+# Name: calendar.py
+# Purpose: Calendar display control
+# Author: Lorne White (email: lorne.white@telusplanet.net)
+# Created:
+# Version 0.92
+# Date: Nov 26, 2001
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+from wxPython.wx import *
+from CDate import *
+CalDays = [6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+AbrWeekday = {6:"Sun", 0:"Mon", 1:"Tue", 2:"Wed", 3:"Thu", 4:"Fri", 5:"Sat"}
+_MIDSIZE = 180
+BusCalDays = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+# calendar drawing routing
+def GetMonthList():
+ monthlist = []
+ for i in range(13):
+ name = Month[i]
+ if name != None:
+ monthlist.append(name)
+ return monthlist
+class CalDraw:
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ self.pwidth = 1
+ self.pheight = 1
+ try:
+ self.scale = parent.scale
+ except:
+ self.scale = 1
+ self.DefParms()
+ def DefParms(self):
+ self.num_auto = True # auto scale of the cal number day size
+ self.num_size = 12 # default size of calendar if no auto size
+ self.max_num_size = 12 # maximum size for calendar number
+ self.num_align_horz = wxALIGN_CENTRE # alignment of numbers
+ self.num_align_vert = wxALIGN_CENTRE
+ self.num_indent_horz = 0 # points indent from position, used to offset if not centered
+ self.num_indent_vert = 0
+ self.week_auto = True # auto scale of week font text
+ self.week_size = 10
+ self.max_week_size = 12
+ self.grid_color = 'BLACK' # grid and selection colors
+ self.back_color = 'WHITE'
+ self.sel_color = 'RED'
+ self.high_color = 'LIGHT BLUE'
+ self.border_color = 'BLACK'
+ self.week_color = 'LIGHT GREY'
+ self.week_font_color = 'BLACK' # font colors
+ self.day_font_color = 'BLACK'
+ self.font = wxSWISS
+ self.bold = wxNORMAL
+ self.hide_title = False
+ self.hide_grid = False
+ self.outer_border = True
+ self.title_offset = 0
+ self.cal_week_scale = 0.7
+ self.show_weekend = False
+ self.cal_type = "NORMAL"
+ def SetWeekColor(self, font_color, week_color): # set font and background color for week title
+ self.week_font_color = font_color
+ self.week_color = week_color
+ def SetSize(self, size):
+ self.set_sizew = size.width
+ self.set_sizeh = size.height
+ def InitValues(self): # default dimensions of various elements of the calendar
+ self.rg = {}
+ self.cal_sel = {}
+ self.set_cy_st = 0 # start position
+ self.set_cx_st = 0
+ self.set_y_mrg = 15 # start of vertical draw default
+ self.set_x_mrg = 10
+ self.set_y_end = 10
+ def SetPos(self, xpos, ypos):
+ self.set_cx_st = xpos
+ self.set_cy_st = ypos
+ def SetMarg(self, xmarg, ymarg):
+ self.set_x_st = xmarg
+ self.set_y_st = ymarg
+ self.set_y_end = ymarg
+ def InitScale(self): # scale position values
+ self.sizew = self.set_sizew * self.pwidth
+ self.sizeh = self.set_sizeh * self.pheight
+ self.cx_st = self.set_cx_st * self.pwidth # draw start position
+ self.cy_st = self.set_cy_st * self.pheight
+ self.x_mrg = self.set_x_mrg * self.pwidth # calendar draw margins
+ self.y_mrg = self.set_y_mrg * self.pheight
+ self.y_end = self.set_y_end * self.pheight
+ def DrawCal(self, DC, sel_lst=[]):
+ self.DC = DC
+ self.InitScale()
+ self.DrawBorder()
+ if self.hide_title is False:
+ self.DrawMonth()
+ self.Center()
+ self.DrawGrid()
+ self.GetRect()
+ if self.show_weekend is True: # highlight weekend dates
+ self.SetWeekEnd()
+ self.AddSelect(sel_lst) # overrides the weekend highlight
+ self.DrawSel() # highlighted days
+ self.DrawWeek()
+ self.DrawNum()
