+# Name: wxPython.lib.maskednumctrl.py
+# Author: Will Sadkin
+# Created: 09/06/2003
+# Copyright: (c) 2003 by Will Sadkin
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# License: wxWindows license
+# NOTE:
+# This was written to provide a numeric edit control for wxPython that
+# does things like right-insert (like a calculator), and does grouping, etc.
+# (ie. the features of wxMaskedTextCtrl), but allows Get/Set of numeric
+# values, rather than text.
+# wxMaskedNumCtrl permits integer, and floating point values to be set
+# retrieved or set via .GetValue() and .SetValue() (type chosen based on
+# fraction width, and provides an EVT_MASKEDNUM() event function for trapping
+# changes to the control.
+# It supports negative numbers as well as the naturals, and has the option
+# of not permitting leading zeros or an empty control; if an empty value is
+# not allowed, attempting to delete the contents of the control will result
+# in a (selected) value of zero, thus preserving a legitimate numeric value.
+# Similarly, replacing the contents of the control with '-' will result in
+# a selected (absolute) value of -1.
+# wxMaskedNumCtrl also supports range limits, with the option of either
+# enforcing them or simply coloring the text of the control if the limits
+# are exceeded.
+# wxMaskedNumCtrl is intended to support fixed-point numeric entry, and
+# is derived from wxMaskedTextCtrl. As such, it supports a limited range
+# of values to comply with a fixed-width entry mask.
+# 12/09/2003 - Jeff Grimmett (grimmtooth@softhome.net)
+# o Updated for wx namespace
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
+<LI>allows you to get and set integer or floating point numbers as value,</LI>
+<LI>provides bounds support and optional value limiting,</LI>
+<LI>has the right-insert input style that wxMaskedTextCtrl supports,</LI>
+<LI>provides optional automatic grouping, sign control and format, grouping and decimal
+character selection, etc. etc.</LI>
+Being derived from wxMaskedTextCtrl, the control only allows
+fixed-point notation. That is, it has a fixed (though reconfigurable)
+maximum width for the integer portion and optional fixed width
+fractional portion.
+Here's the API:
+ <B>wxMaskedNumCtrl</B>(
+ parent, id = -1,
+ <B>value</B> = 0,
+ pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ size = wxDefaultSize,
+ style = 0,
+ validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ name = "maskednumber",
+ <B>integerWidth</B> = 10,
+ <B>fractionWidth</B> = 0,
+ <B>allowNone</B> = False,
+ <B>allowNegative</B> = True,
+ <B>useParensForNegatives</B> = False,
+ <B>groupDigits</B> = False,
+ <B>groupChar</B> = ',',
+ <B>decimalChar</B> = '.',
+ <B>min</B> = None,
+ <B>max</B> = None,
+ <B>limited</B> = False,
+ <B>selectOnEntry</b> = True,
+ <B>foregroundColour</B> = "Black",
+ <B>signedForegroundColour</B> = "Red",
+ <B>emptyBackgroundColour</B> = "White",
+ <B>validBackgroundColour</B> = "White",
+ <B>invalidBackgroundColour</B> = "Yellow",
+ )
+ <DT><B>value</B>
+ <DD>If no initial value is set, the default will be zero, or
+ the minimum value, if specified. If an illegal string is specified,
+ a ValueError will result. (You can always later set the initial
+ value with SetValue() after instantiation of the control.)
+ <BR>
+ <DL><B>integerWidth</B>
+ <DD>Indicates how many places to the right of any decimal point
+ should be allowed in the control. This will, perforce, limit
+ the size of the values that can be entered. This number need
+ not include space for grouping characters or the sign, if either
+ of these options are enabled, as the resulting underlying
+ mask is automatically by the control. The default of 10
+ will allow any 32 bit integer value. The minimum value
+ for integerWidth is 1.
+ <BR>
+ <DL><B>fractionWidth</B>
+ <DD>Indicates how many decimal places to show for numeric value.
+ If default (0), then the control will display and return only
+ integer or long values.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>allowNone</B>
+ <DD>Boolean indicating whether or not the control is allowed to be
+ empty, representing a value of None for the control.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>allowNegative</B>
+ <DD>Boolean indicating whether or not control is allowed to hold
+ negative numbers.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>useParensForNegatives</B>
+ <DD>If true, this will cause negative numbers to be displayed with ()s
+ rather than -, (although '-' will still trigger a negative number.)
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>groupDigits</B>
+ <DD>Indicates whether or not grouping characters should be allowed and/or
+ inserted when leaving the control or the decimal character is entered.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>groupChar</B>
+ <DD>What grouping character will be used if allowed. (By default ',')
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>decimalChar</B>
+ <DD>If fractionWidth is > 0, what character will be used to represent
+ the decimal point. (By default '.')
+ <BR>
+ <DL><B>min</B>
+ <DD>The minimum value that the control should allow. This can be also be
+ adjusted with SetMin(). If the control is not limited, any value
+ below this bound will result in a background colored with the current
+ invalidBackgroundColour. If the min specified will not fit into the
+ control, the min setting will be ignored.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>max</B>
+ <DD>The maximum value that the control should allow. This can be
+ adjusted with SetMax(). If the control is not limited, any value
+ above this bound will result in a background colored with the current
+ invalidBackgroundColour. If the max specified will not fit into the
+ control, the max setting will be ignored.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>limited</B>
+ <DD>Boolean indicating whether the control prevents values from
+ exceeding the currently set minimum and maximum values (bounds).
+ If False and bounds are set, out-of-bounds values will
+ result in a background colored with the current invalidBackgroundColour.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>selectOnEntry</B>
+ <DD>Boolean indicating whether or not the value in each field of the
+ control should be automatically selected (for replacement) when
+ that field is entered, either by cursor movement or tabbing.
