
+ value = MaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self)
+ return value
+ def SetWxDateTime(self, wxdt):
+ """
+ Because SetValue can take a wxDateTime, this is now just an alias.
+ """
+ self.SetValue(wxdt)
+ def GetWxDateTime(self, value=None):
+ """
+ This function is the conversion engine for TimeCtrl; it takes
+ one of the following types:
+ time string
+ wxDateTime
+ wxTimeSpan
+ mxDateTime
+ mxDateTimeDelta
+ and converts it to a wxDateTime that always has Jan 1, 1970 as its date
+ portion, so that range comparisons around values can work using
+ wxDateTime's built-in comparison function. If a value is not
+ provided to convert, the string value of the control will be used.
+ If the value is not one of the accepted types, a ValueError will be
+ raised.
+ """
+ global accept_mx
+ dbg(suspend=1)
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::GetWxDateTime(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ if value is None:
+ dbg('getting control value')
+ value = self.GetValue()
+ dbg('value = "%s"' % value)
+ if type(value) == types.UnicodeType:
+ value = str(value) # convert to regular string
+ valid = True # assume true
+ if type(value) == types.StringType:
+ # Construct constant wxDateTime, then try to parse the string:
+ wxdt = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
+ dbg('attempting conversion')
+ value = value.strip() # (parser doesn't like leading spaces)
+ checkTime = wxdt.ParseTime(value)
+ valid = checkTime == len(value) # entire string parsed?
+ dbg('checkTime == len(value)?', valid)
+ if not valid:
+ dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
+ raise ValueError('cannot convert string "%s" to valid time' % value)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(value, wx.DateTime):
+ hour, minute, second = value.GetHour(), value.GetMinute(), value.GetSecond()
+ elif isinstance(value, wx.TimeSpan):
+ totalseconds = value.GetSeconds()
+ hour = totalseconds / 3600
+ minute = totalseconds / 60 - (hour * 60)
+ second = totalseconds - ((hour * 3600) + (minute * 60))
+ elif accept_mx and isinstance(value, DateTime.DateTimeType):
+ hour, minute, second = value.hour, value.minute, value.second
+ elif accept_mx and isinstance(value, DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType):
+ hour, minute, second = value.hour, value.minute, value.second
+ else:
+ # Not a valid function argument
+ if accept_mx:
+ error = 'GetWxDateTime requires wxDateTime, mxDateTime or parsable time string, passed %s'% repr(value)
+ else:
+ error = 'GetWxDateTime requires wxDateTime or parsable time string, passed %s'% repr(value)
+ dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
+ raise ValueError(error)
+ wxdt = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
+ wxdt.SetHour(hour)
+ wxdt.SetMinute(minute)
+ wxdt.SetSecond(second)
+ dbg('wxdt:', wxdt, indent=0, suspend=0)
+ return wxdt
+ def SetMxDateTime(self, mxdt):
+ """
+ Because SetValue can take an mxDateTime, (if DateTime is importable),
+ this is now just an alias.
+ """
+ self.SetValue(value)
+ def GetMxDateTime(self, value=None):
+ if value is None:
+ t = self.GetValue(as_mxDateTime=True)
+ else:
+ # Convert string 1st to wxDateTime, then use components, since
+ # mx' DateTime.Parser.TimeFromString() doesn't handle AM/PM:
+ wxdt = self.GetWxDateTime(value)
+ hour, minute, second = wxdt.GetHour(), wxdt.GetMinute(), wxdt.GetSecond()
+ t = DateTime.DateTime(1970,1,1) + DateTimeDelta(0, hour, minute, second)
+ return t
+ def SetMin(self, min=None):
+ """
+ Sets the minimum value of the control. If a value of None
+ is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
+ If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
+ then the function returns 0 and the minimum will not change from
+ its current setting. On success, the function returns 1.
