// a new App object to start application
class WXDLLEXPORT wxApp: public wxAppBase
- wxApp();
- virtual ~wxApp() {}
- virtual int MainLoop();
- virtual void ExitMainLoop();
- virtual bool Initialized();
- virtual bool Pending() ;
- virtual void Dispatch() ;
- virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = FALSE);
- virtual wxIcon GetStdIcon(int which) const;
- virtual void SetPrintMode(int mode) { m_printMode = mode; }
- virtual int GetPrintMode() const { return m_printMode; }
- // implementation only
- void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
- void OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
- void OnQueryEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
- // Send idle event to all top-level windows.
- // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
- bool SendIdleEvents();
- // Send idle event to window and all subwindows
- // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
- bool SendIdleEvents(wxWindowMac* win);
- // Windows only, but for compatibility...
- inline void SetAuto3D(bool flag) { m_auto3D = flag; }
- inline bool GetAuto3D() const { return m_auto3D; }
+ wxApp();
+ virtual ~wxApp() {}
+ virtual int MainLoop();
+ virtual void ExitMainLoop();
+ virtual bool Initialized();
+ virtual bool Pending() ;
+ virtual void Dispatch() ;
+ virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = FALSE);
+ virtual void SetPrintMode(int mode) { m_printMode = mode; }
+ virtual int GetPrintMode() const { return m_printMode; }
+ // implementation only
+ void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event);
+ void OnEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnQueryEndSession(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ // Send idle event to all top-level windows.
+ // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
+ bool SendIdleEvents();
+ // Send idle event to window and all subwindows
+ // Returns TRUE if more idle time is requested.
+ bool SendIdleEvents(wxWindowMac* win);
+ // Windows only, but for compatibility...
+ inline void SetAuto3D(bool flag) { m_auto3D = flag; }
+ inline bool GetAuto3D() const { return m_auto3D; }
- bool m_showOnInit;
- int m_printMode; // wxPRINT_WINDOWS, wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT
- bool m_auto3D ; // Always use 3D controls, except
- // where overriden
+ bool m_showOnInit;
+ int m_printMode; // wxPRINT_WINDOWS, wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT
+ bool m_auto3D ; // Always use 3D controls, except
+ // where overriden
- // Implementation
- static bool Initialize();
- static void CleanUp();
+ // Implementation
+ static bool Initialize();
+ static void CleanUp();
+ void DeletePendingObjects();
+ bool ProcessIdle();
+ bool IsExiting() { return !m_keepGoing ; }
+ static long sm_lastMessageTime;
+ static wxWindow* s_captureWindow ;
+ static int s_lastMouseDown ; // 0 = none , 1 = left , 2 = right
+ static WXHRGN s_macCursorRgn ;
+ WXEVENTREF m_macCurrentEvent ;
+ int m_nCmdShow;
+ bool m_keepGoing ;
- void DeletePendingObjects();
- bool ProcessIdle();
- bool IsExiting() { return !m_keepGoing ; }
+ // mac specifics
- static long sm_lastMessageTime;
- static wxWindow* s_captureWindow ;
- static int s_lastMouseDown ; // 0 = none , 1 = left , 2 = right
- static RgnHandle s_macCursorRgn ;
- EventRecord* m_macCurrentEvent ;
+ static bool s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ;
+ static bool s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts ;
+ static long s_macAboutMenuItemId ;
+ static wxString s_macHelpMenuTitleName ;
+ static bool s_macHasAppearance ;
+ static long s_macAppearanceVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasNavigation ;
+ static bool s_macNavigationVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasWindowManager ;
+ static long s_macWindowManagerVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasMenuManager ;
+ static long s_macMenuManagerVersion ;
+ static bool s_macHasDialogManager ;
+ static long s_macDialogManagerVersion ;
+ WXHRGN m_macCursorRgn ;
+ WXHRGN m_macSleepRgn ;
+ WXHRGN m_macHelpRgn ;
+ virtual void MacSuspend( bool convertClipboard ) ;
+ virtual void MacResume( bool convertClipboard ) ;
+ virtual void MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
+ virtual void MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
+ // event main methods
+ void MacDoOneEvent() ;
+ void MacHandleOneEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ WXEVENTREF MacGetCurrentEvent() { return m_macCurrentEvent ; }
- int m_nCmdShow;
- bool m_keepGoing ;
-// mac specifics
-public :
- static bool s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ;
- static bool s_macSupportPCMenuShortcuts ;
- static long s_macAboutMenuItemId ;
