// Name: src/generic/datavgen.cpp
// Purpose: wxDataViewCtrl generic implementation
// Author: Robert Roebling
+// Modified by: Francesco Montorsi, Guru Kathiresan, Otto Wyss
// Id: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ #pragma hdrstop
#include "wx/dataview.h"
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #ifdef __WXMSW__
+ #include "wx/msw/private.h"
+ #include "wx/msw/wrapwin.h"
+ #include "wx/msw/wrapcctl.h" // include <commctrl.h> "properly"
+ #endif
#include "wx/sizer.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
+ #include "wx/dcclient.h"
+ #include "wx/timer.h"
+ #include "wx/settings.h"
+ #include "wx/msgdlg.h"
+ #include "wx/dcscreen.h"
#include "wx/stockitem.h"
-#include "wx/dcclient.h"
#include "wx/calctrl.h"
#include "wx/popupwin.h"
#include "wx/renderer.h"
-#include "wx/timer.h"
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
- #include "wx/msw/wrapwin.h"
+#include "wx/dcbuffer.h"
+#include "wx/icon.h"
+#include "wx/list.h"
+#include "wx/listimpl.cpp"
// classes
class wxDataViewCtrl;
+static const int SCROLL_UNIT_X = 15;
+// the cell padding on the left/right
+static const int PADDING_RIGHTLEFT = 3;
+// the cell padding on the top/bottom
+static const int PADDING_TOPBOTTOM = 1;
+// the expander space margin
+static const int EXPANDER_MARGIN = 4;
// wxDataViewHeaderWindow
-class wxDataViewHeaderWindow: public wxWindow
+// NB: for some reason, this class must be dllexport'ed or we get warnings from
+// MSVC in DLL build
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_ADV wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase : public wxControl
- wxDataViewHeaderWindow( wxDataViewCtrl *parent,
- wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
- const wxString &name = wxT("wxdataviewctrlheaderwindow") );
- ~wxDataViewHeaderWindow();
+ wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase()
+ { m_owner = NULL; }
+ bool Create(wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ const wxString &name)
+ {
+ return wxWindow::Create(parent, id, pos, size, wxNO_BORDER, name);
+ }
void SetOwner( wxDataViewCtrl* owner ) { m_owner = owner; }
wxDataViewCtrl *GetOwner() { return m_owner; }
+ // called on column addition/removal
+ virtual void UpdateDisplay() { /* by default, do nothing */ }
+ // returns the n-th column
+ virtual wxDataViewColumn *GetColumn(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ wxASSERT(m_owner);
+ wxDataViewColumn *ret = m_owner->GetColumn(n);
+ wxASSERT(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ wxDataViewCtrl *m_owner;
+ // sends an event generated from the n-th wxDataViewColumn
+ void SendEvent(wxEventType type, unsigned int n);
+// on wxMSW the header window (only that part however) can be made native!
+#define wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW wxDataViewHeaderWindow
+class wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW : public wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase
+ wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW( wxDataViewCtrl *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
+ const wxString &name = wxT("wxdataviewctrlheaderwindow") )
+ {
+ Create(parent, id, pos, size, name);
+ }
+ bool Create(wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ const wxString &name);
+ ~wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW();
+ // called when any column setting is changed and/or changed
+ // the column count
+ virtual void UpdateDisplay();
+ // called when the main window gets scrolled
+ virtual void ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect = NULL);
+ virtual bool MSWOnNotify(int idCtrl, WXLPARAM lParam, WXLPARAM *result);
+ virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags);
+ unsigned int GetColumnIdxFromHeader(NMHEADER *nmHDR);
+ wxDataViewColumn *GetColumnFromHeader(NMHEADER *nmHDR)
+ { return GetColumn(GetColumnIdxFromHeader(nmHDR)); }
+#else // !defined(__WXMSW__)
+#define wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow wxDataViewHeaderWindow
+class wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow : public wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase
+ wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow( wxDataViewCtrl *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
+ const wxString &name = wxT("wxdataviewctrlheaderwindow") )
+ {
+ Init();
+ Create(parent, id, pos, size, name);
+ }
+ bool Create(wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ const wxString &name);
+ ~wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow()
+ {
+ delete m_resizeCursor;
+ }
+ virtual void UpdateDisplay() { Refresh(); }
+ // event handlers:
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );
void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
- wxDataViewCtrl *m_owner;
+ // vars used for column resizing:
wxCursor *m_resizeCursor;
+ const wxCursor *m_currentCursor;
+ bool m_isDragging;
+ bool m_dirty; // needs refresh?
+ int m_column; // index of the column being resized
+ int m_currentX; // divider line position in logical (unscrolled) coords
+ int m_minX; // minimal position beyond which the divider line
+ // can't be dragged in logical coords
+ // the pen used to draw the current column width drag line
+ // when resizing the columsn
+ wxPen m_penCurrent;
+ // internal utilities:
+ void Init()
+ {
+ m_currentCursor = (wxCursor *) NULL;
+ m_resizeCursor = new wxCursor( wxCURSOR_SIZEWE );
+ m_isDragging = false;
+ m_dirty = false;
+ m_column = wxNOT_FOUND;
+ m_currentX = 0;
+ m_minX = 0;
+ wxColour col = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT);
+ m_penCurrent = wxPen(col, 1, wxSOLID);
+ }
+ void DrawCurrent();
+ void AdjustDC(wxDC& dc);
- DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxDataViewHeaderWindow)
+ DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow)
+#endif // defined(__WXMSW__)
// wxDataViewRenameTimer
-// wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper: wraps a wxTextCtrl for inline editing
+// wxDataViewTreeNode
+class wxDataViewTreeNode;
+WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY( wxDataViewTreeNode *, wxDataViewTreeNodes );
+WX_DEFINE_SORTED_ARRAY( void* , wxDataViewTreeLeaves);
+int LINKAGEMODE wxGenericTreeModelNodeCmp( wxDataViewTreeNode * node1, wxDataViewTreeNode * node2);
+int LINKAGEMODE wxGenericTreeModelItemCmp( void * id1, void * id2);
-class wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper : public wxEvtHandler
+class wxDataViewTreeNode
- // NB: text must be a valid object but not Create()d yet
- wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper( wxDataViewMainWindow *owner,
- wxTextCtrl *text,
- wxDataViewListModel *model,
- size_t col, size_t row,
- wxRect cellLabel );
+ wxDataViewTreeNode( wxDataViewTreeNode * parent = NULL )
+ :leaves( wxGenericTreeModelItemCmp ),
+ nodes(wxGenericTreeModelNodeCmp)
+ { this->parent = parent;
+ if( parent == NULL )
+ open = true;
+ else
+ open = false;
+ hasChildren = false;
+ subTreeCount = 0;
+ }
+ //I don't know what I need to do in the destructure
+ ~wxDataViewTreeNode()
+ {
+ }
- wxTextCtrl *GetText() const { return m_text; }
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * GetParent() { return parent; }
+ void SetParent( wxDataViewTreeNode * parent ) { this->parent = parent; }
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes & GetNodes() { return nodes; }
+ wxDataViewTreeLeaves & GetChildren() { return leaves; }
- void AcceptChangesAndFinish();
+ void AddNode( wxDataViewTreeNode * node )
+ {
+ nodes.Add( node );
+ leaves.Add( node->GetItem().GetID() );
+ }
+ void AddLeaf( void * leaf ) { leaves.Add( leaf ); }
- void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
- void OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent &event );
- void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
+ wxDataViewItem & GetItem() { return item; }
+ void SetItem( const wxDataViewItem & item ) { this->item = item; }
+ unsigned int GetChildrenNumber() { return leaves.GetCount(); }
+ unsigned int GetNodeNumber() { return nodes.GetCount(); }
+ int GetIndentLevel()
+ {
+ int ret = 0 ;
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = this;
+ while( node->GetParent()->GetParent() != NULL )
+ {
+ node = node->GetParent();
+ ret ++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- bool AcceptChanges();
- void Finish();
+ bool IsOpen()
+ {
+ return open ;
+ }
- wxDataViewMainWindow *m_owner;
- wxTextCtrl *m_text;
- wxString m_startValue;
- wxDataViewListModel *m_model;
- size_t m_col;
- size_t m_row;
- bool m_finished;
- bool m_aboutToFinish;
+ void ToggleOpen()
+ {
+ int len = nodes.GetCount();
+ int sum = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0 ;i < len ; i ++)
+ sum += nodes[i]->GetSubTreeCount();
+ sum += leaves.GetCount();
+ if( open )
+ {
+ ChangeSubTreeCount(-sum);
+ open = !open;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ open = !open;
+ ChangeSubTreeCount(sum);
+ }
+ }
+ bool HasChildren() { return hasChildren; }
+ void SetHasChildren( bool has ){ hasChildren = has; }
+ void SetSubTreeCount( int num ) { subTreeCount = num; }
+ int GetSubTreeCount() { return subTreeCount; }
+ void ChangeSubTreeCount( int num )
+ {
+ if( !open )
+ return ;
+ subTreeCount += num;
+ if( parent )
+ parent->ChangeSubTreeCount(num);
+ }
+ void Resort()
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nds = nodes;
+ wxDataViewTreeLeaves lvs = leaves;
+ nodes.Empty();
+ leaves.Empty();
+ int len = nds.GetCount();
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i ++)
+ nodes.Add(nds[i]);
+ for(i = 0; i < len; i ++)
+ nodes[i]->Resort();
+ }
+ len = lvs.GetCount();
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ leaves.Add(lvs[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * parent;
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nodes;
+ wxDataViewTreeLeaves leaves;
+ wxDataViewItem item;
+ bool open;
+ bool hasChildren;
+ int subTreeCount;
+//Below is the compare stuff
+//For the generic implements, both the leaf nodes and the nodes are sorted for fast search when needed
+static wxDataViewModel * g_model;
+static unsigned int g_column;
+static bool g_asending;
+int LINKAGEMODE wxGenericTreeModelNodeCmp( wxDataViewTreeNode * node1, wxDataViewTreeNode * node2)
+ return g_model->Compare( node1->GetItem(), node2->GetItem(), g_column, g_asending );
+int LINKAGEMODE wxGenericTreeModelItemCmp( void * id1, void * id2)
+ return g_model->Compare( id1, id2, g_column, g_asending );
// wxDataViewMainWindow
+WX_DEFINE_SORTED_USER_EXPORTED_ARRAY_SIZE_T(unsigned int, wxDataViewSelection,
+WX_DECLARE_LIST(wxDataViewItem, ItemList);
class wxDataViewMainWindow: public wxWindow
const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
const wxString &name = wxT("wxdataviewctrlmainwindow") );
- ~wxDataViewMainWindow();
- // notifications from wxDataViewListModel
- bool RowAppended();
- bool RowPrepended();
- bool RowInserted( size_t before );
- bool RowDeleted( size_t row );
- bool RowChanged( size_t row );
- bool ValueChanged( size_t col, size_t row );
- bool RowsReordered( size_t *new_order );
+ virtual ~wxDataViewMainWindow();
+ // notifications from wxDataViewModel
+ void SendModelEvent( wxEventType type, const wxDataViewItem & item);
+ bool ItemAdded( const wxDataViewItem &parent, const wxDataViewItem &item );
+ bool ItemDeleted( const wxDataViewItem &parent, const wxDataViewItem &item );
+ bool ItemChanged( const wxDataViewItem &item );
+ bool ValueChanged( const wxDataViewItem &item, unsigned int col );
bool Cleared();
+ void Resort()
+ {
+ SortPrepare();
+ m_root->Resort();
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ }
+ void SortPrepare()
+ {
+ g_model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ g_column = GetOwner()->GetSortingColumn();
+ wxDataViewColumn * col = GetOwner()->GetColumn(g_column);
+ if( !col )
+ {
+ g_asending = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ g_asending = col->IsSortOrderAscending();
+ }
void SetOwner( wxDataViewCtrl* owner ) { m_owner = owner; }
wxDataViewCtrl *GetOwner() { return m_owner; }
+ const wxDataViewCtrl *GetOwner() const { return m_owner; }
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
+ void OnArrowChar(unsigned int newCurrent, const wxKeyEvent& event);
+ void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );
void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
+ void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
void UpdateDisplay();
void RecalculateDisplay();
void OnInternalIdle();
void OnRenameTimer();
- void FinishEditing( wxTextCtrl *text );
- void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect );
+ void ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect = NULL );
+ void ScrollTo( int rows );
+ bool HasCurrentRow() { return m_currentRow != (unsigned int)-1; }
+ void ChangeCurrentRow( unsigned int row );
+ bool IsSingleSel() const { return !GetParent()->HasFlag(wxDV_MULTIPLE); }
+ bool IsEmpty() { return GetRowCount() == 0; }
+ int GetCountPerPage() const;
+ int GetEndOfLastCol() const;
+ unsigned int GetFirstVisibleRow() const;
+ //I change this method to un const because in the tree view, the displaying number of the tree are changing along with the expanding/collapsing of the tree nodes
+ unsigned int GetLastVisibleRow();
+ unsigned int GetRowCount() ;
+ wxDataViewItem GetSelection();
+ wxDataViewSelection GetSelections(){ return m_selection; }
