+# Name: wxPython.lib.grids
+# Purpose: An example sizer derived from the C++ wxPySizer that
+# sizes items in a fixed or flexible grid.
+# Author: Robin Dunn
+# Created: 21-Sept-1999
+# RCS-ID: $Id$
+# Copyright: (c) 1999 by Total Control Software
+# Licence: wxWindows license
+In this module you will find wxGridSizer and wxFlexGridSizer. Please
+note that these sizers have since been ported to C++ and those
+versions are now exposed in the regular wxPython wrappers. However I
+am also leaving them here in the library so they can serve as an
+example of how to implement sizers in Python.
+wxGridSizer: Sizes and positions items such that all rows are the same
+height and all columns are the same width. You can specify a gap in
+pixels to be used between the rows and/or the columns. When you
+create the sizer you specify the number of rows or the number of
+columns and then as you add items it figures out the other dimension
+automatically. Like other sizers, items can be set to fill their
+available space, or to be aligned on a side, in a corner, or in the
+center of the space. When the sizer is resized, all the items are
+resized the same amount so all rows and all columns remain the same
+wxFlexGridSizer: Derives from wxGridSizer and adds the ability for
+particular rows and/or columns to be marked as growable. This means
+that when the sizer changes size, the growable rows and colums are the
+ones that stretch. The others remain at their initial size.
+See the demo for a couple examples for how to use them.
+from wxPython.wx import *
+import operator
+class wxGridSizer(wxPySizer):
+ def __init__(self, rows=0, cols=0, hgap=0, vgap=0):
+ wxPySizer.__init__(self)
+ if rows == 0 and cols == 0:
+ raise ValueError, "rows and cols cannot both be zero"
+ self.rows = rows
+ self.cols = cols
+ self.hgap = hgap
+ self.vgap = vgap
+ def SetRows(self, rows):
+ if rows == 0 and self.cols == 0:
+ raise ValueError, "rows and cols cannot both be zero"
+ self.rows = rows
+ def SetColumns(self, cols):
+ if self.rows == 0 and cols == 0:
+ raise ValueError, "rows and cols cannot both be zero"
+ self.cols = cols
+ def GetRows(self):
+ return self.rows
+ def GetColumns(self):
+ return self.cols
+ def SetHgap(self, hgap):
+ self.hgap = hgap
+ def SetVgap(self, vgap):
+ self.vgap = vgap
+ def GetHgap(self, hgap):
+ return self.hgap
+ def GetVgap(self, vgap):
+ return self.vgap
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ def CalcMin(self):
+ items = self.GetChildren()
+ nitems = len(items)
+ nrows = self.rows
+ ncols = self.cols
+ if ncols > 0:
+ nrows = (nitems + ncols-1) / ncols
+ else:
+ ncols = (nitems + nrows-1) / nrows
+ # Find the max width and height for any component.