- static wxString s_macHelpMenuTitleName ;
- static bool s_macHasAppearance ;
- static long s_macAppearanceVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasNavigation ;
- static bool s_macNavigationVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasWindowManager ;
- static long s_macWindowManagerVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasMenuManager ;
- static long s_macMenuManagerVersion ;
- static bool s_macHasDialogManager ;
- static long s_macDialogManagerVersion ;
- RgnHandle m_macCursorRgn ;
- RgnHandle m_macSleepRgn ;
- RgnHandle m_macHelpRgn ;
+ // primary events
- virtual void MacSuspend( bool convertClipboard ) ;
- virtual void MacResume( bool convertClipboard ) ;
- virtual void MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
- virtual void MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMouseDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMouseUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleActivateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleUpdateEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleKeyDownEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleKeyUpEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleDiskEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleOSEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleHighLevelEvent( WXEVENTREF ev ) ;
+ virtual void MacHandleMenuSelect( int menuid , int menuitem ) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEODoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEPDoc(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEOApp(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
+ virtual short MacHandleAEQuit(const WXAPPLEEVENTREF event , WXAPPLEEVENTREF reply) ;
- // event main methods
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxStAppResource
+ wxStAppResource() ;
+ ~wxStAppResource() ;
- void MacDoOneEvent() ;
- void MacHandleOneEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- EventRecord* MacGetCurrentEvent() { return m_macCurrentEvent ; }
- // primary events
- virtual void MacHandleMouseDownEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleMouseUpEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleActivateEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleUpdateEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleKeyDownEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleKeyUpEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleDiskEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleOSEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleHighLevelEvent( EventRecord *ev ) ;
- virtual void MacHandleMenuSelect( int menuid , int menuitem ) ;
- virtual OSErr MacHandleAEODoc(const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply) ;
- virtual OSErr MacHandleAEPDoc(const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply) ;
- virtual OSErr MacHandleAEOApp(const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply) ;
- virtual OSErr MacHandleAEQuit(const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply) ;
+ // opaque pointer for CFragInitBlock
+ static void OpenSharedLibraryResource(const void *) ;
+ static void CloseSharedLibraryResource() ;
+ short m_currentRefNum ;
+} ;
// TODO: add platform-specific arguments
int WXDLLEXPORT wxEntry( int argc, char *argv[] , bool enterLoop = TRUE);
wxString wxMacMakePCStringFromMac( const char * p ) ;
// converts this string into a pascal with optional pc 2 mac encoding
-void wxMacStringToPascal( const char * from , StringPtr to , bool pc2macEncoding ) ;
+void wxMacStringToPascal( const char * from , unsigned char* to , bool pc2macEncoding ) ;
// converts this string into a pascal with pc 2 mac encoding if s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC
-inline void wxMacStringToPascal( const char * from , StringPtr to )
+inline void wxMacStringToPascal( const char * from , unsigned char* to )
{ wxMacStringToPascal( from , to , wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ) ; }
// converts this string into a pascal with optional mac 2 pc encoding
-wxString wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( StringPtr from , bool mac2pcEncoding ) ;
+wxString wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( unsigned char* from , bool mac2pcEncoding ) ;
// converts this pascal string into a wxString with pc 2 mac encoding if s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC
-inline wxString wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( StringPtr from )
+inline wxString wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( unsigned char* from )
{ return wxMacMakeStringFromPascal( from , wxApp::s_macDefaultEncodingIsPC ) ; }
// converts this c string into a wxString with optional mac 2 pc encoding