#include "wx/buffer.h"
#include "wx/ptr_scpd.h"
#include "wx/wfstream.h"
+#include "wx/link.h"
#include "zlib.h"
// value for the 'version needed to extract' field (20 means 2.0)
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxZipEntry, wxArchiveEntry)
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxZipClassFactory, wxArchiveClassFactory)
-int _wx_link_dummy_func_zipstrm();
-int _wx_link_dummy_func_zipstrm()
- return 1;
size_t wxStoredInputStream::OnSysRead(void *buffer, size_t size)
- size_t count = wxMin(size, (size_t)(m_len - m_pos));
+ size_t count = wx_truncate_cast(size_t,
+ wxMin(size + wxFileOffset(0), m_len - m_pos + size_t(0)));
count = m_parent_i_stream->Read(buffer, count).LastRead();
m_pos += count;
wxZipWeakLinks *AddEntry(wxZipEntry *entry, wxFileOffset key);
void RemoveEntry(wxFileOffset key)
- { m_entries.erase((wx__OffsetZipEntryMap::key_type)key); }
+ { m_entries.erase(wx_truncate_cast(key_type, key)); }
wxZipEntry *GetEntry(wxFileOffset key) const;
bool IsEmpty() const { return m_entries.empty(); }
+ typedef wx__OffsetZipEntryMap::key_type key_type;
~wxZipWeakLinks() { wxASSERT(IsEmpty()); }
int m_ref;
wxZipWeakLinks *wxZipWeakLinks::AddEntry(wxZipEntry *entry, wxFileOffset key)
- m_entries[(wx__OffsetZipEntryMap::key_type)key] = entry;
+ m_entries[wx_truncate_cast(key_type, key)] = entry;
return this;
wxZipEntry *wxZipWeakLinks::GetEntry(wxFileOffset key) const
wx__OffsetZipEntryMap::const_iterator it =
- m_entries.find((wx__OffsetZipEntryMap::key_type)key);
+ m_entries.find(wx_truncate_cast(key_type, key));
return it != m_entries.end() ? it->second : NULL;
const wxWX2MBbuf name_buf = conv.cWX2MB(unixName);
const char *name = name_buf;
if (!name) name = "";
- wxUint16 nameLen = (wxUint16)strlen(name);
+ wxUint16 nameLen = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, strlen(name));
wxDataOutputStream ds(stream);
- ds.Write32(m_CompressedSize != wxInvalidOffset ? (wxUint32)m_CompressedSize : 0);
- ds.Write32(m_Size != wxInvalidOffset ? (wxUint32)m_Size : 0);
+ ds.Write32(m_CompressedSize != wxInvalidOffset ?
+ wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, m_CompressedSize) : 0);
+ ds.Write32(m_Size != wxInvalidOffset ?
+ wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, m_Size) : 0);
ds << nameLen;
- wxUint16 extraLen = (wxUint16)GetLocalExtraLen();
+ wxUint16 extraLen = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, GetLocalExtraLen());
stream.Write(name, nameLen);
const wxWX2MBbuf name_buf = conv.cWX2MB(unixName);
const char *name = name_buf;
if (!name) name = "";
- wxUint16 nameLen = (wxUint16)strlen(name);
+ wxUint16 nameLen = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, strlen(name));
const wxWX2MBbuf comment_buf = conv.cWX2MB(m_Comment);
const char *comment = comment_buf;
if (!comment) comment = "";
- wxUint16 commentLen = (wxUint16)strlen(comment);
+ wxUint16 commentLen = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, strlen(comment));
- wxUint16 extraLen = (wxUint16)GetExtraLen();
+ wxUint16 extraLen = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, GetExtraLen());
wxDataOutputStream ds(stream);
ds << CENTRAL_MAGIC << m_VersionMadeBy << m_SystemMadeBy;
- ds.Write16((wxUint16)GetVersionNeeded());
- ds.Write16((wxUint16)GetFlags());
- ds.Write16((wxUint16)GetMethod());
+ ds.Write16(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, GetVersionNeeded()));
+ ds.Write16(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, GetFlags()));
+ ds.Write16(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, GetMethod()));
- ds.Write32((wxUint32)GetCompressedSize());
- ds.Write32((wxUint32)GetSize());
+ ds.Write32(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, GetCompressedSize()));
+ ds.Write32(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, GetSize()));
ds << commentLen << m_DiskStart << m_InternalAttributes
- << m_ExternalAttributes << (wxUint32)GetOffset();
+ << m_ExternalAttributes << wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, GetOffset());
stream.Write(name, nameLen);
if (extraLen)
// it's an info-zip record as expected
stream.Ungetch(buf + 4, sizeof(buf) - 4);
- m_Crc = (wxUint32)m_CompressedSize;
+ m_Crc = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, m_CompressedSize);
m_CompressedSize = m_Size;
m_Size = u1;
return SUMS_SIZE + 4;
wxDataOutputStream ds(stream);
- ds.Write32((wxUint32)compressedSize);
- ds.Write32((wxUint32)size);
+ ds.Write32(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, compressedSize));
+ ds.Write32(wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, size));
return SUMS_SIZE;
wxFileOffset GetOffset() const { return m_Offset; }
wxString GetComment() const { return m_Comment; }
- void SetDiskNumber(int num) { m_DiskNumber = (wxUint16)num; }
- void SetStartDisk(int num) { m_StartDisk = (wxUint16)num; }
- void SetEntriesHere(int num) { m_EntriesHere = (wxUint16)num; }
- void SetTotalEntries(int num) { m_TotalEntries = (wxUint16)num; }
- void SetSize(wxFileOffset size) { m_Size = (wxUint32)size; }
- void SetOffset(wxFileOffset offset) { m_Offset = (wxUint32)offset; }
- void SetComment(const wxString& comment) { m_Comment = comment; }
+ void SetDiskNumber(int num)
+ { m_DiskNumber = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, num); }
+ void SetStartDisk(int num)
+ { m_StartDisk = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, num); }
+ void SetEntriesHere(int num)
+ { m_EntriesHere = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, num); }
+ void SetTotalEntries(int num)
+ { m_TotalEntries = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint16, num); }
+ void SetSize(wxFileOffset size)
+ { m_Size = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, size); }
+ void SetOffset(wxFileOffset offset)
+ { m_Offset = wx_truncate_cast(wxUint32, offset); }
+ void SetComment(const wxString& comment)
+ { m_Comment = comment; }
bool Read(wxInputStream& stream, wxMBConv& conv);
bool Write(wxOutputStream& stream, wxMBConv& conv) const;
wxFileOffset minpos = wxMax(pos - 65535L, 0);
while (pos > minpos) {
- size_t len = (size_t)(pos - wxMax(pos - (BUFSIZE - 3), minpos));
+ size_t len = wx_truncate_cast(size_t,
+ pos - wxMax(pos - (BUFSIZE - 3), minpos));
memcpy(buf.data() + len, buf, 3);
pos -= len;
default : nextpos = pos; break; /* just to fool compiler, never happens */
- size_t toskip wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0);
+ wxFileOffset toskip wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(0);
if ( nextpos >= pos )
- toskip = (size_t)(nextpos - pos);
+ toskip = nextpos - pos;
m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR;
return pos;
- toskip = (size_t)nextpos;
+ toskip = nextpos;
if ( toskip > 0 )
- const size_t BUFSIZE = 4096;
+ const int BUFSIZE = 4096;
size_t sz;
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
while ( toskip > 0 )
- sz = wxMin(toskip, BUFSIZE);
+ sz = wx_truncate_cast(size_t, wxMin(toskip, BUFSIZE));
Read(buffer, sz);
toskip -= sz;
// Output stream
#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
wxZipOutputStream::wxZipOutputStream(wxOutputStream& stream,
int level /*=-1*/,