+ // wxControl-specific processing after processing the update event
+ virtual void DoUpdateWindowUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
+ // static utilities
+ // ----------------
+ // replaces parts of the (multiline) string with ellipsis if needed
+ static wxString Ellipsize(const wxString& label, const wxDC& dc,
+ wxEllipsizeMode mode, int maxWidth,
+ // get the string without mnemonic characters ('&')
+ static wxString GetLabelText(const wxString& label);
+ // removes the mnemonics characters
+ static wxString RemoveMnemonics(const wxString& str);
+ // escapes (by doubling them) the mnemonics
+ static wxString EscapeMnemonics(const wxString& str);
+ // return the accel index in the string or -1 if none and puts the modified
+ // string into second parameter if non NULL
+ static int FindAccelIndex(const wxString& label,
+ wxString *labelOnly = NULL);
+ // this is a helper for the derived class GetClassDefaultAttributes()
+ // implementation: it returns the right colours for the classes which
+ // contain something else (e.g. wxListBox, wxTextCtrl, ...) instead of
+ // being simple controls (such as wxButton, wxCheckBox, ...)
+ static wxVisualAttributes
+ GetCompositeControlsDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant);