+#endif // !wxUSE_STL
+// ============================================================================
+// The private helper macros containing the core of the array classes
+// ============================================================================
+// Implementation notes:
+// JACS: Salford C++ doesn't like 'var->operator=' syntax, as in:
+// { ((wxBaseArray *)this)->operator=((const wxBaseArray&)src);
+// so using a temporary variable instead.
+// The classes need a (even trivial) ~name() to link under Mac X
+// _WX_ERROR_REMOVE is needed to resolve the name conflict between the wxT()
+// macro and T typedef: we can't use wxT() inside WX_DEFINE_ARRAY!
+#define _WX_ERROR_REMOVE wxT("removing inexisting element in wxArray::Remove")
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY: array for simple types
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if wxUSE_STL
+#define _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base, classexp) \
+typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##T)(T *pItem1, T *pItem2); \
+classexp name : public base \
+{ \
+public: \
+ T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](uiIndex)); } \
+ T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)/*const cast*/base::operator[](uiIndex); } \
+ T& Last() const \
+ { return Item(GetCount() - 1); } \
+ \
+ int Index(T e, bool bFromEnd = false) const \
+ { return base::Index(e, bFromEnd); } \
+ \
+ void Add(T lItem, size_t nInsert = 1) \
+ { insert(end(), nInsert, lItem); } \
+ void Insert(T lItem, size_t uiIndex, size_t nInsert = 1) \
+ { insert(begin() + uiIndex, nInsert, lItem); } \
+ \
+ void RemoveAt(size_t uiIndex, size_t nRemove = 1) \
+ { base::RemoveAt(uiIndex, nRemove); } \
+ void Remove(T lItem) \
+ { int iIndex = Index(lItem); \
+ wxCHECK2_MSG( iIndex != wxNOT_FOUND, return, \
+ RemoveAt((size_t)iIndex); } \
+ \
+ void Sort(CMPFUNC##T fCmp) { base::Sort((CMPFUNC)fCmp); } \
+#define _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_PTR(T, name, base, classexp) \
+ _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base, classexp)
+#else // if !wxUSE_STL
+// common declaration used by both _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY and
+#define _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_HELPER(T, name, base, classexp, ptrop) \
+wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(base::base_type), \
+ TypeTooBigToBeStoredIn##base, \
+ name); \
+typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##T)(T *pItem1, T *pItem2); \
+classexp name : public base \
+{ \
+public: \
+ name() { } \
+ ~name() { } \
+ \
+ name& operator=(const name& src) \
+ { base* temp = (base*) this; \
+ (*temp) = ((const base&)src); \
+ return *this; } \
+ \
+ T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](uiIndex)); } \
+ T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](uiIndex)); } \
+ T& Last() const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](GetCount() - 1)); } \
+ \
+ int Index(T lItem, bool bFromEnd = false) const \
+ { return base::Index((base_type)lItem, bFromEnd); } \
+ \
+ void Add(T lItem, size_t nInsert = 1) \
+ { base::Add((base_type)lItem, nInsert); } \
+ void Insert(T lItem, size_t uiIndex, size_t nInsert = 1) \
+ { base::Insert((base_type)lItem, uiIndex, nInsert) ; } \
+ \
+ void RemoveAt(size_t uiIndex, size_t nRemove = 1) \
+ { base::RemoveAt(uiIndex, nRemove); } \
+ void Remove(T lItem) \
+ { int iIndex = Index(lItem); \
+ wxCHECK2_MSG( iIndex != wxNOT_FOUND, return, \
+ base::RemoveAt((size_t)iIndex); } \
+ \
+ void Sort(CMPFUNC##T fCmp) { base::Sort((CMPFUNC)fCmp); } \
+ \
+ /* STL-like interface */ \
+private: \
+ typedef base::iterator biterator; \
+ typedef base::const_iterator bconst_iterator; \
+ typedef base::value_type bvalue_type; \
+ typedef base::const_reference bconst_reference; \
+public: \
+ typedef T value_type; \
+ typedef value_type* pointer; \
+ typedef const value_type* const_pointer; \
