+The functions and macros defined in wxWindows are described here: you can
+either look up a function using the alphabetical listing of them or find it in
+the corresponding topic.
+\section{Alphabetical functions and macros list}
+\helpref{wxCRITICAL\_SECTION}{wxcriticalsectionmacro}\\ % wxcs already taken!
+\section{Version macros}\label{versionfunctions}
+The following constants are defined in wxWindows:
+\item {\tt wxMAJOR\_VERSION} is the major version of wxWindows
+\item {\tt wxMINOR\_VERSION} is the minor version of wxWindows
+\item {\tt wxRELEASE\_NUMBER} is the release number
+For example, the values or these constants for wxWindows 2.1.15 are 2, 1 and
+Additionally, {\tt wxVERSION\_STRING} is a user-readable string containing
+the full wxWindows version and {\tt wxVERSION\_NUMBER} is a combination of the
+three version numbers above: for 2.1.15, it is 2115 and it is 2200 for
+wxWindows 2.2.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+<wx/version.h> or <wx/defs.h>
+\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
+This is a macro which evaluates to true if the current wxWindows version is at
+least major.minor.release.
+For example, to test if the program is compiled with wxWindows 2.2 or higher,
+the following can be done:
+ wxString s;
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 2, 0)
+ if ( s.StartsWith("foo") )
+#else // replacement code for old version
+ if ( strncmp(s, "foo", 3) == 0 )
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_GCC\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
+Returns $1$ if the compiler being used to compile the code is GNU C++
+compiler (g++) version major.minor.release or greater. Otherwise, and also if
+the compiler is not GNU C++ at all, returns $0$.
+\func{bool}{wxCHECK\_GCC\_VERSION}{\param{}{major, minor, release}}
+Returns $1$ if the version of w32api headers used is major.minor.release or
+greater. Otherwise, and also if we are not compiling with mingw32/cygwin under
+Win32 at all, returns $0$.
+\section{Application initialization and termination}\label{appinifunctions}
+The functions in this section are used on application startup/shutdown and also
+to control the behaviour of the main event loop of the GUI programs.
+This initializes wxWindows in a platform-dependent way. Use this if you
+are not using the default wxWindows entry code (e.g. main or WinMain). For example,
+you can initialize wxWindows from an Microsoft Foundation Classes application using
+this function.
+\func{void}{wxEntry}{\param{HANDLE}{ hInstance}, \param{HANDLE}{ hPrevInstance},
+ \param{const wxString\& }{commandLine}, \param{int}{ cmdShow}, \param{bool}{ enterLoop = true}}
+wxWindows initialization under Windows (non-DLL). If {\it enterLoop} is false, the
+function will return immediately after calling wxApp::OnInit. Otherwise, the wxWindows
+message loop will be entered.
+\func{void}{wxEntry}{\param{HANDLE}{ hInstance}, \param{HANDLE}{ hPrevInstance},
+ \param{WORD}{ wDataSegment}, \param{WORD}{ wHeapSize}, \param{const wxString\& }{ commandLine}}
+wxWindows initialization under Windows (for applications constructed as a DLL).
+\func{int}{wxEntry}{\param{int}{ argc}, \param{const wxString\& *}{argv}}
+wxWindows initialization under Unix.
+To clean up wxWindows, call wxApp::OnExit followed by the static function
+wxApp::CleanUp. For example, if exiting from an MFC application that also uses wxWindows:
+int CTheApp::ExitInstance()
+ // OnExit isn't called by CleanUp so must be called explicitly.
+ wxTheApp->OnExit();
+ wxApp::CleanUp();
+ return CWinApp::ExitInstance();
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This function doesn't exist in wxWindows but it is created by using
+the \helpref{IMPLEMENT\_APP}{implementapp} macro. Thus, before using it
+anywhere but in the same module where this macro is used, you must make it
+available using \helpref{DECLARE\_APP}{declareapp}.
+The advantage of using this function compared to directly using the global
+wxTheApp pointer is that the latter is of type {\tt wxApp *} and so wouldn't
+allow you to access the functions specific to your application class but not
+present in wxApp while wxGetApp() returns the object of the right type.
+\func{bool}{wxHandleFatalExceptions}{\param{bool}{ doIt = true}}
+If {\it doIt} is true, the fatal exceptions (also known as general protection
+faults under Windows or segmentation violations in the Unix world) will be
+caught and passed to \helpref{wxApp::OnFatalException}{wxapponfatalexception}.
