-// Name: svg.cpp
+// Name: src/common/svg.cpp
// Purpose: SVG sample
// Author: Chris Elliott
// Modified by:
// RCS-ID: $Id$
-// Licence: wxWindows license
+// Licence: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/wfstream.h"
#include "wx/filename.h"
-#define wxSVG_DEBUG false
-// or true to see the calls being executed
-#define newline wxString(wxT("\n"))
-#define space wxString(wxT(" "))
-#define semicolon wxString(wxT(";"))
-#define wx_round(a) (int)((a)+.5)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Global utilities
// ----------------------------------------------------------
-static inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; }
+inline double DegToRad(double deg) { return (deg * M_PI) / 180.0; }
-wxString wxColStr ( wxColour c )
+// This function returns a string representation of a floating point number in
+// C locale (i.e. always using "." for the decimal separator) and with the
+// fixed precision (which is 2 for some unknown reason but this is what it was
+// in this code originally).
+inline wxString NumStr(double f)
- unsigned char r, g, b;
- r = c.Red ();
- g = c.Green ();
- b = c. Blue ();
+ return wxString::FromCDouble(f, 2);
- // possible Unicode bug here
- wxString s = wxDecToHex(r) + wxDecToHex(g) + wxDecToHex(b);
- return s;
+// Return the colour representation as HTML-like "#rrggbb" string and also
+// returns its alpha as opacity number in 0..1 range.
+wxString Col2SVG(wxColour c, float *opacity)
+ if ( c.Alpha() != wxALPHA_OPAQUE )
+ {
+ *opacity = c.Alpha()/255.;
+ // Remove the alpha before using GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX) as it
+ // doesn't support colours with alpha channel.
+ c = wxColour(c.GetRGB());
+ }
+ else // No alpha.
+ {
+ *opacity = 1.;
+ }
+ return c.GetAsString(wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX);
+wxString wxPenString(wxColour c, int style = wxPENSTYLE_SOLID)
+ float opacity;
+ wxString s = wxT("stroke:") + Col2SVG(c, &opacity) + wxT("; ");
-wxString wxBrushString ( wxColour c, int style )
+ switch ( style )
+ {
+ s += wxString::Format(wxT("stroke-opacity:%s; "), NumStr(opacity));
+ break;
+ s += wxT("stroke-opacity:0.0; ");
+ break;
+ default :
+ wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::Requested Pen Style not available"));
+ }
+ return s;
+wxString wxBrushString(wxColour c, int style = wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID)
- wxString s = wxT("fill:#") + wxColStr (c) + semicolon + space;
+ float opacity;
+ wxString s = wxT("fill:") + Col2SVG(c, &opacity) + wxT("; ");
switch ( style )
- s = s + wxT("fill-opacity:1.0; ");
+ s += wxString::Format(wxT("fill-opacity:%s; "), NumStr(opacity));
- s = s + wxT("fill-opacity:0.0; ");
+ s += wxT("fill-opacity:0.0; ");
default :
wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::Requested Brush Style not available"));
- s = s + newline;
return s;
+} // anonymous namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// wxSVGFileDCImpl
// ----------------------------------------------------------
m_OK = true;
+ m_clipUniqueId = 0;
+ m_clipNestingLevel = 0;
m_mm_to_pix_x = dpi/25.4;
m_mm_to_pix_y = dpi/25.4;
////////////////////code here
m_outfile = new wxFileOutputStream(filename);
- m_OK = m_outfile->Ok ();
+ m_OK = m_outfile->IsOk();
if (m_OK)
m_filename = filename;
m_sub_images = 0;
wxString s;
- s = wxT("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>"); s = s + newline;
+ s = wxT("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
- s = wxT("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN\" ") + newline;
+ s = wxT("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN\"\n");
- s = wxT("\"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\"> ") + newline;
+ s = wxT("\"http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd\">\n");
- s = wxT("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\" ") + newline;
+ s = wxT("<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"\n");
