#pragma implementation "window.h"
-#ifdef __VMS
-#define XtDisplay XTDISPLAY
-#define XtWindow XTWINDOW
-#define XtScreen XTSCREEN
#include "wx/setup.h"
#include "wx/menu.h"
#include "wx/dc.h"
#include "wx/dnd.h"
-#ifdef __VMS__
-#pragma message disable nosimpint
-#include <Xm/Xm.h>
-#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
-#include <Xm/ScrolledW.h>
-#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
-#include <Xm/Frame.h>
-#include <Xm/Label.h>
-#include <Xm/RowColumn.h> // for XmMenuPosition
-#ifdef __VMS__
-#pragma message enable nosimpint
-#include "wx/motif/private.h"
+#include "wx/x11/private.h"
+#include "X11/Xutil.h"
#include <string.h>
extern wxHashTable *wxWidgetHashTable;
static wxWindow* g_captureWindow = NULL;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// private functions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-static void wxCanvasRepaintProc(Widget, XtPointer, XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * cbs);
-static void wxCanvasInputEvent(Widget drawingArea, XtPointer data, XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * cbs);
-static void wxCanvasMotionEvent(Widget, XButtonEvent * event);
-static void wxCanvasEnterLeave(Widget drawingArea, XtPointer clientData, XCrossingEvent * event);
-static void wxScrollBarCallback(Widget widget, XtPointer clientData,
- XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *cbs);
-static void wxPanelItemEventHandler(Widget wid,
- XtPointer client_data,
- XEvent* event,
- Boolean *continueToDispatch);
-// unused for now
-#if 0
-// Helper function for 16-bit fonts
-static int str16len(const char *s)
- int count = 0;
- while (s[0] && s[1]) {
- count++;
- s += 2;
- }
- return count;
-#endif // 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// event tables
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxWindow, wxWindowBase)
+IMPLEMENT_ABSTRACT_CLASS(wxWindowX11, wxWindowBase)
- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWindow, wxWindowBase)
- EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(wxWindow::OnSysColourChanged)
- EVT_IDLE(wxWindow::OnIdle)
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxWindowX11, wxWindowBase)
+ EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(wxWindowX11::OnSysColourChanged)
+ EVT_IDLE(wxWindowX11::OnIdle)
// ============================================================================
// implementation
// helper functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWindow::UnmanageAndDestroy(WXWidget widget)
- Widget w = (Widget)widget;
- if ( w )
- {
- XtUnmanageChild(w);
- XtDestroyWidget(w);
- }
-bool wxWindow::MapOrUnmap(WXWidget widget, bool map)
- Widget w = (Widget)widget;
- if ( !w )
- return FALSE;
- if ( map )
- XtMapWidget(w);
- else
- XtUnmapWidget(w);
- return TRUE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constructors
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWindow::Init()
+void wxWindowX11::Init()
// generic initializations first
- // Motif-specific
- m_needsRefresh = TRUE;
- m_mainWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
- m_button1Pressed =
- m_button2Pressed =
- m_button3Pressed = FALSE;
+ // X11-specific
+ m_mainWidget = (WXWindow) 0;
m_winCaptured = FALSE;
m_isShown = TRUE;
m_isBeingDeleted = FALSE;
- m_hScrollBar =
- m_vScrollBar =
- m_borderWidget =
- m_scrolledWindow =
- m_drawingArea = (WXWidget) 0;
- m_hScroll =
- m_vScroll = FALSE;
- m_scrollPosX =
- m_scrollPosY = 0;
- m_backingPixmap = (WXPixmap) 0;
- m_pixmapWidth =
- m_pixmapHeight = 0;
- m_pixmapOffsetX =
- m_pixmapOffsetY = 0;
m_lastTS = 0;
m_lastButton = 0;
- m_canAddEventHandler = FALSE;
// real construction (Init() must have been called before!)