+ If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
+ bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
+ adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
+ control will be colored as invalid.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetMin(%s)'% repr(min), indent=1)
+ if min is not None:
+ try:
+ min = self.GetWxDateTime(min)
+ self.__min = self._toGUI(min)
+ except:
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ return False
+ else:
+ self.__min = min
+ if self.IsLimited() and not self.IsInBounds():
+ self.SetLimited(self.__limited) # force limited value:
+ else:
+ self._CheckValid()
+ ret = True
+ dbg('ret:', ret, indent=0)
+ return ret
+ def GetMin(self, as_string = False):
+ """
+ Gets the minimum value of the control.
+ If None, it will return None. Otherwise it will return
+ the current minimum bound on the control, as a wxDateTime
+ by default, or as a string if as_string argument is True.
+ """
+ dbg(suspend=1)
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::GetMin, as_string?', as_string, indent=1)
+ if self.__min is None:
+ dbg('(min == None)')
+ ret = self.__min
+ elif as_string:
+ ret = self.__min
+ dbg('ret:', ret)
+ else:
+ try:
+ ret = self.GetWxDateTime(self.__min)
+ except:
+ dbg(suspend=0)
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ dbg('ret:', repr(ret))
+ dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
+ return ret
+ def SetMax(self, max=None):
+ """
+ Sets the maximum value of the control. If a value of None
+ is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
+ If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
+ the function returns False and the maximum will not change from its
+ current setting. On success, the function returns True.
+ If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
+ bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
+ adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
+ control will be colored as invalid.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetMax(%s)' % repr(max), indent=1)
+ if max is not None:
+ try:
+ max = self.GetWxDateTime(max)
+ self.__max = self._toGUI(max)
+ except:
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ return False
+ else:
+ self.__max = max
+ dbg('max:', repr(self.__max))
+ if self.IsLimited() and not self.IsInBounds():
+ self.SetLimited(self.__limited) # force limited value:
+ else:
+ self._CheckValid()
+ ret = True
+ dbg('ret:', ret, indent=0)
+ return ret
+ def GetMax(self, as_string = False):
+ """
+ Gets the minimum value of the control.
+ If None, it will return None. Otherwise it will return
+ the current minimum bound on the control, as a wxDateTime
+ by default, or as a string if as_string argument is True.
+ """
+ dbg(suspend=1)
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::GetMin, as_string?', as_string, indent=1)
+ if self.__max is None:
+ dbg('(max == None)')
+ ret = self.__max
+ elif as_string:
+ ret = self.__max
+ dbg('ret:', ret)
+ else:
+ try:
+ ret = self.GetWxDateTime(self.__max)
+ except:
+ dbg(suspend=0)
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ raise
+ dbg('ret:', repr(ret))
+ dbg(indent=0, suspend=0)
+ return ret
+ def SetBounds(self, min=None, max=None):
+ """
+ This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
+ values at the same time. The function only applies the maximum bound
+ if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
+ only if both operations succeed.
+ NOTE: leaving out an argument will remove the corresponding bound.
+ """
+ ret = self.SetMin(min)
+ return ret and self.SetMax(max)
+ def GetBounds(self, as_string = False):
+ """
+ This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
+ current bounds of the control. Each value can be None if
+ that bound is not set.
+ """
+ return (self.GetMin(as_string), self.GetMax(as_string))
+ def SetLimited(self, limited):
+ """
+ If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
+ to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
+ If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
+ be limited accordingly.
+ If called with a value of 0, this function will disable value
+ limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
+ place if bounds have been set for the control.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetLimited(%d)' % limited, indent=1)
+ self.__limited = limited
+ if not limited:
+ self.SetMaskParameters(validRequired = False)
+ self._CheckValid()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ dbg('requiring valid value')
+ self.SetMaskParameters(validRequired = True)
+ min = self.GetMin()
+ max = self.GetMax()
+ if min is None or max is None:
+ dbg('both bounds not set; no further action taken')
+ return # can't limit without 2 bounds
+ elif not self.IsInBounds():
+ # set value to the nearest bound:
+ try:
+ value = self.GetWxDateTime()
+ except:
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ raise
+ if min <= max: # valid range doesn't span midnight
+ dbg('min <= max')
+ # which makes the "nearest bound" computation trickier...