+ def AddSelect(self, list, cfont=None, cbackgrd = None):
+ if cfont is None:
+ cfont = self.sel_color # font digit color
+ if cbackgrd is None:
+ cbackgrd = self.high_color # select background color
+ for val in list:
+ self.cal_sel[val] = (cfont, cbackgrd)
+ def DrawBorder(self): # draw border around the outside of the main display rectangle
+ brush = wxBrush(wxNamedColour(self.back_color), wxSOLID)
+ self.DC.SetBrush(brush)
+ self.DC.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.border_color), 1))
+ if self.outer_border is True:
+ rect = wxRect(self.cx_st, self.cy_st, self.sizew, self.sizeh) # full display window area
+ self.DC.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
+ def DrawNumVal(self):
+ self.DrawNum()
+# calculate the calendar days and offset position
+ def SetCal(self, year, month):
+ self.InitValues() # reset initial values
+ self.year = year
+ self.month = month
+ day = 1
+ t = Date(year, month, day)
+ dow = self.dow = t.day_of_week # start day in month
+ dim = self.dim = t.days_in_month # number of days in month
+ if self.cal_type == "NORMAL":
+ start_pos = dow+1
+ else:
+ start_pos = dow
+ self.st_pos = start_pos
+ self.cal = []
+ for i in range(start_pos):
+ self.cal.append('')
+ i = 1
+ while i <= dim:
+ self.cal.append(str(i))
+ i = i + 1
+ return start_pos
+ def SetWeekEnd(self, font_color='BLACK', backgrd = 'LIGHT GREY'):
+ date = 6 - int(self.dow) # start day of first saturday
+ while date <= self.dim:
+ self.cal_sel[date] = (font_color, backgrd) # Saturday
+ date = date + 1
+ if date <= self.dim:
+ self.cal_sel[date] = (font_color, backgrd) # Sunday
+ date = date + 6
+ else:
+ date = date + 7
+ def GetRect(self): # get the display rectange list of the day grid
+ cnt = 0
+ for y in self.gridy[1:-1]:
+ for x in self.gridx[:-1]:
+ rect = wxRect(x, y, self.dl_w, self.dl_h) # create rect region
+ self.rg[cnt] = rect
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ return self.rg
+ def GetCal(self):
+ return self.cal
+ def GetOffset(self):
+ return self.st_pos
+ def DrawMonth(self): # month and year title
+ month = Month[self.month]
+ sizef = 11
+ if self.sizeh < _MIDSIZE:
+ sizef = 10
+ f = wxFont(sizef, self.font, wxNORMAL, self.bold)
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ tw,th = self.DC.GetTextExtent(month)
+ adjust = self.cx_st + (self.sizew-tw)/2
+ self.DC.DrawText(month, (adjust, self.cy_st + th))
+ year = str(self.year)
+ tw,th = self.DC.GetTextExtent(year)
+ adjust = self.sizew - tw - self.x_mrg
+ self.title_offset = th * 2
+ f = wxFont(sizef, self.font, wxNORMAL, self.bold)
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ self.DC.DrawText(year, (self.cx_st + adjust, self.cy_st + th))
+ def DrawWeek(self): # draw the week days
+ width = self.gridx[1]-self.gridx[0]
+ height = self.gridy[1] - self.gridy[0]
+ rect_w = self.gridx[7]-self.gridx[0]
+ f = wxFont(10, self.font, wxNORMAL, self.bold) # initial font setting
+ if self.week_auto == True:
+ test_size = self.max_week_size # max size
+ test_day = ' Sun '
+ while test_size > 2:
+ f.SetPointSize(test_size)
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ tw,th = self.DC.GetTextExtent(test_day)
+ if tw < width and th < height:
+ break
+ test_size = test_size - 1
+ else:
+ f.SetPointSize(self.week_size) # set fixed size
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ self.DC.SetTextForeground(wxNamedColour(self.week_font_color))
+ cnt_x = 0
+ cnt_y = 0