+ void SetSelections( const wxDataViewSelection & sel ) { m_selection = sel; UpdateDisplay(); }
+ void Select( const wxArrayInt& aSelections );
+ void SelectAllRows( bool on );
+ void SelectRow( unsigned int row, bool on );
+ void SelectRows( unsigned int from, unsigned int to, bool on );
+ void ReverseRowSelection( unsigned int row );
+ bool IsRowSelected( unsigned int row );
+ void RefreshRow( unsigned int row );
+ void RefreshRows( unsigned int from, unsigned int to );
+ void RefreshRowsAfter( unsigned int firstRow );
+ // returns the colour to be used for drawing the rules
+ wxColour GetRuleColour() const
+ {
+ return wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT);
+ }
+ //void EnsureVisible( unsigned int row );
+ wxRect GetLineRect( unsigned int row ) const;
+ //Some useful functions for row and item mapping
+ wxDataViewItem GetItemByRow( unsigned int row );
+ int GetRowByItem( const wxDataViewItem & item );
+ //Methods for building the mapping tree
+ void BuildTree( wxDataViewModel * model );
+ void DestroyTree();
+ void HitTest( const wxPoint & point, wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int & column );
+ wxRect GetItemRect( const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int column );
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * GetTreeNodeByRow( unsigned int row );
+ //We did not need this temporarily
+ //wxDataViewTreeNode * GetTreeNodeByItem( const wxDataViewItem & item );
+ int RecalculateCount() ;
+ wxDataViewEvent SendExpanderEvent( wxEventType type, const wxDataViewItem & item );
+ void OnExpanding( unsigned int row );
+ void OnCollapsing( unsigned int row );
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * FindNode( const wxDataViewItem & item );
wxDataViewCtrl *m_owner;
int m_lineHeight;
bool m_dirty;
wxDataViewColumn *m_currentCol;
- size_t m_currentRow;
+ unsigned int m_currentRow;
+ wxDataViewSelection m_selection;
wxDataViewRenameTimer *m_renameTimer;
- wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper *m_textctrlWrapper;
bool m_lastOnSame;
+ bool m_hasFocus;
+ int m_dragCount;
+ wxPoint m_dragStart;
+ // for double click logic
+ unsigned int m_lineLastClicked,
+ m_lineBeforeLastClicked,
+ m_lineSelectSingleOnUp;
+ // the pen used to draw horiz/vertical rules
+ wxPen m_penRule;
+ // the pen used to draw the expander and the lines
+ wxPen m_penExpander;
+ //This is the tree structure of the model
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * m_root;
+ int m_count;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxGenericDataViewListModelNotifier
+// wxGenericDataViewModelNotifier
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-class wxGenericDataViewListModelNotifier: public wxDataViewListModelNotifier
+class wxGenericDataViewModelNotifier: public wxDataViewModelNotifier
- wxGenericDataViewListModelNotifier( wxDataViewMainWindow *mainWindow )
+ wxGenericDataViewModelNotifier( wxDataViewMainWindow *mainWindow )
{ m_mainWindow = mainWindow; }
- virtual bool RowAppended()
- { return m_mainWindow->RowAppended(); }
- virtual bool RowPrepended()
- { return m_mainWindow->RowPrepended(); }
- virtual bool RowInserted( size_t before )
- { return m_mainWindow->RowInserted( before ); }
- virtual bool RowDeleted( size_t row )
- { return m_mainWindow->RowDeleted( row ); }
- virtual bool RowChanged( size_t row )
- { return m_mainWindow->RowChanged( row ); }
- virtual bool ValueChanged( size_t col, size_t row )
- { return m_mainWindow->ValueChanged( col, row ); }
- virtual bool RowsReordered( size_t *new_order )
- { return m_mainWindow->RowsReordered( new_order ); }
+ virtual bool ItemAdded( const wxDataViewItem & parent, const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ { return m_mainWindow->ItemAdded( parent , item ); }
+ virtual bool ItemDeleted( const wxDataViewItem &parent, const wxDataViewItem &item )
+ { return m_mainWindow->ItemDeleted( parent, item ); }
+ virtual bool ItemChanged( const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ { return m_mainWindow->ItemChanged(item); }
+ virtual bool ValueChanged( const wxDataViewItem & item , unsigned int col )
+ { return m_mainWindow->ValueChanged( item, col ); }
virtual bool Cleared()
{ return m_mainWindow->Cleared(); }
+ virtual void Resort()
+ { m_mainWindow->Resort(); }
wxDataViewMainWindow *m_mainWindow;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewCell
+// wxDataViewRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewCell, wxDataViewCellBase)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewRenderer, wxDataViewRendererBase)
-wxDataViewCell::wxDataViewCell( const wxString &varianttype, wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCellBase( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewRenderer::wxDataViewRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode,
+ int align) :
+ wxDataViewRendererBase( varianttype, mode, align )
m_dc = NULL;
+ m_align = align;
+ m_mode = mode;
if (m_dc)
delete m_dc;
-wxDC *wxDataViewCell::GetDC()
+wxDC *wxDataViewRenderer::GetDC()
if (m_dc == NULL)
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewCustomCell
+// wxDataViewCustomRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewCustomCell, wxDataViewCell)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewCustomRenderer, wxDataViewRenderer)
-wxDataViewCustomCell::wxDataViewCustomCell( const wxString &varianttype,
- wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCell( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewCustomRenderer::wxDataViewCustomRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewTextCell
+// wxDataViewTextRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewTextCell, wxDataViewCustomCell)
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxDataViewTextRenderer, wxDataViewCustomRenderer)
-wxDataViewTextCell::wxDataViewTextCell( const wxString &varianttype, wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCustomCell( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewTextRenderer::wxDataViewTextRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewCustomRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
-bool wxDataViewTextCell::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
+bool wxDataViewTextRenderer::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
m_text = value.GetString();
return true;
-bool wxDataViewTextCell::GetValue( wxVariant& WXUNUSED(value) )
+bool wxDataViewTextRenderer::GetValue( wxVariant& WXUNUSED(value) ) const
return false;
-bool wxDataViewTextCell::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
+bool wxDataViewTextRenderer::HasEditorCtrl()
+ return true;
+wxControl* wxDataViewTextRenderer::CreateEditorCtrl( wxWindow *parent,
+ wxRect labelRect, const wxVariant &value )
+ return new wxTextCtrl( parent, wxID_ANY, value,
+ wxPoint(labelRect.x,labelRect.y),
+ wxSize(labelRect.width,labelRect.height) );
+bool wxDataViewTextRenderer::GetValueFromEditorCtrl( wxControl *editor, wxVariant &value )
+ wxTextCtrl *text = (wxTextCtrl*) editor;
+ value = text->GetValue();
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewTextRenderer::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int state )
+ wxDataViewCtrl *view = GetOwner()->GetOwner();
+ wxColour col = (state & wxDATAVIEW_CELL_SELECTED) ?
+ wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) :
+ view->GetForegroundColour();
+ dc->SetTextForeground(col);
dc->DrawText( m_text, cell.x, cell.y );
return true;
-wxSize wxDataViewTextCell::GetSize()
+wxSize wxDataViewTextRenderer::GetSize() const
+ const wxDataViewCtrl *view = GetView();
+ if (!m_text.empty())
+ {
+ int x,y;
+ view->GetTextExtent( m_text, &x, &y );
+ return wxSize( x, y );
+ }
return wxSize(80,20);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewToggleCell
+// wxDataViewBitmapRenderer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+IMPLEMENT_CLASS(wxDataViewBitmapRenderer, wxDataViewCustomRenderer)
+wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::wxDataViewBitmapRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewCustomRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
+bool wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
+ if (value.GetType() == wxT("wxBitmap"))
+ m_bitmap << value;
+ if (value.GetType() == wxT("wxIcon"))
+ m_icon << value;
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::GetValue( wxVariant& WXUNUSED(value) ) const
+ return false;
+bool wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
+ if (m_bitmap.Ok())
+ dc->DrawBitmap( m_bitmap, cell.x, cell.y );
+ else if (m_icon.Ok())
+ dc->DrawIcon( m_icon, cell.x, cell.y );
+ return true;
+wxSize wxDataViewBitmapRenderer::GetSize() const
+ if (m_bitmap.Ok())
+ return wxSize( m_bitmap.GetWidth(), m_bitmap.GetHeight() );
+ else if (m_icon.Ok())
+ return wxSize( m_icon.GetWidth(), m_icon.GetHeight() );
+ return wxSize(16,16);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// wxDataViewToggleRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewToggleCell, wxDataViewCustomCell)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewToggleRenderer, wxDataViewCustomRenderer)
-wxDataViewToggleCell::wxDataViewToggleCell( const wxString &varianttype,
- wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCustomCell( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewToggleRenderer::wxDataViewToggleRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewCustomRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
m_toggle = false;
-bool wxDataViewToggleCell::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
+bool wxDataViewToggleRenderer::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
m_toggle = value.GetBool();
- return true;;
+ return true;
-bool wxDataViewToggleCell::GetValue( wxVariant &WXUNUSED(value) )
+bool wxDataViewToggleRenderer::GetValue( wxVariant &WXUNUSED(value) ) const
return false;
-bool wxDataViewToggleCell::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
+bool wxDataViewToggleRenderer::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
// User wxRenderer here
rect.width = 20;
rect.y = cell.y + cell.height/2 - 10;
rect.height = 20;
int flags = 0;
if (m_toggle)
- wxRendererNative::Get().DrawCheckButton(
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawCheckBox(
return true;
-bool wxDataViewToggleCell::Activate( wxRect WXUNUSED(cell), wxDataViewListModel *model, size_t col, size_t row )
+bool wxDataViewToggleRenderer::Activate( wxRect WXUNUSED(cell),
+ wxDataViewModel *model,
+ const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int col)
bool value = !m_toggle;
wxVariant variant = value;
- model->SetValue( variant, col, row );
- model->ValueChanged( col, row );
+ model->SetValue( variant, item, col);
+ model->ValueChanged( item, col );
return true;
-wxSize wxDataViewToggleCell::GetSize()
+wxSize wxDataViewToggleRenderer::GetSize() const
return wxSize(20,20);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewProgressCell
+// wxDataViewProgressRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewProgressCell, wxDataViewCustomCell)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewProgressRenderer, wxDataViewCustomRenderer)
-wxDataViewProgressCell::wxDataViewProgressCell( const wxString &label,
- const wxString &varianttype, wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCustomCell( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewProgressRenderer::wxDataViewProgressRenderer( const wxString &label,
+ const wxString &varianttype, wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewCustomRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
m_label = label;
m_value = 0;
-bool wxDataViewProgressCell::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
+bool wxDataViewProgressRenderer::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
m_value = (long) value;
return true;
-bool wxDataViewProgressCell::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
+bool wxDataViewProgressRenderer::GetValue( wxVariant &value ) const
+ value = (long) m_value;
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewProgressRenderer::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
double pct = (double)m_value / 100.0;
wxRect bar = cell;
return true;
-wxSize wxDataViewProgressCell::GetSize()
+wxSize wxDataViewProgressRenderer::GetSize() const
return wxSize(40,12);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// wxDataViewDateCell
+// wxDataViewDateRenderer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
-class wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient: public wxPopupTransientWindow
+class wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient: public wxPopupTransientWindow
- wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient( wxWindow* parent, wxDateTime *value,
- wxDataViewListModel *model, size_t col, size_t row ) :
- wxPopupTransientWindow( parent, wxBORDER_SIMPLE )
+ wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient( wxWindow* parent, wxDateTime *value,
+ wxDataViewModel *model, const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int col) :
+ wxPopupTransientWindow( parent, wxBORDER_SIMPLE ),
+ m_item( item )
m_model = model;
m_col = col;
- m_row = row;
m_cal = new wxCalendarCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, *value );
wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
sizer->Add( m_cal, 1, wxGROW );
sizer->Fit( this );
- virtual void OnDismiss()
- {
- }
void OnCalendar( wxCalendarEvent &event );