+ This can be desirable when using these controls for rapid data entry.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>foregroundColour</B>
+ <DD>Color value used for positive values of the control.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>signedForegroundColour</B>
+ <DD>Color value used for negative values of the control.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>emptyBackgroundColour</B>
+ <DD>What background color to use when the control is considered
+ "empty." (allow_none must be set to trigger this behavior.)
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>validBackgroundColour</B>
+ <DD>What background color to use when the control value is
+ considered valid.
+ <BR>
+ <DT><B>invalidBackgroundColour</B>
+ <DD>Color value used for illegal values or values out-of-bounds of the
+ control when the bounds are set but the control is not limited.
+<DT><B>EVT_MASKEDNUM(win, id, func)</B>
+<DD>Respond to a wxEVT_COMMAND_MASKED_NUMBER_UPDATED event, generated when
+the value changes. Notice that this event will always be sent when the
+control's contents changes - whether this is due to user input or
+comes from the program itself (for example, if SetValue() is called.)
+<DD>Sets the value of the control to the value specified, if
+possible. The resulting actual value of the control may be
+altered to conform to the format of the control, changed
+to conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
+or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
+A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
+is specified.
+<DD>Retrieves the numeric value from the control. The value
+retrieved will be either be returned as a long if the
+fractionWidth is 0, or a float otherwise.
+<DD>Allows simultaneous setting of various attributes
+of the control after construction. Keyword arguments
+allowed are the same parameters as supported in the constructor.
+<DD>Resets the width of the integer portion of the control. The
+value must be >= 1, or an AttributeError exception will result.
+This value should account for any grouping characters that might
+be inserted (if grouping is enabled), but does not need to account
+for the sign, as that is handled separately by the control.
+<DD>Returns the current width of the integer portion of the control,
+not including any reserved sign position.
+<DD>Resets the width of the fractional portion of the control. The
+value must be >= 0, or an AttributeError exception will result. If
+0, the current value of the control will be truncated to an integer
+<DD>Returns the current width of the fractional portion of the control.
+<DD>Resets the minimum value of the control. If a value of <I>None</I>
+is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
+If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
+then the function returns False and the minimum will not change from
+its current setting. On success, the function returns True.
+If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
+bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
+adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
+control will be colored as invalid.
+If min > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
+the function will return False, and the min will not be set.
+<DD>Gets the current lower bound value for the control.
+It will return None if no lower bound is currently specified.
+<DD>Resets the maximum value of the control. If a value of <I>None</I>
+is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
+If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
+the function returns False and the maximum will not change from its
+current setting. On success, the function returns True.
+If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
+bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
+adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
+control will be colored as invalid.
+If max > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
+the function will return False, and the max will not be set.
+<DD>Gets the current upper bound value for the control.
+It will return None if no upper bound is currently specified.
+<DD>This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
+values at the same time. The function only applies the maximum bound
+if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
+only if both operations succeed. <B><I>Note:</I></B> leaving out an argument
+will remove the corresponding bound.
+<DD>This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
+current bounds of the control. Each value can be None if
+that bound is not set.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if no value is specified and the current value
+of the control falls within the current bounds. This function can also
+be called with a value to see if that value would fall within the current
+bounds of the given control.
+<DD>If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
+to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
+If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
+be limited accordingly.
+If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
+limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
+place if bounds have been set for the control.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently limiting the
+value to fall within the current bounds.
+<DD>If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
+to allow the value to be empty, representing a value of None.
+If called with a value of False, this function will prevent the value
+from being None. If the value of the control is currently None,
+ie. the control is empty, then the value will be changed to that
+of the lower bound of the control, or 0 if no lower bound is set.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently allows its
+value to be None.
+<DD>If called with a value of True, this function will cause the
+control to allow the value to be negative (and reserve space for
+displaying the sign. If called with a value of False, and the
+value of the control is currently negative, the value of the
+control will be converted to the absolute value, and then
+limited appropriately based on the existing bounds of the control
+(if any).
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently permits values
+to be negative.
+<DD>If called with a value of True, this will make the control
+automatically add and manage grouping characters to the presented
+value in integer portion of the control.
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control is currently set to group digits.
+<DD>Sets the grouping character for the integer portion of the
+control. (The default grouping character this is ','.
+<DD>Returns the current grouping character for the control.
+<DD>If called with a value of <I>True</I>, this will make the control
+automatically select the contents of each field as it is entered
+within the control. (The default is True.)
+<DD>Returns <I>True</I> if the control currently auto selects
+the field values on entry.
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import maskednumctrl
-_rename(globals(), maskednumctrl.__dict__, modulename='lib.maskednumctrl')
-del maskednumctrl
-del _rename
+import copy
+import string
+import types
+import wx
+from sys import maxint
+MAXINT = maxint # (constants should be in upper case)
+MININT = -maxint-1
+from wx.tools.dbg import Logger
+from wx.lib.maskededit import wxMaskedEditMixin, wxMaskedTextCtrl, Field
+dbg = Logger()
+class wxMaskedNumNumberUpdatedEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
+ def __init__(self, id, value = 0, object=None):
+ wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, wxEVT_COMMAND_MASKED_NUMBER_UPDATED, id)
+ self.__value = value
+ self.SetEventObject(object)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ """Retrieve the value of the control at the time
+ this event was generated."""