-bool wxWindow::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
+bool wxWindowX11::Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
long style,
+ int w = size.GetWidth();
+ int h = size.GetHeight();
+ int x = size.GetX();
+ int y = size.GetY();
+ if (w == -1) w = 20;
+ if (h == -1) h = 20;
+ if (x == -1) x = 0;
+ if (y == -1) y = 0;
+ Display *xdisplay = (Display*) wxGlobalDisplay();
+ int xscreen = DefaultScreen( xdisplay );
+ Colormap cm = DefaultColormap( xdisplay, xscreen );
m_backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
+ m_backgroundColour.CalcPixel( (WXColormap) cm );
+ m_hasBgCol = TRUE;
m_foregroundColour = *wxBLACK;
- //// TODO: we should probably optimize by only creating a
- //// a drawing area if we have one or more scrollbars (wxVSCROLL/wxHSCROLL).
- //// But for now, let's simplify things by always creating the
- //// drawing area, since otherwise the translations are different.
- // New translations for getting mouse motion feedback
- static const String translations =
-"<Btn1Motion>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetButtonMotion()\n\
-<Btn2Motion>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetButtonMotion()\n\
-<Btn3Motion>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetButtonMotion()\n\
-<BtnMotion>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetButtonMotion()\n\
-<Btn1Down>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetArm()\n\
-<Btn2Down>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetArm()\n\
-<Btn3Down>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetArm()\n\
-<Btn1Up>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetActivate()\n\
-<Btn2Up>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetActivate()\n\
-<Btn3Up>: DrawingAreaInput() ManagerGadgetActivate()\n\
-<Motion>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput()\n\
-<EnterWindow>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput()\n\
-<LeaveWindow>: wxCanvasMotionEvent() DrawingAreaInput()\n\
-<Key>: DrawingAreaInput()";
- XtActionsRec actions[1];
- actions[0].string = "wxCanvasMotionEvent";
- actions[0].proc = (XtActionProc) wxCanvasMotionEvent;
- XtAppAddActions ((XtAppContext) wxTheApp->GetAppContext(), actions, 1);
- Widget parentWidget = (Widget) parent->GetClientWidget();
+ m_foregroundColour.CalcPixel( (WXColormap) cm );
- if (style & wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
- {
- m_borderWidget = (WXWidget)XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- (
- "canvasBorder",
- xmFrameWidgetClass, parentWidget,
- XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_IN,
- XmNshadowThickness, 1,
- );
- } else if (style & wxSUNKEN_BORDER)
- {
- m_borderWidget = (WXWidget)XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- (
- "canvasBorder",
- xmFrameWidgetClass, parentWidget,
- XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_IN,
- );
- } else if (style & wxRAISED_BORDER)
- {
- m_borderWidget = (WXWidget)XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- (
- "canvasBorder",
- xmFrameWidgetClass, parentWidget,
- XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_OUT,
- );
- }
- m_scrolledWindow = (WXWidget)XtVaCreateManagedWidget
- (
- "scrolledWindow",
- xmScrolledWindowWidgetClass,
- m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget
- : parentWidget,
- XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE,
- XmNspacing, 0,
- XmNscrollingPolicy, XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED,
- //XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy, XmAS_NEEDED,
- );
- XtTranslations ptr = XtParseTranslationTable(translations);
- m_drawingArea = (WXWidget)XtVaCreateWidget
- (
- name,
- xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNunitType, XmPIXELS,
- // XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY,
- XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE,
- XmNmarginHeight, 0,
- XmNmarginWidth, 0,
- XmNtranslations, ptr,
- );
- XtFree((char *) ptr);
-#if 0
- if (GetWindowStyleFlag() & wxOVERRIDE_KEY_TRANSLATIONS)
- {
- ptr = XtParseTranslationTable ("<Key>: DrawingAreaInput()");
- XtOverrideTranslations ((Widget) m_drawingArea, ptr);
- XtFree ((char *) ptr);
- }
-#endif // 0
- wxAddWindowToTable((Widget) m_drawingArea, this);
- wxAddWindowToTable((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, this);
+ Window parentWindow = (Window) parent->GetMainWindow();
- // This order is very important in Motif 1.2.1
- XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_drawingArea);
- XtManageChild ((Widget) m_drawingArea);
+ Window window = XCreateSimpleWindow(
+ xdisplay, parentWindow,
+ x, y, w, h, 0,
+ m_backgroundColour.GetPixel(),
+ m_backgroundColour.GetPixel() );
+ m_mainWidget = (WXWindow) window;
- ptr = XtParseTranslationTable("<Configure>: resize()");
- XtOverrideTranslations((Widget) m_drawingArea, ptr);
- XtFree ((char *) ptr);
+ // Select event types wanted
+ XSelectInput(wxGlobalDisplay(), window,
+ ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
+ ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask |
+ KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | ColormapChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask |
+ PropertyChangeMask);
- XtAddCallback ((Widget) m_drawingArea, XmNexposeCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxCanvasRepaintProc, (XtPointer) this);
- XtAddCallback ((Widget) m_drawingArea, XmNinputCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxCanvasInputEvent, (XtPointer) this);
- // TODO?