+ brush = wxBrush(wxNamedColour(self.week_color), wxSOLID)
+ self.DC.SetBrush(brush)
+# self.DC.DrawRectangle((self.gridx[0], self.gridy[0]), (rect_w+1, height))
+ if self.cal_type == "NORMAL":
+ cal_days = CalDays
+ else:
+ cal_days = BusCalDays
+ for val in cal_days:
+ day = AbrWeekday[val]
+ if self.sizew < 200:
+ day = day[0]
+ dw,dh = self.DC.GetTextExtent(day)
+ diffx = (width-dw)/2
+ diffy = (height-dh)/2
+ x = self.gridx[cnt_x]
+ y = self.gridy[cnt_y]
+ self.DC.DrawRectangle((self.gridx[cnt_x], self.gridy[0]), (width+1, height))
+ self.DC.DrawText(day, (x+diffx, y+diffy))
+ cnt_x = cnt_x + 1
+ def DrawNum(self): # draw the day numbers
+ f = wxFont(10, self.font, wxNORMAL, self.bold) # initial font setting
+ if self.num_auto == True:
+ test_size = self.max_num_size # max size
+ test_day = ' 99 '
+ while test_size > 2:
+ f.SetPointSize(test_size)
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ tw,th = self.DC.GetTextExtent(test_day)
+ if tw < self.dl_w and th < self.dl_h:
+ sizef = test_size
+ break
+ test_size = test_size - 1
+ else:
+ f.SetPointSize(self.num_size) # set fixed size
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ cnt_x = 0
+ cnt_y = 1
+ for val in self.cal:
+ x = self.gridx[cnt_x]
+ y = self.gridy[cnt_y]
+ try:
+ num_val = int(val)
+ num_color = self.cal_sel[num_val][0]
+ except:
+ num_color = self.day_font_color
+ self.DC.SetTextForeground(wxNamedColour(num_color))
+ self.DC.SetFont(f)
+ tw,th = self.DC.GetTextExtent(val)
+ if self.num_align_horz == wxALIGN_CENTRE:
+ adj_h = (self.dl_w - tw)/2
+ elif self.num_align_horz == wxALIGN_RIGHT:
+ adj_h = self.dl_w - tw
+ else:
+ adj_h = 0 # left alignment
+ adj_h = adj_h + self.num_indent_horz
+ if self.num_align_vert == wxALIGN_CENTRE:
+ adj_v = (self.dl_h - th)/2
+ elif self.num_align_horz == wxALIGN_RIGHT:
+ adj_v = self.dl_h - th
+ else:
+ adj_v = 0 # left alignment
+ adj_v = adj_v + self.num_indent_vert
+ self.DC.DrawText(val, (x+adj_h, y+adj_v))
+ if cnt_x < 6:
+ cnt_x = cnt_x + 1
+ else:
+ cnt_x = 0
+ cnt_y = cnt_y + 1
+ def Center(self): # calculate the dimensions in the center of the drawing area
+ bdw = self.x_mrg * 2
+ bdh = self.y_mrg + self.y_end + self.title_offset
+ self.dl_w = int((self.sizew-bdw)/7)
+ self.dl_h = int((self.sizeh-bdh)/7)
+ self.dl_th = int(self.dl_h*self.cal_week_scale) # week title adjustment
+ self.cwidth = self.dl_w * 7
+ self.cheight = self.dl_h * 6 + self.dl_th
+ def DrawSel(self): # highlighted selected days
+ for key in self.cal_sel.keys():
+ sel_color = self.cal_sel[key][1]
+ brush = wxBrush(wxNamedColour(sel_color), wxSOLID)
+ self.DC.SetBrush(brush)
+ if self.hide_grid is False:
+ self.DC.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.grid_color), 0))
+ else:
+ self.DC.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.back_color), 0))
+ nkey = key + self.st_pos -1
+ rect = self.rg[nkey]
+ self.DC.DrawRectangle((rect.x, rect.y), (rect.width+1, rect.height+1))
+ def DrawGrid(self): # calculate and draw the grid lines
+ self.DC.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour(self.grid_color), 0))
+ self.gridx = []
+ self.gridy = []
+ self.x_st = self.cx_st + self.x_mrg
+ self.y_st = self.cy_st + self.y_mrg + self.title_offset # start postion of draw
+ x1 = self.x_st
+ y1 = self.y_st
+ y2 = y1 + self.cheight
+ for i in range(8):
+ if self.hide_grid is False:
+ self.DC.DrawLine((x1, y1), (x1, y2))
+ self.gridx.append(x1)
+ x1 = x1 + self.dl_w
+ x1 = self.x_st
