+ /**
+ A small unsigned integer type for storing things like minutes,
+ seconds &c. It should be at least short (i.e. not char) to contain
+ the number of milliseconds - it may also be 'int' because there is
+ no size penalty associated with it in our code, we don't store any
+ data in this format.
+ */
+ typedef unsigned short wxDateTime_t;
+ /**
+ Time zone symbolic names.
+ */
+ enum TZ
+ {
+ /// the time in the current time zone
+ Local,
+ //@{
+ /// zones from GMT (= Greenwhich Mean Time): they're guaranteed to be
+ /// consequent numbers, so writing something like `GMT0 + offset' is
+ /// safe if abs(offset) <= 12
+ // underscore stands for minus
+ GMT_12, GMT_11, GMT_10, GMT_9, GMT_8, GMT_7,
+ GMT_6, GMT_5, GMT_4, GMT_3, GMT_2, GMT_1,
+ GMT0,
+ GMT1, GMT2, GMT3, GMT4, GMT5, GMT6,
+ GMT7, GMT8, GMT9, GMT10, GMT11, GMT12, GMT13,
+ // Note that GMT12 and GMT_12 are not the same: there is a difference
+ // of exactly one day between them
+ //@}
+ // some symbolic names for TZ
+ // Europe
+ WET = GMT0, //!< Western Europe Time
+ WEST = GMT1, //!< Western Europe Summer Time
+ CET = GMT1, //!< Central Europe Time
+ CEST = GMT2, //!< Central Europe Summer Time
+ EET = GMT2, //!< Eastern Europe Time
+ EEST = GMT3, //!< Eastern Europe Summer Time
+ MSK = GMT3, //!< Moscow Time
+ MSD = GMT4, //!< Moscow Summer Time
+ // US and Canada
+ AST = GMT_4, //!< Atlantic Standard Time
+ ADT = GMT_3, //!< Atlantic Daylight Time
+ EST = GMT_5, //!< Eastern Standard Time
+ EDT = GMT_4, //!< Eastern Daylight Saving Time
+ CST = GMT_6, //!< Central Standard Time
+ CDT = GMT_5, //!< Central Daylight Saving Time
+ MST = GMT_7, //!< Mountain Standard Time
+ MDT = GMT_6, //!< Mountain Daylight Saving Time
+ PST = GMT_8, //!< Pacific Standard Time
+ PDT = GMT_7, //!< Pacific Daylight Saving Time
+ HST = GMT_10, //!< Hawaiian Standard Time
+ AKST = GMT_9, //!< Alaska Standard Time
+ AKDT = GMT_8, //!< Alaska Daylight Saving Time
+ // Australia
+ A_WST = GMT8, //!< Western Standard Time
+ A_CST = GMT13 + 1, //!< Central Standard Time (+9.5)
+ A_EST = GMT10, //!< Eastern Standard Time
+ A_ESST = GMT11, //!< Eastern Summer Time
+ // New Zealand
+ NZST = GMT12, //!< Standard Time
+ NZDT = GMT13, //!< Daylight Saving Time
+ /// Universal Coordinated Time = the new and politically correct name
+ /// for GMT.
+ UTC = GMT0
+ };
+ /**
+ Several functions accept an extra parameter specifying the calendar to use
+ (although most of them only support now the Gregorian calendar). This
+ parameters is one of the following values.
+ */
+ enum Calendar
+ {
+ Gregorian, ///< calendar currently in use in Western countries
+ Julian ///< calendar in use since -45 until the 1582 (or later)
+ };
+ /**
+ Date calculations often depend on the country and wxDateTime allows to set
+ the country whose conventions should be used using SetCountry(). It takes
+ one of the following values as parameter.
+ */
+ enum Country
+ {
+ Country_Unknown, ///< no special information for this country
+ Country_Default, ///< set the default country with SetCountry() method
+ ///< or use the default country with any other
+ Country_WesternEurope_Start,
+ Country_EEC = Country_WesternEurope_Start,
+ France,
+ Germany,
+ UK,
+ Country_WesternEurope_End = UK,
+ Russia,
+ };
+ /// symbolic names for the months
+ enum Month
+ {
+ Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec,
+ /// Invalid month value.
+ Inv_Month
+ };
+ /// symbolic names for the weekdays
+ enum WeekDay
+ {
+ Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat,
+ /// Invalid week day value.
+ Inv_WeekDay
+ };
+ /// invalid value for the year
+ enum Year
+ {
+ Inv_Year = SHRT_MIN // should hold in wxDateTime_t
+ };
+ /**
+ Flags to be used with GetMonthName() and GetWeekDayName() functions.
+ */
+ enum NameFlags
+ {
+ Name_Full = 0x01, ///< return full name
+ Name_Abbr = 0x02 ///< return abbreviated name
+ };
+ /**
+ Different parts of the world use different conventions for the week start.
+ In some countries, the week starts on Sunday, while in others -- on Monday.
+ The ISO standard doesn't address this issue, so we support both conventions
+ in the functions whose result depends on it (GetWeekOfYear() and
+ GetWeekOfMonth()).
+ The desired behvaiour may be specified by giving one of the following
+ constants as argument to these functions.
+ */
+ enum WeekFlags
+ {
+ Default_First, ///< Sunday_First for US, Monday_First for the rest
+ Monday_First, ///< week starts with a Monday
+ Sunday_First ///< week starts with a Sunday
+ };
+ /**
+ Contains broken down date-time representation.
+ This struct is analogous to standard C <code>struct tm</code> and uses
+ the same, not always immediately obvious, conventions for its members:
+ notably its mon and mday fields count from 0 while yday counts from 1.
+ */
+ struct Tm
+ {
+ wxDateTime_t msec, ///< Number of milliseconds.
+ sec, ///< Seconds in 0..59 (60 with leap seconds) range.
+ min, ///< Minutes in 0..59 range.
+ hour, ///< Hours since midnight in 0..23 range.
+ mday, ///< Day of the month in 1..31 range.
+ yday; ///< Day of the year in 0..365 range.
+ Month mon; ///< Month, as an enumerated constant.
+ int year; ///< Year.
+ /**
+ Check if the given date/time is valid (in Gregorian calendar).
+ Return @false if the components don't correspond to a correct date.
+ */
+ bool IsValid() const;
+ /**
+ Return the week day corresponding to this date.
+ Unlike the other fields, the week day is not always available and
+ so must be accessed using this method as it is computed on demand
+ when it is called.
+ */
+ WeekDay GetWeekDay();
+ };