+ typedef value_type* iterator; \
+ typedef const value_type* const_iterator; \
+ typedef value_type& reference; \
+ typedef const value_type& const_reference; \
+ typedef base::difference_type difference_type; \
+ typedef base::size_type size_type; \
+ \
+ class reverse_iterator \
+ { \
+ typedef T value_type; \
+ typedef value_type& reference; \
+ typedef value_type* pointer; \
+ typedef reverse_iterator itor; \
+ friend inline itor operator+(int o, const itor& it) \
+ { return it.m_ptr - o; } \
+ friend inline itor operator+(const itor& it, int o) \
+ { return it.m_ptr - o; } \
+ friend inline itor operator-(const itor& it, int o) \
+ { return it.m_ptr + o; } \
+ friend inline difference_type operator-(const itor& i1, \
+ const itor& i2) \
+ { return i1.m_ptr - i2.m_ptr; } \
+ \
+ public: \
+ pointer m_ptr; \
+ reverse_iterator() : m_ptr(NULL) { } \
+ reverse_iterator(pointer ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } \
+ reverse_iterator(const itor& it) : m_ptr(it.m_ptr) { } \
+ reference operator*() const { return *m_ptr; } \
+ ptrop \
+ itor& operator++() { --m_ptr; return *this; } \
+ const itor operator++(int) \
+ { reverse_iterator tmp = *this; --m_ptr; return tmp; } \
+ itor& operator--() { ++m_ptr; return *this; } \
+ const itor operator--(int) { itor tmp = *this; ++m_ptr; return tmp; }\
+ bool operator ==(const itor& it) const { return m_ptr == it.m_ptr; }\
+ bool operator !=(const itor& it) const { return m_ptr != it.m_ptr; }\
+ }; \
+ \
+ class const_reverse_iterator \
+ { \
+ typedef T value_type; \
+ typedef const value_type& reference; \
+ typedef const value_type* pointer; \
+ typedef const_reverse_iterator itor; \
+ friend inline itor operator+(int o, const itor& it) \
+ { return it.m_ptr - o; } \
+ friend inline itor operator+(const itor& it, int o) \
+ { return it.m_ptr - o; } \
+ friend inline itor operator-(const itor& it, int o) \
+ { return it.m_ptr + o; } \
+ friend inline difference_type operator-(const itor& i1, \
+ const itor& i2) \
+ { return i1.m_ptr - i2.m_ptr; } \
+ \
+ public: \
+ pointer m_ptr; \
+ const_reverse_iterator() : m_ptr(NULL) { } \
+ const_reverse_iterator(pointer ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) { } \
+ const_reverse_iterator(const itor& it) : m_ptr(it.m_ptr) { } \
+ const_reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator& it) : m_ptr(it.m_ptr) { }\
+ reference operator*() const { return *m_ptr; } \
+ ptrop \
+ itor& operator++() { --m_ptr; return *this; } \
+ const itor operator++(int) \
+ { itor tmp = *this; --m_ptr; return tmp; } \
+ itor& operator--() { ++m_ptr; return *this; } \
+ const itor operator--(int) { itor tmp = *this; ++m_ptr; return tmp; }\
+ bool operator ==(const itor& it) const { return m_ptr == it.m_ptr; }\
+ bool operator !=(const itor& it) const { return m_ptr != it.m_ptr; }\
+ }; \
+ \
+ name(size_type n, const_reference v) { assign(n, v); } \
+ name(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) \
+ { assign(first, last); } \
+ void assign(const_iterator first, const_iterator last) \
+ { base::assign((bconst_iterator)first, (bconst_iterator)last); } \
+ void assign(size_type n, const_reference v) \
+ { base::assign(n, (bconst_reference)v); } \
+ reference back() { return *(end() - 1); } \
+ const_reference back() const { return *(end() - 1); } \
+ iterator begin() { return (iterator)base::begin(); } \
+ const_iterator begin() const { return (const_iterator)base::begin(); }\
+ size_type capacity() const { return base::capacity(); } \
+ iterator end() { return (iterator)base::end(); } \
+ const_iterator end() const { return (const_iterator)base::end(); } \
+ iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) \
+ { return (iterator)base::erase((biterator)first, (biterator)last); }\
+ iterator erase(iterator it) \
+ { return (iterator)base::erase((biterator)it); } \
+ reference front() { return *begin(); } \
+ const_reference front() const { return *begin(); } \
