/* function is called. */
-uint32 TIFF_WriteOverview( TIFF *hTIFF, int nXSize, int nYSize,
+uint32 TIFF_WriteOverview( TIFF *hTIFF, uint32 nXSize, uint32 nYSize,
int nBitsPerPixel, int nPlanarConfig, int nSamples,
int nBlockXSize, int nBlockYSize,
int bTiled, int nCompressFlag, int nPhotometric,
int nHorSubsampling, int nVerSubsampling )
- uint32 nBaseDirOffset;
- uint32 nOffset;
+ toff_t nBaseDirOffset;
+ toff_t nOffset;
+ (void) bUseSubIFDs;
nBaseDirOffset = TIFFCurrentDirOffset( hTIFF );
static void
TIFF_GetSourceSamples( double * padfSamples, unsigned char *pabySrc,
int nPixelBytes, int nSampleFormat,
- int nXSize, int nYSize,
+ uint32 nXSize, uint32 nYSize,
int nPixelOffset, int nLineOffset )
- int iXOff, iYOff, iSample;
+ uint32 iXOff, iYOff;
+ int iSample;
iSample = 0;
void TIFF_DownSample( unsigned char *pabySrcTile,
- int nBlockXSize, int nBlockYSize,
+ uint32 nBlockXSize, uint32 nBlockYSize,
int nPixelSkewBits, int nBitsPerPixel,
unsigned char * pabyOTile,
- int nOBlockXSize, int nOBlockYSize,
- int nTXOff, int nTYOff, int nOMult,
+ uint32 nOBlockXSize, uint32 nOBlockYSize,
+ uint32 nTXOff, uint32 nTYOff, int nOMult,
int nSampleFormat, const char * pszResampling )
- int i, j, k, nPixelBytes = (nBitsPerPixel) / 8;
+ uint32 i, j;
+ int k, nPixelBytes = (nBitsPerPixel) / 8;
int nPixelGroupBytes = (nBitsPerPixel+nPixelSkewBits)/8;
unsigned char *pabySrc, *pabyDst;
double *padfSamples;
for( i = 0; i*nOMult < nBlockXSize; i++ )
double dfTotal;
- int iSample;
- int nXSize, nYSize;
+ uint32 nXSize, nYSize, iSample;
if( i + nTXOff >= nOBlockXSize )
- nXSize = MIN(nOMult,nBlockXSize-i);
- nYSize = MIN(nOMult,nBlockYSize-j);
+ nXSize = MIN((uint32)nOMult,nBlockXSize-i);
+ nYSize = MIN((uint32)nOMult,nBlockYSize-j);
TIFF_GetSourceSamples( padfSamples, pabySrc,
nPixelBytes, nSampleFormat,
free( padfSamples );
+/* TIFF_DownSample_Subsampled() */
void TIFF_DownSample_Subsampled( unsigned char *pabySrcTile, int nSample,
- int nBlockXSize, int nBlockYSize,
+ uint32 nBlockXSize, uint32 nBlockYSize,
unsigned char * pabyOTile,
- int nOBlockXSize, int nOBlockYSize,
- int nTXOff, int nTYOff, int nOMult,
- const char * pszResampling,
+ uint32 nOBlockXSize, uint32 nOBlockYSize,
+ uint32 nTXOff, uint32 nTYOff, int nOMult,
+ const char *pszResampling,
int nHorSubsampling, int nVerSubsampling )
/* TODO: test with variety of subsampling values, and incovinient tile/strip sizes */
- int nSampleBlockSize;
+ int nSampleBlockSize;
int nSourceSampleRowSize;
int nDestSampleRowSize;
- int nSourceX, nSourceY;
- int nSourceXSec, nSourceYSec;
- int nSourceXSecEnd, nSourceYSecEnd;
- int nDestX, nDestY;
+ uint32 nSourceX, nSourceY;
+ uint32 nSourceXSec, nSourceYSec;
+ uint32 nSourceXSecEnd, nSourceYSecEnd;
+ uint32 nDestX, nDestY;
int nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock;
- unsigned char * pSourceBase;
- unsigned char * pDestBase;
- int nSourceBaseInc;
- unsigned char * pSourceBaseEnd;
unsigned int nCummulator;
unsigned int nCummulatorCount;
nSampleBlockSize = nHorSubsampling * nVerSubsampling + 2;
- nSourceSampleRowSize = ( ( nBlockXSize + nHorSubsampling - 1 ) / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize;
- nDestSampleRowSize = ( ( nOBlockXSize + nHorSubsampling - 1 ) / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize;
+ nSourceSampleRowSize =
+ ( ( nBlockXSize + nHorSubsampling - 1 ) / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize;
+ nDestSampleRowSize =
+ ( ( nOBlockXSize + nHorSubsampling - 1 ) / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize;
if( strncmp(pszResampling,"nearest",4) == 0
- || strncmp(pszResampling,"NEAR",4) == 0 )
- {
+ || strncmp(pszResampling,"NEAR",4) == 0 )
+ {
if( nSample == 0 )
- /*
- * This version is not optimized, and should not be used except as documentation and as more clear
- * starting point for bug fixes (hope not) and extension
- */
- for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = nTYOff; nSourceY < nBlockYSize; nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
- {
- for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = nTXOff; nSourceX < nBlockXSize; nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = nTYOff;
+ nSourceY < nBlockYSize;
+ nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
+ {
+ if( nDestY >= nOBlockYSize )
+ break;
+ for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = nTXOff;
+ nSourceX < nBlockXSize;
+ nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ if( nDestX >= nOBlockXSize )
+ break;
* ( pabyOTile + ( nDestY / nVerSubsampling ) * nDestSampleRowSize
