+# Name: ErrorDialogs.py
+# Version: 1.0
+# Created: September--October 2001
+# Author: Chris Fama of Wholly Snakes Software,
+# Chris.Fama@whollysnakes.com
+ErrorDialogs.py: by Christopher J. Fama (trading under the name
+Wholly Snakes Software {Australian Business Number: 28379514278}).
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+This code is released under the auspices of the modified version of
+the GNU Library Public License (LGPL) that constitutes the license
+under which the GUI package wxPython is released [see the file
+LICENSE.TXT accompanying that distribution). I must also thank Graham
+Boyd, of Boyd Mining, and CEO of the Minserve group of companies
+(www.minserve.com.au), for kindly allowing the release of this
+module under a "free" license, despite a certain part of it's
+development having taken place while working for him...
+Please note that this code, written for Python 2.1, is derives from
+code written when Python 1.5.2 was current. Although since Python 2.0
+the sys.excepthook variable has been available, for ease and potential
+backwards compatibility (or to be more realistic
+backwards-PARTIAL-compatibility!), the code catches errors by
+assigning a custom object to sys.stderr and monitoring calls to it's
+writ) method. Such calls which take place with a new value of
+sys.last_traceback stand as evidence that at interpreter error has
+just occurred; please note that this means that NO OTHER OUTPUT TO
+sys.stderr WILL BE DISPLAYED. THIS INCLUDES "warnings" generated by
+the interpreter. As far as I am aware, unless your code itself writes
+to sys.stderr itself, these will be the only things you miss out
+on--and many, if not most or all, of these will occur before your code
+even gets the opportunity to set one of these file-like objects in
+place. If this is a problem for you and you can't work around it,
+please contact means or the wxPython-users mailing list.
+This is a module to display errors--either explicitly requested by a
+script or arbitrary interpreter errors--these needs arose in the
+course of a commercial (contract) project, but were not developed in
+the course of work on such [well, very little, albeit concurrently]...
+[NBNB.Does not currently support display of other than interpreter errors.]
+Usage, after 'from wxPython.lib.ErrorDialogs import *' (all
+identifiers defined in this module begin with "wxPy", and many of them
+with "wxPyError_", so there should be no namespace conflicts...):
+ wxPyNewErrorDialog (<win> (['frame='] <frame (can be None)>,
+ ...
+ wxPyDestroyErrorDialogIfPresent () # e.g. when top frame destroyed)
+for unhandled errors, or
+ returnval = wxpyNonFatalError (<frame (can be None)>,
+ <HTML message>
+ [,<OPTIONS>])
+ returnval = wxPyFatalError (<HTML message>,
+ [,<OPTIONS, an extra one of which may be
+ 'frame=' <frame (defaults to None)>>])
+ wxPybNonWindowingError (message)
+for explicit errors.
+<win> is one of
+ wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog
+ wxPyFatalErrorDialog
+ wxPyFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
+ wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
+ wxPyNonWindowingErrorHandler
+and the OPTIONS (with defaults) are: (please note that the options for
+wxPyNonWindowingErrorHandler / wxPyNonWindowingError are 'almost' a (small))
+subset of these):
+ 'modal' [default 1]: block until dismissed.
+ 'programname' [default "Python program"]: appears inThe
+ caption of the dialog, amidst it's text and (by default) in mailings.
+ 'whendismissed' option, if given, this should be a string, to be
+ executed in a restricted environment (see rexec module) after
+ dialog dismissal. Typically, this should be Python code to "clean
+ up" after what was presumably the partial execution of some
+ operation started by the user, after the unexpected interruption
+ by some error [which--at least the way I work, means an unexpected
+ error in the code, since exceptions that may be raised by some
+ foreseen (in a programmatic sense) should normally be handled by
+ try...except clauses].
+ BY exec...
+ 'mailto': if None, give no "e-mail support" option, otherwise this
+ is meant to be an address for 'bug reports'; a command button will
+ be created for this, which pops up another dialog [Linux], or a window of
+ another program [Windows].