+ return self.__value
+class wxMaskedNumCtrl(wxMaskedTextCtrl):
+ valid_ctrl_params = {
+ 'integerWidth': 10, # by default allow all 32-bit integers
+ 'fractionWidth': 0, # by default, use integers
+ 'decimalChar': '.', # by default, use '.' for decimal point
+ 'allowNegative': True, # by default, allow negative numbers
+ 'useParensForNegatives': False, # by default, use '-' to indicate negatives
+ 'groupDigits': True, # by default, don't insert grouping
+ 'groupChar': ',', # by default, use ',' for grouping
+ 'min': None, # by default, no bounds set
+ 'max': None,
+ 'limited': False, # by default, no limiting even if bounds set
+ 'allowNone': False, # by default, don't allow empty value
+ 'selectOnEntry': True, # by default, select the value of each field on entry
+ 'foregroundColour': "Black",
+ 'signedForegroundColour': "Red",
+ 'emptyBackgroundColour': "White",
+ 'validBackgroundColour': "White",
+ 'invalidBackgroundColour': "Yellow",
+ 'useFixedWidthFont': True, # by default, use a fixed-width font
+ }
+ def __init__ (
+ self, parent, id=-1, value = 0,
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
+ style = wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB, validator = wx.DefaultValidator,
+ name = "maskednum",
+ **kwargs ):
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::__init__', indent=1)
+ # Set defaults for control:
+ dbg('setting defaults:')
+ for key, param_value in wxMaskedNumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.items():
+ # This is done this way to make setattr behave consistently with
+ # "private attribute" name mangling
+ setattr(self, '_' + key, copy.copy(param_value))
+ # Assign defaults for all attributes:
+ init_args = copy.deepcopy(wxMaskedNumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params)
+ dbg('kwargs:', kwargs)
+ for key, param_value in kwargs.items():
+ key = key.replace('Color', 'Colour')
+ if key not in wxMaskedNumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
+ raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
+ else:
+ init_args[key] = param_value
+ dbg('init_args:', indent=1)
+ for key, param_value in init_args.items():
+ dbg('%s:' % key, param_value)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ # Process initial fields for the control, as part of construction:
+ if type(init_args['integerWidth']) != types.IntType:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(init_args['integerWidth']))
+ elif init_args['integerWidth'] < 1:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; must be > 0' % repr(init_args['integerWidth']))
+ fields = {}
+ if init_args.has_key('fractionWidth'):
+ if type(init_args['fractionWidth']) != types.IntType:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(self._fractionWidth))
+ elif init_args['fractionWidth'] < 0:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; must be >= 0' % repr(init_args['fractionWidth']))
+ self._fractionWidth = init_args['fractionWidth']
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ fracmask = '.' + '#{%d}' % self._fractionWidth
+ dbg('fracmask:', fracmask)
+ fields[1] = Field(defaultValue='0'*self._fractionWidth)
+ else:
+ fracmask = ''
+ self._integerWidth = init_args['integerWidth']
+ if init_args['groupDigits']:
+ self._groupSpace = (self._integerWidth - 1) / 3
+ else:
+ self._groupSpace = 0
+ intmask = '#{%d}' % (self._integerWidth + self._groupSpace)
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ emptyInvalid = False
+ else:
+ emptyInvalid = True
+ fields[0] = Field(formatcodes='r<>', emptyInvalid=emptyInvalid)
+ dbg('intmask:', intmask)
+ # don't bother to reprocess these arguments:
+ del init_args['integerWidth']
+ del init_args['fractionWidth']
+ mask = intmask+fracmask
+ # initial value of state vars
+ self._oldvalue = 0
+ self._integerEnd = 0
+ self._typedSign = False
+ # Construct the base control:
+ wxMaskedTextCtrl.__init__(
+ self, parent, id, '',
+ pos, size, style, validator, name,
+ mask = mask,
+ formatcodes = 'FR<',
+ fields = fields,
+ validFunc=self.IsInBounds,
+ setupEventHandling = False)
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self._OnFocus ) ## defeat automatic full selection
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self._OnKillFocus ) ## run internal validator
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._OnDoubleClick) ## select field under cursor on dclick
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self._OnContextMenu ) ## bring up an appropriate context menu
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._OnKeyDown ) ## capture control events not normally seen, eg ctrl-tab.
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self._OnChar ) ## handle each keypress
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnTextChange ) ## color control appropriately & keep
+ ## track of previous value for undo
+ # Establish any additional parameters, with appropriate error checking
+ self.SetParameters(**init_args)
+ # Set the value requested (if possible)
+## wxCallAfter(self.SetValue, value)
+ self.SetValue(value)
+ # Ensure proper coloring:
+ self.Refresh()
+ dbg('finished wxMaskedNumCtrl::__init__', indent=0)
+ def SetParameters(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ This routine is used to initialize and reconfigure the control:
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::SetParameters', indent=1)
+ maskededit_kwargs = {}
+ reset_fraction_width = False
+ if( (kwargs.has_key('integerWidth') and kwargs['integerWidth'] != self._integerWidth)
+ or (kwargs.has_key('fractionWidth') and kwargs['fractionWidth'] != self._fractionWidth)
+ or (kwargs.has_key('groupDigits') and kwargs['groupDigits'] != self._groupDigits) ):
+ fields = {}
+ if kwargs.has_key('fractionWidth'):
+ if type(kwargs['fractionWidth']) != types.IntType:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(kwargs['fractionWidth']))
+ elif kwargs['fractionWidth'] < 0:
+ raise AttributeError('invalid fractionWidth (%s) specified; must be >= 0' % repr(kwargs['fractionWidth']))
+ else:
+ if self._fractionWidth != kwargs['fractionWidth']:
+ self._fractionWidth = kwargs['fractionWidth']
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ fracmask = '.' + '#{%d}' % self._fractionWidth
+ fields[1] = Field(defaultValue='0'*self._fractionWidth)
+ emptyInvalid = False
+ else:
+ emptyInvalid = True
+ fracmask = ''
+ dbg('fracmask:', fracmask)
+ if kwargs.has_key('integerWidth'):
+ if type(kwargs['integerWidth']) != types.IntType:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; expected integer' % repr(kwargs['integerWidth']))
+ elif kwargs['integerWidth'] < 0:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise AttributeError('invalid integerWidth (%s) specified; must be > 0' % repr(kwargs['integerWidth']))
+ else:
+ self._integerWidth = kwargs['integerWidth']
+ if kwargs.has_key('groupDigits'):
