+# Name: BrowseImage.py
+# Purpose: Display and Select Image Files
+# Author: Lorne White
+# Version: 1.0
+# Date: January 29, 2002
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+# 1.0 Release
+# Create list of all available image file types
+# View "All Image" File Types as default filter
+# Sort the file list
+# Use newer "re" function for patterns
+# 12/08/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
+# o Updated for wx namespace
+# o Corrected a nasty bug or two - see comments below.
+# o There was a duplicate ImageView.DrawImage() method. Que?
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import imagebrowser
-_rename(globals(), imagebrowser.__dict__, modulename='lib.imagebrowser')
-del imagebrowser
-del _rename
+import os
+import sys
+import wx
+dir_path = os.getcwd()
+def ConvertBMP(file_nm):
+ if file_nm is None:
+ return None
+ fl_fld = os.path.splitext(file_nm)
+ ext = fl_fld[1]
+ ext = ext[1:].lower()
+ image = wx.Image(file_nm, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
+ return image
+def GetSize(file_nm): # for scaling image values
+ image = ConvertBMP(file_nm)
+ bmp = image.ConvertToBitmap()
+ size = bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight()
+ return size
+class ImageView(wx.Window):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize):
+ wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, pos, size)
+ self.win = parent
+ self.image = None
+ self.back_color = 'WHITE'
+ self.border_color = 'BLACK'
+ # Changed API of wx uses tuples for size and pos now.
+ self.image_sizex = size[0]
+ self.image_sizey = size[1]
+ self.image_posx = pos[0]
+ self.image_posy = pos[1]
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+ def OnPaint(self, event):
+ dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
+ self.DrawImage(dc)
+ def SetValue(self, file_nm): # display the selected file in the panel
+ image = ConvertBMP(file_nm)
+ self.image = image
+ self.Refresh()
+ def DrawBorder(self, dc):
+ brush = wx.Brush(wx.NamedColour(self.back_color), wx.SOLID)
+ dc.SetBrush(brush)
+ dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(wx.NamedColour(self.border_color), 1))
+ dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, self.image_sizex, self.image_sizey)
+ def DrawImage(self, dc):
+ try:
+ image = self.image
+ except:
+ return
+ self.DrawBorder(dc)
+ if image is None:
+ return
+ try:
+ bmp = image.ConvertToBitmap()
+ except:
+ return
+ iwidth = bmp.GetWidth() # dimensions of image file
+ iheight = bmp.GetHeight()
+ diffx = (self.image_sizex - iwidth)/2 # center calc
+ if iwidth >= self.image_sizex -10: # if image width fits in window adjust
+ diffx = 5
+ iwidth = self.image_sizex - 10
+ diffy = (self.image_sizey - iheight)/2 # center calc
+ if iheight >= self.image_sizey - 10: # if image height fits in window adjust
+ diffy = 5
+ iheight = self.image_sizey - 10
+ image.Rescale(iwidth, iheight) # rescale to fit the window
+ image.ConvertToBitmap()
+ bmp = image.ConvertToBitmap()
+ dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, diffx, diffy) # draw the image to window
+class ImageDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, set_dir = None):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, "Image Browser", wx.DefaultPosition, (400, 400))
+ self.x_pos = 30 # initial display positions
+ self.y_pos = 20
+ self.delta = 20
+ size = wx.Size(80, -1)
+ self.set_dir = os.getcwd()
+ self.set_file = None
+ if set_dir != None:
+ if os.path.exists(set_dir): # set to working directory if nothing set
+ self.set_dir = set_dir
+ self.dir_x = self.x_pos
+ self.dir_y = self.y_pos
+ self.dir = wx.StaticText(self, -1, self.set_dir, (self.dir_x, self.dir_y), (250, -1))
+ self.y_pos = self.y_pos + self.delta
+ btn = wx.Button(self, 12331, ' Set Directory ', (self.x_pos, self.y_pos))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.SetDirect, btn)
+ self.type_posy = self.y_pos # save the y position for the image type combo
+ self.fl_ext = '*.bmp' # initial setting for file filtering
+ self.GetFiles() # get the file list
+ self.y_pos = self.y_pos + self.delta + 10
+ self.list_height = 150
+ # List of Labels
+ self.tb = tb = wx.ListBox(self, -1, (self.x_pos, self.y_pos),
+ (160, self.list_height), self.fl_list,
+ wx.LB_SINGLE )
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnListClick, tb)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK, self.OnListDClick, tb)
+ width, height = self.tb.GetSize()
+ image_posx = self.x_pos + width + 20 # positions for setting the image window
+ image_posy = self.y_pos
+ image_sizex = 150
