+// Whether a value is present, used in dimension flags
+enum wxTextAttrValueFlags
+// Units - included in the dimension value
+enum wxTextAttrUnits
+// Position - included in the dimension flags
+enum wxTextBoxAttrPosition
+ wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_POSITION_STATIC = 0x0000, // Default is static, i.e. as per normal layout
+// Dimension, including units and position
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxTextAttrDimension
+ wxTextAttrDimension() { Reset(); }
+ wxTextAttrDimension(int value, wxTextAttrDimensionFlags flags = wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT|wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_TENTHS_MM) { m_value = value; m_flags = flags; }
+ void Reset() { m_value = 0; m_flags = 0; }
+ // Partial equality test
+ bool EqPartial(const wxTextAttrDimension& dim) const;
+ // Apply
+ bool Apply(const wxTextAttrDimension& dim, const wxTextAttrDimension* compareWith = NULL);
+ // Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content, building up a note of
+ // which attributes are absent in some objects and which clash in some objects.
+ void CollectCommonAttributes(const wxTextAttrDimension& attr, wxTextAttrDimension& clashingAttr, wxTextAttrDimension& absentAttr);
+ bool operator==(const wxTextAttrDimension& dim) const { return m_value == dim.m_value && m_flags == dim.m_flags; }
+ int GetValue() const { return m_value; }
+ float GetValueMM() const { return float(m_value) / 10.0; }
+ void SetValueMM(float value) { m_value = (int) ((value * 10.0) + 0.5); m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT; }
+ void SetValue(int value) { m_value = value; m_flags |= wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT; }
+ void SetValue(int value, wxTextAttrDimensionFlags flags) { m_value = value; m_flags = flags; }
+ wxTextAttrUnits GetUnits() const { return (wxTextAttrUnits) (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_MASK); }
+ void SetUnits(wxTextAttrUnits units) { m_flags &= ~wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_MASK; m_flags |= units; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrPosition GetPosition() const { return (wxTextBoxAttrPosition) (m_flags & wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_POSITION_MASK); }
+ void SetPosition(wxTextBoxAttrPosition pos) { m_flags &= ~wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_POSITION_MASK; m_flags |= pos; }
+ bool IsPresent() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT) != 0; }
+ void SetPresent(bool b) { m_flags &= ~wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT_MASK; m_flags |= (b ? wxTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_PRESENT : 0); }
+ int m_value;
+ wxTextAttrDimensionFlags m_flags;
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxTextBoxAttrDimensions
+ void Reset() { m_left.Reset(); m_top.Reset(); m_right.Reset(); m_bottom.Reset(); }
+ bool operator==(const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& dims) const { return m_left == dims.m_left && m_top == dims.m_top && m_right == dims.m_right && m_bottom == dims.m_bottom; }
+ // Partial equality test
+ bool EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& dims) const;
+ // Apply border to 'this', but not if the same as compareWith
+ bool Apply(const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& dims, const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions* compareWith = NULL);
+ // Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content, building up a note of
+ // which attributes are absent in some objects and which clash in some objects.
+ void CollectCommonAttributes(const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& attr, wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& clashingAttr, wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& absentAttr);
+ // Remove specified attributes from this object
+ bool RemoveStyle(const wxTextBoxAttrDimensions& attr);
+ wxTextAttrDimension m_left;
+ wxTextAttrDimension m_top;
+ wxTextAttrDimension m_right;
+ wxTextAttrDimension m_bottom;
+// Border styles
+enum wxTextBoxAttrBorderStyle
+// Border style presence flags
+enum wxTextBoxAttrBorderFlags
+// Float styles
+enum wxTextBoxAttrFloatStyle
+// Clear styles
+enum wxTextBoxAttrClearStyle
+// Collapse mode styles. TODO: can they be switched on per side?
+enum wxTextBoxAttrCollapseMode
+// Border
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxTextBoxAttrBorder
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder() { Reset(); }
+ bool operator==(const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& border) const
+ {
+ return m_flags == border.m_flags && m_borderStyle == border.m_borderStyle &&
+ m_borderColour == border.m_borderColour && m_borderWidth == border.m_borderWidth;
+ }
+ void Reset() { m_borderStyle = 0; m_borderColour = 0; m_flags = 0; m_borderWidth.Reset(); }
+ // Partial equality test
+ bool EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& border) const;
+ // Apply border to 'this', but not if the same as compareWith
+ bool Apply(const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& border, const wxTextBoxAttrBorder* compareWith = NULL);
+ // Remove specified attributes from this object
+ bool RemoveStyle(const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& attr);
+ // Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content, building up a note of
+ // which attributes are absent in some objects and which clash in some objects.