+ w = 0
+ h = 0
+ for item in items:
+ size = item.CalcMin()
+ w = max(w, size.width)
+ h = max(h, size.height)
+ return wxSize(ncols * w + (ncols-1) * self.hgap,
+ nrows * h + (nrows-1) * self.vgap)
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ def RecalcSizes(self):
+ items = self.GetChildren()
+ if not items:
+ return
+ nitems = len(items)
+ nrows = self.rows
+ ncols = self.cols
+ if ncols > 0:
+ nrows = (nitems + ncols-1) / ncols
+ else:
+ ncols = (nitems + nrows-1) / nrows
+ sz = self.GetSize()
+ pt = self.GetPosition()
+ w = (sz.width - (ncols - 1) * self.hgap) / ncols;
+ h = (sz.height - (nrows - 1) * self.vgap) / nrows;
+ x = pt.x
+ for c in range(ncols):
+ y = pt.y
+ for r in range(nrows):
+ i = r * ncols + c
+ if i < nitems:
+ self.SetItemBounds(items[i], x, y, w, h)
+ y = y + h + self.vgap
+ x = x + w + self.hgap
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ def SetItemBounds(self, item, x, y, w, h):
+ # calculate the item's size and position within
+ # its grid cell
+ ipt = wxPoint(x, y)
+ isz = item.CalcMin()
+ flag = item.GetFlag()
+ if flag & wxEXPAND or flag & wxSHAPED:
+ isz = wxSize(w, h)
+ else:
+ ipt.x = x + (w - isz.width) / 2
+ elif flag & wxALIGN_RIGHT:
+ ipt.x = x + (w - isz.width)
+ ipt.y = y + (h - isz.height) / 2
+ elif flag & wxALIGN_BOTTOM:
+ ipt.y = y + (h - isz.height)
+ item.SetDimension(ipt, isz)
+class wxFlexGridSizer(wxGridSizer):
+ def __init__(self, rows=0, cols=0, hgap=0, vgap=0):
+ wxGridSizer.__init__(self, rows, cols, hgap, vgap)
+ self.rowHeights = []
+ self.colWidths = []
+ self.growableRows = []
+ self.growableCols = []
+ def AddGrowableRow(self, idx):
+ self.growableRows.append(idx)
+ def AddGrowableCol(self, idx):
+ self.growableCols.append(idx)
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ def CalcMin(self):
+ items = self.GetChildren()
+ nitems = len(items)
+ nrows = self.rows
+ ncols = self.cols
+ if ncols > 0:
+ nrows = (nitems + ncols-1) / ncols
+ else:
+ ncols = (nitems + nrows-1) / nrows
+ # Find the max width and height for any component.
+ self.rowHeights = [0] * nrows
+ self.colWidths = [0] * ncols
+ for i in range(len(items)):
+ size = items[i].CalcMin()
+ row = i / ncols
+ col = i % ncols
+ self.rowHeights[row] = max(size.height, self.rowHeights[row])
+ self.colWidths[col] = max(size.width, self.colWidths[col])
+ # Add up all the widths and heights
+ cellsWidth = reduce(operator.__add__, self.colWidths)
+ cellHeight = reduce(operator.__add__, self.rowHeights)
+ return wxSize(cellsWidth + (ncols-1) * self.hgap,
+ cellHeight + (nrows-1) * self.vgap)
+ #--------------------------------------------------
+ def RecalcSizes(self):
+ items = self.GetChildren()
+ if not items:
+ return
+ nitems = len(items)
+ nrows = self.rows
+ ncols = self.cols
+ if ncols > 0:
+ nrows = (nitems + ncols-1) / ncols
+ else:
+ ncols = (nitems + nrows-1) / nrows
+ minsz = self.CalcMin()
+ sz = self.GetSize()
+ pt = self.GetPosition()
+ # Check for growables
+ if self.growableRows and sz.height > minsz.height:
+ delta = (sz.height - minsz.height) / len(self.growableRows)
+ for idx in self.growableRows:
+ self.rowHeights[idx] = self.rowHeights[idx] + delta
+ if self.growableCols and sz.width > minsz.width:
+ delta = (sz.width - minsz.width) / len(self.growableCols)
+ for idx in self.growableCols:
+ self.colWidths[idx] = self.colWidths[idx] + delta
+ # bottom right corner
+ sz = wxSize(pt.x + sz.width, pt.y + sz.height)
+ # Layout each cell
+ x = pt.x
+ for c in range(ncols):
+ y = pt.y
+ for r in range(nrows):
+ i = r * ncols + c
+ if i < nitems:
+ w = max(0, min(self.colWidths[c], sz.width - x))
+ h = max(0, min(self.rowHeights[r], sz.height - y))
+ self.SetItemBounds(items[i], x, y, w, h)
+ y = y + self.rowHeights[r] + self.vgap
+ x = x + self.colWidths[c] + self.hgap
-"""Renamer stub: provides a way to drop the wx prefix from wxPython objects."""
-from wx import _rename
-from wxPython.lib import grids
-_rename(globals(), grids.__dict__, modulename='lib.grids')
-del grids
-del _rename