+ # determine how long the "invalid" pie wedge is, and cut
+ # this interval in half for comparison purposes:
+ # Note: relies on min and max and value date portions
+ # always being the same.
+ interval = (min + wx.TimeSpan(24, 0, 0, 0)) - max
+ half_interval = wx.TimeSpan(
+ 0, # hours
+ 0, # minutes
+ interval.GetSeconds() / 2, # seconds
+ 0) # msec
+ if value < min: # min is on next day, so use value on
+ # "next day" for "nearest" interval calculation:
+ cmp_value = value + wx.TimeSpan(24, 0, 0, 0)
+ else: # "before midnight; ok
+ cmp_value = value
+ if (cmp_value - max) > half_interval:
+ dbg('forcing value to min (%s)' % min.FormatTime())
+ self.SetValue(min)
+ else:
+ dbg('forcing value to max (%s)' % max.FormatTime())
+ self.SetValue(max)
+ else:
+ dbg('max < min')
+ # therefore max < value < min guaranteed to be true,
+ # so "nearest bound" calculation is much easier:
+ if (value - max) >= (min - value):
+ # current value closer to min; pick that edge of pie wedge
+ dbg('forcing value to min (%s)' % min.FormatTime())
+ self.SetValue(min)
+ else:
+ dbg('forcing value to max (%s)' % max.FormatTime())
+ self.SetValue(max)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def IsLimited(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
+ value to fall within any current bounds. Note: can
+ be set even if there are no current bounds.
+ """
+ return self.__limited
+ def IsInBounds(self, value=None):
+ """
+ Returns True if no value is specified and the current value
+ of the control falls within the current bounds. As the clock
+ is a "circle", both minimum and maximum bounds must be set for
+ a value to ever be considered "out of bounds". This function can
+ also be called with a value to see if that value would fall within
+ the current bounds of the given control.
+ """
+ if value is not None:
+ try:
+ value = self.GetWxDateTime(value) # try to regularize passed value
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg('ValueError getting wxDateTime for %s' % repr(value), indent=0)
+ raise
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::IsInBounds(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ if self.__min is None or self.__max is None:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return True
+ elif value is None:
+ try:
+ value = self.GetWxDateTime()
+ except:
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ dbg('value:', value.FormatTime())
+ # Get wxDateTime representations of bounds:
+ min = self.GetMin()
+ max = self.GetMax()
+ midnight = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
+ if min <= max: # they don't span midnight
+ ret = min <= value <= max
+ else:
+ # have to break into 2 tests; to be in bounds
+ # either "min" <= value (<= midnight of *next day*)
+ # or midnight <= value <= "max"
+ ret = min <= value or (midnight <= value <= max)
+ dbg('in bounds?', ret, indent=0)
+ return ret
+ def IsValid( self, value ):
+ """
+ Can be used to determine if a given value would be a legal and
+ in-bounds value for the control.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.__validateValue(value)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+# these are private functions and overrides:
+ def __OnTextChange(self, event=None):
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::OnTextChange', indent=1)
+ # Allow wxMaskedtext base control to color as appropriate,
+ # and Skip the EVT_TEXT event (if appropriate.)
+ ##! WS: For some inexplicable reason, every wxTextCtrl.SetValue()
+ ## call is generating two (2) EVT_TEXT events. (!)
+ ## The the only mechanism I can find to mask this problem is to
+ ## keep track of last value seen, and declare a valid EVT_TEXT
+ ## event iff the value has actually changed. The masked edit
+ ## OnTextChange routine does this, and returns True on a valid event,
+ ## False otherwise.
+ if not MaskedTextCtrl._OnTextChange(self, event):
+ return
+ dbg('firing TimeUpdatedEvent...')
+ evt = TimeUpdatedEvent(self.GetId(), self.GetValue())
+ evt.SetEventObject(self)
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def SetInsertionPoint(self, pos):
+ """
+ Records the specified position and associated cell before calling base class' function.