+ y1 = self.y_st
+ x2 = x1 + self.cwidth
+ for i in range(8):
+ if self.hide_grid is False:
+ self.DC.DrawLine((x1, y1), (x2, y1))
+ self.gridy.append(y1)
+ if i == 0:
+ y1 = y1 + self.dl_th
+ else:
+ y1 = y1 + self.dl_h
+class PrtCalDraw(CalDraw):
+ def InitValues(self):
+ self.rg = {}
+ self.cal_sel = {}
+ self.set_cx_st = 1.0 # start draw border location
+ self.set_cy_st = 1.0
+ self.set_y_mrg = 0.2 # draw offset position
+ self.set_x_mrg = 0.2
+ self.set_y_end = 0.2
+ def SetPSize(self, pwidth, pheight): # calculate the dimensions in the center of the drawing area
+ self.pwidth = int(pwidth)/self.scale
+ self.pheight = int(pheight)/self.scale
+ def SetPreview(self, preview):
+ self.preview = preview
+class wxCalendar(wxWindow):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, pos=wxDefaultPosition, size=wxDefaultSize):
+ wxWindow.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size)
+ # set the calendar control attributes
+ self.grid_color = 'BLACK'
+ self.back_color = 'WHITE'
+ self.hide_grid = False
+ self.sel_color = 'RED'
+ self.hide_title = False
+ self.show_weekend = False
+ self.cal_type = "NORMAL"
+ self.week_color = 'LIGHT GREY'
+ self.week_font_color = 'BLACK' # font colors
+ self.select_list = []
+ self.SetBackgroundColour(wxNamedColour(self.back_color))
+ self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftEvent)
+ self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDEvent)
+ self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightEvent)
+ self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, self.OnRightDEvent)
+ self.sel_key = None # last used by
+ self.sel_lst = [] # highlighted selected days
+ self.SetNow() # default calendar for current month
+ self.size = None
+ self.set_day = None
+ EVT_PAINT(self, self.OnPaint)
+ EVT_SIZE(self, self.OnSize)
+# control some of the main calendar attributes
+ def HideTitle(self):
+ self.hide_title = True
+ def HideGrid(self):
+ self.hide_grid = True
+# determine the calendar rectangle click area and draw a selection
+ def ProcessClick(self, event):
+ self.x, self.y = event.GetX(), event.GetY()
+ key = self.GetDayHit(self.x, self.y)
+ self.SelectDay(key)
+# tab mouse click events and process
+ def OnLeftEvent(self, event):
+ self.click = 'LEFT'
+ self.shiftkey = event.ShiftDown()
+ self.ctrlkey = event.ControlDown()
+ self.ProcessClick(event)
+ def OnLeftDEvent(self, event):
+ self.click = 'DLEFT'
+ self.ProcessClick(event)
+ def OnRightEvent(self, event):
+ self.click = 'RIGHT'
+ self.ProcessClick(event)
+ def OnRightDEvent(self, event):
+ self.click = 'DRIGHT'
+ self.ProcessClick(event)
+ def SetSize(self, set_size):
+ self.size = set_size
+ def SetSelDay(self, sel):
+ self.sel_lst = sel # list of highlighted days
+# get the current date
+ def SetNow(self):
+ dt = now()
+ self.month = dt.month
+ self.year = dt.year
+ self.day = dt.day
+# set the current day
+ def SetCurrentDay(self):
+ self.SetNow()
+ self.set_day = self.day
+# get the date, day, month, year set in calendar
+ def GetDate(self):
+ return self.day, self.month, self.year
+ def GetDay(self):
+ return self.day
+ def GetMonth(self):
+ return self.month
+ def GetYear(self):
+ return self.year
+# set the day, month, and year
+ def SetDayValue(self, day):
+ self.set_day = day
+ def SetMonth(self, month):
+ if month >= 1 and month <= 12:
+ self.month = month
+ else:
+ self.month = 1
+ self.set_day = None
+ def SetYear(self, year):
+ self.year = year