+ self._groupDigits = kwargs['groupDigits']
+ if self._groupDigits:
+ self._groupSpace = (self._integerWidth - 1) / 3
+ else:
+ self._groupSpace = 0
+ intmask = '#{%d}' % (self._integerWidth + self._groupSpace)
+ dbg('intmask:', intmask)
+ fields[0] = Field(formatcodes='r<>', emptyInvalid=emptyInvalid)
+ maskededit_kwargs['fields'] = fields
+ # don't bother to reprocess these arguments:
+ if kwargs.has_key('integerWidth'):
+ del kwargs['integerWidth']
+ if kwargs.has_key('fractionWidth'):
+ del kwargs['fractionWidth']
+ maskededit_kwargs['mask'] = intmask+fracmask
+ if kwargs.has_key('groupChar'):
+ old_groupchar = self._groupChar # save so we can reformat properly
+ dbg("old_groupchar: '%s'" % old_groupchar)
+ maskededit_kwargs['groupChar'] = kwargs['groupChar']
+ if kwargs.has_key('decimalChar'):
+ old_decimalchar = self._decimalChar
+ dbg("old_decimalchar: '%s'" % old_decimalchar)
+ maskededit_kwargs['decimalChar'] = kwargs['decimalChar']
+ # for all other parameters, assign keyword args as appropriate:
+ for key, param_value in kwargs.items():
+ key = key.replace('Color', 'Colour')
+ if key not in wxMaskedNumCtrl.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
+ raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
+ elif key not in wxMaskedEditMixin.valid_ctrl_params.keys():
+ setattr(self, '_' + key, param_value)
+ elif key in ('mask', 'autoformat'): # disallow explicit setting of mask
+ raise AttributeError('invalid keyword argument "%s"' % key)
+ else:
+ maskededit_kwargs[key] = param_value
+ dbg('kwargs:', kwargs)
+ # reprocess existing format codes to ensure proper resulting format:
+ formatcodes = self.GetFormatcodes()
+ if kwargs.has_key('allowNegative'):
+ if kwargs['allowNegative'] and '-' not in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes += '-'
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ elif not kwargs['allowNegative'] and '-' in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('-','')
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ if kwargs.has_key('groupDigits'):
+ if kwargs['groupDigits'] and ',' not in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes += ','
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ elif not kwargs['groupDigits'] and ',' in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes = formatcodes.replace(',','')
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ if kwargs.has_key('selectOnEntry'):
+ self._selectOnEntry = kwargs['selectOnEntry']
+ dbg("kwargs['selectOnEntry']?", kwargs['selectOnEntry'], "'S' in formatcodes?", 'S' in formatcodes)
+ if kwargs['selectOnEntry'] and 'S' not in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes += 'S'
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ elif not kwargs['selectOnEntry'] and 'S' in formatcodes:
+ formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('S','')
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ if 'r' in formatcodes and self._fractionWidth:
+ # top-level mask should only be right insert if no fractional
+ # part will be shown; ie. if reconfiguring control, remove
+ # previous "global" setting.
+ formatcodes = formatcodes.replace('r', '')
+ maskededit_kwargs['formatcodes'] = formatcodes
+ if kwargs.has_key('limited'):
+ if kwargs['limited'] and not self._limited:
+ maskededit_kwargs['validRequired'] = True
+ elif not kwargs['limited'] and self._limited:
+ maskededit_kwargs['validRequired'] = False
+ self._limited = kwargs['limited']
+ dbg('maskededit_kwargs:', maskededit_kwargs)
+ if maskededit_kwargs.keys():
+ self.SetCtrlParameters(**maskededit_kwargs)
+ # Record end of integer and place cursor there:
+ integerEnd = self._fields[0]._extent[1]
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(integerEnd)
+ self.SetSelection(integerEnd, integerEnd)
+ # Go ensure all the format codes necessary are present:
+ orig_intformat = intformat = self.GetFieldParameter(0, 'formatcodes')
+ if 'r' not in intformat:
+ intformat += 'r'
+ if '>' not in intformat:
+ intformat += '>'
+ if intformat != orig_intformat:
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ self.SetFieldParameters(0, formatcodes=intformat)
+ else:
+ self.SetCtrlParameters(formatcodes=intformat)
+ # Set min and max as appropriate:
+ if kwargs.has_key('min'):
+ min = kwargs['min']
+ if( self._max is None
+ or min is None
+ or (self._max is not None and self._max >= min) ):
+ dbg('examining min')
+ if min is not None:
+ try:
+ textmin = self._toGUI(min, apply_limits = False)
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg('min will not fit into control; ignoring', indent=0)
+ raise
+ dbg('accepted min')
+ self._min = min
+ else:
+ dbg('ignoring min')
+ if kwargs.has_key('max'):
+ max = kwargs['max']
+ if( self._min is None
+ or max is None
+ or (self._min is not None and self._min <= max) ):
+ dbg('examining max')
+ if max is not None:
+ try:
+ textmax = self._toGUI(max, apply_limits = False)
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg('max will not fit into control; ignoring', indent=0)
+ raise
+ dbg('accepted max')
+ self._max = max
+ else:
+ dbg('ignoring max')
+ if kwargs.has_key('allowNegative'):
+ self._allowNegative = kwargs['allowNegative']
+ # Ensure current value of control obeys any new restrictions imposed:
+ text = self._GetValue()
+ dbg('text value: "%s"' % text)
+ if kwargs.has_key('groupChar') and text.find(old_groupchar) != -1:
+ text = text.replace(old_groupchar, self._groupChar)
+ if kwargs.has_key('decimalChar') and text.find(old_decimalchar) != -1:
+ text = text.replace(old_decimalchar, self._decimalChar)
+ if text != self._GetValue():
+ wx.TextCtrl.SetValue(self, text)
+ value = self.GetValue()
+ dbg('self._allowNegative?', self._allowNegative)
+ if not self._allowNegative and self._isNeg:
+ value = abs(value)
+ dbg('abs(value):', value)
+ self._isNeg = False
+ elif not self._allowNone and wxMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self) == '':
+ if self._min > 0:
+ value = self._min
+ else:
+ value = 0
+ sel_start, sel_to = self.GetSelection()
+ if self.IsLimited() and self._min is not None and value < self._min:
+ dbg('Set to min value:', self._min)
+ self._SetValue(self._toGUI(self._min))
+ elif self.IsLimited() and self._max is not None and value > self._max:
+ dbg('Setting to max value:', self._max)
+ self._SetValue(self._toGUI(self._max))
+ else:
+ # reformat current value as appropriate to possibly new conditions
+ dbg('Reformatting value:', value)
+ sel_start, sel_to = self.GetSelection()
+ self._SetValue(self._toGUI(value))
+ self.Refresh() # recolor as appropriate
+ dbg('finished wxMaskedNumCtrl::SetParameters', indent=0)
+ def _GetNumValue(self, value):
+ """
+ This function attempts to "clean up" a text value, providing a regularized
+ convertable string, via atol() or atof(), for any well-formed numeric text value.