+ void insert(iterator it, size_type n, const_reference v) \
+ { base::insert((biterator)it, n, (bconst_reference)v); } \
+ iterator insert(iterator it, const_reference v = value_type()) \
+ { return (iterator)base::insert((biterator)it, (bconst_reference)v); }\
+ void insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) \
+ { base::insert((biterator)it, (bconst_iterator)first, \
+ (bconst_iterator)last); } \
+ void pop_back() { base::pop_back(); } \
+ void push_back(const_reference v) \
+ { base::push_back((bconst_reference)v); } \
+ reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end() - 1); } \
+ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; \
+ reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin() - 1); } \
+ const_reverse_iterator rend() const; \
+ void reserve(size_type n) { base::reserve(n); }; \
+ void resize(size_type n, value_type v = value_type()) \
+ { base::resize(n, v); } \
+#define _WX_PTROP pointer operator->() const { return m_ptr; }
+#define _WX_PTROP_NONE
+#define _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base, classexp) \
+ _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_HELPER(T, name, base, classexp, _WX_PTROP)
+#define _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_PTR(T, name, base, classexp) \
+ _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_HELPER(T, name, base, classexp, _WX_PTROP_NONE)
+#endif // !wxUSE_STL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// _WX_DEFINE_SORTED_TYPEARRAY: sorted array for simple data types
+// cannot handle types with size greater than pointer because of sorting
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define _WX_DEFINE_SORTED_TYPEARRAY_2(T, name, base, defcomp, classexp, comptype)\
+wxCOMPILE_TIME_ASSERT2(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(base::base_type), \
+ TypeTooBigToBeStoredInSorted##base, \
+ name); \
+classexp name : public base \
+{ \
+ typedef comptype SCMPFUNC; \
+public: \
+ name(comptype fn defcomp) { m_fnCompare = fn; } \
+ \
+ name& operator=(const name& src) \
+ { base* temp = (base*) this; \
+ (*temp) = ((const base&)src); \
+ m_fnCompare = src.m_fnCompare; \
+ return *this; } \
+ \
+ T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](uiIndex)); } \
+ T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](uiIndex)); } \
+ T& Last() const \
+ { return (T&)(base::operator[](size() - 1)); } \
+ \
+ int Index(T lItem) const \
+ { return base::Index(lItem, (CMPFUNC)m_fnCompare); } \
+ \
+ size_t IndexForInsert(T lItem) const \
+ { return base::IndexForInsert(lItem, (CMPFUNC)m_fnCompare); } \
+ \
+ void AddAt(T item, size_t index) \
+ { base::insert(begin() + index, item); } \
+ \
+ size_t Add(T lItem) \
+ { return base::Add(lItem, (CMPFUNC)m_fnCompare); } \
+ \
+ void RemoveAt(size_t uiIndex, size_t nRemove = 1) \
+ { base::erase(begin() + uiIndex, begin() + uiIndex + nRemove); } \
+ void Remove(T lItem) \
+ { int iIndex = Index(lItem); \
+ wxCHECK2_MSG( iIndex != wxNOT_FOUND, return, \
+ base::erase(begin() + iIndex); } \
+ \
+private: \
+ comptype m_fnCompare; \
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// _WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY: an array for pointers to type T with owning semantics
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define _WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(T, name, base, classexp) \
+typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##T)(T **pItem1, T **pItem2); \
+classexp name : protected base \
+{ \
+typedef int (CMPFUNC_CONV *CMPFUNC##base)(void **pItem1, void **pItem2); \
+typedef base base_array; \
+public: \
+ name() { } \
+ name(const name& src); \
+ name& operator=(const name& src); \
+ \
+ ~name(); \
+ \
+ void Alloc(size_t count) { reserve(count); } \
+ size_t GetCount() const { return base_array::size(); } \
+ size_t size() const { return base_array::size(); } \
+ bool IsEmpty() const { return base_array::empty(); } \
+ bool empty() const { return base_array::empty(); } \
