- wxSize size_best( DoGetBestSize() );
- wxSize new_size( size );
- if (new_size.x == -1)
- new_size.x = size_best.x;
- if (new_size.y == -1)
- new_size.y = size_best.y;
- if ((new_size.x != size.x) || (new_size.y != size.y))
- SetSize( new_size.x, new_size.y );
- SetBackgroundColour( parent->GetBackgroundColour() );
- SetForegroundColour( parent->GetForegroundColour() );
- Show( TRUE );
+ // the bug below only happens with GTK 2
+#ifdef __WXGTK20__
+ if ( justify != GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT )
+ {
+ // if we let GTK call wxgtk_window_size_request_callback the label
+ // always shrinks to its minimal size for some reason and so no
+ // alignment except the default left doesn't work (in fact it does,
+ // but you don't see it)
+ gtk_signal_disconnect_by_func
+ (
+ GTK_OBJECT(m_widget),
+ GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(wxgtk_window_size_request_callback),
+ (gpointer) this
+ );
+ }
+#endif // __WXGTK20__