+By default, i.e. before this function is called, they will be handled in the
+normal way which usually just means that the application will be terminated.
+Calling wxHandleFatalExceptions() with {\it doIt} equal to false will restore
+this default behaviour.
+Initializes all available image handlers. For a list of available handlers,
+see \helpref{wxImage}{wximage}.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxImage}{wximage}, \helpref{wxImageHandler}{wximagehandler}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This function is used in wxBase only and only if you don't create
+\helpref{wxApp}{wxapp} object at all. In this case you must call it from your
+{\tt main()} function before calling any other wxWindows functions.
+If the function returns {\tt false} the initialization could not be performed,
+in this case the library cannot be used and
+\helpref{wxUninitialize}{wxuninitialize} shouldn't be called neither.
+This function may be called several times but
+\helpref{wxUninitialize}{wxuninitialize} must be called for each successful
+call to this function.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxSafeYield}{\param{wxWindow*}{ win = NULL}, \param{bool}{
+ onlyIfNeeded = false}}
+This function is similar to wxYield, except that it disables the user input to
+all program windows before calling wxYield and re-enables it again
+afterwards. If {\it win} is not NULL, this window will remain enabled,
+allowing the implementation of some limited user interaction.
+Returns the result of the call to \helpref{::wxYield}{wxyield}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This function is for use in console (wxBase) programs only. It must be called
+once for each previous successful call to \helpref{wxInitialize}{wxinitialize}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Calls \helpref{wxApp::Yield}{wxappyield}.
+This function is kept only for backwards compatibility. Please use
+the \helpref{wxApp::Yield}{wxappyield} method instead in any new code.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+<wx/app.h> or <wx/utils.h>
+This functions wakes up the (internal and platform dependent) idle system, i.e. it
+will force the system to send an idle event even if the system currently {\it is}
+ idle and thus would not send any idle event until after some other event would get
+sent. This is also useful for sending events between two threads and is used by
+the corresponding functions \helpref{::wxPostEvent}{wxpostevent} and
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\section{Process control functions}\label{processfunctions}
+The functions in this section are used to launch or terminate the other
+\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}, \param{int }{sync = wxEXEC\_ASYNC}, \param{wxProcess *}{callback = NULL}}
+\perlnote{In wxPerl this function is called \texttt{Wx::ExecuteCommand}}
+\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{char **}{argv}, \param{int }{flags = wxEXEC\_ASYNC}, \param{wxProcess *}{callback = NULL}}
+\perlnote{In wxPerl this function is called \texttt{Wx::ExecuteArgs}}
+\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{output}}
+\perlnote{In wxPerl this function is called \texttt{Wx::ExecuteStdout} and it
+only takes the {\tt command} argument,
+and returns a 2-element list {\tt ( status, output )}, where {\tt output} is
+an array reference.}
+\func{long}{wxExecute}{\param{const wxString\& }{command}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{output}, \param{wxArrayString\& }{errors}}
+\perlnote{In wxPerl this function is called \texttt{Wx::ExecuteStdoutStderr}
+and it only takes the {\tt command} argument,
+and returns a 3-element list {\tt ( status, output, errors )}, where
+{\tt output} and {\tt errors} are array references.}
+Executes another program in Unix or Windows.
+The first form takes a command string, such as {\tt "emacs file.txt"}.
+The second form takes an array of values: a command, any number of
+arguments, terminated by NULL.
+The semantics of the third and fourth versions is different from the first two
+and is described in more details below.
+If {\it flags} parameter contains {\tt wxEXEC\_ASYNC} flag (the default), flow
+of control immediately returns. If it contains {\tt wxEXEC\_SYNC}, the current
+application waits until the other program has terminated.
+In the case of synchronous execution, the return value is the exit code of
+the process (which terminates by the moment the function returns) and will be
+$-1$ if the process couldn't be started and typically 0 if the process
+terminated successfully. Also, while waiting for the process to
+terminate, wxExecute will call \helpref{wxYield}{wxyield}. The caller
+should ensure that this can cause no recursion, in the simplest case by
+calling \helpref{wxEnableTopLevelWindows(false)}{wxenabletoplevelwindows}.
+For asynchronous execution, however, the return value is the process id and
+zero value indicates that the command could not be executed. As an added
+complication, the return value of $-1$ in this case indicates that we didn't
+launch a new process, but connected to the running one (this can only happen in
+case of using DDE under Windows for command execution). In particular, in this,
+and only this, case the calling code will not get the notification about
+process termination.