-#if 0
- display = XtDisplay (scrolledWindow);
- xwindow = XtWindow (drawingArea);
-#endif // 0
- XtAddEventHandler(
- (Widget)m_drawingArea,
- PointerMotionHintMask | EnterWindowMask |
- LeaveWindowMask | FocusChangeMask,
- False,
- (XtEventHandler) wxCanvasEnterLeave,
- (XtPointer) this
- );
- // Scrolled widget needs to have its colour changed or we get a little blue
- // square where the scrollbars abutt
- wxColour backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_scrolledWindow, backgroundColour, TRUE);
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_drawingArea, backgroundColour, TRUE);
- XmScrolledWindowSetAreas(
- (Widget)m_scrolledWindow,
- (Widget) 0, (Widget) 0,
- (Widget) m_drawingArea);
+ wxAddWindowToTable(window, (wxWindow*) this);
-#if 0
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- XtRealizeWidget ((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
-#endif // 0
+ // Is a subwindow, so map immediately
+ m_isShown = TRUE;
+ XMapWindow(wxGlobalDisplay(), window);
// Without this, the cursor may not be restored properly (e.g. in splitter
// sample).
// Destructor
if (g_captureWindow == this)
g_captureWindow = NULL;
m_isBeingDeleted = TRUE;
- // Motif-specific actions first
- WXWidget wMain = GetMainWidget();
- if ( wMain )
+ // X11-specific actions first
+ Window main = (Window) m_mainWidget;
+ if ( main )
// Removes event handlers
- DetachWidget(wMain);
+ //DetachWidget(main);
- ClearUpdateRects();
- if ( m_parent )
+ if (m_parent)
m_parent->RemoveChild( this );
- // If m_drawingArea, we're a fully-fledged window with drawing area,
- // scrollbars etc. (what wxCanvas used to be)
- if ( m_drawingArea )
- {
- // Destroy children before destroying self
- DestroyChildren();
- if (m_backingPixmap)
- XFreePixmap (XtDisplay ((Widget) GetMainWidget()), (Pixmap) m_backingPixmap);
- Widget w = (Widget) m_drawingArea;
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable(w);
- if (w)
- {
- XtDestroyWidget(w);
- m_drawingArea = (WXWidget) 0;
- }
- // Only if we're _really_ a canvas (not a dialog box/panel)
- if (m_scrolledWindow)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- }
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- XtUnmanageChild((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- }
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- XtUnmanageChild((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- }
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- XtDestroyWidget((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- XtDestroyWidget((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- UnmanageAndDestroy(m_scrolledWindow);
- if (m_borderWidget)
- {
- XtDestroyWidget ((Widget) m_borderWidget);
- m_borderWidget = (WXWidget) 0;
- }
- }
- else // Why wasn't this here before? JACS 8/3/2000
- DestroyChildren();
+ DestroyChildren();
// Destroy the window
- if (GetMainWidget())
- {
- // If this line (XtDestroyWidget) causes a crash, you may comment it out.
- // Child widgets will get destroyed automatically when a frame
- // or dialog is destroyed, but before that you may get some memory
- // leaks and potential layout problems if you delete and then add
- // child windows.
- // GRG, Feb/2000: commented this out when adding support for
- // wxSCROLL[WIN]_THUMBRELEASE events. Also it was reported
- // that this call crashed wxMotif under OS/2, so it seems
- // that leaving it out is the right thing to do.