- s.Printf( wxT(" width=\"%.2gcm\" height=\"%.2gcm\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d \"> \n"), float(Width)/dpi*2.54, float(Height)/dpi*2.54, Width, Height );
+ s.Printf( wxT(" width=\"%scm\" height=\"%scm\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d \">\n"), NumStr(float(Width)/dpi*2.54), NumStr(float(Height)/dpi*2.54), Width, Height );
- s = wxT("<title>SVG Picture created as ") + wxFileName(filename).GetFullName() + wxT(" </title>") + newline;
+ s = wxT("<title>SVG Picture created as ") + wxFileName(filename).GetFullName() + wxT(" </title>\n");
- s = wxString (wxT("<desc>Picture generated by wxSVG ")) + wxSVGVersion + wxT(" </desc>")+ newline;
+ s = wxString (wxT("<desc>Picture generated by wxSVG ")) + wxSVGVersion + wxT(" </desc>\n");
- s = wxT("<g style=\"fill:black; stroke:black; stroke-width:1\">") + newline;
+ s = wxT("<g style=\"fill:black; stroke:black; stroke-width:1\">\n");
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawLine (wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2)
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s;
s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d L%d %d\" /> \n"), x1,y1,x2,y2 );
if (m_OK)
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DrawLine Call executed"));
CalcBoundingBox(x1, y1);
CalcBoundingBox(x2, y2);
- return;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawLines(int n, wxPoint points[], wxCoord xoffset , wxCoord yoffset )
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawPoint (wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1)
wxString s;
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
- s = wxT("<g style = \"stroke-linecap:round;\" > ") + newline;
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
+ s = wxT("<g style = \"stroke-linecap:round;\" > \n");
DoDrawLine ( x1,y1,x1,y1 );
s = wxT("</g>");
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawText(const wxString& text, wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1)
DoDrawRotatedText(text, x1,y1,0.0);
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DrawText Call executed"));
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawRotatedText(const wxString& sText, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, double angle)
//known bug; if the font is drawn in a scaled DC, it will not behave exactly as wxMSW
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s, sTmp;
// calculate bounding box
CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y - h*sin(rad)));
// wxT("bottom left") and wxT("bottom right")
- x += (wxCoord)(h*sin(rad));
- y += (wxCoord)(h*cos(rad));
- CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad)));
+ CalcBoundingBox((wxCoord)(x + h*sin(rad) + w*cos(rad)), (wxCoord)(y + h*cos(rad) - w*sin(rad)));
if (m_backgroundMode == wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID)
// draw background first
// just like DoDrawRectangle except we pass the text color to it and set the border to a 1 pixel wide text background
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::Draw Rotated Text Call plotting text background"));
- sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" "), x,y+desc-h, w, h );
- s = sTmp + wxT("style=\"fill:#") + wxColStr (m_textBackgroundColour) + wxT("; ");
- s = s + wxT("stroke-width:1; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textBackgroundColour) + wxT("; ");
- sTmp.Printf ( wxT("\" transform=\"rotate( %.2g %d %d ) \">"), -angle, x,y );
- s = s + sTmp + newline;
+ sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" "), x, y, w, h );
+ s = sTmp + wxT("style=\"") + wxBrushString(m_textBackgroundColour);
+ s += wxT("stroke-width:1; ") + wxPenString(m_textBackgroundColour);
+ sTmp.Printf ( wxT("\" transform=\"rotate( %s %d %d ) \" />"), NumStr(-angle), x,y );
+ s += sTmp + wxT("\n");
+ // convert x,y to SVG text x,y (the coordinates of the text baseline)
+ x = (wxCoord)(x + (h-desc)*sin(rad));