- + ( nDestY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
- + ( nDestX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nDestX % nHorSubsampling ) ) =
+ + ( nDestY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
+ + ( nDestX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
+ + ( nDestX % nHorSubsampling ) ) =
* ( pabySrcTile + ( nSourceY / nVerSubsampling ) * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + ( nSourceY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
- + ( nSourceX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nSourceX % nHorSubsampling ) );
+ + ( nSourceY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
+ + ( nSourceX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
+ + ( nSourceX % nHorSubsampling ) );
- for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = nTYOff; nSourceY < nBlockYSize; nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
- {
- pSourceBase = pabySrcTile + ( nSourceY / nVerSubsampling ) * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + ( nSourceY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling;
- pDestBase = pabyOTile + ( nDestY / nVerSubsampling ) * nDestSampleRowSize
- + ( nDestY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling;
- for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = nTXOff; nSourceX < nBlockXSize; nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
- {
- * ( pDestBase + ( nDestX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nDestX % nHorSubsampling ) ) =
- * ( pSourceBase + ( nSourceX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nSourceX % nHorSubsampling ) );
- }
- }
- /*
- * This version is not optimized, and should not be used except as documentation and as more clear
- * starting point for bug fixes (hope not) and extension
- */
nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock = nHorSubsampling * nVerSubsampling + nSample - 1;
- for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = ( nTYOff / nVerSubsampling ); nSourceY < ( nBlockYSize / nVerSubsampling );
- nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
+ for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = ( nTYOff / nVerSubsampling );
+ nSourceY < ( nBlockYSize / nVerSubsampling );
+ nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
- for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = ( nTXOff / nHorSubsampling ); nSourceX < ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling );
- nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ if( nDestY*nVerSubsampling >= nOBlockYSize )
+ break;
+ for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = ( nTXOff / nHorSubsampling );
+ nSourceX < ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling );
+ nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ if( nDestX*nHorSubsampling >= nOBlockXSize )
+ break;
* ( pabyOTile + nDestY * nDestSampleRowSize
- + nDestX * nSampleBlockSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock ) =
+ + nDestX * nSampleBlockSize
+ + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock ) =
* ( pabySrcTile + nSourceY * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + nSourceX * nSampleBlockSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock );
+ + nSourceX * nSampleBlockSize
+ + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock );
- nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock = nHorSubsampling * nVerSubsampling + nSample - 1;
- nSourceBaseInc = nOMult * nSampleBlockSize;
- for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = ( nTYOff / nVerSubsampling ); nSourceY < ( nBlockYSize / nVerSubsampling);
- nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
- {
- pSourceBase = pabySrcTile + nSourceY * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock;
- pSourceBaseEnd = pSourceBase + ( ( ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling ) + nOMult - 1 ) / nOMult ) * nSourceBaseInc;
- pDestBase = pabyOTile + nDestY * nDestSampleRowSize
- + ( nTXOff / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock;
- for( ; pSourceBase < pSourceBaseEnd; pSourceBase += nSourceBaseInc, pDestBase += nSampleBlockSize)
- * pDestBase = * pSourceBase;
- }
else if( strncmp(pszResampling,"averag",6) == 0
- || strncmp(pszResampling,"AVERAG",6) == 0 )
+ || strncmp(pszResampling,"AVERAG",6) == 0 )
if( nSample == 0 )
for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = nTYOff; nSourceY < nBlockYSize; nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
+ if( nDestY >= nOBlockYSize )
+ break;