+ On Windows, this will launch your mailer (assuming your mailer
+ would start when a file with the '.eml'extension is double-clicked
+ in Windows Explorer--this will be the case for Microsoft Outlook
+ Express [tm and all those legal necessities] if installed, and the
+ association has not been taken over by some other program. On
+ Linux, it will open a file dialog to save the message, by default
+ as a '.html' file...{Please note that, on Windows and with current
+ (when I got the machine I'm writing this on--early 2000) versions
+ of Outlook Express, you may need to enter your e-mail address in
+ the box beside the "mail support" button.)
+ The template for the mail message is in the 'MessageTemplate'
+ attribute of the dialog-derived class in question (e.g.,
+ wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog). Search for this in the code below to
+ see the default (note that this template is in HTML format). This
+ attributes uses the '%{name}s' string conversion feature of Python
+ [see sec.2 of the Python Library Reference]; allowed Lance are:
+ programname version exceptionname exceptionvalue
+ extraexceptioninformation traceback
+ 'version': str(this) will appear after 'Version' below "Error in
+ <programname>" at the top of the dialog.
+ sys.stderr = wxPyNonFatalErrorWindowWithTraceback (
+ parentframe,
+ programname='sumthing',
+ mailto='me@sumwear',
+ whendismissed="from wxPython.wx import * ; wxBell()")
+ wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog and relatives have the method
+ SetText(Number NUMBER, STRING)
+ where STRING is to displayed in the wxStaticText control with ID
+ wxPyError_ID_TEXT<NUMBER>--see the automatically-generated code
+ for information about the meaning of these...
+import warnings
+warningmsg = r"""\
+warnings.warn(warningmsg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
+_debug = 0
+#_debug = 1 # uncomment to display some information (to stdout)
+Version = 1.3
+from wxPython.wx import *
+import string, sys, traceback, time, rexec, operator, types, cStringIO, os
+#from wxPython.lib.createandsendHTMLmail import *# now inline
+#import MimeWriter, mimetools, tempfile, smtplib
+import urllib, webbrowser
+from ErrorDialogs_wdr import *
+# You may see from the above line that I used the excellent RAD tool
+# wxDesigner, by Robert Roebling, to accelerate development of this
+# module... The above is left for the convenience of making future
+# changes with wxDesigner; also so the wxDesigner-generated codedoes
+# not need to precede the "hand-generated" code in this file; finally,
+# as a personal endorsement: it is truly a brilliant time-saver!
+# Please note that, at the time of writing, the wxDesigner-generated
+# output requires manual removal of the PythonBitmaps function--an
+# appropriate version of this function will be imported from a
+# similarly- named module. Another manual change will have to be made
+# to the automatically-generated source: "parent.sizerAroundText = "
+# should be added [immediately] before the text similar to "item13 =
+# wxStaticBoxSizer( item14, wxVERTICAL )", this sizer being the one
+# containing the wxTextCtrl... [IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS LINE SHOULD BE
+# THE ONE INSTANTIATING A wxStat2icBoxSizer, *NOT* THE wxStaticBox
+# ITSELF...] As of version 1.2 [November 2001], this also needs to be
+# done for the {sizers around the} wxPyClickableHtmlWindow's generated in
+# populate_wxPyNonFatalError and populate_wxPyFatalError--note that
+# for ease this sizer is still called "sizerAroundText"...
+def wxPyDestroyErrorDialogIfPresent():
+ if isinstance(sys.stderr,wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog):
+ sys.stderr.Destroy()
+ sys.stderr = None
+def wxPyNewErrorDialog(dlg):
+ wxPyDestroyErrorDialogIfPresent()
+ sys.stderr = dlg
+class wxPyNonWindowingErrorHandler:
+ this_exception = 0
+ softspace = 0
+ def __init__(self,fatal=0,file=sys.__stderr__):
+ self.fatal = fatal
+ self.file = file
+ def write(self,s):
+ import sys
+ if s.find("Warning") <> 0\
+ and self.this_exception is not sys.last_traceback:
+ wxPyNonWindowingError("The Python interpreter encountered an error "
+ "not handled by any\nexception handler--this "
+ "may represent some programming error.",
+ fatal=self.fatal,
+ stderr=self.file,
+ last=1)
+ self.this_exception = sys.last_traceback
+def wxPyNonWindowingError(msg,#output=None,errors=None,
+ stderr=sys.__stderr__,
+ fatal=1,
+ last=None):
+ if os.path.exists("wxPyNonWindowingErrors.txt"):
+ mode = 'a+'
+ else:
+ mode = 'w'
+ fl = open("wxPyNonWindowingErrors.txt",mode)
+ if stderr is not None:
+ l = [fl,stderr] # so that the error will be written to the file
+ # before any potential error in stderr.write()... (this is largely
+ # for my own sake in developing...)
