+ return M_IMGDATA->m_width;
+int wxImage::GetHeight() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), 0, wxT("invalid image") );
+ return M_IMGDATA->m_height;
+long wxImage::XYToIndex(int x, int y) const
+ if ( Ok() &&
+ x >= 0 && y >= 0 &&
+ x < M_IMGDATA->m_width && y < M_IMGDATA->m_height )
+ {
+ return y*M_IMGDATA->m_width + x;
+ }
+ return -1;
+void wxImage::SetRGB( int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
+ long pos = XYToIndex(x, y);
+ wxCHECK_RET( pos != -1, wxT("invalid image coordinates") );
+ AllocExclusive();
+ pos *= 3;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_data[ pos ] = r;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_data[ pos+1 ] = g;
+ M_IMGDATA->m_data[ pos+2 ] = b;
+void wxImage::SetRGB( const wxRect& rect_, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
+ wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid image") );
+ AllocExclusive();
+ wxRect rect(rect_);
+ wxRect imageRect(0, 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight());
+ if ( rect == wxRect() )
+ {
+ rect = imageRect;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxCHECK_RET( imageRect.Contains(rect.GetTopLeft()) &&
+ imageRect.Contains(rect.GetBottomRight()),
+ wxT("invalid bounding rectangle") );
+ }
+ int x1 = rect.GetLeft(),
+ y1 = rect.GetTop(),
+ x2 = rect.GetRight() + 1,
+ y2 = rect.GetBottom() + 1;
+ unsigned char *data wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(NULL);
+ int x, y, width = GetWidth();
+ for (y = y1; y < y2; y++)
+ {
+ data = M_IMGDATA->m_data + (y*width + x1)*3;
+ for (x = x1; x < x2; x++)
+ {
+ *data++ = r;
+ *data++ = g;
+ *data++ = b;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned char wxImage::GetRed( int x, int y ) const
+ long pos = XYToIndex(x, y);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( pos != -1, 0, wxT("invalid image coordinates") );
+ pos *= 3;
+ return M_IMGDATA->m_data[pos];
+unsigned char wxImage::GetGreen( int x, int y ) const
+ long pos = XYToIndex(x, y);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( pos != -1, 0, wxT("invalid image coordinates") );
+ pos *= 3;
+ return M_IMGDATA->m_data[pos+1];
+unsigned char wxImage::GetBlue( int x, int y ) const
+ long pos = XYToIndex(x, y);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( pos != -1, 0, wxT("invalid image coordinates") );
+ pos *= 3;
+ return M_IMGDATA->m_data[pos+2];
+bool wxImage::IsOk() const
+ // image of 0 width or height can't be considered ok - at least because it
+ // causes crashes in ConvertToBitmap() if we don't catch it in time
+ wxImageRefData *data = M_IMGDATA;
+ return data && data->m_ok && data->m_width && data->m_height;
+unsigned char *wxImage::GetData() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( Ok(), (unsigned char *)NULL, wxT("invalid image") );
+ return M_IMGDATA->m_data;
+void wxImage::SetData( unsigned char *data, bool static_data )
+ wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid image") );
+ wxImageRefData *newRefData = new wxImageRefData();
+ newRefData->m_width = M_IMGDATA->m_width;
+ newRefData->m_height = M_IMGDATA->m_height;
+ newRefData->m_data = data;
+ newRefData->m_ok = true;
+ newRefData->m_maskRed = M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed;
+ newRefData->m_maskGreen = M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen;
+ newRefData->m_maskBlue = M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue;
+ newRefData->m_hasMask = M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask;
+ newRefData->m_static = static_data;
+ UnRef();
+ m_refData = newRefData;
+void wxImage::SetData( unsigned char *data, int new_width, int new_height, bool static_data )
+ wxImageRefData *newRefData = new wxImageRefData();
+ if (m_refData)
+ {
+ newRefData->m_width = new_width;
+ newRefData->m_height = new_height;
+ newRefData->m_data = data;
+ newRefData->m_ok = true;
+ newRefData->m_maskRed = M_IMGDATA->m_maskRed;
+ newRefData->m_maskGreen = M_IMGDATA->m_maskGreen;
+ newRefData->m_maskBlue = M_IMGDATA->m_maskBlue;
+ newRefData->m_hasMask = M_IMGDATA->m_hasMask;
+ }
+ else