+ size_t Count() const { return base_array::size(); } \
+ void Shrink() { base::Shrink(); } \
+ \
+ T& operator[](size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return *(T*)base::operator[](uiIndex); } \
+ T& Item(size_t uiIndex) const \
+ { return *(T*)base::operator[](uiIndex); } \
+ T& Last() const \
+ { return *(T*)(base::operator[](size() - 1)); } \
+ \
+ int Index(const T& lItem, bool bFromEnd = false) const; \
+ \
+ void Add(const T& lItem, size_t nInsert = 1); \
+ void Add(const T* pItem) \
+ { base::push_back((T*)pItem); } \
+ void push_back(const T* pItem) \
+ { base::push_back((T*)pItem); } \
+ void push_back(const T& lItem) \
+ { Add(lItem); } \
+ \
+ void Insert(const T& lItem, size_t uiIndex, size_t nInsert = 1); \
+ void Insert(const T* pItem, size_t uiIndex) \
+ { base::insert(begin() + uiIndex, (T*)pItem); } \
+ \
+ void Empty() { DoEmpty(); base::clear(); } \
+ void Clear() { DoEmpty(); base::clear(); } \
+ \
+ T* Detach(size_t uiIndex) \
+ { T* p = (T*)base::operator[](uiIndex); \
+ base::erase(begin() + uiIndex); return p; } \
+ void RemoveAt(size_t uiIndex, size_t nRemove = 1); \
+ \
+ void Sort(CMPFUNC##T fCmp) { base::Sort((CMPFUNC##base)fCmp); } \
+ \
+private: \
+ void DoEmpty(); \
+ void DoCopy(const name& src); \
+// ============================================================================
+// The public macros for declaration and definition of the dynamic arrays
+// ============================================================================
+// Please note that for each macro WX_FOO_ARRAY we also have
+// same except that they use an additional __declspec(dllexport) or equivalent
+// under Windows if needed.
+// The first (just EXPORTED) macros do it if wxWidgets was compiled as a DLL
+// and so must be used used inside the library. The second kind (USER_EXPORTED)
+// allow the user code to do it when it wants. This is needed if you have a dll
+// that wants to export a wxArray daubed with your own import/export goo.
+// Finally, you can define the macro below as something special to modify the
+// arrays defined by a simple WX_FOO_ARRAY as well. By default is is empty.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WX_DECLARE_BASEARRAY(T, name) declare an array class named "name" containing
+// the elements of type T
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define WX_DECLARE_BASEARRAY(T, name) \
+#define WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_BASEARRAY(T, name, expmode) \
+ typedef T _wxArray##name; \
+ _WX_DECLARE_BASEARRAY(_wxArray##name, name, class expmode)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base) define an array class named "name" deriving
+// from class "base" containing the elements of type T
+// Note that the class defined has only inline function and doesn't take any
+// space at all so there is no size penalty for defining multiple array classes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base) \
+#define WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_PTR(T, name, base) \
+#define WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base) \
+#define WX_DEFINE_EXPORTED_TYPEARRAY_PTR(T, name, base) \
+#define WX_DEFINE_USER_EXPORTED_TYPEARRAY(T, name, base, expdecl) \
+ WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_WITH_DECL(T, name, base, class expdecl)
+#define WX_DEFINE_USER_EXPORTED_TYPEARRAY_PTR(T, name, base, expdecl) \
+ WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_WITH_DECL_PTR(T, name, base, class expdecl)
+#define WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_WITH_DECL(T, name, base, classdecl) \
+ typedef T _wxArray##name; \
+ _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY(_wxArray##name, name, base, classdecl)
+#define WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_WITH_DECL_PTR(T, name, base, classdecl) \
+ typedef T _wxArray##name; \
+ _WX_DEFINE_TYPEARRAY_PTR(_wxArray##name, name, base, classdecl)