+ else:
+ l = [fl]
+ for f in l:
+ f.write(time.ctime (time.time ()) + ": ")
+ f.write(msg)
+ #f.flush()
+ if sys.exc_info () [0] is not None:
+ if last:
+ f.write('Currently handled exception:\n')
+ f.flush()
+ traceback.print_exc(file=f)
+ if last:
+ f.write('\nPrevious (?) error:\n')
+ elif last or sys.last_traceback:
+ f.write("\n\n(For wizards only) ")
+ if last:
+ if type(last) <> types.ListType or len(last) < 3:
+ if (hasattr(sys,"last_traceback") and sys.last_traceback):
+ last = [sys.last_type ,sys.last_value,sys.last_traceback]
+ if type(last) == types.ListType:
+ traceback.print_exception(last[0],last[1],last[2],
+ None,f)
+ #f.flush()
+ if f is sys.__stderr__:
+ s = ' (see the file "wxPyNonWindowingErrors.txt")'
+ else:
+ s = ""
+ f.write("Please contact the author with a copy of this\n"
+ "message%s.\n" % s)
+ #f.flush()
+ fl.close()
+ if fatal and stderr is sys.__stderr__:
+ if sys.__stderr__ and sys.platform in ["windows",'nt',"win32"]:
+ sys.__stderr__.write(
+ "\nYou may have to manually close this window to exit.")
+ sys.exit()
+class wxPythonRExec (rexec.RExec):
+ def __init__(self,securityhole=0,*args,**kwargs):
+ apply(rexec.RExec.__init__, (self,) + args, kwargs)
+ if securityhole:
+ self.ok_builtin_modules = self.ok_builtin_modules + \
+ ('wxPython', 'wxPython.wxc','wxPython.wx','wxPython.misc',
+ 'wxPython.misc2', 'wxPython.windows', 'wxPython.gdi',
+ 'wxPython.clip_dnd', 'wxPython.events', 'wxPython.mdi',
+ 'wxPython.frames', 'wxPython.stattool', 'wxPython.controls',
+ 'wxPython.controls2', 'wxPython.windows2', 'wxPython.cmndlgs',
+ 'wxPython.windows3', 'wxPython.image', 'wxPython.printfw',
+ 'wxc','misc', 'misc2', 'windows', 'gdi', 'clip_dnd', 'events',
+ 'mdi', 'frames', 'stattool', 'controls', 'controls2', 'windows2',
+ 'cmndlgs', 'windows3', 'image', 'printfw', 'wx')
+ # possible security hole!
+##def wxPyFatalError(msg,frame=None,**kwargs):
+## kwargs.update({'fatal' : 1})
+## apply(wxPyNonFatalError,
+## (frame,msg),
+## kwargs)
+class wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback(wxDialog):
+ this_exception = 0
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
+ no_continue_button = False
+ fatal = False
+ modal = True
+ exitjustreturns = False # really only for testing!