+ y = (wxCoord)(y + (h-desc)*cos(rad));
//now do the text itself
s.Printf (wxT(" <text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" "),x,y );
- sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName ();
- if (sTmp.Len () > 0) s = s + wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
- else s = s + wxT("style=\" ");
+ sTmp = m_font.GetFaceName();
+ if (sTmp.Len() > 0) s += wxT("style=\"font-family:") + sTmp + wxT("; ");
+ else s += wxT("style=\" ");
wxString fontweights [3] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("lighter"), wxT("bold") };
- s = s + wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
+ s += wxT("font-weight:") + fontweights[m_font.GetWeight() - wxNORMAL] + wxT("; ");
wxString fontstyles [5] = { wxT("normal"), wxT("style error"), wxT("style error"), wxT("italic"), wxT("oblique") };
- s = s + wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + semicolon + space;
- sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; fill:#"), m_font.GetPointSize () );
- s = s + sTmp;
- s = s + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; stroke:#") + wxColStr (m_textForegroundColour) + wxT("; ");
- sTmp.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:0;\" transform=\"rotate( %.2g %d %d ) \" >"), -angle, x,y );
- s = s + sTmp + sText + wxT("</text> ") + newline;
+ s += wxT("font-style:") + fontstyles[m_font.GetStyle() - wxNORMAL] + wxT("; ");
+ sTmp.Printf (wxT("font-size:%dpt; "), m_font.GetPointSize() );
+ s += sTmp;
+ //text will be solid, unless alpha value isn't opaque in the foreground colour
+ s += wxBrushString(m_textForegroundColour) + wxPenString(m_textForegroundColour);
+ sTmp.Printf ( wxT("stroke-width:0;\" transform=\"rotate( %s %d %d ) \" >"), NumStr(-angle), x,y );
+ s += sTmp + sText + wxT("</text> ") + wxT("\n");
if (m_OK)
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DrawRotatedText Call executed"));
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawRoundedRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height, double radius )
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s;
- s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%.2g\" "),
- x, y, width, height, radius );
+ s.Printf ( wxT(" <rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%s\" "),
+ x, y, width, height, NumStr(radius) );
- s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline;
+ s += wxT(" /> \n");
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawRoundedRectangle Call executed"));
CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
CalcBoundingBox(x + width, y + height);
wxCoord xoffset, wxCoord yoffset,
wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle)
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s, sTmp;
s = wxT("<polygon style=\"");
if ( fillStyle == wxODDEVEN_RULE )
- s = s + wxT("fill-rule:evenodd; ");
+ s += wxT("fill-rule:evenodd; ");
- s = s + wxT("fill-rule:nonzero; ");
+ s += wxT("fill-rule:nonzero; ");
- s = s + wxT("\" \npoints=\"");
+ s += wxT("\" \npoints=\"");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sTmp.Printf ( wxT("%d,%d"), points [i].x+xoffset, points[i].y+yoffset );
- s = s + sTmp + newline;
+ s += sTmp + wxT("\n");
CalcBoundingBox ( points [i].x+xoffset, points[i].y+yoffset);
- s = s + wxT("\" /> ");
- s = s + newline;
+ s += wxT("\" /> \n");
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawPolygon Call executed"));
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawEllipse (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
int rh = height /2;
int rw = width /2;
wxString s;
s.Printf ( wxT("<ellipse cx=\"%d\" cy=\"%d\" rx=\"%d\" ry=\"%d\" "), x+rw,y+rh, rw, rh );
- s = s + wxT(" /> ") + newline;
+ s += wxT(" /> \n");
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawEllipse Call executed"));
CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
CalcBoundingBox(x + width, y + height);
Might be better described as Pie drawing */
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s;