wxCalendarCtrl *m_cal;
- wxDataViewListModel *m_model;
- size_t m_col;
- size_t m_row;
+ wxDataViewModel *m_model;
+ unsigned int m_col;
+ const wxDataViewItem & m_item;
+ virtual void OnDismiss()
+ {
+ }
- EVT_CALENDAR( wxID_ANY, wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient::OnCalendar )
+ EVT_CALENDAR( wxID_ANY, wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient::OnCalendar )
-void wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient::OnCalendar( wxCalendarEvent &event )
+void wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient::OnCalendar( wxCalendarEvent &event )
wxDateTime date = event.GetDate();
wxVariant value = date;
- m_model->SetValue( value, m_col, m_row );
- m_model->ValueChanged( m_col, m_row );
+ m_model->SetValue( value, m_item, m_col );
+ m_model->ValueChanged( m_item, m_col );
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewDateCell, wxDataViewCustomCell)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewDateRenderer, wxDataViewCustomRenderer)
-wxDataViewDateCell::wxDataViewDateCell( const wxString &varianttype,
- wxDataViewCellMode mode ) :
- wxDataViewCustomCell( varianttype, mode )
+wxDataViewDateRenderer::wxDataViewDateRenderer( const wxString &varianttype,
+ wxDataViewCellMode mode, int align ) :
+ wxDataViewCustomRenderer( varianttype, mode, align )
-bool wxDataViewDateCell::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
+bool wxDataViewDateRenderer::SetValue( const wxVariant &value )
m_date = value.GetDateTime();
return true;
-bool wxDataViewDateCell::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
+bool wxDataViewDateRenderer::GetValue( wxVariant &value ) const
+ value = m_date;
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewDateRenderer::Render( wxRect cell, wxDC *dc, int WXUNUSED(state) )
dc->SetFont( GetOwner()->GetOwner()->GetFont() );
wxString tmp = m_date.FormatDate();
return true;
-wxSize wxDataViewDateCell::GetSize()
+wxSize wxDataViewDateRenderer::GetSize() const
- wxDataViewCtrl* view = GetOwner()->GetOwner();
+ const wxDataViewCtrl* view = GetView();
wxString tmp = m_date.FormatDate();
wxCoord x,y,d;
view->GetTextExtent( tmp, &x, &y, &d );
return wxSize(x,y+d);
-bool wxDataViewDateCell::Activate( wxRect WXUNUSED(cell), wxDataViewListModel *model, size_t col, size_t row )
+bool wxDataViewDateRenderer::Activate( wxRect WXUNUSED(cell), wxDataViewModel *model,
+ const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int col )
wxVariant variant;
- model->GetValue( variant, col, row );
+ model->GetValue( variant, item, col );
wxDateTime value = variant.GetDateTime();
- wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient *popup = new wxDataViewDateCellPopupTransient(
- GetOwner()->GetOwner()->GetParent(), &value, model, col, row );
+ wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient *popup = new wxDataViewDateRendererPopupTransient(
+ GetOwner()->GetOwner()->GetParent(), &value, model, item, col);
wxPoint pos = wxGetMousePosition();
popup->Move( pos );
popup->Popup( popup->m_cal );
+ wxMessageBox(value.Format());
return true;
IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewColumn, wxDataViewColumnBase)
-wxDataViewColumn::wxDataViewColumn( const wxString &title, wxDataViewCell *cell,
- size_t model_column, int flags ) :
- wxDataViewColumnBase( title, cell, model_column, flags )
+wxDataViewColumn::wxDataViewColumn( const wxString &title, wxDataViewRenderer *cell,
+ unsigned int model_column,
+ int width, wxAlignment align, int flags ) :
+ wxDataViewColumnBase( title, cell, model_column, width, align, flags )
+ SetAlignment(align);
+ SetTitle(title);
+ SetFlags(flags);
+ Init(width < 0 ? wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH : width);
+wxDataViewColumn::wxDataViewColumn( const wxBitmap &bitmap, wxDataViewRenderer *cell,
+ unsigned int model_column,
+ int width, wxAlignment align, int flags ) :
+ wxDataViewColumnBase( bitmap, cell, model_column, width, align, flags )
- m_width = 80;
+ SetAlignment(align);
+ SetFlags(flags);
+ Init(width < 0 ? wxDVC_TOGGLE_DEFAULT_WIDTH : width);
-void wxDataViewColumn::SetTitle( const wxString &title )
+void wxDataViewColumn::Init( int width )
- wxDataViewColumnBase::SetTitle( title );
+ m_width = width;
+ m_minWidth = wxDVC_DEFAULT_MINWIDTH;
+ m_ascending = true;
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetResizeable( bool resizeable )
+ if (resizeable)
+ else
-// wxDataViewHeaderWindow
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden( bool hidden )
+ if (hidden)
+ m_flags |= wxDATAVIEW_COL_HIDDEN;
+ else
+ m_flags &= ~wxDATAVIEW_COL_HIDDEN;
-IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewHeaderWindow, wxWindow)
+ // tell our owner to e.g. update its scrollbars:
+ if (GetOwner())
+ GetOwner()->OnColumnChange();
- EVT_PAINT (wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnPaint)
- EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS (wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnMouse)
- EVT_SET_FOCUS (wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus)
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetSortable( bool sortable )
+ if (sortable)
+ else
+ m_flags &= ~wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE;
+ // Update header button
+ if (GetOwner())
+ GetOwner()->OnColumnChange();
-wxDataViewHeaderWindow::wxDataViewHeaderWindow( wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, const wxString &name ) :
- wxWindow( parent, id, pos, size, 0, name )
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetSortOrder( bool ascending )
- SetOwner( parent );
+ m_ascending = ascending;
- m_resizeCursor = new wxCursor( wxCURSOR_SIZEWE );
+ // Update header button
+ if (GetOwner())
+ GetOwner()->OnColumnChange();
- wxVisualAttributes attr = wxPanel::GetClassDefaultAttributes();
- SetOwnForegroundColour( attr.colFg );
- SetOwnBackgroundColour( attr.colBg );
- if (!m_hasFont)
- SetOwnFont( attr.font );
+bool wxDataViewColumn::IsSortOrderAscending() const
+ return m_ascending;
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetInternalWidth( int width )
- delete m_resizeCursor;
+ m_width = width;
+ // the scrollbars of the wxDataViewCtrl needs to be recalculated!
+ if (m_owner && m_owner->m_clientArea)
+ m_owner->m_clientArea->RecalculateDisplay();
-void wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetWidth( int width )
- int w, h;
- GetClientSize( &w, &h );
+ m_owner->m_headerArea->UpdateDisplay();
- wxPaintDC dc( this );
+ SetInternalWidth(width);
- int xpix;
- m_owner->GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xpix, NULL );
- int x;
- m_owner->GetViewStart( &x, NULL );
+// wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase
- // account for the horz scrollbar offset
- dc.SetDeviceOrigin( -x * xpix, 0 );
+void wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase::SendEvent(wxEventType type, unsigned int n)
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(type, parent->GetId());
- dc.SetFont( GetFont() );
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetColumn(n);
+ le.SetDataViewColumn(GetColumn(n));
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
- size_t cols = GetOwner()->GetNumberOfColumns();
- size_t i;
- int xpos = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
- {
- wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
- int width = col->GetWidth();
+ // for events created by wxDataViewHeaderWindow the
+ // row / value fields are not valid
- // the width of the rect to draw: make it smaller to fit entirely
- // inside the column rect
-#ifdef __WXMAC__
- int cw = width;
- int ch = h;
- int cw = width - 2;
- int ch = h - 2;
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
- wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton
- (
- this,
- dc,
- wxRect(xpos, 0, cw, ch),
- m_parent->IsEnabled() ? 0
- );
+// implemented in msw/listctrl.cpp:
+int WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxMSWGetColumnClicked(NMHDR *nmhdr, POINT *ptClick);
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW, wxWindow)
+bool wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::Create( wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ const wxString &name )
+ m_owner = parent;
+ if ( !CreateControl(parent, id, pos, size, 0, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
+ return false;
+ int x = pos.x == wxDefaultCoord ? 0 : pos.x,
+ y = pos.y == wxDefaultCoord ? 0 : pos.y,
+ w = size.x == wxDefaultCoord ? 1 : size.x,
+ h = size.y == wxDefaultCoord ? 22 : size.y;
+ // create the native WC_HEADER window:
+ WXHWND hwndParent = (HWND)parent->GetHandle();
+ m_hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0,
+ msStyle,
+ x, y, w, h,
+ (HWND)hwndParent,
+ (HMENU)-1,
+ wxGetInstance(),
+ if (m_hWnd == NULL)
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("CreateWindowEx"));
+ return false;
+ }
- dc.DrawText( col->GetTitle(), xpos+3, 3 );
+ // we need to subclass the m_hWnd to force wxWindow::HandleNotify
+ // to call wxDataViewHeaderWindow::MSWOnNotify
+ SubclassWin(m_hWnd);
- xpos += width;
+ // the following is required to get the default win's font for
+ // header windows and must be done befor sending the HDM_LAYOUT msg
+ SetFont(GetFont());
+ RECT rcParent;
+ // Retrieve the bounding rectangle of the parent window's
+ // client area, and then request size and position values
+ // from the header control.
+ ::GetClientRect((HWND)hwndParent, &rcParent);
+ hdl.prc = &rcParent;
+ hdl.pwpos = ℘
+ if (!SendMessage((HWND)m_hWnd, HDM_LAYOUT, 0, (LPARAM) &hdl))
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(_T("SendMessage"));
+ return false;
+ // Set the size, position, and visibility of the header control.
+ SetWindowPos((HWND)m_hWnd,
+ wp.hwndInsertAfter,
+ wp.x, wp.y,
+ wp.cx, wp.cy,
+ wp.flags | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
+ // set our size hints: wxDataViewCtrl will put this wxWindow inside
+ // a wxBoxSizer and in order to avoid super-big header windows,
+ // we need to set our height as fixed
+ SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, wp.cy));
+ SetMaxSize(wxSize(-1, wp.cy));
+ return true;
-void wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
+ UnsubclassWin();
-void wxDataViewHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
+void wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::UpdateDisplay()
- event.Skip();
+ // remove old columns
+ for (int j=0, max=Header_GetItemCount((HWND)m_hWnd); j < max; j++)
+ Header_DeleteItem((HWND)m_hWnd, 0);
-// wxDataViewRenameTimer
+ // add the updated array of columns to the header control
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int added = 0;
+ wxDataViewModel * model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetColumn( i );
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // don't add it!
+ HDITEM hdi;
+ hdi.pszText = (wxChar *) col->GetTitle().wx_str();
+ hdi.cxy = col->GetWidth();
+ hdi.cchTextMax = sizeof(hdi.pszText)/sizeof(hdi.pszText[0]);
+ hdi.fmt = HDF_LEFT | HDF_STRING;
+ //hdi.fmt &= ~(HDF_SORTDOWN|HDF_SORTUP);
+ //sorting support
+ if(model && m_owner->GetSortingColumn() == i)
+ {
+ //The Microsoft Comctrl32.dll 6.0 support SORTUP/SORTDOWN, but they are not default
+ //see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649534.aspx for more detail
+ //hdi.fmt |= model->GetSortOrderAscending()? HDF_SORTUP:HDF_SORTDOWN;
+ ;
+ }
-wxDataViewRenameTimer::wxDataViewRenameTimer( wxDataViewMainWindow *owner )
+ // lParam is reserved for application's use:
+ // we store there the column index to use it later in MSWOnNotify
+ // (since columns may have been hidden)
+ hdi.lParam = (LPARAM)i;
+ // the native wxMSW implementation of the header window
+ // draws the column separator COLUMN_WIDTH_OFFSET pixels
+ // on the right: to correct this effect we make the column
+ // exactly COLUMN_WIDTH_OFFSET wider (for the first column):
+ if (i == 0)
+ switch (col->GetAlignment())
+ {
+ case wxALIGN_LEFT:
+ hdi.fmt |= HDF_LEFT;
+ break;
+ case wxALIGN_CENTER:
+ hdi.fmt |= HDF_CENTER;
+ break;
+ case wxALIGN_RIGHT:
+ hdi.fmt |= HDF_RIGHT;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // such alignment is not allowed for the column header!
+ wxFAIL;
+ }
+ SendMessage((HWND)m_hWnd, HDM_INSERTITEM,
+ (WPARAM)added, (LPARAM)&hdi);
+ added++;
+ }
+unsigned int wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::GetColumnIdxFromHeader(NMHEADER *nmHDR)
- m_owner = owner;
+ unsigned int idx;
+ // NOTE: we don't just return nmHDR->iItem because when there are
+ // hidden columns, nmHDR->iItem may be different from
+ // nmHDR->pitem->lParam
+ if (nmHDR->pitem && nmHDR->pitem->mask & HDI_LPARAM)
+ {
+ idx = (unsigned int)nmHDR->pitem->lParam;
+ return idx;
+ }
+ HDITEM item;
+ item.mask = HDI_LPARAM;
+ Header_GetItem((HWND)m_hWnd, nmHDR->iItem, &item);
+ return (unsigned int)item.lParam;
-void wxDataViewRenameTimer::Notify()
+bool wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::MSWOnNotify(int idCtrl, WXLPARAM lParam, WXLPARAM *result)
- m_owner->OnRenameTimer();
+ NMHDR *nmhdr = (NMHDR *)lParam;
+ // is it a message from the header?
+ if ( nmhdr->hwndFrom != (HWND)m_hWnd )
+ return wxWindow::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result);
+ NMHEADER *nmHDR = (NMHEADER *)nmhdr;
+ switch ( nmhdr->code )
+ {
+ // user has started to resize a column:
+ // do we need to veto it?
+ if (!GetColumn(nmHDR->iItem)->IsResizeable())
+ {
+ // veto it!