+ This is necessary to handle the optional spin button, because the insertion
+ point is lost when the focus shifts to the spin button.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetInsertionPoint', pos, indent=1)
+ MaskedTextCtrl.SetInsertionPoint(self, pos) # (causes EVT_TEXT event to fire)
+ self.__posCurrent = self.GetInsertionPoint()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def SetSelection(self, sel_start, sel_to):
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::SetSelection', sel_start, sel_to, indent=1)
+ # Adjust selection range to legal extent if not already
+ if sel_start < 0:
+ sel_start = 0
+ if self.__posCurrent != sel_start: # force selection and insertion point to match
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(sel_start)
+ cell_start, cell_end = self._FindField(sel_start)._extent
+ if not cell_start <= sel_to <= cell_end:
+ sel_to = cell_end
+ self.__bSelection = sel_start != sel_to
+ MaskedTextCtrl.SetSelection(self, sel_start, sel_to)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def __OnSpin(self, key):
+ """
+ This is the function that gets called in response to up/down arrow or
+ bound spin button events.
+ """
+ self.__IncrementValue(key, self.__posCurrent) # changes the value
+ # Ensure adjusted control regains focus and has adjusted portion
+ # selected:
+ self.SetFocus()
+ start, end = self._FindField(self.__posCurrent)._extent
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(start)
+ self.SetSelection(start, end)
+ dbg('current position:', self.__posCurrent)
+ def __OnSpinUp(self, event):
+ """
+ Event handler for any bound spin button on EVT_SPIN_UP;
+ causes control to behave as if up arrow was pressed.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::OnSpinUp', indent=1)
+ self.__OnSpin(WXK_UP)
+ keep_processing = False
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return keep_processing
+ def __OnSpinDown(self, event):
+ """
+ Event handler for any bound spin button on EVT_SPIN_DOWN;
+ causes control to behave as if down arrow was pressed.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::OnSpinDown', indent=1)
+ self.__OnSpin(WXK_DOWN)
+ keep_processing = False
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return keep_processing
+ def __OnChar(self, event):
+ """
+ Handler to explicitly look for ':' keyevents, and if found,
+ clear the m_shiftDown field, so it will behave as forward tab.
+ It then calls the base control's _OnChar routine with the modified
+ event instance.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::OnChar', indent=1)
+ keycode = event.GetKeyCode()
+ dbg('keycode:', keycode)
+ if keycode == ord(':'):
+ dbg('colon seen! removing shift attribute')
+ event.m_shiftDown = False
+ MaskedTextCtrl._OnChar(self, event ) ## handle each keypress
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def __OnSetToNow(self, event):
+ """
+ This is the key handler for '!' and 'c'; this allows the user to
+ quickly set the value of the control to the current time.
+ """
+ self.SetValue(wx.DateTime_Now().FormatTime())
+ keep_processing = False
+ return keep_processing
+ def __LimitSelection(self, event):
+ """
+ Event handler for motion events; this handler
+ changes limits the selection to the new cell boundaries.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::LimitSelection', indent=1)
+ pos = self.GetInsertionPoint()
+ self.__posCurrent = pos
+ sel_start, sel_to = self.GetSelection()
+ selection = sel_start != sel_to
+ if selection:
+ # only allow selection to end of current cell:
+ start, end = self._FindField(sel_start)._extent
+ if sel_to < pos: sel_to = start
+ elif sel_to > pos: sel_to = end
+ dbg('new pos =', self.__posCurrent, 'select to ', sel_to)
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(self.__posCurrent)
+ self.SetSelection(self.__posCurrent, sel_to)
+ if event: event.Skip()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def __IncrementValue(self, key, pos):
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::IncrementValue', key, pos, indent=1)
+ text = self.GetValue()
+ field = self._FindField(pos)
+ dbg('field: ', field._index)
+ start, end = field._extent
+ slice = text[start:end]
+ if key == wx.WXK_UP: increment = 1
+ else: increment = -1
+ if slice in ('A', 'P'):
+ if slice == 'A': newslice = 'P'
+ elif slice == 'P': newslice = 'A'
+ newvalue = text[:start] + newslice + text[end:]
+ elif field._index == 0:
+ # adjusting this field is trickier, as its value can affect the
+ # am/pm setting. So, we use wxDateTime to generate a new value for us:
+ # (Use a fixed date not subject to DST variations:)
+ converter = wx.DateTimeFromDMY(1, 0, 1970)
+ dbg('text: "%s"' % text)
+ converter.ParseTime(text.strip())
+ currenthour = converter.GetHour()
+ dbg('current hour:', currenthour)
+ newhour = (currenthour + increment) % 24
+ dbg('newhour:', newhour)
+ converter.SetHour(newhour)
+ dbg('converter.GetHour():', converter.GetHour())
+ newvalue = converter # take advantage of auto-conversion for am/pm in .SetValue()
+ else: # minute or second field; handled the same way:
+ newslice = "%02d" % ((int(slice) + increment) % 60)
+ newvalue = text[:start] + newslice + text[end:]
+ try:
+ self.SetValue(newvalue)
+ except ValueError: # must not be in bounds:
+ if not wx.Validator_IsSilent():
+ wx.Bell()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def _toGUI( self, wxdt ):
+ """
+ This function takes a wxdt as an unambiguous representation of a time, and
+ converts it to a string appropriate for the format of the control.