+ """
+ return value.replace(self._groupChar, '').replace(self._decimalChar, '.').replace('(', '-').replace(')','').strip()
+ def GetFraction(self, candidate=None):
+ """
+ Returns the fractional portion of the value as a float. If there is no
+ fractional portion, the value returned will be 0.0.
+ """
+ if not self._fractionWidth:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ fracstart, fracend = self._fields[1]._extent
+ if candidate is None:
+ value = self._toGUI(wxMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self))
+ else:
+ value = self._toGUI(candidate)
+ fracstring = value[fracstart:fracend].strip()
+ if not value:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ return string.atof(fracstring)
+ def _OnChangeSign(self, event):
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_OnChangeSign', indent=1)
+ self._typedSign = True
+ wxMaskedEditMixin._OnChangeSign(self, event)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def _disallowValue(self):
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_disallowValue')
+ # limited and -1 is out of bounds
+ if self._typedSign:
+ self._isNeg = False
+ if not wx.Validator_IsSilent():
+ wx.Bell()
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
+ dbg('queuing reselection of (%d, %d)' % (sel_start, sel_to))
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start) # preserve current selection/position
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)
+ def _SetValue(self, value):
+ """
+ This routine supersedes the base masked control _SetValue(). It is
+ needed to ensure that the value of the control is always representable/convertable
+ to a numeric return value (via GetValue().) This routine also handles
+ automatic adjustment and grouping of the value without explicit intervention
+ by the user.
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_SetValue("%s")' % value, indent=1)
+ if( (self._fractionWidth and value.find(self._decimalChar) == -1) or
+ (self._fractionWidth == 0 and value.find(self._decimalChar) != -1) ) :
+ value = self._toGUI(value)
+ numvalue = self._GetNumValue(value)
+ dbg('cleansed value: "%s"' % numvalue)
+ replacement = None
+ if numvalue == "":
+ if self._allowNone:
+ dbg('calling base wxMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, "%s")' % value)
+ wxMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, value)
+ self.Refresh()
+ return
+ elif self._min > 0 and self.IsLimited():
+ replacement = self._min
+ else:
+ replacement = 0
+ dbg('empty value; setting replacement:', replacement)
+ if replacement is None:
+ # Go get the integer portion about to be set and verify its validity
+ intstart, intend = self._fields[0]._extent
+ dbg('intstart, intend:', intstart, intend)
+ dbg('raw integer:"%s"' % value[intstart:intend])
+ int = self._GetNumValue(value[intstart:intend])
+ numval = self._fromGUI(value)
+ dbg('integer: "%s"' % int)
+ try:
+ fracval = self.GetFraction(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ dbg('Exception:', e, 'must be out of bounds; disallow value')
+ self._disallowValue()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ if fracval == 0.0:
+ dbg('self._isNeg?', self._isNeg)
+ if int == '-' and self._oldvalue < 0 and not self._typedSign:
+ dbg('just a negative sign; old value < 0; setting replacement of 0')
+ replacement = 0
+ self._isNeg = False
+ elif int[:2] == '-0' and self._fractionWidth == 0:
+ if self._oldvalue < 0:
+ dbg('-0; setting replacement of 0')
+ replacement = 0
+ self._isNeg = False
+ elif not self._limited or (self._min < -1 and self._max >= -1):
+ dbg('-0; setting replacement of -1')
+ replacement = -1
+ self._isNeg = True
+ else:
+ # limited and -1 is out of bounds
+ self._disallowValue()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ elif int == '-' and (self._oldvalue >= 0 or self._typedSign) and self._fractionWidth == 0:
+ if not self._limited or (self._min < -1 and self._max >= -1):
+ dbg('just a negative sign; setting replacement of -1')
+ replacement = -1
+ else:
+ # limited and -1 is out of bounds
+ self._disallowValue()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ elif( self._typedSign
+ and int.find('-') != -1
+ and self._limited
+ and not self._min <= numval <= self._max):
+ # changed sign resulting in value that's now out-of-bounds;
+ # disallow
+ self._disallowValue()
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ if replacement is None:
+ if int and int != '-':
+ try:
+ string.atol(int)
+ except ValueError:
+ # integer requested is not legal. This can happen if the user
+ # is attempting to insert a digit in the middle of the control
+ # resulting in something like " 3 45". Disallow such actions:
+ dbg('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "%s" does not convert to a long!' % int)
+ if not wx.Validator_IsSilent():
+ wx.Bell()
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
+ dbg('queuing reselection of (%d, %d)' % (sel_start, sel_to))
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start) # preserve current selection/position
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ if int[0] == '0' and len(int) > 1:
+ dbg('numvalue: "%s"' % numvalue.replace(' ', ''))
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ value = self._toGUI(string.atof(numvalue))
+ else:
+ value = self._toGUI(string.atol(numvalue))
+ dbg('modified value: "%s"' % value)
+ self._typedSign = False # reset state var
+ if replacement is not None:
+ # Value presented wasn't a legal number, but control should do something
+ # reasonable instead:
+ dbg('setting replacement value:', replacement)
+ self._SetValue(self._toGUI(replacement))
+ sel_start = wxMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self).find(str(abs(replacement))) # find where it put the 1, so we can select it
+ sel_to = sel_start + len(str(abs(replacement)))
+ dbg('queuing selection of (%d, %d)' %(sel_start, sel_to))
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetInsertionPoint, sel_start)
+ wx.CallAfter(self.SetSelection, sel_start, sel_to)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ # Otherwise, apply appropriate formatting to value:
