+ wxUxThemeEngine *p = wxUxThemeEngine::Get();
+ if ( !p || !p->IsThemeActive() )
+ {
+ DWORD dwToolbarStyle;
+ dwToolbarStyle = (DWORD)::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_GETSTYLE, 0, 0L );
+ if ((dwToolbarStyle & TBSTYLE_FLAT) == 0)
+ {
+ dwToolbarStyle |= TBSTYLE_FLAT;
+ ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_SETSTYLE, 0, (LPARAM)dwToolbarStyle );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wxToolBar::MSWCreateToolbar(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
+ if ( !MSWCreateControl(TOOLBARCLASSNAME, wxEmptyString, pos, size) )
+ return false;
+ // toolbar-specific post initialisation
+ ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0);
+ return true;
+void wxToolBar::Recreate()
+ const HWND hwndOld = GetHwnd();
+ if ( !hwndOld )
+ {
+ // we haven't been created yet, no need to recreate
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the position and size before unsubclassing the old toolbar
+ const wxPoint pos = GetPosition();
+ const wxSize size = GetSize();
+ UnsubclassWin();
+ if ( !MSWCreateToolbar(pos, size) )
+ {
+ // what can we do?
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("recreating the toolbar failed") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // reparent all our children under the new toolbar
+ for ( wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = m_children.GetFirst();
+ node;
+ node = node->GetNext() )
+ {
+ wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
+ if ( !win->IsTopLevel() )
+ ::SetParent(GetHwndOf(win), GetHwnd());
+ }
+ // only destroy the old toolbar now -- after all the children had been
+ // reparented
+ ::DestroyWindow(hwndOld);
+ // it is for the old bitmap control and can't be used with the new one
+ if ( m_hBitmap )
+ {
+ ::DeleteObject((HBITMAP) m_hBitmap);
+ m_hBitmap = 0;
+ }
+ Realize();
+ UpdateSize();
+ // we must refresh the frame size when the toolbar is deleted but the frame
+ // is not - otherwise toolbar leaves a hole in the place it used to occupy
+ wxFrame *frame = wxDynamicCast(GetParent(), wxFrame);
+ if ( frame && !frame->IsBeingDeleted() )
+ {
+ frame->SendSizeEvent();
+ }
+ if ( m_hBitmap )
+ {
+ ::DeleteObject((HBITMAP) m_hBitmap);
+ }
+wxSize wxToolBar::DoGetBestSize() const
+ wxSize sizeBest = GetToolSize();
+ sizeBest.x *= GetToolsCount();
+ // reverse horz and vertical components if necessary
+ return HasFlag(wxTB_VERTICAL) ? wxSize(sizeBest.y, sizeBest.x) : sizeBest;
+WXDWORD wxToolBar::MSWGetStyle(long style, WXDWORD *exstyle) const
+ // toolbars never have border, giving one to them results in broken
+ // appearance
+ WXDWORD msStyle = wxControl::MSWGetStyle
+ (
+ (style & ~wxBORDER_MASK) | wxBORDER_NONE, exstyle
+ );
+ // always include this one, it never hurts and setting it later only if we
+ // do have tooltips wouldn't work
+ if ( style & (wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT) )
+ {
+ // static as it doesn't change during the program lifetime
+ static int s_verComCtl = wxTheApp->GetComCtl32Version();
+ // comctl32.dll 4.00 doesn't support the flat toolbars and using this
+ // style with 6.00 (part of Windows XP) leads to the toolbar with
+ // incorrect background colour - and not using it still results in the
+ // correct (flat) toolbar, so don't use it there
+ if ( s_verComCtl > 400 && s_verComCtl < 600 )
+ {
+ }
+ if ( s_verComCtl >= 470 && style & wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT )
+ {
+ msStyle |= TBSTYLE_LIST;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( style & wxTB_NODIVIDER )
+ msStyle |= CCS_NODIVIDER;
+ if ( style & wxTB_NOALIGN )
+ if ( style & wxTB_VERTICAL )
+ msStyle |= CCS_VERT;
+ return msStyle;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// adding/removing tools
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxToolBar::DoInsertTool(size_t WXUNUSED(pos), wxToolBarToolBase *tool)
+ // nothing special to do here - we really create the toolbar buttons in
+ // Realize() later
+ tool->Attach(this);
+ InvalidateBestSize();
+ return true;
+bool wxToolBar::DoDeleteTool(size_t pos, wxToolBarToolBase *tool)
+ // the main difficulty we have here is with the controls in the toolbars:
+ // as we (sometimes) use several separators to cover up the space used by
+ // them, the indices are not the same for us and the toolbar
+ // first determine the position of the first button to delete: it may be
+ // different from pos if we use several separators to cover the space used
+ // by a control
+ wxToolBarToolsList::compatibility_iterator node;
+ for ( node = m_tools.GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() )
+ {
+ wxToolBarToolBase *tool2 = node->GetData();
+ if ( tool2 == tool )
+ {
+ // let node point to the next node in the list
+ node = node->GetNext();