+ def __init__(self, parent, id,
+ pos=wxDefaultPosition,
+ size=wxDefaultSize,
+ programname="Python program",
+ version="?",
+ mailto=None,
+ whendismissed="",
+ extraversioninformation="",
+ caption="Python error!",
+ versionname=None,
+ errorname=None,
+ disable_exit_button=False):
+ if self.fatal:
+ whetherNF = ""
+ else:
+ whetherNF = "non-"
+ title = "A (%sfatal) error has occurred in %s!"\
+ % (whetherNF,programname)
+ self.programname = programname # save for later use
+ self.mailto = mailto # save for later use
+ self.parent = parent # save for later use
+ self.whendismissed = whendismissed # save for later use
+ self.dialogtitle = title # save for later use
+ wxDialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ self.topsizer = self.populate_function( False,True )
+ self.SetProgramName(programname)
+ self.SetVersion(version)
+ if errorname:
+ self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_TEXT1).SetLabel(str(errorname))
+ if versionname:
+ self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_TEXT2).SetLabel(str(versionname))
+ self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_VERSIONNUMBER).SetLabel(str(version))
+ self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_EXTRA_VERSION_INFORMATION).SetLabel(str(
+ extraversioninformation))
+ if caption:
+ self.SetTitle(caption)
+ if not self.no_continue_button:
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, wxPyError_ID_CONTINUE, self.OnContinue)
+ if mailto:
+ disable_mail_button = 0
+ else:
+ disable_mail_button = 1
+ if not disable_mail_button:
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, wxPyError_ID_MAIL, self.OnMail)
+ else:
+ self.GetMailButton().Enable(False)
+ # disable the entry box for an e-mail address by default (NOT PROPERLY DOCUMENTED)
+ if not hasattr(self,"enable_mail_address_box"):
+ self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_ADDRESS).Enable(False)
+ if not disable_exit_button:
+ EVT_BUTTON(self, wxPyError_ID_EXIT, self.OnExit)
+ def GetExtraInformation(self):
+ return self.extraexceptioninformation
+ def SetExtraInformation(self,value):
+ self.extraexceptioninformation = value
+ c = self.GetExtraInformationCtrl()
+ if c is not None:
+ c.SetLabel(str(value))
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+ def GetExtraInformationCtrl(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_EXTRAINFORMATION)
+ def GetExceptionName(self):
+ return str(self.exceptiontype)
+ def SetExceptionName(self,value):
+ self.exceptiontype = str(value)
+ c = self.GetExceptionNameCtrl()
+ if c is not None:
+ c.SetLabel(str(value))
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+ def GetExceptionNameCtrl(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_EXCEPTIONNAME)
+ def GetTraceback(self):
+ try:
+ return self.traceback
+ except AttributeError:
+ return None
+ def SetTraceback(self,value):
+ self.traceback = value
+ c = self.GetTracebackCtrl()
+ if c is not None:
+ s,cs = c.GetSize(), c.GetClientSize()
+ if value[-1] == '\n':
+ value = value[:-1]
+ if _debug:
+ print "%s.SetTraceback(): ...SetValue('%s' (^M=\\r; ^J=\\n))"\
+ % (self,value.replace('\n',"^J"))
+ c.SetValue(value)
+ # Despite using the wxADJUST_MINSIZE flag in the
+ # appropriate AddWindow method of the sizer, this doesn't
+ # size the control appropriately... evidently the control's
+ # GetBestSize method is not returning the "correct"
+ # value... So we perform a rather ugly "fix"... note that
+ # this also requires that we remove the wxADJUST_MINSIZE
+ # flag from the AddWindow method of the sizer containing
+ # the wxTextCtrl, which adds the wxTextCtrl... (this
+ # amounts, as of wxDesigner 2.6, to only a few mouse
+ # clicks...)
+ if _debug:
+ size = c.GetBestSize()
+ print "%s.SetTraceback(): %s.GetBestSize() = (%s,%s)"\
+ % (self,c,size.width,size.height)
+ w,h = 0,0
+ for v in value.split("\n"):
+ pw,ph,d,e = t = c.GetFullTextExtent(v)
+ if _debug:
+ print v, t
+ h = h + ph + e# + d
+ pw = pw + wxSystemSettings_GetSystemMetric(wxSYS_VSCROLL_X)
+ if pw > w:
+ w = pw
+ w = w + s.width - cs.width
+ h = h + s.height - cs.height
+ if _debug:
+ print "%s.SetTraceback(): calculated w,h =" % c,\
+ w,h,"and sys.platform = '%s'" % sys.platform
+ self.sizerAroundText.SetItemMinSize (c,w,h)
+ c.SetSize ((w,h))
+ c.SetSizeHints (w,h,w,h)
+ c.Refresh()#.SetAutoLayout(False)
+ #^ the reason we need the above seems to be to replace the
+ #faulty GetBestSize of wxTextCtrl...