+ # Because we're intercepting the value and adjusting it
+ # before a sign change is detected, we need to do this here:
+ if '-' in value or '(' in value:
+ self._isNeg = True
+ else:
+ self._isNeg = False
+ dbg('value:"%s"' % value, 'self._useParens:', self._useParens)
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ adjvalue = self._adjustFloat(self._GetNumValue(value).replace('.',self._decimalChar))
+ else:
+ adjvalue = self._adjustInt(self._GetNumValue(value))
+ dbg('adjusted value: "%s"' % adjvalue)
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection() # record current insertion point
+ dbg('calling base wxMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, "%s")' % adjvalue)
+ wxMaskedTextCtrl._SetValue(self, adjvalue)
+ # After all actions so far scheduled, check that resulting cursor
+ # position is appropriate, and move if not:
+ wx.CallAfter(self._CheckInsertionPoint)
+ dbg('finished wxMaskedNumCtrl::_SetValue', indent=0)
+ def _CheckInsertionPoint(self):
+ # If current insertion point is before the end of the integer and
+ # its before the 1st digit, place it just after the sign position:
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::CheckInsertionPoint', indent=1)
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
+ text = self._GetValue()
+ if sel_to < self._fields[0]._extent[1] and text[sel_to] in (' ', '-', '('):
+ text, signpos, right_signpos = self._getSignedValue()
+ dbg('setting selection(%d, %d)' % (signpos+1, signpos+1))
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(signpos+1)
+ self.SetSelection(signpos+1, signpos+1)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def _OnErase( self, event ):
+ """
+ This overrides the base control _OnErase, so that erasing around
+ grouping characters auto selects the digit before or after the
+ grouping character, so that the erasure does the right thing.
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_OnErase', indent=1)
+ #if grouping digits, make sure deletes next to group char always
+ # delete next digit to appropriate side:
+ if self._groupDigits:
+ key = event.GetKeyCode()
+ value = wxMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self)
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
+ if key == wx.WXK_BACK:
+ # if 1st selected char is group char, select to previous digit
+ if sel_start > 0 and sel_start < len(self._mask) and value[sel_start:sel_to] == self._groupChar:
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(sel_start-1)
+ self.SetSelection(sel_start-1, sel_to)
+ # elif previous char is group char, select to previous digit
+ elif sel_start > 1 and sel_start == sel_to and value[sel_start-1:sel_start] == self._groupChar:
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(sel_start-2)
+ self.SetSelection(sel_start-2, sel_to)
+ elif key == wx.WXK_DELETE:
+ if( sel_to < len(self._mask) - 2 + (1 *self._useParens)
+ and sel_start == sel_to
+ and value[sel_to] == self._groupChar ):
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(sel_start)
+ self.SetSelection(sel_start, sel_to+2)
+ elif( sel_to < len(self._mask) - 2 + (1 *self._useParens)
+ and value[sel_start:sel_to] == self._groupChar ):
+ self.SetInsertionPoint(sel_start)
+ self.SetSelection(sel_start, sel_to+1)
+ wxMaskedTextCtrl._OnErase(self, event)
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def OnTextChange( self, event ):
+ """
+ Handles an event indicating that the text control's value
+ has changed, and issue EVT_MaskedNum event.
+ NOTE: using wxTextCtrl.SetValue() to change the control's
+ contents from within a EVT_CHAR handler can cause double
+ text events. So we check for actual changes to the text
+ before passing the events on.
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::OnTextChange', indent=1)
+ if not wxMaskedTextCtrl._OnTextChange(self, event):
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ # else... legal value
+ value = self.GetValue()
+ if value != self._oldvalue:
+ try:
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(
+ wxMaskedNumNumberUpdatedEvent( self.GetId(), self.GetValue(), self ) )
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return
+ # let normal processing of the text continue
+ event.Skip()
+ self._oldvalue = value # record for next event
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ def _GetValue(self):
+ """
+ Override of wxMaskedTextCtrl to allow amixin to get the raw text value of the
+ control with this function.
+ """
+ return wx.TextCtrl.GetValue(self)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ """
+ Returns the current numeric value of the control.
+ """
+ return self._fromGUI( wxMaskedTextCtrl.GetValue(self) )
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ """
+ Sets the value of the control to the value specified.
+ The resulting actual value of the control may be altered to
+ conform with the bounds set on the control if limited,
+ or colored if not limited but the value is out-of-bounds.
+ A ValueError exception will be raised if an invalid value
+ is specified.
+ """
+ wxMaskedTextCtrl.SetValue( self, self._toGUI(value) )
+ def SetIntegerWidth(self, value):
+ self.SetCtrlParameters(integerWidth=value)
+ def GetIntegerWidth(self):
+ return self._integerWidth
+ def SetFractionWidth(self, value):
+ self.SetCtrlParameters(fractionWidth=value)
+ def GetFractionWidth(self):
+ return self._fractionWidth
+ def SetMin(self, min=None):
+ """
+ Sets the minimum value of the control. If a value of None
+ is provided, then the control will have no explicit minimum value.
+ If the value specified is greater than the current maximum value,
+ then the function returns False and the minimum will not change from
+ its current setting. On success, the function returns True.
+ If successful and the current value is lower than the new lower
+ bound, if the control is limited, the value will be automatically
+ adjusted to the new minimum value; if not limited, the value in the
+ control will be colored as invalid.
+ If min > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
+ the function will return False, and the min will not be set.