+# increment year and month
+ def IncYear(self):
+ self.year = self.year + 1
+ self.set_day = None
+ def DecYear(self):
+ self.year = self.year - 1
+ self.set_day = None
+ def IncMonth(self):
+ self.month = self.month + 1
+ if self.month > 12:
+ self.month = 1
+ self.year = self.year + 1
+ self.set_day = None
+ def DecMonth(self):
+ self.month = self.month - 1
+ if self.month < 1:
+ self.month = 12
+ self.year = self.year - 1
+ self.set_day = None
+# test to see if the selection has a date and create event
+ def TestDay(self, key):
+ try:
+ self.day = int(self.cal[key])
+ except:
+ return None
+ if self.day == "":
+ return None
+ else:
+ evt = wxPyCommandEvent(2100, self.GetId())
+ evt.click, evt.day, evt.month, evt.year = self.click, self.day, self.month, self.year
+ evt.shiftkey = self.shiftkey
+ evt.ctrlkey = self.ctrlkey
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(evt)
+ self.set_day = self.day
+ return key
+# find the clicked area rectangle
+ def GetDayHit(self, mx, my):
+ for key in self.rg.keys():
+ val = self.rg[key]
+ ms_rect = wxRect(mx, my, 1, 1)
+ if wxIntersectRect(ms_rect, val) is not None:
+ result = self.TestDay(key)
+ return result
+ return None
+# calendar drawing
+ def SetWeekColor(self, font_color, week_color): # set font and background color for week title
+ self.week_font_color = font_color
+ self.week_color = week_color
+ def AddSelect(self, list, font_color, back_color):
+ list_val = [list, font_color, back_color]
+ self.select_list.append(list_val)
+ def ShowWeekEnd(self):
+ self.show_weekend = True # highlight weekend
+ def SetBusType(self):
+ self.cal_type = "BUS"
+ def OnSize(self, evt):
+ self.Refresh(False)
+ evt.Skip()
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ DC = wxPaintDC(self)
+ self.DoDrawing(DC)
+ def DoDrawing(self, DC):
+ DC = wxPaintDC(self)
+ DC.BeginDrawing()
+ self.cal = cal = CalDraw(self)
+ cal.grid_color = self.grid_color
+ cal.back_color = self.back_color
+ cal.hide_grid = self.hide_grid
+ cal.grid_color = self.grid_color
+ cal.hide_title = self.hide_title
+ cal.show_weekend = self.show_weekend
+ cal.cal_type = self.cal_type
+ if self.size is None:
+ size = self.GetClientSize()
+ else:
+ size = self.size
+# drawing attributes
+ cal.week_font_color = self.week_font_color
+ cal.week_color = self.week_color
+ cal.SetSize(size)
+ cal.SetCal(self.year, self.month)
+ for val in self.select_list:
+ cal.AddSelect(val[0], val[1], val[2])
+ cal.DrawCal(DC, self.sel_lst)
+ self.rg = cal.GetRect()
+ self.cal = cal.GetCal()
+ self.st_pos = cal.GetOffset()
+ self.ymax = DC.MaxY()
+ if self.set_day != None:
+ self.SetDay(self.set_day)
+ DC.EndDrawing()
+# draw the selection rectangle
+ def DrawRect(self, key, color = 'BLACK', width = 0):
+ if key == None:
+ return
+ DC = wxClientDC(self)
+ DC.BeginDrawing()
+ brush = wxBrush(wxColour(0, 0xFF, 0x80), wxTRANSPARENT)
+ DC.SetBrush(brush)
+ DC.SetPen(wxPen(wxNamedColour(color), width))
+ rect = self.rg[key]
+ DC.DrawRectangle((rect.x, rect.y), (rect.width+1, rect.height+1))
+ DC.EndDrawing()
+# set the day selection
+ def SetDay(self, day):
+ day = day + self.st_pos - 1
+ self.SelectDay(day)
+ def SelectDay(self, key):
+ sel_size = 1
+ self.DrawRect(self.sel_key, self.back_color, sel_size) # clear large selection
+ if self.hide_grid is False:
+ self.DrawRect(self.sel_key, self.grid_color)
+ self.DrawRect(key, self.sel_color, sel_size)
+ self.sel_key = key # store last used by