+ *result = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ // user has started to reorder a column
+ break;
+ if (nmHDR->pitem != NULL &&
+ (nmHDR->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) != 0)
+ {
+ int minWidth = GetColumnFromHeader(nmHDR)->GetMinWidth();
+ if (nmHDR->pitem->cxy < minWidth)
+ {
+ // do not allow the user to resize this column under
+ // its minimal width:
+ *result = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case HDN_ITEMCHANGED: // user is resizing a column
+ case HDN_ENDTRACK: // user has finished resizing a column
+ case HDN_ENDDRAG: // user has finished reordering a column
+ // update the width of the modified column:
+ if (nmHDR->pitem != NULL &&
+ (nmHDR->pitem->mask & HDI_WIDTH) != 0)
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = GetColumnIdxFromHeader(nmHDR);
+ unsigned int w = nmHDR->pitem->cxy;
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetColumn(idx);
+ // see UpdateDisplay() for more info about COLUMN_WIDTH_OFFSET
+ if (idx == 0 && w > COLUMN_WIDTH_OFFSET)
+ if (w >= (unsigned)col->GetMinWidth())
+ col->SetInternalWidth(w);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = GetColumnIdxFromHeader(nmHDR);
+ wxDataViewModel * model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ if(nmHDR->iButton == 0)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetColumn(idx);
+ if(col->IsSortable())
+ {
+ if(model && m_owner->GetSortingColumn() == idx)
+ {
+ bool order = col->IsSortOrderAscending();
+ col->SetSortOrder(!order);
+ }
+ else if(model)
+ {
+ m_owner->SetSortingColumn(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ if(model)
+ model->Resort();
+ }
+ wxEventType evt = nmHDR->iButton == 0 ?
+ SendEvent(evt, idx);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NM_RCLICK:
+ {
+ // NOTE: for some reason (i.e. for a bug in Windows)
+ // the HDN_ITEMCLICK notification is not sent on
+ // right clicks, so we need to handle NM_RCLICK
+ POINT ptClick;
+ int column = wxMSWGetColumnClicked(nmhdr, &ptClick);
+ if (column != wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ HDITEM item;
+ item.mask = HDI_LPARAM;
+ Header_GetItem((HWND)m_hWnd, column, &item);
+ // 'idx' may be different from 'column' if there are
+ // hidden columns...
+ unsigned int idx = (unsigned int)item.lParam;
+ idx);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // see wxListCtrl::MSWOnNotify for more info!
+ break;
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = GetColumnIdxFromHeader(nmHDR);
+ int w = GetOwner()->GetBestColumnWidth(idx);
+ // update the native control:
+ HDITEM hd;
+ ZeroMemory(&hd, sizeof(hd));
+ hd.mask = HDI_WIDTH;
+ hd.cxy = w;
+ Header_SetItem(GetHwnd(),
+ nmHDR->iItem, // NOTE: we don't want 'idx' here!
+ &hd);
+ // update the wxDataViewColumn class:
+ GetColumn(idx)->SetInternalWidth(w);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return wxWindow::MSWOnNotify(idCtrl, lParam, result);
+ }
+ return true;
-// wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper: wraps a wxTextCtrl for inline editing
+void wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::ScrollWindow(int WXUNUSED(dx), int WXUNUSED(dy),
+ const wxRect *WXUNUSED(rect))
+ wxSize ourSz = GetClientSize();
+ wxSize ownerSz = m_owner->GetClientSize();
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper, wxEvtHandler)
- EVT_CHAR (wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnChar)
- EVT_KEY_UP (wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnKeyUp)
- EVT_KILL_FOCUS (wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnKillFocus)
+ // where should the (logical) origin of this window be placed?
+ int x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(0, 0, &x1, &y1);
+ // put this window on top of our parent and
+ SetWindowPos((HWND)m_hWnd, HWND_TOP, -x1, 0,
+ ownerSz.GetWidth() + x1, ourSz.GetHeight(),
- wxDataViewMainWindow *owner,
- wxTextCtrl *text,
- wxDataViewListModel *model,
- size_t col, size_t row,
- wxRect rectLabel )
+void wxDataViewHeaderWindowMSW::DoSetSize(int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y),
+ int WXUNUSED(w), int WXUNUSED(h),
+ int WXUNUSED(f))
- m_owner = owner;
- m_model = model;
- m_row = row;
- m_col = col;
- m_text = text;
- m_finished = false;
- m_aboutToFinish = false;
- wxVariant value;
- model->GetValue( value, col, row );
- m_startValue = value.GetString();
- m_owner->GetOwner()->CalcScrolledPosition(
- rectLabel.x, rectLabel.y, &rectLabel.x, &rectLabel.y );
+ // the wxDataViewCtrl's internal wxBoxSizer will call this function when
+ // the wxDataViewCtrl window gets resized: the following dummy call
+ // to ScrollWindow() is required in order to get this header window
+ // correctly repainted when it's (horizontally) scrolled:
- m_text->Create( owner, wxID_ANY, m_startValue,
- wxPoint(rectLabel.x-2,rectLabel.y-2),
- wxSize(rectLabel.width+7,rectLabel.height+4) );
- m_text->SetFocus();
- m_text->PushEventHandler(this);
+ ScrollWindow(0, 0);
-void wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::AcceptChangesAndFinish()
+#else // !defined(__WXMSW__)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow, wxWindow)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow, wxWindow)
+ EVT_PAINT (wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnPaint)
+ EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS (wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnMouse)
+ EVT_SET_FOCUS (wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus)
+bool wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::Create(wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size,
+ const wxString &name )
- m_aboutToFinish = true;
+ m_owner = parent;
+ if (!wxDataViewHeaderWindowBase::Create(parent, id, pos, size, name))
+ return false;
+ wxVisualAttributes attr = wxPanel::GetClassDefaultAttributes();
+ SetBackgroundStyle( wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM );
+ SetOwnForegroundColour( attr.colFg );
+ SetOwnBackgroundColour( attr.colBg );
+ if (!m_hasFont)
+ SetOwnFont( attr.font );
- // Notify the owner about the changes
- AcceptChanges();
+ // set our size hints: wxDataViewCtrl will put this wxWindow inside
+ // a wxBoxSizer and in order to avoid super-big header windows,
+ // we need to set our height as fixed
+ SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, HEADER_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
+ SetMaxSize(wxSize(-1, HEADER_WINDOW_HEIGHT));
- // Even if vetoed, close the control (consistent with MSW)
- Finish();
+ return true;
-void wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event )
+void wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
- switch ( event.m_keyCode )
+ int w, h;
+ GetClientSize( &w, &h );
+ wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc( this );
+ dc.SetBackground(GetBackgroundColour());
+ dc.Clear();
+ int xpix;
+ m_owner->GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xpix, NULL );
+ int x;
+ m_owner->GetViewStart( &x, NULL );
+ // account for the horz scrollbar offset
+ dc.SetDeviceOrigin( -x * xpix, 0 );
+ dc.SetFont( GetFont() );
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int i;
+ int xpos = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
- case WXK_RETURN:
- AcceptChangesAndFinish();
- break;
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetColumn( i );
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
+ int cw = col->GetWidth();
+ int ch = h;
+ wxHeaderSortIconType sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_NONE;
+ if (col->IsSortable() && GetOwner()->GetSortingColumn() == i)
+ {
+ if (col->IsSortOrderAscending())
+ sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_UP;
+ else
+ sortArrow = wxHDR_SORT_ICON_DOWN;
+ }
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawHeaderButton
+ (
+ this,
+ dc,
+ wxRect(xpos, 0, cw, ch-1),
+ m_parent->IsEnabled() ? 0
+ sortArrow
+ );
- case WXK_ESCAPE:
- // m_owner->OnRenameCancelled( m_itemEdited );
- Finish();
+ // align as required the column title:
+ int x = xpos;
+ wxSize titleSz = dc.GetTextExtent(col->GetTitle());
+ switch (col->GetAlignment())
+ {
+ case wxALIGN_LEFT:
+ break;
+ case wxALIGN_CENTER:
+ x += (cw - titleSz.GetWidth() - 2 * HEADER_HORIZ_BORDER)/2;
+ case wxALIGN_RIGHT:
+ x += cw - titleSz.GetWidth() - HEADER_HORIZ_BORDER;
+ break;
+ }
- default:
- event.Skip();
+ // always center the title vertically:
+ int y = wxMax((ch - titleSz.GetHeight()) / 2, HEADER_VERT_BORDER);
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( xpos+HEADER_HORIZ_BORDER,
+ wxMax(cw - 2 * HEADER_HORIZ_BORDER, 1), // width
+ wxMax(ch - 2 * HEADER_VERT_BORDER, 1)); // height
+ dc.DrawText( col->GetTitle(), x, y );
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion();
+ xpos += cw;
-void wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnKeyUp( wxKeyEvent &event )
+void wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
- if (m_finished)
- {
- event.Skip();
- return;
- }
- // auto-grow the textctrl
- wxSize parentSize = m_owner->GetSize();
- wxPoint myPos = m_text->GetPosition();
- wxSize mySize = m_text->GetSize();
- int sx, sy;
- m_text->GetTextExtent(m_text->GetValue() + _T("MM"), &sx, &sy);
- if (myPos.x + sx > parentSize.x)
- sx = parentSize.x - myPos.x;
- if (mySize.x > sx)
- sx = mySize.x;
- m_text->SetSize(sx, wxDefaultCoord);
+ GetParent()->SetFocus();
-void wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
+void wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event )
- if ( !m_finished && !m_aboutToFinish )
+ // we want to work with logical coords
+ int x;
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), 0, &x, NULL);
+ int y = event.GetY();
+ if (m_isDragging)
- AcceptChanges();
- //if ( !AcceptChanges() )
- // m_owner->OnRenameCancelled( m_itemEdited );
- Finish();
+ // we don't draw the line beyond our window,
+ // but we allow dragging it there
+ int w = 0;
+ GetClientSize( &w, NULL );
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition(w, 0, &w, NULL);
+ w -= 6;
+ // erase the line if it was drawn
+ if (m_currentX < w)
+ DrawCurrent();
+ if (event.ButtonUp())
+ {
+ m_isDragging = false;
+ if (HasCapture())
+ ReleaseMouse();
+ m_dirty = true;
+ GetColumn(m_column)->SetWidth(m_currentX - m_minX);
+ Refresh();
+ GetOwner()->Refresh();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_currentX = wxMax(m_minX + 7, x);
+ // draw in the new location
+ if (m_currentX < w) DrawCurrent();
+ }
+ else // not dragging
+ {
+ m_minX = 0;
+ m_column = wxNOT_FOUND;
- // We must let the native text control handle focus
- event.Skip();
+ bool hit_border = false;
+ // end of the current column
+ int xpos = 0;
+ // find the column where this event occured
+ int countCol = m_owner->GetColumnCount();
+ for (int column = 0; column < countCol; column++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *p = GetColumn(column);
+ if (p->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip if not shown
+ xpos += p->GetWidth();
+ m_column = column;
+ if ((abs(x-xpos) < 3) && (y < 22))
+ {
+ hit_border = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (x < xpos)
+ {
+ // inside the column
+ break;
+ }
+ m_minX = xpos;
+ }
+ if (m_column == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ return;
+ bool resizeable = GetColumn(m_column)->IsResizeable();
+ if (event.LeftDClick() && resizeable)
+ {
+ GetColumn(m_column)->SetWidth(GetOwner()->GetBestColumnWidth(m_column));
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ else if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightUp())
+ {
+ if (hit_border && event.LeftDown() && resizeable)
+ {
+ m_isDragging = true;
+ CaptureMouse();
+ m_currentX = x;
+ DrawCurrent();
+ }
+ else // click on a column
+ {
+ wxDataViewModel * model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ wxEventType evt = event.LeftDown() ?
+ SendEvent(evt, m_column);
+ //Left click the header
+ if(event.LeftDown())
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetColumn(m_column);
+ if(col->IsSortable())
+ {
+ unsigned int colnum = m_owner->GetSortingColumn();
+ if(model && static_cast<int>(colnum) == m_column)
+ {
+ bool order = col->IsSortOrderAscending();
+ col->SetSortOrder(!order);
+ }
+ else if(model)
+ {
+ m_owner->SetSortingColumn(m_column);
+ }
+ }
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ if(model)
+ model->Resort();
+ //Send the column sorted event
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (event.Moving())
+ {
+ if (hit_border && resizeable)
+ m_currentCursor = m_resizeCursor;
+ else
+ m_currentCursor = wxSTANDARD_CURSOR;
+ SetCursor(*m_currentCursor);
+ }
+ }
-bool wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::AcceptChanges()
+void wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::DrawCurrent()
- const wxString value = m_text->GetValue();
+ int x1 = m_currentX;
+ int y1 = 0;
+ ClientToScreen (&x1, &y1);
+ int x2 = m_currentX-1;
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ ++x2; // but why ????