+ #self.sizerAroundText.Layout()
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+ def GetTracebackCtrl(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_TEXTCTRL)
+ def GetVersion(self):
+ return self.version
+ def SetVersion(self,value):
+ self.version = value
+ c = self.GetVersionNumberCtrl()
+ if c is not None:
+ c.SetLabel(value)
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+ def GetVersionNumberCtrl(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_VERSIONNUMBER)
+ def GetProgramName(self):
+ return self.programname
+ def SetProgramName(self,value):
+ self.programname = value
+ c = self.GetProgramNameCtrl()
+ if c is not None:
+ c.SetLabel(value)
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+ def GetProgramNameCtrl(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_PROGRAMNAME)
+ def GetContinueButton(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_CONTINUE)
+ def GetMailButton(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_MAIL)
+ def GetExitButton(self):
+ return self.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_EXIT)
+ # write handler (which is really the guts of the thing...
+ # [Note that this doesn't use sys.excepthook because I already had a
+ # working body of code...
+ def write(self,s):
+ if self.this_exception is not sys.last_traceback:
+ if not wxThread_IsMain():
+ # Aquire the GUI mutex before making GUI calls. Mutex is released
+ # when locker is deleted at the end of this function.
+ locker = wxMutexGuiLocker()
+ self.this_exception = sys.last_traceback
+ # this is meant to be done once per traceback's sys.stderr.write's
+ # - on the first in fact.....
+ try:
+ #from wxPython.wx import wxBell
+ wxBell()
+ if _debug:
+ if sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write(
+ 'in %s.write(): ' % self)
+ self.exceptiontype = sys.last_type
+ self.extraexceptioninformation = sys.last_value
+ c = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ traceback.print_last(None,c)
+ self.traceback = c.getvalue()
+ if _debug:
+ #import traceback
+ traceback.print_last(None,sys.stdout)
+ self.SetExceptionName(str(self.exceptiontype))
+ self.SetExtraInformation(str(self.extraexceptioninformation))
+ self.SetTraceback(str(self.traceback))
+ self.topsizer.Fit(self)
+ self.topsizer.SetSizeHints(self)
+ self.CentreOnScreen()
+ if self.modal:
+ self.ShowModal()
+ else:
+ self.Show(True)
+ except:
+ if not locals().has_key("c"):
+ c = cStringIO.StringIO()
+ c.write("[Exception occurred before data from "
+ "sys.last_traceback available]")
+ wxPyNonWindowingError("Warning: "
+ "a %s error was encountered trying to "
+ "handle the exception\n%s\nThis was:"#%s\n"
+ % (sys.exc_type, c.getvalue()),#, c2.getvalue()),
+ stderr=sys.stdout,
+ last=0)
+ # button handlers:
+ def OnContinue(self, event):
+ try:
+ if self.whendismissed:
+ parent = self.parent # so whendismissed can refer to "parent"
+ if 1:
+ if _debug:
+ if sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write("exec '''%s''': "
+ % (self.whendismissed))
+ exec self.whendismissed
+ if _debug: print "\n",
+ else:
+ if _debug:
+ if sys.stdout: sys.stdout.write("wxPythonRExec(%s).r_exec('''%s'''): "
+ % (self.securityhole,
+ self.whendismissed))
+ wxPythonRExec(self.securityhole).r_exec(self.whendismissed)
+ if _debug: print "\n",
+ if self.modal:
+ self.EndModal(wxID_OK)
+ else:
+ self.Close ()
+ if _debug: print "reimporting ",
+ for m in sys.modules.values():
+ if m and m.__dict__["__name__"][0] in string.uppercase:#hack!