+If callback isn't NULL and if execution is asynchronous,
+\helpref{wxProcess::OnTerminate}{wxprocessonterminate} will be called when
+the process finishes. Specifying this parameter also allows you to redirect the
+standard input and/or output of the process being launched by calling
+\helpref{Redirect}{wxprocessredirect}. If the child process IO is redirected,
+under Windows the process window is not shown by default (this avoids having to
+flush an unnecessary console for the processes which don't create any windows
+anyhow) but a {\tt wxEXEC\_NOHIDE} flag can be used to prevent this from
+happening, i.e. with this flag the child process window will be shown normally.
+Under Unix the flag {\tt wxEXEC\_MAKE\_GROUP\_LEADER} may be used to ensure
+that the new process is a group leader (this will create a new session if
+needed). Calling \helpref{wxKill}{wxkill} with the argument of -pid where pid
+is the process ID of the new process will kill this process as well as all of
+its children (except those which have started their own session).
+Finally, you may use the third overloaded version of this function to execute
+a process (always synchronously) and capture its output in the array
+{\it output}. The fourth version adds the possibility to additionally capture
+the messages from standard error output in the {\it errors} array.
+{\bf NB:} Currently wxExecute() can only be used from the main thread, calling
+this function from another thread will result in an assert failure in debug
+build and won't work.
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{wxShell}{wxshell}, \helpref{wxProcess}{wxprocess}, \helpref{Exec sample}{sampleexec}.
+\docparam{command}{The command to execute and any parameters to pass to it as a
+single string.}
+\docparam{argv}{The command to execute should be the first element of this
+array, any additional ones are the command parameters and the array must be
+terminated with a NULL pointer.}
+\docparam{flags}{Combination of bit masks {\tt wxEXEC\_ASYNC},
+{\tt wxEXEC\_SYNC} and {\tt wxEXEC\_NOHIDE}}
+\docparam{callback}{An optional pointer to \helpref{wxProcess}{wxprocess}}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+Exits application after calling \helpref{wxApp::OnExit}{wxapponexit}.
+Should only be used in an emergency: normally the top-level frame
+should be deleted (after deleting all other frames) to terminate the
+application. See \helpref{wxCloseEvent}{wxcloseevent} and \helpref{wxApp}{wxapp}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{int}{wxKill}{\param{long}{ pid}, \param{int}{ sig = wxSIGTERM}, \param{wxKillError }{*rc = NULL}}
+Equivalent to the Unix kill function: send the given signal {\it sig} to the
+process with PID {\it pid}. The valid signal values are
+enum wxSignal
+ wxSIGNONE = 0, // verify if the process exists under Unix
+ wxSIGKILL, // forcefully kill, dangerous!
+ wxSIGTERM // terminate the process gently
+{\tt wxSIGNONE}, {\tt wxSIGKILL} and {\tt wxSIGTERM} have the same meaning
+under both Unix and Windows but all the other signals are equivalent to
+{\tt wxSIGTERM} under Windows.
+Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure. If {\it rc} parameter is not NULL, it will
+be filled with an element of {\tt wxKillError} enum:
+enum wxKillError
+ wxKILL_OK, // no error
+ wxKILL_BAD_SIGNAL, // no such signal
+ wxKILL_ACCESS_DENIED, // permission denied
+ wxKILL_NO_PROCESS, // no such process
+ wxKILL_ERROR // another, unspecified error
+\wxheading{See also}
+\helpref{Exec sample}{sampleexec}
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{unsigned long}{wxGetProcessId}{\void}
+Returns the number uniquely identifying the current process in the system.
+If an error occurs, $0$ is returned.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+\func{bool}{wxShell}{\param{const wxString\& }{command = NULL}}
+Executes a command in an interactive shell window. If no command is
+specified, then just the shell is spawned.
+See also \helpref{wxExecute}{wxexecute}, \helpref{Exec sample}{sampleexec}.
+\wxheading{Include files}
+This function shuts down or reboots the computer depending on the value of the
+{\it flags}. Please notice that doing this requires the corresponding access
+rights (superuser under Unix, {\tt SE\_SHUTDOWN} privelege under Windows NT)
+and that this function is only implemented under Unix and Win32.
+\docparam{flags}{Either {\tt wxSHUTDOWN\_POWEROFF} or {\tt wxSHUTDOWN\_REBOOT}}
+{\tt true} on success, {\tt false} if an error occured.
+\wxheading{Include files}