# "%W% %G%"
-# Makefile : Builds samples for Win95, GnuWin32
+# Makefile : Builds samples for Win95, Cygwin
# info
# Set WXDIR for your system
+# SHELL=cmd.exe
WXDIR = ..
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/splitter; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/resource; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/controls; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/listctrl; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/treectrl; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/validate; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/mdi; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/minimal; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/layout; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/printing; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbarsmpl; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbar95; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbarmsw; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/dialogs; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/docview; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/controls; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/nativdlg; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/grid; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/internat; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/checklst; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/dnd; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/ownerdrw; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/joytest; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/regtest; make -f makefile.g95
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/memcheck; make -f makefile.g95
+# Mingw make may not have a shell to use, so can't use a loop here. Sigh.
+# Please add new sample directories alphabetically to make it easier to
+# keep track.
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/splitter; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/mdi; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/minimal; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/layout; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/printing; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbarsmpl; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbarmsw; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/tbar95; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/dialogs; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/resource; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/listctrl; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/treectrl; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/validate; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/docview; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/controls; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/nativdlg; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/grid; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/internat; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/checklst; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/dnd; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/ownerdrw; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/regtest; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/joytest; make -f makefile.g95 clean
- cd $(WXDIR)/samples/memcheck; make -f makefile.g95 clean
+all clean:
+ -$(MAKE) -C calendar $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C caret $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C checklst $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C config $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C controls $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C db $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C dialogs $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C dialup $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C dnd $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C docview $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C docvwmdi $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C dragimag $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C drawing $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C dynamic $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C erase $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C event $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C exec $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C font $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C grid $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C help $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C html $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C image $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C internat $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C ipc $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C joytest $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C layout $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C listbox $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C listctrl $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C mdi $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C menu $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C minifram $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C minimal $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C nativdlg $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C newgrid $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C notebook $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C oleauto $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C ownerdrw $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C png $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C printing $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C proplist $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C propsize $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C regtest $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C resource $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C richedit $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C rotate $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C sashtest $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C scroll $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C scrollsub $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C sockets $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C splitter $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C statbar $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C tab $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C taskbar $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C text $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C thread $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C toolbar $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C treectrl $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C treelay $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C typetest $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C validate $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C widgets $(CMDLINE) $@
+ -$(MAKE) -C wizard $(CMDLINE) $@
+# Samples untested
+# -$(MAKE) -C opengl $(CMDLINE) $@
+# Missing makefile, sample untested
+# -$(MAKE) -C console $(CMDLINE) $@
+# MFC still not available for cygwin/mingw
+# -$(MAKE) -C mfc $(CMDLINE) $@
+# Memcheck does not work under cygwin/mingw
+# -$(MAKE) -C memcheck $(CMDLINE) $@