+ void CollectCommonAttributes(const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& attr, wxTextBoxAttrBorder& clashingAttr, wxTextBoxAttrBorder& absentAttr);
+ void SetStyle(int style) { m_borderStyle = style; m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_BORDER_STYLE; }
+ int GetStyle() const { return m_borderStyle; }
+ void SetColour(unsigned long colour) { m_borderColour = colour; m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_BORDER_COLOUR; }
+ void SetColour(const wxColour& colour) { m_borderColour = colour.GetRGB(); m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_BORDER_COLOUR; }
+ unsigned long GetColourLong() const { return m_borderColour; }
+ wxColour GetColour() const { return wxColour(m_borderColour); }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetWidth() { return m_borderWidth; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetWidth() const { return m_borderWidth; }
+ void SetWidth(const wxTextAttrDimension& width) { m_borderWidth = width; }
+ bool HasStyle() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_BORDER_STYLE) == 0; }
+ bool HasColour() const { return (m_flags & wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_BORDER_COLOUR) == 0; }
+ bool HasWidth() const { return m_borderWidth.IsPresent(); }
+ int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
+ void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; }
+ void AddFlag(int flag) { m_flags |= flag; }
+ void RemoveFlag(int flag) { m_flags &= ~flag; }
+ int m_borderStyle;
+ unsigned long m_borderColour;
+ wxTextAttrDimension m_borderWidth;
+ int m_flags;
+// Borders
+class WXDLLIMPEXP_RICHTEXT wxTextBoxAttrBorders
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorders() { }
+ bool operator==(const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& borders) const
+ {
+ return m_left == borders.m_left && m_right == borders.m_right &&
+ m_top == borders.m_top && m_bottom == borders.m_bottom;
+ }
+ // Set style of all borders
+ void SetStyle(int style);
+ // Set colour of all borders
+ void SetColour(unsigned long colour);
+ void SetColour(const wxColour& colour);
+ // Set width of all borders
+ void SetWidth(const wxTextAttrDimension& width);
+ // Reset
+ void Reset() { m_left.Reset(); m_right.Reset(); m_top.Reset(); m_bottom.Reset(); }
+ // Partial equality test
+ bool EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& borders) const;
+ // Apply border to 'this', but not if the same as compareWith
+ bool Apply(const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& borders, const wxTextBoxAttrBorders* compareWith = NULL);
+ // Remove specified attributes from this object
+ bool RemoveStyle(const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& attr);
+ // Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content, building up a note of
+ // which attributes are absent in some objects and which clash in some objects.
+ void CollectCommonAttributes(const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& attr, wxTextBoxAttrBorders& clashingAttr, wxTextBoxAttrBorders& absentAttr);
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder m_left, m_right, m_top, m_bottom;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxTextBoxAttr: a structure containing box attributes
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ctors
+ wxTextBoxAttr() { Init(); }
+ wxTextBoxAttr(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr) { Init(); (*this) = attr; }
+ // Initialise this object.
+ void Init() { Reset(); }
+ // Reset this object.
+ void Reset();
+ // Copy. Unecessary since we let it do a binary copy
+ //void Copy(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr);
+ // Assignment
+ //void operator= (const wxTextBoxAttr& attr);
+ // Equality test
+ bool operator== (const wxTextBoxAttr& attr) const;
+ // Partial equality test
+ bool EqPartial(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr) const;
+ // Merges the given attributes. If compareWith
+ // is non-NULL, then it will be used to mask out those attributes that are the same in style
+ // and compareWith, for situations where we don't want to explicitly set inherited attributes.
+ bool Apply(const wxTextBoxAttr& style, const wxTextBoxAttr* compareWith = NULL);
+ // Collects the attributes that are common to a range of content, building up a note of
+ // which attributes are absent in some objects and which clash in some objects.