for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = nTXOff; nSourceX < nBlockXSize; nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ if( nDestX >= nOBlockXSize )
+ break;
nSourceXSecEnd = nSourceX + nOMult;
if( nSourceXSecEnd > nBlockXSize )
nSourceXSecEnd = nBlockXSize;
for( nSourceXSec = nSourceX; nSourceXSec < nSourceXSecEnd; nSourceXSec ++)
nCummulator += * ( pabySrcTile + ( nSourceYSec / nVerSubsampling ) * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + ( nSourceYSec % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
- + ( nSourceXSec / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nSourceXSec % nHorSubsampling ) );
+ + ( nSourceYSec % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
+ + ( nSourceXSec / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
+ + ( nSourceXSec % nHorSubsampling ) );
nCummulatorCount = ( nSourceXSecEnd - nSourceX ) * ( nSourceYSecEnd - nSourceY );
* ( pabyOTile + ( nDestY / nVerSubsampling ) * nDestSampleRowSize
- + ( nDestY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
- + ( nDestX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
- + ( nDestX % nHorSubsampling ) ) =
+ + ( nDestY % nVerSubsampling ) * nHorSubsampling
+ + ( nDestX / nHorSubsampling ) * nSampleBlockSize
+ + ( nDestX % nHorSubsampling ) ) =
( ( nCummulator + ( nCummulatorCount >> 1 ) ) / nCummulatorCount );
nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock = nHorSubsampling * nVerSubsampling + nSample - 1;
for( nSourceY = 0, nDestY = ( nTYOff / nVerSubsampling ); nSourceY < ( nBlockYSize / nVerSubsampling );
- nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
+ nSourceY += nOMult, nDestY ++)
+ if( nDestY*nVerSubsampling >= nOBlockYSize )
+ break;
for( nSourceX = 0, nDestX = ( nTXOff / nHorSubsampling ); nSourceX < ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling );
- nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ nSourceX += nOMult, nDestX ++)
+ if( nDestX*nHorSubsampling >= nOBlockXSize )
+ break;
nSourceXSecEnd = nSourceX + nOMult;
if( nSourceXSecEnd > ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling ) )
nSourceXSecEnd = ( nBlockXSize / nHorSubsampling );
for( nSourceXSec = nSourceX; nSourceXSec < nSourceXSecEnd; nSourceXSec ++)
nCummulator += * ( pabySrcTile + nSourceYSec * nSourceSampleRowSize
- + nSourceXSec * nSampleBlockSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock );
+ + nSourceXSec * nSampleBlockSize
+ + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock );
nCummulatorCount = ( nSourceXSecEnd - nSourceX ) * ( nSourceYSecEnd - nSourceY );
* ( pabyOTile + nDestY * nDestSampleRowSize
- + nDestX * nSampleBlockSize
- + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock ) =
+ + nDestX * nSampleBlockSize
+ + nSampleOffsetInSampleBlock ) =
( ( nCummulator + ( nCummulatorCount >> 1 ) ) / nCummulatorCount );
void TIFF_ProcessFullResBlock( TIFF *hTIFF, int nPlanarConfig,
- int bSubsampled, int nHorSubsampling, int nVerSubsampling,
+ int bSubsampled,
+ int nHorSubsampling, int nVerSubsampling,
int nOverviews, int * panOvList,
int nBitsPerPixel,
int nSamples, TIFFOvrCache ** papoRawBIs,
- int nSXOff, int nSYOff,
+ uint32 nSXOff, uint32 nSYOff,
unsigned char *pabySrcTile,
- int nBlockXSize, int nBlockYSize,
+ uint32 nBlockXSize, uint32 nBlockYSize,
int nSampleFormat, const char * pszResampling )
TIFFOvrCache *poRBI = papoRawBIs[iOverview];
unsigned char *pabyOTile;
- int nTXOff, nTYOff, nOXOff, nOYOff, nOMult;
- int nOBlockXSize = poRBI->nBlockXSize;
- int nOBlockYSize = poRBI->nBlockYSize;
- int nSkewBits, nSampleByteOffset;
+ uint32 nTXOff, nTYOff, nOXOff, nOYOff, nOMult;
+ uint32 nOBlockXSize = poRBI->nBlockXSize;
+ uint32 nOBlockYSize = poRBI->nBlockYSize;
+ int nSkewBits, nSampleByteOffset;
* Fetch the destination overview tile
uint16 *panRedMap, *panGreenMap, *panBlueMap;
TIFFErrorHandler pfnWarning;
+ (void) pfnProgress;
+ (void) pProgressData;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Get the base raster size. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
for( i = 0; i < nOverviews; i++ )
- int nOXSize, nOYSize, nOBlockXSize, nOBlockYSize;
- uint32 nDirOffset;
+ uint32 nOXSize, nOYSize, nOBlockXSize, nOBlockYSize;
+ toff_t nDirOffset;
nOXSize = (nXSize + panOvList[i] - 1) / panOvList[i];
nOYSize = (nYSize + panOvList[i] - 1) / panOvList[i];
- nOBlockXSize = MIN((int)nBlockXSize,nOXSize);
- nOBlockYSize = MIN((int)nBlockYSize,nOYSize);
+ nOBlockXSize = MIN(nBlockXSize,nOXSize);
+ nOBlockYSize = MIN(nBlockYSize,nOYSize);
if( bTiled )
+ * Local Variables:
+ * mode: c
+ * c-basic-offset: 8
+ * fill-column: 78
+ * End:
+ */