+ if _debug:
+ print m.__dict__["__name__"],
+ reload (m)
+ if _debug:
+ print ' ',
+ if _debug:
+ print '\nENDING %s.OnContinue()..\n\n' % (self,),
+ except:
+ wxPyNonWindowingError("Warning: the following exception information"
+ " may not be the full story.. (because "
+ "a %s(%s) error was encountered trying to "
+ "handle the exception)\n\n"
+ % tuple(sys.exc_info()[:2]),
+ stderr=sys.stdout,
+ last=0)
+ PlainMessageTemplate = \
+ "Hello,\n\n"\
+ '%(programname)s'\
+ " error.\n\n"\
+ "I encountered the following error when running your "\
+ 'program %(programname)s,'\
+ "at %(date)s.\n\n"\
+ "(The following has been automatically generated...)\n"\
+ '%(traceback)s\n\n'\
+ "More information follows:\n\n"\
+ '[Insert more '\
+ "information about the error here, such as what you were "\
+ "trying to do at the time of the error. Please "\
+ "understand that failure to fill in this field will be "\
+ "interpreted as an invitation to consign this e-mail "\
+ "straight to the trash can!]\n\n"\
+ 'Yours sincerely,\n'\
+ "[insert your name here]\n"
+ HTMLMessageTemplate = \
+ '<html>\n'\
+ '<body>'\
+ "<p>\n"\
+ "<i><b>Hello,</b></i>\n<p>\n"\
+ '<p><h2><font color="#CC6C00">%(programname)s</font>'\
+ " error.</h2>\n"\
+ "I encountered the following error when running your "\
+ 'program <font color="#CC6C00">%(programname)s</font>,'\
+ "at %(date)s.\n<p>\n"\
+ "<p>"\
+ "<h2>Traceback (automatically generated):</h2>\n"\
+ '<p><font size="-1">\n<pre>%(traceback)s</pre>\n<p></font><p>'\
+ "\n<p>\n<h2>More information follows:</h2>\n<p>\n"\
+ '<font color="#CC6C00">'\
+ '<i>[Insert more '\
+ "information about the error here, such as what you were "\
+ "trying to do at the time of the error. Please "\
+ "understand that failure to fill in this field will be "\
+ "interpreted as an invitation to consign this e-mail "\
+ "straight to the trash can!]\n</i><p>\n"\
+ "</font><p>\n"\
+ '<i><b>Yours sincerely,</b></i>\n<p>'\
+ '<font color="#CC6C00">'\
+ "[insert your name here]\n"\
+ "</font>\n"\
+ "</body>\n"\
+ "</html>\n"
+ # text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n'\
+ def OnMail(self,event):
+ try:
+ if _debug:
+ print 'Attempting to write mail message.\n',
+ gmtdate = time.asctime(time.gmtime(time.time())) + ' GMT'
+ tm = time.localtime(time.time())
+ date = time.asctime(tm) + ' ' +\
+ time.strftime("%Z",tm)
+ programname = self.programname
+ traceback = self.traceback
+ mailto = self.mailto
+ subject = "Un-caught exception when running %s." % programname
+ mailfrom = None#self.FindWindowById (wxPyError_ID_ADDRESS)
+ if mailfrom:
+ mailfrom = mailfrom.GetValue()
+ if _startmailerwithhtml(mailto,subject,
+ self.HTMLMessageTemplate % vars(),
+ text=self.PlainMessageTemplate % vars(),
+ mailfrom=mailfrom):
+ if not (hasattr(self,"fatal") and self.fatal):
+ self.OnContinue(event) # if ok, then act as if "Continue" selected
+ except:
+ wxPyNonWindowingError("Warning: the following exception information"
+ " may not be the full story... (because "
+ "a %s error was encountered trying to "
+ "handle the original exception)\n\n"#%s"
+ % (sys.exc_type,),#self.msg),
+ stderr=sys.stdout,
+ last=0)
+ def OnExit(self, event):
+ if self.IsModal():
+ self.EndModal(wxID_CANCEL)
+ if self.exitjustreturns:
+ return
+ wxGetApp().ExitMainLoop()
+ def SetText(self,number,string):
+ self.FindWindowById(eval("wxPyError_ID_TEXT%d"
+ % number)).SetLabel(string)
+ self.topsizer.Layout()
+class wxPyFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback(wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback):
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback
+ no_continue_button = True
+ fatal = True
+class wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog(wxPyNonFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback):
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyNonFatalErrorDialog
+class wxPyFatalErrorDialog(wxPyFatalErrorDialogWithTraceback):
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyFatalErrorDialog
+def _startmailerwithhtml(mailto,subject,html,text=None,mailfrom=None):
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x02000000:#\
+ # and sys.platform in ["windows",'nt',"w is in32"]:
+ s = 'mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s' % (mailto,
+ urllib.quote(subject),
+ urllib.quote(
+ text.replace('\n','\r\n'),
+ ""))
+ # Note that RFC 2368 requires that line breaks in the body of
+ # a message contained in a mailto URL MUST be encoded with
+ # "%0D%0A"--even on Unix/Linux. Also note that there appears
+ # to be no way to specify that the body of a mailto tag be
+ # interpreted as HTML (mailto tags shouldn't stuff around with
+ # the MIME-Version/Content-Type headers, the RFC says, so I
+ # can't even be bothered trying, as the Python
+ # webbrowser/urllib modules quite likely won't allow
+ # this... anyway, a plain text message is [at least!] fine...).