+ int y2 = 0;
+ m_owner->GetClientSize( NULL, &y2 );
+ m_owner->ClientToScreen( &x2, &y2 );
- if ( value == m_startValue )
- // nothing changed, always accept
- return true;
+ wxScreenDC dc;
+ dc.SetLogicalFunction(wxINVERT);
+ dc.SetPen(m_penCurrent);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ AdjustDC(dc);
+ dc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
-// if ( !m_owner->OnRenameAccept(m_itemEdited, value) )
- // vetoed by the user
-// return false;
+void wxGenericDataViewHeaderWindow::AdjustDC(wxDC& dc)
+ int xpix, x;
- // accepted, do rename the item
- wxVariant variant;
- variant = value;
- m_model->SetValue( variant, m_col, m_row );
- m_model->ValueChanged( m_col, m_row );
+ m_owner->GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &xpix, NULL );
+ m_owner->GetViewStart( &x, NULL );
- return true;
+ // shift the DC origin to match the position of the main window horizontal
+ // scrollbar: this allows us to always use logical coords
+ dc.SetDeviceOrigin( -x * xpix, 0 );
-void wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper::Finish()
- if ( !m_finished )
- {
- m_finished = true;
+#endif // defined(__WXMSW__)
- m_text->RemoveEventHandler(this);
- m_owner->FinishEditing(m_text);
+// wxDataViewRenameTimer
- // delete later
- wxPendingDelete.Append( this );
- }
+wxDataViewRenameTimer::wxDataViewRenameTimer( wxDataViewMainWindow *owner )
+ m_owner = owner;
+void wxDataViewRenameTimer::Notify()
+ m_owner->OnRenameTimer();
// wxDataViewMainWindow
+//The tree building helper, declared firstly
+void BuildTreeHelper( wxDataViewModel * model, wxDataViewItem & item, wxDataViewTreeNode * node);
+int LINKAGEMODE wxDataViewSelectionCmp( unsigned int row1, unsigned int row2 )
+ if (row1 > row2) return 1;
+ if (row1 == row2) return 0;
+ return -1;
IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxDataViewMainWindow, wxWindow)
EVT_PAINT (wxDataViewMainWindow::OnPaint)
EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS (wxDataViewMainWindow::OnMouse)
EVT_SET_FOCUS (wxDataViewMainWindow::OnSetFocus)
+ EVT_KILL_FOCUS (wxDataViewMainWindow::OnKillFocus)
+ EVT_CHAR (wxDataViewMainWindow::OnChar)
wxDataViewMainWindow::wxDataViewMainWindow( wxDataViewCtrl *parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, const wxString &name ) :
- wxWindow( parent, id, pos, size, 0, name )
+ wxWindow( parent, id, pos, size, wxWANTS_CHARS, name ),
+ m_selection( wxDataViewSelectionCmp )
SetOwner( parent );
m_lastOnSame = false;
m_renameTimer = new wxDataViewRenameTimer( this );
- m_textctrlWrapper = NULL;
// TODO: user better initial values/nothing selected
m_currentCol = NULL;
m_currentRow = 0;
// TODO: we need to calculate this smartly
- m_lineHeight = 20;
+ m_lineHeight =
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ 17;
+ 20;
+ wxASSERT(m_lineHeight > 2*PADDING_TOPBOTTOM);
+ m_dragCount = 0;
+ m_dragStart = wxPoint(0,0);
+ m_lineLastClicked = (unsigned int) -1;
+ m_lineBeforeLastClicked = (unsigned int) -1;
+ m_lineSelectSingleOnUp = (unsigned int) -1;
+ m_hasFocus = false;
+ SetBackgroundStyle( wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM );
+ SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE );
+ m_penRule = wxPen(GetRuleColour(), 1, wxSOLID);
+ //Here I compose a pen can draw black lines, maybe there are something system colour to use
+ m_penExpander = wxPen( wxColour(0,0,0), 1, wxSOLID );
+ //Some new added code to deal with the tree structure
+ m_root = new wxDataViewTreeNode( NULL );
+ m_root->SetHasChildren(true);
+ //Make m_count = -1 will cause the class recaculate the real displaying number of rows.
+ m_count = -1 ;
+ DestroyTree();
delete m_renameTimer;
if ( m_dirty )
int xpos = 0;
- size_t cols = GetOwner()->GetNumberOfColumns();
- size_t i;
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
wxDataViewColumn *c = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
+ if (c->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
if (c == m_currentCol)
xpos += c->GetWidth();
- wxRect labelRect( xpos, m_currentRow * m_lineHeight, m_currentCol->GetWidth(), m_lineHeight );
+ wxRect labelRect( xpos, m_currentRow * m_lineHeight,
+ m_currentCol->GetWidth(), m_lineHeight );
- wxClassInfo *textControlClass = CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl);
+ GetOwner()->CalcScrolledPosition( labelRect.x, labelRect.y,
+ &labelRect.x, &labelRect.y);
- wxTextCtrl * const text = (wxTextCtrl *)textControlClass->CreateObject();
- m_textctrlWrapper = new wxDataViewTextCtrlWrapper(this, text, GetOwner()->GetModel(),
- m_currentCol->GetModelColumn(), m_currentRow, labelRect );
+ wxDataViewItem item = GetItemByRow( m_currentRow );
+ m_currentCol->GetRenderer()->StartEditing( item, labelRect );
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::FinishEditing( wxTextCtrl *text )
+// Helper class for do operation on the tree node
+class DoJob
- delete text;
- m_textctrlWrapper = NULL;
- SetFocus();
- // SetFocusIgnoringChildren();
+ DoJob(){};
+ virtual ~DoJob(){};
+ //The return value control how the tree-walker tranverse the tree
+ // 0: Job done, stop tranverse and return
+ // 1: Ignore the current node's subtree and continue
+ // 2: Job not done, continue
+ enum { OK = 0 , IGR = 1, CONT = 2 };
+ virtual int operator() ( wxDataViewTreeNode * node ) = 0 ;
+ virtual int operator() ( void * n ) = 0;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowAppended()
+bool Walker( wxDataViewTreeNode * node, DoJob & func )
- return false;
+ if( node==NULL || !node->HasChildren())
+ return false;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowPrepended()
- return false;
+ switch( func( node ) )
+ {
+ case DoJob::OK :
+ return true ;
+ case DoJob::IGR:
+ return false;
+ case DoJob::CONT:
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowInserted( size_t WXUNUSED(before) )
- return false;
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nodes = node->GetNodes();
+ wxDataViewTreeLeaves leaves = node->GetChildren();
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowDeleted( size_t WXUNUSED(row) )
- return false;
+ int len_nodes = nodes.GetCount();
+ int len = leaves.GetCount();
+ int i = 0, nodes_i = 0;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowChanged( size_t WXUNUSED(row) )
+ for( ; i < len ; i ++ )
+ {
+ void * n = leaves[i];
+ if( nodes_i < len_nodes && n == nodes[nodes_i]->GetItem().GetID() )
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * nd = nodes[nodes_i];
+ nodes_i++;
+ if( Walker( nd , func ) )
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ switch( func( n ) )
+ {
+ case DoJob::OK :
+ return true ;
+ case DoJob::IGR:
+ continue;
+ case DoJob::CONT:
+ default:
+ ;
+ }
+ }
return false;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::ValueChanged( size_t WXUNUSED(col), size_t row )
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::SendModelEvent( wxEventType type, const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(type, parent->GetId());
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
+ le.SetItem( item );
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemAdded(const wxDataViewItem & parent, const wxDataViewItem & item)
- wxRect rect( 0, row*m_lineHeight, 10000, m_lineHeight );
+ SortPrepare();
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node;
+ node = FindNode(parent);
+ if( node == NULL )
+ return false;
+ node->SetHasChildren( true );
+ if( g_model->IsContainer( item ) )
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * newnode = new wxDataViewTreeNode( node );
+ newnode->SetItem(item);
+ newnode->SetHasChildren( true );
+ node->AddNode( newnode);
+ }
+ else
+ node->AddLeaf( item.GetID() );
+ node->ChangeSubTreeCount(1);
+ m_count = -1;
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ return true;
+void DestroyTreeHelper( wxDataViewTreeNode * node);
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemDeleted(const wxDataViewItem& parent,
+ const wxDataViewItem& item)
+ SortPrepare();
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node;
+ node = FindNode(parent);
+ if( node == NULL || node->GetChildren().Index( item.GetID() ) == wxNOT_FOUND )
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int sub = -1;
+ node->GetChildren().Remove( item.GetID() );
+ if( GetOwner()->GetModel()->IsContainer( item ) )
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * n = NULL;
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nodes = node->GetNodes();
+ int len = nodes.GetCount();
+ for( int i = 0 ; i < len; i ++)
+ {
+ if( nodes[i]->GetItem() == item )
+ {
+ n = nodes[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!n)
+ return false;
+ node->GetNodes().Remove( n );
+ sub -= n->GetSubTreeCount();
+ DestroyTreeHelper(n);
+ }
+ if( node->GetChildrenNumber() == 0)
+ node->SetHasChildren( false );
+ //Make the row number invalid and get a new valid one when user call GetRowCount
+ m_count = -1;
+ node->ChangeSubTreeCount(sub);
+ //Change the current row to the last row if the current exceed the max row number
+ if( m_currentRow > GetRowCount() )
+ m_currentRow = m_count - 1;
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::ItemChanged(const wxDataViewItem & item)
+ SortPrepare();
+ g_model->Resort();
+ return true;
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::ValueChanged( const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int col )
+ // NOTE: to be valid, we cannot use e.g. INT_MAX - 1
+/*#define MAX_VIRTUAL_WIDTH 100000
+ wxRect rect( 0, row*m_lineHeight, MAX_VIRTUAL_WIDTH, m_lineHeight );
m_owner->CalcScrolledPosition( rect.x, rect.y, &rect.x, &rect.y );
Refresh( true, &rect );
+ return true;
+ SortPrepare();
+ g_model->Resort();
+ //Send event
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_MODEL_VALUE_CHANGED, parent->GetId());
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
+ le.SetItem(item);
+ le.SetColumn(col);
+ le.SetDataViewColumn(GetOwner()->GetColumn(col));
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
return true;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::RowsReordered( size_t *WXUNUSED(new_order) )
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::Cleared()
- Refresh();
+ SortPrepare();
+ DestroyTree();
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_MODEL_CLEARED, parent->GetId());
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
return true;
-bool wxDataViewMainWindow::Cleared()
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::UpdateDisplay()
- return false;
+ m_dirty = true;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnInternalIdle()
+ wxWindow::OnInternalIdle();
+ if (m_dirty)
+ {
+ RecalculateDisplay();
+ m_dirty = false;
+ }
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::RecalculateDisplay()
+ wxDataViewModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ if (!model)
+ {
+ Refresh();
+ return;
+ }
+ int width = GetEndOfLastCol();
+ int height = GetRowCount() * m_lineHeight;
+ SetVirtualSize( width, height );
+ GetOwner()->SetScrollRate( 10, m_lineHeight );
+ Refresh();
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect )
+ wxWindow::ScrollWindow( dx, dy, rect );
+ if (GetOwner()->m_headerArea)
+ GetOwner()->m_headerArea->ScrollWindow( dx, 0 );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::ScrollTo( int rows )
+ int x, y;
+ m_owner->GetScrollPixelsPerUnit( &x, &y );
+ int sc = rows*m_lineHeight/y;
+ m_owner->Scroll(0, sc );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
+ wxDataViewModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ wxAutoBufferedPaintDC dc( this );
+ // prepare the DC
+ dc.SetBackground(GetBackgroundColour());
+ dc.Clear();
+ GetOwner()->PrepareDC( dc );
+ dc.SetFont( GetFont() );
+ wxRect update = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( update.x, update.y, &update.x, &update.y );
+ // compute which items needs to be redrawn
+ unsigned int item_start = wxMax( 0, (update.y / m_lineHeight) );
+ unsigned int item_count =
+ wxMin( (int)(((update.y + update.height) / m_lineHeight) - item_start + 1),
+ (int)(GetRowCount( )- item_start) );
+ unsigned int item_last = item_start + item_count;
+ // compute which columns needs to be redrawn
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int col_start = 0;
+ unsigned int x_start = 0;
+ for (x_start = 0; col_start < cols; col_start++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn(col_start);
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
+ unsigned int w = col->GetWidth();
+ if (x_start+w >= (unsigned int)update.x)
+ break;
+ x_start += w;
+ }
+ unsigned int col_last = col_start;
+ unsigned int x_last = x_start;
+ for (; col_last < cols; col_last++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn(col_last);
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
+ if (x_last > (unsigned int)update.GetRight())
+ break;
+ x_last += col->GetWidth();
+ }
+ // Draw horizontal rules if required
+ if ( m_owner->HasFlag(wxDV_HORIZ_RULES) )
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(m_penRule);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ for (unsigned int i = item_start; i <= item_last+1; i++)
+ {
+ int y = i * m_lineHeight;
+ dc.DrawLine(x_start, y, x_last, y);
+ }
+ }
+ // Draw vertical rules if required
+ if ( m_owner->HasFlag(wxDV_VERT_RULES) )
+ {
+ dc.SetPen(m_penRule);
+ dc.SetBrush(*wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH);
+ int x = x_start;
+ for (unsigned int i = col_start; i < col_last; i++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn(i);
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it
+ dc.DrawLine(x, item_start * m_lineHeight,
+ x, item_last * m_lineHeight);
+ x += col->GetWidth();
+ }
+ // Draw last vertical rule
+ dc.DrawLine(x, item_start * m_lineHeight,
+ x, item_last * m_lineHeight);
+ }
+ // redraw the background for the items which are selected/current
+ for (unsigned int item = item_start; item < item_last; item++)
+ {
+ bool selected = m_selection.Index( item ) != wxNOT_FOUND;
+ if (selected || item == m_currentRow)
+ {
+ int flags = selected ? (int)wxCONTROL_SELECTED : 0;
+ if (item == m_currentRow)
+ flags |= wxCONTROL_CURRENT;
+ if (m_hasFocus)
+ flags |= wxCONTROL_FOCUSED;
+ wxRect rect( x_start, item*m_lineHeight, x_last, m_lineHeight );
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawItemSelectionRect
+ (
+ this,
+ dc,
+ rect,
+ flags
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // redraw all cells for all rows which must be repainted and for all columns
+ wxRect cell_rect;
+ cell_rect.x = x_start;
+ cell_rect.height = m_lineHeight; // -1 is for the horizontal rules
+ for (unsigned int i = col_start; i < col_last; i++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
+ wxDataViewRenderer *cell = col->GetRenderer();
+ cell_rect.width = col->GetWidth();
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skipt it!