+ image_sizey = self.list_height
+ self.fl_types = [
+ "All Images", "Bmp", "Gif", "Png", "Jpg", "Ico", "Pnm",
+ "Pcx", "Tif", "All Files"
+ ]
+ self.fl_ext_types = {
+ "All Images": "All",
+ "Bmp": "*.bmp",
+ "Gif": "*.gif",
+ "Png": "*.png",
+ "Jpg": "*.jpg",
+ "Ico": "*.ico",
+ "Pnm": "*.pnm",
+ "Pcx": "*.pcx",
+ "Tif": "*.tif",
+ "All Files": "*.*"
+ }
+ self.set_type = self.fl_types[0] # initial file filter setting
+ self.fl_ext = self.fl_ext_types[self.set_type]
+ self.sel_type = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, self.set_type, (image_posx , self.type_posy),
+ (150, -1), self.fl_types, wx.CB_DROPDOWN)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSetType, self.sel_type)
+ self.image_view = ImageView( self, pos=(image_posx, image_posy),
+ size=(image_sizex, image_sizey))
+ self.y_pos = self.y_pos + height + 20
+ btn = wx.Button(self, -1, ' Select ', (100, self.y_pos), size)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOk, btn)
+ wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, 'Cancel', (250, self.y_pos), size)
+ self.y_pos = self.y_pos + self.delta
+ fsize = (400, self.y_pos + 50) # resize dialog for final vertical position
+ self.SetSize(fsize)
+ self.ResetFiles()
+ def GetFiles(self): # get the file list using directory and extension values
+ if self.fl_ext == "All":
+ all_files = []
+ for ftypes in self.fl_types[1:-1]: # get list of all available image types
+ filter = self.fl_ext_types[ftypes]
+ #print "filter = ", filter
+ self.fl_val = FindFiles(self, self.set_dir, filter)
+ all_files = all_files + self.fl_val.files # add to list of files
+ self.fl_list = all_files
+ else:
+ self.fl_val = FindFiles(self, self.set_dir, self.fl_ext)
+ self.fl_list = self.fl_val.files
+ self.fl_list.sort() # sort the file list
+ def DisplayDir(self): # display the working directory
+ if self.dir:
+ self.dir.SetLabel(self.set_dir)
+ def OnSetType(self, event):
+ val = event.GetString() # get file type value
+ self.fl_ext = self.fl_ext_types[val]
+ self.ResetFiles()
+ def OnListDClick(self, event):
+ self.OnOk(0)
+ def OnListClick(self, event):
+ val = event.GetSelection()
+ self.SetListValue(val)
+ def SetListValue(self, val):
+ file_nm = self.fl_list[val]
+ self.set_file = file_val = os.path.join(self.set_dir, file_nm)
+ self.image_view.SetValue(file_val)
+ def SetDirect(self, event): # set the new directory
+ dlg = wx.DirDialog(self)
+ dlg.SetPath(self.set_dir)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ self.set_dir = dlg.GetPath()
+ self.ResetFiles()
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ def ResetFiles(self): # refresh the display with files and initial image
+ self.DisplayDir()
+ self.GetFiles()
+ # Changed 12/8/03 jmg
+ #
+ # o Clear listbox first
+ # o THEN check to see if there are any valid files of the selected
+ # type,
+ # o THEN if we have any files to display, set the listbox up,
+ #
+ #
+ # o Leave it cleared
+ # o Clear the image viewer.
+ #
+ # This avoids a nasty assert error.
+ #
+ self.tb.Clear()
+ if len(self.fl_list):
+ self.tb.Set(self.fl_list)
+ try:
+ self.tb.SetSelection(0)
+ self.SetListValue(0)
+ except:
+ self.image_view.SetValue(None)
+ else:
+ self.image_view.SetValue(None)
+ def GetFile(self):
+ return self.set_file
+ def GetDirectory(self):
+ return self.set_dir
+ def OnCancel(self, event):
+ self.result = None
+ self.EndModal(wx.ID_CANCEL)
+ def OnOk(self, event):
+ self.result = self.set_file
+ self.EndModal(wx.ID_OK)
+def OnFileDlg(self):
+ dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose an Image File", ".", "",
+ "Bmp (*.bmp)|*.bmp|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg", wx.OPEN)
+ if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+ path = dlg.GetPath()
+ else:
+ path = None
+ dlg.Destroy()
+ return path
+class FindFiles:
+ def __init__(self, parent, dir, mask):
+ filelist = []
+ dirlist = [".."]
+ self.dir = dir
+ self.file = ""
+ mask = mask.upper()
+ pattern = self.MakeRegex(mask)
+ for i in os.listdir(dir):
+ if i == "." or i == "..":
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(dir, i)
+ path = path.upper()
+ value = i.upper()
+ if pattern.match(value) != None:
+ filelist.append(i)
+ self.files = filelist
+ def MakeRegex(self, pattern):
+ import re
+ f = "" # Set up a regex for file names
+ for ch in pattern:
+ if ch == "*":
+ f = f + ".*"
+ elif ch == ".":
+ f = f + "\."
+ elif ch == "?":
+ f = f + "."
+ else:
+ f = f + ch
+ return re.compile(f+'$')
+ def StripExt(self, file_nm):
+ fl_fld = os.path.splitext(file_nm)
+ fl_name = fl_fld[0]
+ ext = fl_fld[1]
+ return ext[1:]