+ if _debug:
+ t = urllib.quote(text)
+ if len(t) > 20 * 80:
+ t = t[0:20 * 80] + "..."
+ print "\nSummarizing (only shortened version of argument "\
+ "printed here), ",
+ print 'webbrowser.open("' \
+ 'mailto:%s?subject=%s&body=%s"' % (mailto,
+ urllib.quote(subject),
+ t)
+ webbrowser.open(s)
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return _writehtmlmessage(mailto,subject,html,text,mailfrom=mailfrom)
+def _writehtmlmessage(mailto,subject,html,text=None,parent=None,mailfrom=None):
+ dlg = wxFileDialog (parent,
+ "Please choose a a file to save the message to...",
+ ".",
+ "bug-report",
+ "HTML files (*.htm,*.html)|*.htm,*.html|"
+ "All files (*)|*",
+ if dlg.ShowModal() <> wxID_CANCEL:
+ f = open(dlg.GetPath(),"w")
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ f.write(_createhtmlmail(html,text,subject,to=mailto,mailfrom=mailfrom))
+ f.close()
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+#(HTML) MESSAGE IS BY ART GILLESPIE [with slight modifications by yours truly].
+def _createhtmlmail (html, text, subject, to=None, mailfrom=None):
+ """Create a mime-message that will render HTML in popular
+ MUAs, text in better ones (if indeed text is not unTrue (e.g. None)
+ """
+ import MimeWriter, mimetools, cStringIO
+ out = cStringIO.StringIO() # output buffer for our message
+ htmlin = cStringIO.StringIO(html)
+ if text:
+ txtin = cStringIO.StringIO(text)
+ writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(out)
+ #
+ # set up some basic headers... we put subject here
+ # because smtplib.sendmail expects it to be in the
+ # message body
+ #
+ if mailfrom:
+ writer.addheader("From", mailfrom)
+ #writer.addheader("Reply-to", mailfrom)
+ writer.addheader("Subject", subject)
+ if to:
+ writer.addheader("To", to)
+ writer.addheader("MIME-Version", "1.0")
+ #
+ # start the multipart section of the message
+ # multipart/alternative seems to work better
+ # on some MUAs than multipart/mixed
+ #
+ writer.startmultipartbody("alternative")
+ writer.flushheaders()
+ #
+ # the plain text section
+ #
+ if text:
+ subpart = writer.nextpart()
+ subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
+ pout = subpart.startbody("text/plain", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
+ mimetools.encode(txtin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
+ txtin.close()
+ #
+ # start the html subpart of the message
+ #
+ subpart = writer.nextpart()
+ subpart.addheader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "quoted-printable")
+ pout = subpart.startbody("text/html", [("charset", 'us-ascii')])
+ mimetools.encode(htmlin, pout, 'quoted-printable')
+ htmlin.close()
+ #
+ # Now that we're done, close our writer and
+ # return the message body
+ #
+ writer.lastpart()
+ msg = out.getvalue()
+ out.close()
+ return msg
+def _sendmail(mailto,subject,html,text):# currently unused
+ """For illustration only--this function is not actually used."""