+ for (unsigned int item = item_start; item < item_last; item++)
+ {
+ // get the cell value and set it into the renderer
+ wxVariant value;
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = GetTreeNodeByRow(item);
+ if( node == NULL )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ wxDataViewItem dataitem = node->GetItem();
+ model->GetValue( value, dataitem, col->GetModelColumn());
+ cell->SetValue( value );
+ // update the y offset
+ cell_rect.y = item * m_lineHeight;
+ //Draw the expander here.
+ int indent = node->GetIndentLevel();
+ if( col->GetModelColumn() == GetOwner()->GetExpanderColumn() )
+ {
+ //Calculate the indent first
+ indent = cell_rect.x + GetOwner()->GetIndent() * indent;
+ int expander_width = m_lineHeight - 2*EXPANDER_MARGIN;
+ // change the cell_rect.x to the appropriate pos
+ int expander_x = indent + EXPANDER_MARGIN , expander_y = cell_rect.y + EXPANDER_MARGIN ;
+ indent = indent + m_lineHeight ; //try to use the m_lineHeight as the expander space
+ dc.SetPen( m_penExpander );
+ dc.SetBrush( wxNullBrush );
+ if( node->HasChildren() )
+ {
+ //dc.DrawRoundedRectangle( expander_x,expander_y,expander_width,expander_width, 1.0);
+ //dc.DrawLine( expander_x + 2 , expander_y + expander_width/2, expander_x + expander_width - 2, expander_y + expander_width/2 );
+ wxRect rect( expander_x , expander_y, expander_width, expander_width);
+ if( node->IsOpen() )
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawTreeItemButton( this, dc, rect, wxCONTROL_EXPANDED );
+ else
+ wxRendererNative::Get().DrawTreeItemButton( this, dc, rect );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // I am wandering whether we should draw dot lines between tree nodes
+ delete node;
+ //Yes, if the node does not have any child, it must be a leaf which mean that it is a temporarily created by GetTreeNodeByRow
+ }
+ //force the expander column to left-center align
+ cell->SetAlignment( wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL );
+ }
+ // cannot be bigger than allocated space
+ wxSize size = cell->GetSize();
+ // Because of the tree structure indent, here we should minus the width of the cell for drawing
+ size.x = wxMin( size.x + 2*PADDING_RIGHTLEFT, cell_rect.width - indent );
+ size.y = wxMin( size.y + 2*PADDING_TOPBOTTOM, cell_rect.height );
+ wxRect item_rect(cell_rect.GetTopLeft(), size);
+ int align = cell->GetAlignment();
+ // horizontal alignment:
+ item_rect.x = cell_rect.x;
+ item_rect.x = cell_rect.x + (cell_rect.width / 2) - (size.x / 2);
+ else if (align & wxALIGN_RIGHT)
+ item_rect.x = cell_rect.x + cell_rect.width - size.x;
+ //else: wxALIGN_LEFT is the default
+ // vertical alignment:
+ item_rect.y = cell_rect.y;
+ if (align & wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
+ item_rect.y = cell_rect.y + (cell_rect.height / 2) - (size.y / 2);
+ else if (align & wxALIGN_BOTTOM)
+ item_rect.y = cell_rect.y + cell_rect.height - size.y;
+ //else: wxALIGN_TOP is the default
+ // add padding
+ item_rect.x += PADDING_RIGHTLEFT;
+ item_rect.y += PADDING_TOPBOTTOM;
+ item_rect.width = size.x - 2 * PADDING_RIGHTLEFT;
+ item_rect.height = size.y - 2 * PADDING_TOPBOTTOM;
+ //Here we add the tree indent
+ item_rect.x += indent;
+ int state = 0;
+ if (m_selection.Index(item) != wxNOT_FOUND)
+ // TODO: it would be much more efficient to create a clipping
+ // region for the entire column being rendered (in the OnPaint
+ // of wxDataViewMainWindow) instead of a single clip region for
+ // each cell. However it would mean that each renderer should
+ // respect the given wxRect's top & bottom coords, eventually
+ // violating only the left & right coords - however the user can
+ // make its own renderer and thus we cannot be sure of that.
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( item_rect );
+ cell->Render( item_rect, &dc, state );
+ dc.DestroyClippingRegion();
+ }
+ cell_rect.x += cell_rect.width;
+ }
+int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetCountPerPage() const
+ wxSize size = GetClientSize();
+ return size.y / m_lineHeight;
+int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetEndOfLastCol() const
+ int width = 0;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < GetOwner()->GetColumnCount(); i++)
+ {
+ const wxDataViewColumn *c =
+ wx_const_cast(wxDataViewCtrl*, GetOwner())->GetColumn( i );
+ if (!c->IsHidden())
+ width += c->GetWidth();
+ }
+ return width;
+unsigned int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetFirstVisibleRow() const
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
+ return y / m_lineHeight;
+unsigned int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetLastVisibleRow()
+ wxSize client_size = GetClientSize();
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( client_size.x, client_size.y,
+ &client_size.x, &client_size.y );
+ return wxMin( GetRowCount()-1, ((unsigned)client_size.y/m_lineHeight)+1 );
+unsigned int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetRowCount()
+ if ( m_count == -1 )
+ {
+ m_count = RecalculateCount();
+ int width, height;
+ GetVirtualSize( &width, &height );
+ height = m_count * m_lineHeight;
+ SetVirtualSize( width, height );
+ }
+ return m_count;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::ChangeCurrentRow( unsigned int row )
+ m_currentRow = row;
+ // send event
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::SelectAllRows( bool on )
+ if (IsEmpty())
+ return;
+ if (on)
+ {
+ m_selection.Clear();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetRowCount(); i++)
+ m_selection.Add( i );
+ Refresh();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned int first_visible = GetFirstVisibleRow();
+ unsigned int last_visible = GetLastVisibleRow();
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < m_selection.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int row = m_selection[i];
+ if ((row >= first_visible) && (row <= last_visible))
+ RefreshRow( row );
+ }
+ m_selection.Clear();
+ }
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::SelectRow( unsigned int row, bool on )
+ if (m_selection.Index( row ) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ if (on)
+ {
+ m_selection.Add( row );
+ RefreshRow( row );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!on)
+ {
+ m_selection.Remove( row );
+ RefreshRow( row );
+ }
+ }
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::SelectRows( unsigned int from, unsigned int to, bool on )
+ if (from > to)
+ {
+ unsigned int tmp = from;
+ from = to;
+ to = tmp;
+ }
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = from; i <= to; i++)
+ {
+ if (m_selection.Index( i ) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ if (on)
+ m_selection.Add( i );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!on)
+ m_selection.Remove( i );
+ }
+ }
+ RefreshRows( from, to );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::Select( const wxArrayInt& aSelections )
+ for (size_t i=0; i < aSelections.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ int n = aSelections[i];
+ m_selection.Add( n );
+ RefreshRow( n );
+ }
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::ReverseRowSelection( unsigned int row )
+ if (m_selection.Index( row ) == wxNOT_FOUND)
+ m_selection.Add( row );
+ else
+ m_selection.Remove( row );
+ RefreshRow( row );
+bool wxDataViewMainWindow::IsRowSelected( unsigned int row )
+ return (m_selection.Index( row ) != wxNOT_FOUND);
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::RefreshRow( unsigned int row )
+ wxRect rect( 0, row*m_lineHeight, GetEndOfLastCol(), m_lineHeight );
+ m_owner->CalcScrolledPosition( rect.x, rect.y, &rect.x, &rect.y );
+ wxSize client_size = GetClientSize();
+ wxRect client_rect( 0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y );
+ wxRect intersect_rect = client_rect.Intersect( rect );
+ if (intersect_rect.width > 0)
+ Refresh( true, &intersect_rect );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::RefreshRows( unsigned int from, unsigned int to )
+ if (from > to)
+ {
+ unsigned int tmp = to;
+ to = from;
+ from = tmp;
+ }
+ wxRect rect( 0, from*m_lineHeight, GetEndOfLastCol(), (to-from+1) * m_lineHeight );
+ m_owner->CalcScrolledPosition( rect.x, rect.y, &rect.x, &rect.y );
+ wxSize client_size = GetClientSize();
+ wxRect client_rect( 0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y );
+ wxRect intersect_rect = client_rect.Intersect( rect );
+ if (intersect_rect.width > 0)
+ Refresh( true, &intersect_rect );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::RefreshRowsAfter( unsigned int firstRow )
+ unsigned int count = GetRowCount();
+ if (firstRow > count)
+ return;
+ wxRect rect( 0, firstRow*m_lineHeight, GetEndOfLastCol(), count * m_lineHeight );
+ m_owner->CalcScrolledPosition( rect.x, rect.y, &rect.x, &rect.y );
+ wxSize client_size = GetClientSize();
+ wxRect client_rect( 0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y );
+ wxRect intersect_rect = client_rect.Intersect( rect );
+ if (intersect_rect.width > 0)
+ Refresh( true, &intersect_rect );
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnArrowChar(unsigned int newCurrent, const wxKeyEvent& event)
+ wxCHECK_RET( newCurrent < GetRowCount(),
+ _T("invalid item index in OnArrowChar()") );
+ // if there is no selection, we cannot move it anywhere
+ if (!HasCurrentRow())
+ return;
+ unsigned int oldCurrent = m_currentRow;
+ // in single selection we just ignore Shift as we can't select several
+ // items anyhow
+ if ( event.ShiftDown() && !IsSingleSel() )
+ {
+ RefreshRow( oldCurrent );
+ ChangeCurrentRow( newCurrent );
+ // select all the items between the old and the new one
+ if ( oldCurrent > newCurrent )
+ {
+ newCurrent = oldCurrent;
+ oldCurrent = m_currentRow;
+ }
+ SelectRows( oldCurrent, newCurrent, true );
+ }
+ else // !shift
+ {
+ RefreshRow( oldCurrent );
+ // all previously selected items are unselected unless ctrl is held
+ if ( !event.ControlDown() )
+ SelectAllRows(false);
+ ChangeCurrentRow( newCurrent );
+ if ( !event.ControlDown() )
+ SelectRow( m_currentRow, true );
+ else
+ RefreshRow( m_currentRow );
+ }
+ //EnsureVisible( m_currentRow );
+wxRect wxDataViewMainWindow::GetLineRect( unsigned int row ) const
+ wxRect rect;
+ rect.x = 0;
+ rect.y = m_lineHeight * row;
+ rect.width = GetEndOfLastCol();
+ rect.height = m_lineHeight;
+ return rect;
+class RowToItemJob: public DoJob
+ RowToItemJob( unsigned int row , int current ) { this->row = row; this->current = current ;}
+ virtual ~RowToItemJob(){};
+ virtual int operator() ( wxDataViewTreeNode * node )
+ {
+ current ++;
+ if( current == static_cast<int>(row))
+ {
+ ret = node->GetItem() ;
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ if( node->GetSubTreeCount() + current < static_cast<int>(row) )
+ {
+ current += node->GetSubTreeCount();
+ return DoJob::IGR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //If the current has no child node, we can find the desired item of the row number directly.
+ //This if can speed up finding in some case, and will has a very good effect when it comes to list view
+ if( node->GetNodes().GetCount() == 0)
+ {
+ int index = static_cast<int>(row) - current - 1;
+ ret = node->GetChildren().Item( index );
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual int operator() ( void * n )
+ {
+ current ++;
+ if( current == static_cast<int>(row))
+ {
+ ret = wxDataViewItem( n ) ;
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ wxDataViewItem GetResult(){ return ret; }
+ unsigned int row;
+ int current ;
+ wxDataViewItem ret;
+wxDataViewItem wxDataViewMainWindow::GetItemByRow(unsigned int row)
+ RowToItemJob job( row, -2 );
+ Walker( m_root , job );
+ return job.GetResult();
+class RowToTreeNodeJob: public DoJob
+ RowToTreeNodeJob( unsigned int row , int current, wxDataViewTreeNode * node )
+ {
+ this->row = row;
+ this->current = current ;
+ ret = NULL ;
+ parent = node;
+ }
+ virtual ~RowToTreeNodeJob(){};
+ virtual int operator() ( wxDataViewTreeNode * node )
+ {
+ current ++;
+ if( current == static_cast<int>(row))
+ {
+ ret = node ;
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ if( node->GetSubTreeCount() + current < static_cast<int>(row) )
+ {
+ current += node->GetSubTreeCount();
+ return DoJob::IGR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ parent = node;
+ //If the current has no child node, we can find the desired item of the row number directly.