+ """
+ if self.__fmt24hr:
+ if self.__display_seconds: strval = wxdt.Format('%H:%M:%S')
+ else: strval = wxdt.Format('%H:%M')
+ else:
+ if self.__display_seconds: strval = wxdt.Format('%I:%M:%S %p')
+ else: strval = wxdt.Format('%I:%M %p')
+ return strval
+ def __validateValue( self, value ):
+ """
+ This function converts the value to a wxDateTime if not already one,
+ does bounds checking and raises ValueError if argument is
+ not a valid value for the control as currently specified.
+ It is used by both the SetValue() and the IsValid() methods.
+ """
+ dbg('TimeCtrl::__validateValue(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ if not value:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError('%s not a valid time value' % repr(value))
+ valid = True # assume true
+ try:
+ value = self.GetWxDateTime(value) # regularize form; can generate ValueError if problem doing so
+ except:
+ dbg('exception occurred', indent=0)
+ raise
+ if self.IsLimited() and not self.IsInBounds(value):
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError (
+ 'value %s is not within the bounds of the control' % str(value) )
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return value
+# Test jig for TimeCtrl:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import traceback
+ class TestPanel(wx.Panel):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id,
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
+ fmt24hr = 0, test_mx = 0,
+ style = wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL ):
+ wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size, style)
+ self.test_mx = test_mx
+ self.tc = TimeCtrl(self, 10, fmt24hr = fmt24hr)
+ sb = wx.SpinButton( self, 20, wx.DefaultPosition, (-1,20), 0 )
+ self.tc.BindSpinButton(sb)
+ sizer = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
+ sizer.Add( self.tc, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 5 )
+ sizer.Add( sb, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 5 )
+ self.SetAutoLayout( True )
+ self.SetSizer( sizer )
+ sizer.Fit( self )
+ sizer.SetSizeHints( self )
+ self.Bind(EVT_TIMEUPDATE, self.OnTimeChange, self.tc)
+ def OnTimeChange(self, event):
+ dbg('OnTimeChange: value = ', event.GetValue())
+ wxdt = self.tc.GetWxDateTime()
+ dbg('wxdt =', wxdt.GetHour(), wxdt.GetMinute(), wxdt.GetSecond())
+ if self.test_mx:
+ mxdt = self.tc.GetMxDateTime()
+ dbg('mxdt =', mxdt.hour, mxdt.minute, mxdt.second)
+ class MyApp(wx.App):
+ def OnInit(self):
+ import sys
+ fmt24hr = '24' in sys.argv
+ test_mx = 'mx' in sys.argv
+ try:
+ frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "TimeCtrl Test", (20,20), (100,100) )
+ panel = TestPanel(frame, -1, (-1,-1), fmt24hr=fmt24hr, test_mx = test_mx)
+ frame.Show(True)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ return True
+ try:
+ app = MyApp(0)
+ app.MainLoop()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()