+ import smtplib
+ message = _createhtmlmail(html, text, subject)
+ server = smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
+ server.sendmail(mailto, subject, message)
+ server.quit()
+def wxPyFatalError(parent,msg,**kw):
+ return wxPyFatalOrNonFatalError(parent,msg,fatal=1,**kw)
+def wxPyNonFatalError(parent,msg,**kw):
+ return wxPyFatalOrNonFatalError(parent,msg,fatal=0,**kw)
+def wxPyResizeHTMLWindowToDispelScrollbar(window,
+ fraction,
+ sizer=None,
+ defaultfraction=0.7):
+ # Try to `grow' parent window (typically a dialog), only so far as
+ # no scrollbar is necessary, mantaining aspect ratio of display.
+ # Will go no further than specified fraction of display size.
+ w = 200
+ if type(fraction) == type(''):
+ fraction = int(fraction[:-1]) / 100.
+ ds = wxDisplaySize ()
+ c = window.GetInternalRepresentation ()
+ while w < ds[0] * fraction:
+ c.Layout(w)
+ if _debug:
+ print '(c.GetHeight() + 20, w * ds[1]/ds[0]):',\
+ (c.GetHeight() + 20, w * ds[1]/ds[0])
+ if c.GetHeight() + 20 < w * ds[1]/ds[0]:
+ size = (w,min(int ((w) * ds[1]/ds[0]),
+ c.GetHeight()))
+ break
+ w = w + 20
+ else:
+ if type(defaultfraction) == type(''):
+ defaultfraction = int(defaultfraction[:-1]) / 100.
+ defaultsize = (defaultfraction * ds[0], defaultfraction * ds[1])
+ if _debug:
+ print 'defaultsize =',defaultsize
+ size = defaultsize
+ window.SetSize(size)
+ if sizer is not None:
+ sizer.SetMinSize(size)
+ sizer.Fit(window)
+ #sizer.SetSizeHints(window)
+def wxPyFatalOrNonFatalError(parent,
+ msg,
+ fatal=0,
+ extraversioninformation="",
+ caption=None,
+ versionname=None,
+ errorname=None,
+ version="?",
+ programname="Python program",
+ tback=None,# backwards compatibility, and for
+ #possible future inclusion of ability to display
+ #a traceback along with the given message
+ #"msg"... currently ignored though...
+ modal=0):
+ if not wxThread_IsMain():
+ # Aquire the GUI mutex before making GUI calls. Mutex is released
+ # when locker is deleted at the end of this function.
+ locker = wxMutexGuiLocker()
+ dlg = wxDialog(parent,-1,"Error!")
+ if fatal:
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyFatalError
+ else:
+ populate_function = populate_wxPyNonFatalError
+ sizer = populate_function(dlg,False,True)
+ window = dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_HTML)
+ window.SetPage(msg)
+ wxPyResizeHTMLWindowToDispelScrollbar(window,
+ "85%",
+ sizer=dlg.sizerAroundText)
+ dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_PROGRAMNAME).SetLabel(str(programname))
+ if errorname:
+ dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_TEXT1).SetLabel(str(errorname))
+ if versionname:
+ dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_TEXT2).SetLabel(str(versionname))
+ dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_VERSIONNUMBER).SetLabel(str(version))
+ dlg.FindWindowById(wxPyError_ID_EXTRA_VERSION_INFORMATION).SetLabel(str(
+ extraversioninformation))
+ if caption:
+ dlg.SetTitle(caption)
+ sizer.Fit(dlg)
+ sizer.SetSizeHints(dlg)
+ dlg.CentreOnScreen()
+ if modal:
+ v = dlg.ShowModal()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return v
+ else:
+ dlg.Show(True)
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import ErrorDialogs
-_rename(globals(), ErrorDialogs.__dict__, modulename='lib.ErrorDialogs')
-del ErrorDialogs
-del _rename