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::SetMin(%s)' % repr(min), indent=1)
+ if( self._max is None
+ or min is None
+ or (self._max is not None and self._max >= min) ):
+ try:
+ self.SetParameters(min=min)
+ bRet = True
+ except ValueError:
+ bRet = False
+ else:
+ bRet = False
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return bRet
+ def GetMin(self):
+ """
+ Gets the lower bound value of the control. It will return
+ None if not specified.
+ """
+ return self._min
+ def SetMax(self, max=None):
+ """
+ Sets the maximum value of the control. If a value of None
+ is provided, then the control will have no explicit maximum value.
+ If the value specified is less than the current minimum value, then
+ the function returns False and the maximum will not change from its
+ current setting. On success, the function returns True.
+ If successful and the current value is greater than the new upper
+ bound, if the control is limited the value will be automatically
+ adjusted to this maximum value; if not limited, the value in the
+ control will be colored as invalid.
+ If max > the max value allowed by the width of the control,
+ the function will return False, and the max will not be set.
+ """
+ if( self._min is None
+ or max is None
+ or (self._min is not None and self._min <= max) ):
+ try:
+ self.SetParameters(max=max)
+ bRet = True
+ except ValueError:
+ bRet = False
+ else:
+ bRet = False
+ return bRet
+ def GetMax(self):
+ """
+ Gets the maximum value of the control. It will return the current
+ maximum integer, or None if not specified.
+ """
+ return self._max
+ def SetBounds(self, min=None, max=None):
+ """
+ This function is a convenience function for setting the min and max
+ values at the same time. The function only applies the maximum bound
+ if setting the minimum bound is successful, and returns True
+ only if both operations succeed.
+ NOTE: leaving out an argument will remove the corresponding bound.
+ """
+ ret = self.SetMin(min)
+ return ret and self.SetMax(max)
+ def GetBounds(self):
+ """
+ This function returns a two-tuple (min,max), indicating the
+ current bounds of the control. Each value can be None if
+ that bound is not set.
+ """
+ return (self._min, self._max)
+ def SetLimited(self, limited):
+ """
+ If called with a value of True, this function will cause the control
+ to limit the value to fall within the bounds currently specified.
+ If the control's value currently exceeds the bounds, it will then
+ be limited accordingly.
+ If called with a value of False, this function will disable value
+ limiting, but coloring of out-of-bounds values will still take
+ place if bounds have been set for the control.
+ """
+ self.SetParameters(limited = limited)
+ def IsLimited(self):
+ """
+ Returns True if the control is currently limiting the
+ value to fall within the current bounds.
+ """
+ return self._limited
+ def GetLimited(self):
+ """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
+ return self.IsLimited
+ def IsInBounds(self, value=None):
+ """
+ Returns True if no value is specified and the current value
+ of the control falls within the current bounds. This function can
+ also be called with a value to see if that value would fall within
+ the current bounds of the given control.
+ """
+ dbg('IsInBounds(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ if value is None:
+ value = self.GetValue()
+ else:
+ try:
+ value = self._GetNumValue(self._toGUI(value))
+ except ValueError, e:
+ dbg('error getting NumValue(self._toGUI(value)):', e, indent=0)
+ return False
+ if value == '':
+ value = None
+ elif self._fractionWidth:
+ value = float(value)
+ else:
+ value = long(value)
+ min = self.GetMin()
+ max = self.GetMax()
+ if min is None: min = value
+ if max is None: max = value
+ # if bounds set, and value is None, return False
+ if value == None and (min is not None or max is not None):
+ dbg('finished IsInBounds', indent=0)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ dbg('finished IsInBounds', indent=0)
+ return min <= value <= max
+ def SetAllowNone(self, allow_none):
+ """
+ Change the behavior of the validation code, allowing control
+ to have a value of None or not, as appropriate. If the value
+ of the control is currently None, and allow_none is False, the
+ value of the control will be set to the minimum value of the
+ control, or 0 if no lower bound is set.
+ """
+ self._allowNone = allow_none
+ if not allow_none and self.GetValue() is None:
+ min = self.GetMin()
+ if min is not None: self.SetValue(min)
+ else: self.SetValue(0)
+ def IsNoneAllowed(self):
+ return self._allowNone
+ def GetAllowNone(self):
+ """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
+ return self.IsNoneAllowed()
+ def SetAllowNegative(self, value):
+ self.SetParameters(allowNegative=value)
+ def IsNegativeAllowed(self):
+ return self._allowNegative
+ def GetAllowNegative(self):
+ """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
+ return self.IsNegativeAllowed()
+ def SetGroupDigits(self, value):
+ self.SetParameters(groupDigits=value)
+ def IsGroupingAllowed(self):
+ return self._groupDigits
+ def GetGroupDigits(self):
+ """ (For regularization of property accessors) """
+ return self.IsGroupingAllowed()
+ def SetGroupChar(self, value):
+ self.SetParameters(groupChar=value)
+ def GetGroupChar(self):
+ return self._groupChar
+ def SetDecimalChar(self, value):
+ self.SetParameters(decimalChar=value)
+ def GetDecimalChar(self):
+ return self._decimalChar
+ def SetSelectOnEntry(self, value):
+ self.SetParameters(selectOnEntry=value)
+ def GetSelectOnEntry(self):
+ return self._selectOnEntry
+ # (Other parameter accessors are inherited from base class)
+ def _toGUI( self, value, apply_limits = True ):
+ """
+ Conversion function used to set the value of the control; does
+ type and bounds checking and raises ValueError if argument is
+ not a valid value.