+ self.select_day = None
+ def ClearDsp(self):
+ self.Clear()
+class CalenDlg(wxDialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, month=None, day = None, year=None):
+ wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, "Event Calendar", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(280, 360))
+ # set the calendar and attributes
+ self.calend = wxCalendar(self, -1, wxPoint(20, 60), wxSize(240, 200))
+ if month == None:
+ self.calend.SetCurrentDay()
+ start_month = self.calend.GetMonth()
+ start_year = self.calend.GetYear()
+ else:
+ self.calend.month = start_month = month
+ self.calend.year = start_year = year
+ self.calend.SetDayValue(day)
+ self.calend.HideTitle()
+ self.ResetDisplay()
+ # get month list from DateTime
+ monthlist = GetMonthList()
+ # select the month
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ self.date = wxComboBox(self, mID, Month[start_month], wxPoint(20, 20), wxSize(90, -1), monthlist, wxCB_DROPDOWN)
+ EVT_COMBOBOX(self, mID, self.EvtComboBox)
+ # alternate spin button to control the month
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ h = self.date.GetSize().height
+ self.m_spin = wxSpinButton(self, mID, wxPoint(130, 20), wxSize(h*2, h), wxSP_VERTICAL)
+ self.m_spin.SetRange(1, 12)
+ self.m_spin.SetValue(start_month)
+ EVT_SPIN(self, mID, self.OnMonthSpin)
+ # spin button to control the year
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ self.dtext = wxTextCtrl(self, -1, str(start_year), wxPoint(160, 20), wxSize(60, -1))
+ h = self.dtext.GetSize().height
+ self.y_spin = wxSpinButton(self, mID, wxPoint(220, 20), wxSize(h*2, h), wxSP_VERTICAL)
+ self.y_spin.SetRange(1980, 2010)
+ self.y_spin.SetValue(start_year)
+ EVT_SPIN(self, mID, self.OnYrSpin)
+ self.Connect(self.calend.GetId(), -1, 2100, self.MouseClick)
+ x_pos = 50
+ y_pos = 280
+ but_size = wxSize(60, 25)
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ wxButton(self, mID, ' Ok ', wxPoint(x_pos, y_pos), but_size)
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, mID, self.OnOk)
+ mID = wxNewId()
+ wxButton(self, mID, ' Close ', wxPoint(x_pos + 120, y_pos), but_size)
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, mID, self.OnCancel)
+ def OnOk(self, event):
+ self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
+ def OnCancel(self, event):
+ self.EndModal(wxID_CANCEL)
+# log the mouse clicks
+ def MouseClick(self, evt):
+ self.month = evt.month
+ self.result = [evt.click, str(evt.day), Month[evt.month], str(evt.year)] # result click type and date
+ if evt.click == 'DLEFT':
+ self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
+# month and year spin selection routines
+ def OnMonthSpin(self, event):
+ month = event.GetPosition()
+ self.date.SetValue(Month[month])
+ self.calend.SetMonth(month)
+ self.calend.Refresh()
+ def OnYrSpin(self, event):
+ year = event.GetPosition()
+ self.dtext.SetValue(str(year))
+ self.calend.SetYear(year)
+ self.calend.Refresh()
+ def EvtComboBox(self, event):
+ name = event.GetString()
+ monthval = self.date.FindString(name)
+ self.m_spin.SetValue(monthval+1)
+ self.calend.SetMonth(monthval+1)
+ self.ResetDisplay()
+# set the calendar for highlighted days
+ def ResetDisplay(self):
+ month = self.calend.GetMonth()
+ self.calend.Refresh()
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import calendar
-_rename(globals(), calendar.__dict__, modulename='lib.calendar')
-del calendar
-del _rename