+ //This if can speed up finding in some case, and will has a very good effect when it comes to list view
+ if( node->GetNodes().GetCount() == 0)
+ {
+ int index = static_cast<int>(row) - current - 1;
+ void * n = node->GetChildren().Item( index );
+ ret = new wxDataViewTreeNode( parent ) ;
+ ret->SetItem( wxDataViewItem( n ));
+ ret->SetHasChildren(false);
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual int operator() ( void * n )
+ {
+ current ++;
+ if( current == static_cast<int>(row))
+ {
+ ret = new wxDataViewTreeNode( parent ) ;
+ ret->SetItem( wxDataViewItem( n ));
+ ret->SetHasChildren(false);
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * GetResult(){ return ret; }
+ unsigned int row;
+ int current ;
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * ret;
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * parent ;
+wxDataViewTreeNode * wxDataViewMainWindow::GetTreeNodeByRow(unsigned int row)
+ RowToTreeNodeJob job( row , -2, m_root );
+ Walker( m_root , job );
+ return job.GetResult();
+wxDataViewEvent wxDataViewMainWindow::SendExpanderEvent( wxEventType type, const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(type, parent->GetId());
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
+ le.SetItem( item );
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
+ return le;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnExpanding( unsigned int row )
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = GetTreeNodeByRow(row);
+ if( node != NULL )
+ {
+ if( node->HasChildren())
+ {
+ if( !node->IsOpen())
+ {
+ wxDataViewEvent e = SendExpanderEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EXPANDING,node->GetItem());
+ //Check if the user prevent expanding
+ if( e.GetSkipped() )
+ return;
+ node->ToggleOpen();
+ //Here I build the children of current node
+ if( node->GetChildrenNumber() == 0 )
+ BuildTreeHelper(GetOwner()->GetModel(), node->GetItem(), node);
+ m_count = -1;
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ //Send the expanded event
+ SendExpanderEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EXPANDED,node->GetItem());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SelectRow( row, false );
+ SelectRow( row + 1, true );
+ ChangeCurrentRow( row + 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ delete node;
+ }
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnCollapsing(unsigned int row)
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = GetTreeNodeByRow(row);
+ if( node != NULL )
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * nd = node;
+ if( node->HasChildren() && node->IsOpen() )
+ {
+ wxDataViewEvent e = SendExpanderEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_COLLAPSING,node->GetItem());
+ if( e.GetSkipped() )
+ return;
+ node->ToggleOpen();
+ m_count = -1;
+ UpdateDisplay();
+ SendExpanderEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_COLLAPSED,nd->GetItem());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node = node->GetParent();
+ if( node != NULL )
+ {
+ int parent = GetRowByItem( node->GetItem() ) ;
+ if( parent >= 0 )
+ {
+ SelectRow( row, false);
+ SelectRow(parent , true );
+ ChangeCurrentRow( parent );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !nd->HasChildren())
+ delete nd;
+ }
+wxDataViewTreeNode * wxDataViewMainWindow::FindNode( const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ wxDataViewModel * model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ if( model == NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ //Compose the a parent-chain of the finding item
+ ItemList list;
+ list.DeleteContents( true );
+ wxDataViewItem it( item );
+ while( it.IsOk() )
+ {
+ wxDataViewItem * pItem = new wxDataViewItem( it );
+ list.Insert( pItem );
+ it = model->GetParent( it );
+ }
+ //Find the item along the parent-chain.
+ //This algorithm is designed to speed up the node-finding method
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = m_root;
+ for( ItemList::Node * n = list.GetFirst(); n; n = n->GetNext() )
+ {
+ if( node->HasChildren() )
+ {
+ if( node->GetChildrenNumber() == 0 )
+ BuildTreeHelper(model, node->GetItem(), node);
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nodes = node->GetNodes();
+ //The wxSortedArray search a node in binary search, so using Item() is more efficient
+ wxDataViewTreeNode temp;
+ temp.SetItem(*(n->GetData()));
+ int index = nodes.Index( &temp );
+ if( index == wxNOT_FOUND )
+ return NULL;
+ node = nodes[index];
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return node;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::HitTest( const wxPoint & point, wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int & column )
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int colnum = 0;
+ unsigned int x_start = 0;
+ int x, y;
+ m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( point.x, point.y, &x, &y );
+ for (x_start = 0; colnum < cols; colnum++)
+ {
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn(colnum);
+ if (col->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
+ unsigned int w = col->GetWidth();
+ if (x_start+w >= (unsigned int)x)
+ break;
+ x_start += w;
+ }
+ column = colnum;
+ item = GetItemByRow( y/m_lineHeight );
+wxRect wxDataViewMainWindow::GetItemRect( const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int column )
+ int row = GetRowByItem(item);
+ int y = row*m_lineHeight;
+ int h = m_lineHeight;
+ int x = 0;
+ wxDataViewColumn *col = NULL;
+ for( int i = 0, cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount(); i < cols; i ++ )
+ {
+ col = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
+ x += col->GetWidth();
+ if( i == column - 1 )
+ break;
+ }
+ int w = col->GetWidth();
+ m_owner->CalcScrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
+ return wxRect(x, y, w, h);
+int wxDataViewMainWindow::RecalculateCount()
+ return m_root->GetSubTreeCount();
+class ItemToRowJob : public DoJob
+ ItemToRowJob(const wxDataViewItem & item, ItemList::Node * node )
+ { this->item = item ; ret = -1 ; nd = node ; }
+ virtual ~ItemToRowJob(){};
+ //Maybe binary search will help to speed up this process
+ virtual int operator() ( wxDataViewTreeNode * node)
+ {
+ ret ++;
+ if( node->GetItem() == item )
+ {
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ }
+ if( nd && node->GetItem() == *(nd->GetData()))
+ {
+ nd = nd->GetNext();
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ret += node->GetSubTreeCount();
+ return DoJob::IGR;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual int operator() ( void * n )
+ {
+ ret ++;
+ if( n == item.GetID() )
+ return DoJob::OK;
+ return DoJob::CONT;
+ }
+ //the row number is begin from zero
+ int GetResult(){ return ret -1 ; }
+ ItemList::Node * nd;
+ wxDataViewItem item;
+ int ret;
+int wxDataViewMainWindow::GetRowByItem(const wxDataViewItem & item)
+ wxDataViewModel * model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ if( model == NULL )
+ return 0;
+ if( !item.IsOk() )
+ return -1;
+ //Compose the a parent-chain of the finding item
+ ItemList list;
+ wxDataViewItem * pItem = NULL;
+ list.DeleteContents( true );
+ wxDataViewItem it( item );
+ while( it.IsOk() )
+ {
+ pItem = new wxDataViewItem( it );
+ list.Insert( pItem );
+ it = model->GetParent( it );
+ }
+ pItem = new wxDataViewItem( );
+ list.Insert( pItem );
+ ItemToRowJob job( item, list.GetFirst() );
+ Walker(m_root , job );
+ return job.GetResult();
+void BuildTreeHelper( wxDataViewModel * model, wxDataViewItem & item, wxDataViewTreeNode * node)
+ if( !model->IsContainer( item ) )
+ return ;
+ wxDataViewItem i = model->GetFirstChild( item );
+ int num = 0;
+ while( i.IsOk() )
+ {
+ num ++;
+ if( model->IsContainer( i ) )
+ {
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * n = new wxDataViewTreeNode( node );
+ n->SetItem(i);
+ n->SetHasChildren( true ) ;
+ node->AddNode( n );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node->AddLeaf( i.GetID() );
+ }
+ i = model->GetNextSibling( i );
+ }
+ node->SetSubTreeCount( num );
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * n = node->GetParent();
+ if( n != NULL)
+ n->ChangeSubTreeCount(num);
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::UpdateDisplay()
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::BuildTree(wxDataViewModel * model)
- m_dirty = true;
+ //First we define a invalid item to fetch the top-level elements
+ wxDataViewItem item;
+ SortPrepare();
+ BuildTreeHelper( model, item, m_root);
+ m_count = -1 ;
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnInternalIdle()
+void DestroyTreeHelper( wxDataViewTreeNode * node )
- wxWindow::OnInternalIdle();
- if (m_dirty)
+ if( node->GetNodeNumber() != 0 )
- RecalculateDisplay();
- m_dirty = false;
+ int len = node->GetNodeNumber();
+ int i = 0 ;
+ wxDataViewTreeNodes nodes = node->GetNodes();
+ for( ; i < len; i ++ )
+ {
+ DestroyTreeHelper(nodes[i]);
+ }
+ delete node;
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::RecalculateDisplay()
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::DestroyTree()
- wxDataViewListModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
- if (!model)
+ DestroyTreeHelper(m_root);
+ m_root->SetSubTreeCount(0);
+ m_count = 0 ;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event )
+ if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB)
- Refresh();
- return;
+ wxNavigationKeyEvent nevent;
+ nevent.SetWindowChange( event.ControlDown() );
+ nevent.SetDirection( !event.ShiftDown() );
+ nevent.SetEventObject( GetParent()->GetParent() );
+ nevent.SetCurrentFocus( m_parent );
+ if (GetParent()->GetParent()->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( nevent ))
+ return;
- int width = 0;
- size_t cols = GetOwner()->GetNumberOfColumns();
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
+ // no item -> nothing to do
+ if (!HasCurrentRow())
- wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
- width += col->GetWidth();
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
- int height = model->GetNumberOfRows() * m_lineHeight;
- SetVirtualSize( width, height );
- GetOwner()->SetScrollRate( 10, m_lineHeight );
- Refresh();
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::ScrollWindow( int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect )
- wxWindow::ScrollWindow( dx, dy, rect );
- GetOwner()->m_headerArea->ScrollWindow( dx, 0 );
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
- wxPaintDC dc( this );
+ // don't use m_linesPerPage directly as it might not be computed yet
+ const int pageSize = GetCountPerPage();
+ wxCHECK_RET( pageSize, _T("should have non zero page size") );
- GetOwner()->PrepareDC( dc );
+ switch ( event.GetKeyCode() )
+ {
+ case WXK_UP:
+ if ( m_currentRow > 0 )
+ OnArrowChar( m_currentRow - 1, event );
+ break;
- dc.SetFont( GetFont() );
+ case WXK_DOWN:
+ if ( m_currentRow < GetRowCount() - 1 )
+ OnArrowChar( m_currentRow + 1, event );
+ break;
+ //Add the process for tree expanding/collapsing
+ case WXK_LEFT:
+ OnCollapsing(m_currentRow);
+ break;
+ case WXK_RIGHT:
+ OnExpanding( m_currentRow);
+ break;
+ case WXK_END:
+ if (!IsEmpty())
+ OnArrowChar( GetRowCount() - 1, event );
+ break;
- wxRect update = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox();
- m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( update.x, update.y, &update.x, &update.y );
+ case WXK_HOME:
+ if (!IsEmpty())
+ OnArrowChar( 0, event );
+ break;
- wxDataViewListModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ case WXK_PAGEUP:
+ {
+ int steps = pageSize - 1;
+ int index = m_currentRow - steps;
+ if (index < 0)
+ index = 0;
- size_t item_start = wxMax( 0, update.y / m_lineHeight );
- size_t item_count = wxMin( (update.height / m_lineHeight) + 1,
- (int)(model->GetNumberOfRows()-item_start) );
+ OnArrowChar( index, event );
+ }
+ break;
- wxRect cell_rect;
- cell_rect.x = 0;
- cell_rect.height = m_lineHeight;
- size_t cols = GetOwner()->GetNumberOfColumns();
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
- {
- wxDataViewColumn *col = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
- wxDataViewCell *cell = col->GetCell();
- cell_rect.width = col->GetWidth();
+ {
+ int steps = pageSize - 1;
+ unsigned int index = m_currentRow + steps;
+ unsigned int count = GetRowCount();
+ if ( index >= count )
+ index = count - 1;
- size_t item;
- for (item = item_start; item < item_start+item_count; item++)
- {
- cell_rect.y = item*m_lineHeight;
- wxVariant value;
- model->GetValue( value, col->GetModelColumn(), item );
- cell->SetValue( value );
- wxSize size = cell->GetSize();
- // cannot be bigger than allocated space
- size.x = wxMin( size.x, cell_rect.width );
- size.y = wxMin( size.y, cell_rect.height );
- // TODO: check for left/right/centre alignment here
- wxRect item_rect;
- // for now: centre
- item_rect.x = cell_rect.x + (cell_rect.width / 2) - (size.x / 2);
- item_rect.y = cell_rect.y + (cell_rect.height / 2) - (size.y / 2);
- item_rect.width = size.x;
- item_rect.height= size.y;
- cell->Render( item_rect, &dc, 0 );
- }
+ OnArrowChar( index, event );
+ }
+ break;
- cell_rect.x += cell_rect.width;
+ default:
+ event.Skip();
void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event )
+ if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL)
+ {
+ // let the base handle mouse wheel events.
+ event.Skip();
+ return;
+ }
int x = event.GetX();
int y = event.GetY();
m_owner->CalcUnscrolledPosition( x, y, &x, &y );
wxDataViewColumn *col = NULL;
int xpos = 0;
- size_t cols = GetOwner()->GetNumberOfColumns();
- size_t i;
+ unsigned int cols = GetOwner()->GetColumnCount();
+ unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < cols; i++)
wxDataViewColumn *c = GetOwner()->GetColumn( i );
+ if (c->IsHidden())
+ continue; // skip it!
if (x < xpos + c->GetWidth())
col = c;
if (!col)
- wxDataViewCell *cell = col->GetCell();
+ wxDataViewRenderer *cell = col->GetRenderer();
+ unsigned int current = y / m_lineHeight;
+ if ((current > GetRowCount()) || (x > GetEndOfLastCol()))
+ {
+ // Unselect all if below the last row ?