// we need the radius of the circle which has two estimates
int fSweep = 0; // flag for sweep always 0
- s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%.2g %.2g 0.0 %d %d %d %d L%d %d z "),
- x1,y1, r1, r2, fArc, fSweep, x2, y2, xc, yc );
+ s.Printf ( wxT("<path d=\"M%d %d A%s %s 0.0 %d %d %d %d L%d %d z "),
+ x1,y1, NumStr(r1), NumStr(r2), fArc, fSweep, x2, y2, xc, yc );
// the z means close the path and fill
- s = s + wxT(" \" /> ") + newline;
+ s += wxT(" \" /> \n");
if (m_OK)
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawArc Call executed"));
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawEllipticArc(wxCoord x,wxCoord y,wxCoord w,wxCoord h,double sa,double ea)
//known bug: SVG draws with the current pen along the radii, but this does not happen in wxMSW
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString s;
int(xs), int(ys), int(rx), int(ry),
fArc, fSweep, int(xe), int(ye), int(xc), int(yc) );
- s = s + wxT(" \" /> ") + newline;
+ s += wxT(" \" /> \n");
if (m_OK)
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawEllipticArc Call executed"));
+void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoSetClippingRegion( int x, int y, int width, int height )
+ wxString svg;
+ // End current graphics group to ensure proper xml nesting (e.g. so that
+ // graphics can be subsequently changed inside the clipping region)
+ svg << "</g>\n"
+ "<defs>\n"
+ "<clipPath id=\"clip" << m_clipNestingLevel << "\">\n"
+ "<rect id=\"cliprect" << m_clipNestingLevel << "\" "
+ "x=\"" << x << "\" "
+ "y=\"" << y << "\" "
+ "width=\"" << width << "\" "
+ "height=\"" << height << "\" "
+ "style=\"stroke: gray; fill: none;\"/>\n"
+ "</clipPath>\n"
+ "</defs>\n"
+ "<g style=\"clip-path: url(#clip" << m_clipNestingLevel << ");\">\n";
+ write(svg);
+ // Re-apply current graphics to ensure proper xml nesting
+ DoStartNewGraphics();
+ m_clipUniqueId++;
+ m_clipNestingLevel++;
+void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DestroyClippingRegion()
+ wxString svg;
+ // End current graphics element to ensure proper xml nesting (e.g. graphics
+ // might have been changed inside the clipping region)
+ svg << "</g>\n";
+ // Close clipping group elements
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_clipUniqueId; i++ )
+ {
+ svg << "</g>";
+ }
+ svg << "\n";
+ write(svg);
+ // Re-apply current graphics (e.g. brush may have been changed inside one
+ // of the clipped regions - that change will have been lost after xml
+ // elements for the clipped region have been closed).
+ DoStartNewGraphics();
+ m_clipUniqueId = 0;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoGetTextExtent(const wxString& string, wxCoord *w, wxCoord *h, wxCoord *descent , wxCoord *externalLeading , const wxFont *font) const
sDC.SetFont (m_font);
if ( font != NULL ) sDC.SetFont ( *font );
sDC.GetTextExtent(string, w, h, descent, externalLeading );
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::GetTextExtent Call executed"));
wxCoord wxSVGFileDCImpl::GetCharHeight() const
wxScreenDC sDC;
sDC.SetFont (m_font);
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::GetCharHeight Call executing"));
- return ( sDC.GetCharHeight() );
+ return sDC.GetCharHeight();
wxScreenDC sDC;
sDC.SetFont (m_font);
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::GetCharWidth Call executing"));
- return ( sDC.GetCharWidth() );
+ return sDC.GetCharWidth();
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::SetBackground( const wxBrush &brush )
m_backgroundBrush = brush;
- return;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::SetBackgroundMode( int mode )
m_backgroundMode = mode;
- return;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::SetBrush(const wxBrush& brush)
m_brush = brush;
m_graphics_changed = true;
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetBrush Call executed"));
m_pen = pen;
m_graphics_changed = true;
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call executed"));
