Right-click on the panel to get a menu. This menu will be managed by
a wxFileHistory object and so the files you select will automatically
be added to the end of the menu and will be selectable the next time
-the menu is viewed. The filename selcted, either via the Open menu
+the menu is viewed. The filename selected, either via the Open menu
item, or from the history, will be displayed in the log window below.
box.Add(t, 0, wxCENTER|wxALL, 5)
- self.SetAutoLayout(true)
+ self.SetAutoLayout(True)
# Make a menu
self.menu = m = wxMenu()
m.Append(wxID_CLOSE, "&Close")
m.Append(wxID_SAVE, "&Save")
m.Append(wxID_SAVEAS, "Save &as...")
- m.Enable(wxID_NEW, false)
- m.Enable(wxID_CLOSE, false)
- m.Enable(wxID_SAVE, false)
- m.Enable(wxID_SAVEAS, false)
+ m.Enable(wxID_NEW, False)
+ m.Enable(wxID_CLOSE, False)
+ m.Enable(wxID_SAVE, False)
+ m.Enable(wxID_SAVEAS, False)
# and a file history
self.filehistory = wxFileHistory()