+ return;
+ }
+ wxDataViewModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ if (event.Dragging())
+ {
+ if (m_dragCount == 0)
+ {
+ // we have to report the raw, physical coords as we want to be
+ // able to call HitTest(event.m_pointDrag) from the user code to
+ // get the item being dragged
+ m_dragStart = event.GetPosition();
+ }
+ m_dragCount++;
+ if (m_dragCount != 3)
+ return;
- size_t row = y / m_lineHeight;
+ if (event.LeftIsDown())
+ {
+ // Notify cell about drag
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_dragCount = 0;
+ }
- wxDataViewListModel *model = GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ bool forceClick = false;
if (event.ButtonDClick())
if (event.LeftDClick())
- if (cell->GetMode() == wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE)
+ if ( current == m_lineLastClicked )
- wxVariant value;
- model->GetValue( value, col->GetModelColumn(), row );
- cell->SetValue( value );
- wxRect cell_rect( xpos, row * m_lineHeight, col->GetWidth(), m_lineHeight );
- cell->Activate( cell_rect, model, col->GetModelColumn(), row );
+ if (cell->GetMode() == wxDATAVIEW_CELL_ACTIVATABLE)
+ {
+ wxDataViewItem item = GetItemByRow(current);
+ wxVariant value;
+ model->GetValue( value, item, col->GetModelColumn() );
+ cell->SetValue( value );
+ wxRect cell_rect( xpos, current * m_lineHeight,
+ col->GetWidth(), m_lineHeight );
+ cell->Activate( cell_rect, model, item, col->GetModelColumn() );
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
+ wxDataViewEvent le(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED, parent->GetId());
+ le.SetEventObject(parent);
+ le.SetColumn(col->GetModelColumn());
+ le.SetDataViewColumn(col);
+ le.SetModel(GetOwner()->GetModel());
+ parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(le);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The first click was on another item, so don't interpret this as
+ // a double click, but as a simple click instead
+ forceClick = true;
+ }
- return;
- } else
if (event.LeftUp())
- if (m_lastOnSame)
+ if (m_lineSelectSingleOnUp != (unsigned int)-1)
+ {
+ // select single line
+ SelectAllRows( false );
+ SelectRow( m_lineSelectSingleOnUp, true );
+ }
+ //Process the event of user clicking the expander
+ bool expander = false;
+ wxDataViewTreeNode * node = GetTreeNodeByRow(current);
+ if( node!=NULL && node->HasChildren() )
+ {
+ int indent = node->GetIndentLevel();
+ indent = GetOwner()->GetIndent()*indent;
+ wxRect rect( xpos + indent + EXPANDER_MARGIN, current * m_lineHeight + EXPANDER_MARGIN, m_lineHeight-2*EXPANDER_MARGIN,m_lineHeight-2*EXPANDER_MARGIN);
+ if( rect.Contains( x, y) )
+ {
+ expander = true;
+ if( node->IsOpen() )
+ OnCollapsing(current);
+ else
+ OnExpanding( current );
+ }
+ }
+ //If the user click the expander, we do not do editing even if the column with expander are editable
+ if (m_lastOnSame && !expander )
- if ((col == m_currentCol) & (row == m_currentRow) &&
+ if ((col == m_currentCol) && (current == m_currentRow) &&
(cell->GetMode() == wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE) )
m_renameTimer->Start( 100, true );
m_lastOnSame = false;
- } else
- if (event.LeftDown())
+ m_lineSelectSingleOnUp = (unsigned int)-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // This is necessary, because after a DnD operation in
+ // from and to ourself, the up event is swallowed by the
+ // DnD code. So on next non-up event (which means here and
+ // now) m_lineSelectSingleOnUp should be reset.
+ m_lineSelectSingleOnUp = (unsigned int)-1;
+ }
+ if (event.RightDown())
+ {
+ m_lineBeforeLastClicked = m_lineLastClicked;
+ m_lineLastClicked = current;
+ // If the item is already selected, do not update the selection.
+ // Multi-selections should not be cleared if a selected item is clicked.
+ if (!IsRowSelected(current))
+ {
+ SelectAllRows(false);
+ ChangeCurrentRow(current);
+ SelectRow(m_currentRow,true);
+ }
+ // notify cell about right click
+ // cell->...
+ // Allow generation of context menu event
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ else if (event.MiddleDown())
+ {
+ // notify cell about middle click
+ // cell->...
+ }
+ if (event.LeftDown() || forceClick)
+#ifdef __WXMSW__
+ SetFocus();
+ m_lineBeforeLastClicked = m_lineLastClicked;
+ m_lineLastClicked = current;
+ unsigned int oldCurrentRow = m_currentRow;
+ bool oldWasSelected = IsRowSelected(m_currentRow);
+ bool cmdModifierDown = event.CmdDown();
+ if ( IsSingleSel() || !(cmdModifierDown || event.ShiftDown()) )
+ {
+ if ( IsSingleSel() || !IsRowSelected(current) )
+ {
+ SelectAllRows( false );
+ ChangeCurrentRow(current);
+ SelectRow(m_currentRow,true);
+ }
+ else // multi sel & current is highlighted & no mod keys
+ {
+ m_lineSelectSingleOnUp = current;
+ ChangeCurrentRow(current); // change focus
+ }
+ }
+ else // multi sel & either ctrl or shift is down
+ {
+ if (cmdModifierDown)
+ {
+ ChangeCurrentRow(current);
+ ReverseRowSelection(m_currentRow);
+ }
+ else if (event.ShiftDown())
+ {
+ ChangeCurrentRow(current);
+ unsigned int lineFrom = oldCurrentRow,
+ lineTo = current;
+ if ( lineTo < lineFrom )
+ {
+ lineTo = lineFrom;
+ lineFrom = m_currentRow;
+ }
+ SelectRows(lineFrom, lineTo, true);
+ }
+ else // !ctrl, !shift
+ {
+ // test in the enclosing if should make it impossible
+ wxFAIL_MSG( _T("how did we get here?") );
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_currentRow != oldCurrentRow)
+ RefreshRow( oldCurrentRow );
wxDataViewColumn *oldCurrentCol = m_currentCol;
- size_t oldCurrentRow = m_currentRow;
// Update selection here...
m_currentCol = col;
- m_currentRow = row;
- m_lastOnSame = (col == oldCurrentCol) && (row == oldCurrentRow);
- return;
+ m_lastOnSame = !forceClick && ((col == oldCurrentCol) &&
+ (current == oldCurrentRow)) && oldWasSelected;
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
+ m_hasFocus = true;
+ if (HasCurrentRow())
+ Refresh();
-void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
+void wxDataViewMainWindow::OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event )
+ m_hasFocus = false;
+ if (HasCurrentRow())
+ Refresh();
+wxDataViewItem wxDataViewMainWindow::GetSelection()
+ if( m_selection.GetCount() != 1 )
+ return wxDataViewItem();
+ return GetItemByRow( m_selection.Item(0));
// wxDataViewCtrl
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
long style, const wxValidator& validator )
- if (!wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size, style | wxScrolledWindowStyle|wxSUNKEN_BORDER, validator))
+ if (!wxControl::Create( parent, id, pos, size,
+ style | wxScrolledWindowStyle|wxSUNKEN_BORDER, validator))
return false;
m_clientArea = new wxDataViewMainWindow( this, wxID_ANY );
- m_headerArea = new wxDataViewHeaderWindow( this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(wxDefaultCoord,25) );
+ if (HasFlag(wxDV_NO_HEADER))
+ m_headerArea = NULL;
+ else
+ m_headerArea = new wxDataViewHeaderWindow( this, wxID_ANY );
SetTargetWindow( m_clientArea );
wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
- sizer->Add( m_headerArea, 0, wxGROW );
+ if (m_headerArea)
+ sizer->Add( m_headerArea, 0, wxGROW );
sizer->Add( m_clientArea, 1, wxGROW );
SetSizer( sizer );
-bool wxDataViewCtrl::AssociateModel( wxDataViewListModel *model )
+bool wxDataViewCtrl::AssociateModel( wxDataViewModel *model )
if (!wxDataViewCtrlBase::AssociateModel( model ))
return false;
- m_notifier = new wxGenericDataViewListModelNotifier( m_clientArea );
+ m_notifier = new wxGenericDataViewModelNotifier( m_clientArea );
model->AddNotifier( m_notifier );
+ m_clientArea->BuildTree(model);
return true;
if (!wxDataViewCtrlBase::AppendColumn(col))
return false;
+ OnColumnChange();
+ return true;
+void wxDataViewCtrl::OnColumnChange()
+ if (m_headerArea)
+ m_headerArea->UpdateDisplay();
- return true;
+void wxDataViewCtrl::DoSetExpanderColumn()
+ m_clientArea->UpdateDisplay();
+void wxDataViewCtrl::DoSetIndent()
+ m_clientArea->UpdateDisplay();
+//Selection code with wxDataViewItem as parameters
+wxDataViewItem wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection()
+ return m_clientArea->GetSelection();
+int wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelections( wxDataViewItemArray & sel ) const
+ sel.Empty();
+ wxDataViewSelection selection = m_clientArea->GetSelections();
+ int len = selection.GetCount();
+ for( int i = 0; i < len; i ++)
+ {
+ unsigned int row = selection[i];
+ sel.Add( m_clientArea->GetItemByRow( row ) );
+ }
+ return len;
+void wxDataViewCtrl::SetSelections( const wxDataViewItemArray & sel )
+ wxDataViewSelection selection(wxDataViewSelectionCmp) ;
+ int len = sel.GetCount();
+ for( int i = 0; i < len; i ++ )
+ {
+ int row = m_clientArea->GetRowByItem( sel[i] );
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ selection.Add( static_cast<unsigned int>(row) );
+ }
+ m_clientArea->SetSelections( selection );
+void wxDataViewCtrl::Select( const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ int row = m_clientArea->GetRowByItem( item );
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ m_clientArea->SelectRow(row, true);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::Unselect( const wxDataViewItem & item )
+ int row = m_clientArea->GetRowByItem( item );
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ m_clientArea->SelectRow(row, false);
+bool wxDataViewCtrl::IsSelected( const wxDataViewItem & item ) const
+ int row = m_clientArea->GetRowByItem( item );
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ {
+ return m_clientArea->IsRowSelected(row);
+ }
+ return false;
+//Selection code with row number as parameter
+int wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelections( wxArrayInt & sel ) const
+ sel.Empty();
+ wxDataViewSelection selection = m_clientArea->GetSelections();
+ int len = selection.GetCount();
+ for( int i = 0; i < len; i ++)
+ {
+ unsigned int row = selection[i];
+ sel.Add( row );
+ }
+ return len;
+void wxDataViewCtrl::SetSelections( const wxArrayInt & sel )
+ wxDataViewSelection selection(wxDataViewSelectionCmp) ;
+ int len = sel.GetCount();
+ for( int i = 0; i < len; i ++ )
+ {
+ int row = sel[i];
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ selection.Add( static_cast<unsigned int>(row) );
+ }
+ m_clientArea->SetSelections( selection );
+void wxDataViewCtrl::Select( int row )
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ m_clientArea->SelectRow( row, true );
+void wxDataViewCtrl::Unselect( int row )
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ m_clientArea->SelectRow(row, false);
+bool wxDataViewCtrl::IsSelected( int row ) const
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ return m_clientArea->IsRowSelected(row);
+ return false;
+void wxDataViewCtrl::SelectRange( int from, int to )
+ wxArrayInt sel;
+ for( int i = from; i < to; i ++ )
+ sel.Add( i );
+ m_clientArea->Select(sel);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::UnselectRange( int from, int to )
+ wxDataViewSelection sel = m_clientArea->GetSelections();
+ for( int i = from; i < to; i ++ )
+ if( sel.Index( i ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
+ sel.Remove( i );
+ m_clientArea->SetSelections(sel);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::SelectAll()
+ m_clientArea->SelectAllRows(true);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::UnselectAll()
+ m_clientArea->SelectAllRows(false);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::EnsureVisible( int row )
+ m_clientArea->ScrollTo( row );
+void wxDataViewCtrl::EnsureVisible( const wxDataViewItem & item, wxDataViewColumn * column )
+ int row = m_clientArea->GetRowByItem(item);
+ if( row >= 0 )
+ EnsureVisible(row);
+void wxDataViewCtrl::HitTest( const wxPoint & point, wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int & column ) const
+ m_clientArea->HitTest(point, item, column);
+wxRect wxDataViewCtrl::GetItemRect( const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int column ) const
+ return m_clientArea->GetItemRect(item, column);
+wxDataViewItem wxDataViewCtrl::GetItemByRow( unsigned int row ) const
+ return m_clientArea->GetItemByRow( row );
+int wxDataViewCtrl::GetRowByItem( const wxDataViewItem & item ) const
+ return m_clientArea->GetRowByItem( item );
+ #endif