- // SN, Feb/2000: newgrid/griddemo shows why it is needed :-(
- XtDestroyWidget((Widget) GetMainWidget());
- SetMainWidget((WXWidget) NULL);
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// scrollbar management
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Helper function
-void wxWindow::CreateScrollbar(wxOrientation orientation)
- wxCHECK_RET( m_drawingArea, "this window can't have scrollbars" );
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE, NULL);
- // Add scrollbars if required
- if (orientation == wxHORIZONTAL)
- {
- Widget hScrollBar = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("hsb",
- xmScrollBarWidgetClass, (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNdragCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNincrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNdecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNpageIncrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNpageDecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNtoTopCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtAddCallback (hScrollBar, XmNtoBottomCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmHORIZONTAL);
- XtVaSetValues (hScrollBar,
- XmNincrement, 1,
- XmNvalue, 0,
- NULL);
- m_hScrollBar = (WXWidget) hScrollBar;
- wxColour backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_hScrollBar, backgroundColour, TRUE);
- XtRealizeWidget(hScrollBar);
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNhorizontalScrollBar, (Widget) m_hScrollBar,
- NULL);
- m_hScroll = TRUE;
- wxAddWindowToTable( hScrollBar, this );
- }
- if (orientation == wxVERTICAL)
- {
- Widget vScrollBar = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("vsb",
- xmScrollBarWidgetClass, (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNdragCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNincrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNdecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNpageIncrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNpageDecrementCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNtoTopCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtAddCallback (vScrollBar, XmNtoBottomCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wxScrollBarCallback, (XtPointer) XmVERTICAL);
- XtVaSetValues (vScrollBar,
- XmNincrement, 1,
- XmNvalue, 0,
- NULL);
- m_vScrollBar = (WXWidget) vScrollBar;
- wxColour backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_vScrollBar, backgroundColour, TRUE);
- XtRealizeWidget(vScrollBar);
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNverticalScrollBar, (Widget) m_vScrollBar,
- NULL);
- m_vScroll = TRUE;
- wxAddWindowToTable( vScrollBar, this );
- }
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY, NULL);
-void wxWindow::DestroyScrollbar(wxOrientation orientation)
- wxCHECK_RET( m_drawingArea, "this window can't have scrollbars" );
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE, NULL);
- // Add scrollbars if required
- if (orientation == wxHORIZONTAL)
- {
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget)m_hScrollBar);
- XtDestroyWidget((Widget) m_hScrollBar);
- }
- m_hScrollBar = (WXWidget) 0;
- m_hScroll = FALSE;
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNhorizontalScrollBar, (Widget) 0,
- NULL);
- }
- if (orientation == wxVERTICAL)
+ if (main)
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- {
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget)m_vScrollBar);
- XtDestroyWidget((Widget) m_vScrollBar);
- }
- m_vScrollBar = (WXWidget) 0;
- m_vScroll = FALSE;
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNverticalScrollBar, (Widget) 0,
- NULL);
+ XSelectInput( wxGlobalDisplay(), main, NoEventMask);
+ wxDeleteWindowFromTable( main );
+ XDestroyWindow( wxGlobalDisplay(), main );
+ m_mainWidget = NULL;
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY, NULL);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// basic operations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWindow::SetFocus()
+void wxWindowX11::SetFocus()
- Widget wMain = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
- XmProcessTraversal(wMain, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
- XmProcessTraversal((Widget) GetMainWidget(), XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
+ Window wMain = (Window) GetMainWindow();
+ if (wMain)
+ {
+ XSetInputFocus(wxGlobalDisplay(), wMain, RevertToParent, CurrentTime);
+ XWMHints wmhints;
+ wmhints.flags = InputHint;
+ wmhints.input = True;
+ XSetWMHints(wxGlobalDisplay(), wMain, &wmhints);
+ }
// Get the window with the focus
wxWindow *wxWindowBase::FindFocus()
- // TODO Problems:
- // (1) Can there be multiple focussed widgets in an application?
- // In which case we need to find the top-level window that's
- // currently active.