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_toGUI(%s)' % repr(value), indent=1)
+ if value is None and self.IsNoneAllowed():
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return self._template
+ elif type(value) in (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType):
+ value = self._GetNumValue(value)
+ dbg('cleansed num value: "%s"' % value)
+ try:
+ if self._fractionWidth or value.find('.') != -1:
+ value = float(value)
+ else:
+ value = long(value)
+ except Exception, e:
+ dbg('exception raised:', e, indent=0)
+ raise ValueError ('wxMaskedNumCtrl requires numeric value, passed %s'% repr(value) )
+ elif type(value) not in (types.IntType, types.LongType, types.FloatType):
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError (
+ 'wxMaskedNumCtrl requires numeric value, passed %s'% repr(value) )
+ if not self._allowNegative and value < 0:
+ raise ValueError (
+ 'control configured to disallow negative values, passed %s'% repr(value) )
+ if self.IsLimited() and apply_limits:
+ min = self.GetMin()
+ max = self.GetMax()
+ if not min is None and value < min:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError (
+ 'value %d is below minimum value of control'% value )
+ if not max is None and value > max:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError (
+ 'value %d exceeds value of control'% value )
+ adjustwidth = len(self._mask) - (1 * self._useParens * self._signOk)
+ dbg('len(%s):' % self._mask, len(self._mask))
+ dbg('adjustwidth - groupSpace:', adjustwidth - self._groupSpace)
+ dbg('adjustwidth:', adjustwidth)
+ if self._fractionWidth == 0:
+ s = str(long(value)).rjust(self._integerWidth)
+ else:
+ format = '%' + '%d.%df' % (self._integerWidth+self._fractionWidth+1, self._fractionWidth)
+ s = format % float(value)
+ dbg('s:"%s"' % s, 'len(s):', len(s))
+ if len(s) > (adjustwidth - self._groupSpace):
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError ('value %s exceeds the integer width of the control (%d)' % (s, self._integerWidth))
+ elif s[0] not in ('-', ' ') and self._allowNegative and len(s) == (adjustwidth - self._groupSpace):
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ raise ValueError ('value %s exceeds the integer width of the control (%d)' % (s, self._integerWidth))
+ s = s.rjust(adjustwidth).replace('.', self._decimalChar)
+ if self._signOk and self._useParens:
+ if s.find('-') != -1:
+ s = s.replace('-', '(') + ')'
+ else:
+ s += ' '
+ dbg('returned: "%s"' % s, indent=0)
+ return s
+ def _fromGUI( self, value ):
+ """
+ Conversion function used in getting the value of the control.
+ """
+ dbg(suspend=0)
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_fromGUI(%s)' % value, indent=1)
+ # One or more of the underlying text control implementations
+ # issue an intermediate EVT_TEXT when replacing the control's
+ # value, where the intermediate value is an empty string.
+ # So, to ensure consistency and to prevent spurious ValueErrors,
+ # we make the following test, and react accordingly:
+ #
+ if value == '':
+ if not self.IsNoneAllowed():
+ dbg('empty value; not allowed,returning 0', indent = 0)
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ dbg('empty value; returning None', indent = 0)
+ return None
+ else:
+ value = self._GetNumValue(value)
+ dbg('Num value: "%s"' % value)
+ if self._fractionWidth:
+ try:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return float( value )
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg("couldn't convert to float; returning None")
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ try:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return int( value )
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ dbg(indent=0)
+ return long( value )
+ except ValueError:
+ dbg("couldn't convert to long; returning None")
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise
+ else:
+ dbg('exception occurred; returning None')
+ return None
+ def _Paste( self, value=None, raise_on_invalid=False, just_return_value=False ):
+ """
+ Preprocessor for base control paste; if value needs to be right-justified
+ to fit in control, do so prior to paste:
+ """
+ dbg('wxMaskedNumCtrl::_Paste (value = "%s")' % value)
+ if value is None:
+ paste_text = self._getClipboardContents()
+ else:
+ paste_text = value
+ # treat paste as "replace number", if appropriate:
+ sel_start, sel_to = self._GetSelection()
+ if sel_start == sel_to or self._selectOnEntry and (sel_start, sel_to) == self._fields[0]._extent:
+ paste_text = self._toGUI(paste_text)
+ self._SetSelection(0, len(self._mask))
+ return wxMaskedEditMixin._Paste(self,
+ paste_text,
+ raise_on_invalid=raise_on_invalid,
+ just_return_value=just_return_value)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import traceback
+ class myDialog(wx.Dialog):
+ def __init__(self, parent, id, title,
+ pos = wx.DefaultPosition, size = wx.DefaultSize,
+ style = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE ):
+ wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+ self.int_ctrl = wxMaskedNumCtrl(self, wx.NewId(), size=(55,20))
+ self.OK = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_OK, "OK")
+ self.Cancel = wx.Button( self, wx.ID_CANCEL, "Cancel")
+ vs = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
+ vs.Add( self.int_ctrl, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
+ hs = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
+ hs.Add( self.OK, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
+ hs.Add( self.Cancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
+ vs.Add(hs, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5 )
+ self.SetAutoLayout( True )
+ self.SetSizer( vs )
+ vs.Fit( self )
+ vs.SetSizeHints( self )
+ self.Bind(EVT_MASKEDNUM, self.OnChange, self.int_ctrl)
+ def OnChange(self, event):
+ print 'value now', event.GetValue()
+ class TestApp(wx.App):
+ def OnInit(self):
+ try:
+ self.frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, "Test", (20,20), (120,100) )
+ self.panel = wx.Panel(self.frame, -1)
+ button = wx.Button(self.panel, -1, "Push Me", (20, 20))
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnClick, button)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ return True
+ def OnClick(self, event):
+ dlg = myDialog(self.panel, -1, "test wxMaskedNumCtrl")
+ dlg.int_ctrl.SetValue(501)
+ dlg.int_ctrl.SetInsertionPoint(1)
+ dlg.int_ctrl.SetSelection(1,2)
+ rc = dlg.ShowModal()
+ print 'final value', dlg.int_ctrl.GetValue()
+ del dlg
+ self.frame.Destroy()
+ def Show(self):
+ self.frame.Show(True)
+ try:
+ app = TestApp(0)
+ app.Show()
+ app.MainLoop()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+## To-Do's:
+## =============================##
+## 1. Add support for printf-style format specification.
+## 2. Add option for repositioning on 'illegal' insertion point.