-void wxSVGFileDCImpl::NewGraphics ()
+void wxSVGFileDCImpl::NewGraphicsIfNeeded()
+ if ( !m_graphics_changed )
+ return;
- int w = m_pen.GetWidth ();
- wxColour c = m_pen.GetColour ();
+ m_graphics_changed = false;
- wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast, sWarn;
+ write(wxS("</g>\n"));
- sBrush = wxT("</g>\n<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour (), m_brush.GetStyle () )
- + wxT(" stroke:#") + wxColStr (c) + wxT("; ");
+ DoStartNewGraphics();
- switch ( m_pen.GetCap () )
+void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoStartNewGraphics()
+ wxString s, sBrush, sPenCap, sPenJoin, sPenStyle, sLast;
+ sBrush = wxS("<g style=\"") + wxBrushString ( m_brush.GetColour(), m_brush.GetStyle() )
+ + wxPenString(m_pen.GetColour(), m_pen.GetStyle());
+ switch ( m_pen.GetCap() )
sPenCap = wxT("stroke-linecap:square; ");
case wxCAP_ROUND :
default :
sPenCap = wxT("stroke-linecap:round; ");
- };
- switch ( m_pen.GetJoin () )
+ }
+ switch ( m_pen.GetJoin() )
case wxJOIN_BEVEL :
sPenJoin = wxT("stroke-linejoin:bevel; ");
case wxJOIN_ROUND :
default :
sPenJoin = wxT("stroke-linejoin:round; ");
- };
- switch ( m_pen.GetStyle () )
- {
- sPenStyle = wxT("stroke-opacity:1.0; stroke-opacity:1.0; ");
- break;
- sPenStyle = wxT("stroke-opacity:0.0; stroke-opacity:0.0; ");
- break;
- default :
- wxASSERT_MSG(false, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available"));
- sWarn = sWarn + wxT("<!--- wxSVGFileDC::SetPen Call called to set a Style which is not available --> \n");
- sLast.Printf( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%.2g %.2g) scale(%.2g %.2g)\">"),
- w, double(m_logicalOriginX), double(m_logicalOriginY), m_scaleX, m_scaleY );
+ sLast.Printf( wxT("stroke-width:%d\" \n transform=\"translate(%s %s) scale(%s %s)\">"),
+ m_pen.GetWidth(), NumStr(m_logicalOriginX), NumStr(m_logicalOriginY), NumStr(m_scaleX), NumStr(m_scaleY) );
- s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + newline + sWarn;
+ s = sBrush + sPenCap + sPenJoin + sPenStyle + sLast + wxT("\n");
- m_graphics_changed = false;
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::NewGraphics Call executed"));
m_font = font;
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::SetFont Call executed"));
// export a bitmap as a raster image in png
memDC.Blit(0, 0, width, height, source, xsrc, ysrc);
memDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
DoDrawBitmap(myBitmap, xdest, ydest);
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoBlit Call executed"));
return false;
memDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
DoDrawBitmap(myBitmap, x, y);
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawIcon Call executed"));
- return;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::DoDrawBitmap(const class wxBitmap & bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y , bool WXUNUSED(bTransparent) /*=0*/ )
- if (m_graphics_changed) NewGraphics ();
+ NewGraphicsIfNeeded();
wxString sTmp, s, sPNG;
if ( wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) == NULL )
int w = myBitmap.GetWidth();
int h = myBitmap.GetHeight();
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" <image x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" "), x,y,w,h );
- s = s + sTmp;
+ s += sTmp;
sTmp.Printf ( wxT(" xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n"), sPNG.c_str() );
- s = s + sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + newline;
+ s += sTmp + wxT("<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>") + wxT("\n");
if (m_OK && bPNG_OK)
- m_OK = m_outfile->Ok () && bPNG_OK;
- wxASSERT_MSG(!wxSVG_DEBUG, wxT("wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap Call executed"));
- return;
+ m_OK = m_outfile->IsOk() && bPNG_OK;
void wxSVGFileDCImpl::write(const wxString &s)
const wxCharBuffer buf = s.utf8_str();
m_outfile->Write(buf, strlen((const char *)buf));
- m_OK = m_outfile->Ok();
+ m_OK = m_outfile->IsOk();