- // (2) The widget with the focus may not be in the widget table
- // depending on which widgets I put in the table
- wxWindow *winFocus = (wxWindow *)NULL;
- for ( wxWindowList::Node *node = wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst();
- node;
- node = node->GetNext() )
- {
- wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
+ Window wFocus = (Window) 0;
+ int revert = 0;
- Widget w = XmGetFocusWidget ((Widget) win->GetTopWidget());
- if (w != (Widget) NULL)
+ XGetInputFocus(wxGlobalDisplay(), & wFocus, & revert);
+ if (wFocus)
+ {
+ wxWindow *win = NULL;
+ do
- winFocus = wxGetWindowFromTable(w);
- if ( winFocus )
- break;
- }
+ win = wxGetWindowFromTable(wFocus);
+ wFocus = wxGetWindowParent(wFocus);
+ } while (wFocus && !win);
+ return win;
- return winFocus;
+ return NULL;
-bool wxWindow::Enable(bool enable)
+// Enabling/disabling handled by event loop, and not sending events
+// if disabled.
+bool wxWindowX11::Enable(bool enable)
if ( !wxWindowBase::Enable(enable) )
return FALSE;
- Widget wMain = (Widget)GetMainWidget();
- if ( wMain )
- {
- XtSetSensitive(wMain, enable);
- XmUpdateDisplay(wMain);
- }
return TRUE;
-bool wxWindow::Show(bool show)
+bool wxWindowX11::Show(bool show)
- if ( !wxWindowBase::Show(show) )
- return FALSE;
- if (m_borderWidget || m_scrolledWindow)
- {
- MapOrUnmap(m_drawingArea, show);
- MapOrUnmap(m_borderWidget ? m_borderWidget : m_scrolledWindow, show);
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !MapOrUnmap(GetTopWidget(), show) )
- MapOrUnmap(GetMainWidget(), show);
- }
+ wxWindowBase::Show(show);
-#if 0
Window xwin = (Window) GetXWindow();
Display *xdisp = (Display*) GetXDisplay();
if (show)
+ {
+ wxString msg;
+ msg.Printf("Mapping window of type %s", GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
+ wxLogDebug(msg);
XMapWindow(xdisp, xwin);
+ XSync(xdisp, False);
+ }
+ {
+ wxString msg;
+ msg.Printf("Unmapping window of type %s", GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
+ wxLogDebug(msg);
XUnmapWindow(xdisp, xwin);
+ }
return TRUE;
// Raise the window to the top of the Z order
-void wxWindow::Raise()
+void wxWindowX11::Raise()
- Widget wTop = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- Window window = XtWindow(wTop);
- XRaiseWindow(XtDisplay(wTop), window);
+ if (m_mainWidget)
+ XRaiseWindow( wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) m_mainWidget );
// Lower the window to the bottom of the Z order
-void wxWindow::Lower()
- Widget wTop = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- Window window = XtWindow(wTop);
- XLowerWindow(XtDisplay(wTop), window);
-void wxWindow::SetTitle(const wxString& title)
+void wxWindowX11::Lower()
- XtVaSetValues((Widget)GetMainWidget(), XmNtitle, title.c_str(), NULL);
+ if (m_mainWidget)
+ XLowerWindow( wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) m_mainWidget );
-wxString wxWindow::GetTitle() const
+void wxWindowX11::DoCaptureMouse()
- char *title;
- XtVaGetValues((Widget)GetMainWidget(), XmNtitle, &title, NULL);
- return wxString(title);
+ if ((g_captureWindow != NULL) && (g_captureWindow != this))
+ {
+ wxASSERT_MSG(FALSE, "Trying to capture before mouse released.");
-void wxWindow::DoCaptureMouse()
- g_captureWindow = this;
+ // Core dump now
+ int *tmp = NULL;
+ (*tmp) = 1;
+ return;
+ }
if ( m_winCaptured )
- Widget wMain = (Widget)GetMainWidget();
- if ( wMain )
- XtAddGrab(wMain, TRUE, FALSE);
+ g_captureWindow = (wxWindow*) this;
+ if (GetMainWindow())
+ {
+ int res = XGrabPointer(wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+ ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ None,