+ void CollectCommonAttributes(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr, wxTextBoxAttr& clashingAttr, wxTextBoxAttr& absentAttr);
+ // Remove specified attributes from this object
+ bool RemoveStyle(const wxTextBoxAttr& attr);
+ // Set flags
+ void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; }
+ // Get flags
+ int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
+ // Is this flag present?
+ bool HasFlag(wxTextBoxAttrFlags flag) const { return (m_flags & flag) != 0; }
+ // Remove this flag
+ void RemoveFlag(wxTextBoxAttrFlags flag) { m_flags &= ~flag; }
+ // Add this flag
+ void AddFlag(wxTextBoxAttrFlags flag) { m_flags |= flag; }
+ // Is this default? I.e. no flags set
+ bool IsDefault() const;
+ // Float mode
+ short int GetFloatMode() const { return m_floatMode; }
+ void SetFloatMode(short int mode) { m_floatMode = mode; m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_FLOAT; }
+ bool HasFloatMode() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_FLOAT); }
+ bool IsFloating() const { return HasFloatMode() && GetFloatMode() != wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_FLOAT_NONE; }
+ // Whether to wrap text after object
+ short int GetClearMode() const { return m_clearMode; }
+ void SetClearMode(short int mode) { m_clearMode = mode; m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_CLEAR; }
+ bool HasClearMode() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_CLEAR); }
+ // Whether to collapse borders
+ int GetCollapseBorders() const { return m_collapseMode ; }
+ void SetCollapseBorders(int collapse) { m_collapseMode = collapse; m_flags |= wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_COLLAPSE_BORDERS; }
+ bool HasCollapseBorders() const { return HasFlag(wxTEXT_BOX_ATTR_COLLAPSE_BORDERS); }
+ // Margins
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeftMargin() { return m_margins.m_left; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeftMargin() const { return m_margins.m_left; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetRightMargin() { return m_margins.m_right; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetRightMargin() const { return m_margins.m_right; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetTopMargin() { return m_margins.m_top; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetTopMargin() const { return m_margins.m_top; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottomMargin() { return m_margins.m_bottom; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottomMargin() const { return m_margins.m_bottom; }
+ // Position
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeft() { return m_position.m_left; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeft() const { return m_position.m_left; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetRight() { return m_position.m_right; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetRight() const { return m_position.m_right; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetTop() { return m_position.m_top; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetTop() const { return m_position.m_top; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottom() { return m_position.m_bottom; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottom() const { return m_position.m_bottom; }
+ // Padding
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeftPadding() { return m_padding.m_left; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetLeftPadding() const { return m_padding.m_left; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetRightPadding() { return m_padding.m_right; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetRightPadding() const { return m_padding.m_right; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetTopPadding() { return m_padding.m_top; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetTopPadding() const { return m_padding.m_top; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottomPadding() { return m_padding.m_bottom; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetBottomPadding() const { return m_padding.m_bottom; }
+ // Border
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorders& GetBorder() { return m_border; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& GetBorder() const { return m_border; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetLeftBorder() { return m_border.m_left; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetLeftBorder() const { return m_border.m_left; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetTopBorder() { return m_border.m_top; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetTopBorder() const { return m_border.m_top; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetRightBorder() { return m_border.m_right; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetRightBorder() const { return m_border.m_right; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetBottomBorder() { return m_border.m_bottom; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetBottomBorder() const { return m_border.m_bottom; }
+ // Outline
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorders& GetOutline() { return m_outline; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorders& GetOutline() const { return m_outline; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetLeftOutline() { return m_outline.m_left; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetLeftOutline() const { return m_outline.m_left; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetTopOutline() { return m_outline.m_top; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetTopOutline() const { return m_outline.m_top; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetRightOutline() { return m_outline.m_right; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetRightOutline() const { return m_outline.m_right; }
+ wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetBottomOutline() { return m_outline.m_bottom; }
+ const wxTextBoxAttrBorder& GetBottomOutline() const { return m_outline.m_bottom; }
+ // Width and height
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetWidth() { return m_width; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetWidth() const { return m_width; }
+ wxTextAttrDimension& GetHeight() { return m_height; }
+ const wxTextAttrDimension& GetHeight() const { return m_height; }