// forward decl for GetSelections()
class wxArrayInt;
+// forward decl for wxMacListControl data type.
+class wxMacListControl;
// List box item
-WX_DEFINE_ARRAY( char * , wxListDataArray ) ;
+WX_DEFINE_ARRAY( char* , wxListDataArray );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// List box control
// ctors and such
- wxListBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
- int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr)
+ wxListBox(
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID winid,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr)
- Create(parent, id, pos, size, n, choices, style, validator, name);
+ Create(parent, winid, pos, size, n, choices, style, validator, name);
- wxListBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos,
- const wxSize& size,
- const wxArrayString& choices,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr)
+ wxListBox(
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID winid,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ const wxArrayString& choices,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr)
- Create(parent, id, pos, size, choices, style, validator, name);
+ Create(parent, winid, pos, size, choices, style, validator, name);
- bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
- int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr);
- bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos,
- const wxSize& size,
- const wxArrayString& choices,
- long style = 0,
- const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
- const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr);
+ bool Create(
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID winid,
+ const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
+ const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
+ int n = 0,
+ const wxString choices[] = NULL,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr);
+ bool Create(
+ wxWindow *parent,
+ wxWindowID winid,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ const wxArrayString& choices,
+ long style = 0,
+ const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
+ const wxString& name = wxListBoxNameStr);
virtual ~wxListBox();
- virtual void Refresh(bool eraseBack = TRUE, const wxRect *rect = NULL);
// implement base class pure virtuals
- virtual void Clear();
- virtual void Delete(int n);
+ virtual void Refresh(bool eraseBack = true, const wxRect *rect = NULL);
- virtual int GetCount() const;
- virtual wxString GetString(int n) const;
- virtual void SetString(int n, const wxString& s);
+ virtual unsigned int GetCount() const;
+ virtual wxString GetString(unsigned int n) const;
+ virtual void SetString(unsigned int n, const wxString& s);
virtual int FindString(const wxString& s, bool bCase = false) const;
virtual bool IsSelected(int n) const;
- virtual void DoSetSelection(int n, bool select);
virtual int GetSelection() const;
virtual int GetSelections(wxArrayInt& aSelections) const;
- virtual int DoAppend(const wxString& item);
- virtual void DoInsertItems(const wxArrayString& items, int pos);
- virtual void DoSetItems(const wxArrayString& items, void **clientData);
+ virtual void EnsureVisible(int n);
- virtual void DoSetFirstItem(int n);
- virtual void DoSetItemClientData(int n, void* clientData);
- virtual void* DoGetItemClientData(int n) const;
- virtual void DoSetItemClientObject(int n, wxClientData* clientData);
- virtual wxClientData* DoGetItemClientObject(int n) const;
- virtual void DoSetSize(int x, int y,int width, int height,int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO ) ;
+ virtual wxVisualAttributes GetDefaultAttributes() const
+ {
+ return GetClassDefaultAttributes(GetWindowVariant());
+ }
// wxCheckListBox support
static wxVisualAttributes
GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL);
- // Windows callbacks
-#ifndef __WXMAC_OSX__
- void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ wxMacListControl* GetPeer() const;
- void* m_macList ;
- wxArrayString m_stringArray ;
- wxListDataArray m_dataArray ;
- // as we are getting the same events for human and API selection we have to suppress
- // events in the latter case
- bool MacIsSelectionSuppressed() const { return m_suppressSelection ; }
- void MacDelete( int n ) ;
- void MacInsert( int n , const wxString& item) ;
- void MacAppend( const wxString& item) ;
- void MacSet( int n , const wxString& item ) ;
- void MacClear() ;
- void MacDeselectAll() ;
- void MacSetSelection( int n , bool select ) ;
- int MacGetSelection() const ;
- int MacGetSelections(wxArrayInt& aSelections) const ;
- bool MacIsSelected( int n ) const ;
- void MacScrollTo( int n ) ;
- bool MacSuppressSelection( bool suppress ) ;
+ virtual void DoClear();
+ virtual void DoDeleteOneItem(unsigned int n);
+ // from wxItemContainer
+ virtual int DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
+ unsigned int pos,
+ void **clientData, wxClientDataType type);
+ virtual void DoSetItemClientData(unsigned int n, void* clientData);
+ virtual void* DoGetItemClientData(unsigned int n) const;
+ // from wxListBoxBase
+ virtual void DoSetSelection(int n, bool select);
+ virtual void DoSetFirstItem(int n);
+ virtual int DoListHitTest(const wxPoint& point) const;
// free memory (common part of Clear() and dtor)
// prevent collision with some BSD definitions of macro Free()
void FreeData();
- int m_noItems;
- int m_selected;
- bool m_suppressSelection ;
- wxString m_typeIn ;
- long m_lastTypeIn ;
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;