+ None, /* cursor */ // TODO: This may need to be set to the cursor of this window
+ CurrentTime);
+ if (res != GrabSuccess)
+ {
+ wxString msg;
+ msg.Printf("Failed to grab pointer for window %s", this->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
+ wxLogDebug(msg);
+ if (res == GrabNotViewable)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug("This is not a viewable window - perhaps not shown yet?");
+ }
+ g_captureWindow = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ wxLogDebug("Grabbed pointer");
+#if 0
+ res = XGrabButton(wxGlobalDisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier,
+ (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+ ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ None,
+ None);
+ if (res != GrabSuccess)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug("Failed to grab mouse buttons.");
+ XUngrabPointer(wxGlobalDisplay(), CurrentTime);
+ return;
+ }
+#if 0
+ res = XGrabKeyboard(wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+#if 0
+ ShiftMask | LockMask | ControlMask | Mod1Mask | Mod2Mask | Mod3Mask | Mod4Mask | Mod5Mask,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ GrabModeAsync,
+ CurrentTime);
- m_winCaptured = TRUE;
+ if (res != GrabSuccess)
+ {
+ wxLogDebug("Failed to grab keyboard.");
+ XUngrabPointer(wxGlobalDisplay(), CurrentTime);
+#if 0
+ XUngrabButton(wxGlobalDisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier,
+ (Window) GetMainWindow());
+ return;
+ }
+ m_winCaptured = TRUE;
+ }
-void wxWindow::DoReleaseMouse()
+void wxWindowX11::DoReleaseMouse()
g_captureWindow = NULL;
if ( !m_winCaptured )
- Widget wMain = (Widget)GetMainWidget();
+ Window wMain = (Window)GetMainWindow();
if ( wMain )
- XtRemoveGrab(wMain);
+ {
+ XUngrabPointer(wxGlobalDisplay(), wMain);
+#if 0
+ XUngrabButton(wxGlobalDisplay(), AnyButton, AnyModifier,
+ wMain);
+ XUngrabKeyboard(wxGlobalDisplay(), CurrentTime);
+ }
+ wxLogDebug("Ungrabbed pointer");
m_winCaptured = FALSE;
-bool wxWindow::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
+bool wxWindowX11::SetFont(const wxFont& font)
if ( !wxWindowBase::SetFont(font) )
return FALSE;
- ChangeFont();
return TRUE;
-bool wxWindow::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
+bool wxWindowX11::SetCursor(const wxCursor& cursor)
if ( !wxWindowBase::SetCursor(cursor) )
return FALSE;
- // wxASSERT_MSG( m_cursor.Ok(),
- // wxT("cursor must be valid after call to the base version"));
wxCursor* cursor2 = NULL;
if (m_cursor.Ok())
cursor2 = & m_cursor;
WXDisplay *dpy = GetXDisplay();
WXCursor x_cursor = cursor2->GetXCursor(dpy);
- Widget w = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
- Window win = XtWindow(w);
+ Window win = (Window) GetMainWindow();
XDefineCursor((Display*) dpy, win, (Cursor) x_cursor);
return TRUE;
// Coordinates relative to the window
-void wxWindow::WarpPointer (int x, int y)
- Widget wClient = (Widget)GetClientWidget();
- XWarpPointer(XtDisplay(wClient), None, XtWindow(wClient), 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// scrolling stuff
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int wxWindow::GetScrollPos(int orient) const
- if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
- return m_scrollPosX;
- else
- return m_scrollPosY;
-#if 0
- Widget scrollBar = (Widget) ((orient == wxHORIZONTAL) ? m_hScrollBar : m_vScrollBar);
- if (scrollBar)
- {
- int pos;
- XtVaGetValues(scrollBar, XmNvalue, &pos, NULL);
- return pos;
- }
- else
- return 0;
-#endif // 0
-// This now returns the whole range, not just the number of positions that we
-// can scroll.
-int wxWindow::GetScrollRange(int orient) const
- Widget scrollBar = (Widget)GetScrollbar((wxOrientation)orient);
- wxCHECK_MSG( scrollBar, 0, "no such scrollbar" );
- int range;
- XtVaGetValues(scrollBar, XmNmaximum, &range, NULL);
- return range;
-int wxWindow::GetScrollThumb(int orient) const
- Widget scrollBar = (Widget)GetScrollbar((wxOrientation)orient);
- wxCHECK_MSG( scrollBar, 0, "no such scrollbar" );
- int thumb;
- XtVaGetValues(scrollBar, XmNsliderSize, &thumb, NULL);
- return thumb;
-void wxWindow::SetScrollPos(int orient, int pos, bool WXUNUSED(refresh))
- Widget scrollBar = (Widget)GetScrollbar((wxOrientation)orient);
- if ( scrollBar )
- {
- XtVaSetValues (scrollBar, XmNvalue, pos, NULL);
- }
- SetInternalScrollPos((wxOrientation)orient, pos);
-// New function that will replace some of the above.
-void wxWindow::SetScrollbar(int orient, int pos, int thumbVisible,
- int range, bool WXUNUSED(refresh))
+void wxWindowX11::WarpPointer (int x, int y)
- int oldW, oldH;
- GetSize(& oldW, & oldH);
- if (range == 0)
- range = 1;
- if (thumbVisible == 0)
- thumbVisible = 1;
- if (thumbVisible > range)
- thumbVisible = range;
- // Save the old state to see if it changed
- WXWidget oldScrollBar = GetScrollbar((wxOrientation)orient);
- if (orient == wxHORIZONTAL)
- {
- if (thumbVisible == range)
- {
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- DestroyScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!m_hScrollBar)
- CreateScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL);
- }
- }
- if (orient == wxVERTICAL)
- {
- if (thumbVisible == range)
- {
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- DestroyScrollbar(wxVERTICAL);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!m_vScrollBar)
- CreateScrollbar(wxVERTICAL);
- }
- }
- WXWidget newScrollBar = GetScrollbar((wxOrientation)orient);
- if (oldScrollBar != newScrollBar)
- {
- // This is important! Without it, scrollbars misbehave badly.
- XtUnrealizeWidget((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XmScrolledWindowSetAreas ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, (Widget) m_hScrollBar, (Widget) m_vScrollBar, (Widget) m_drawingArea);
- XtRealizeWidget((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XtManageChild((Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- }
- if (newScrollBar)
- {
- XtVaSetValues((Widget) newScrollBar,
- XmNvalue, pos,
- XmNminimum, 0,
- XmNmaximum, range,
- XmNsliderSize, thumbVisible,
- NULL);
- }
- SetInternalScrollPos((wxOrientation)orient, pos);
- int newW, newH;
- GetSize(& newW, & newH);
- // Adjusting scrollbars can resize the canvas accidentally
- if (newW != oldW || newH != oldH)
- SetSize(-1, -1, oldW, oldH);
+ if (m_mainWidget)
+ XWarpPointer( wxGlobalDisplay(), None, (Window) m_mainWidget, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);
// Does a physical scroll
-void wxWindow::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect)
+void wxWindowX11::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect)
+#if 0
int x, y, w, h;
if (rect)
x = 0; y = 0;
GetClientSize(& w, & h);
wxNode *cnode = m_children.First();
while (cnode)
wxWindow *child = (wxWindow*) cnode->Data();
- int sx = 0;
- int sy = 0;
- child->GetSize( &sx, &sy );
+ int sx = 0;
+ int sy = 0;
+ child->GetSize( &sx, &sy );
wxPoint pos( child->GetPosition() );
- child->SetSize( pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy, sx, sy, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE );
- cnode = cnode->Next();
+ child->SetSize( pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy, sx, sy, wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE );
+ cnode = cnode->Next();
int x1 = (dx >= 0) ? x : x - dx;
int y1 = (dy >= 0) ? y : y - dy;
int w1 = w - abs(dx);
int h1 = h - abs(dy);
int x2 = (dx >= 0) ? x + dx : x;
int y2 = (dy >= 0) ? y + dy : y;
- wxClientDC dc(this);
+ wxClientDC dc((wxWindow*) this);
dc.SetLogicalFunction (wxCOPY);
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
- Window window = XtWindow(widget);
- Display* display = XtDisplay(widget);
+ Window window = (Window) GetMainWindow();
+ Display* display = wxGlobalDisplay();
XCopyArea(display, window, window, (GC) dc.GetGC(),
- x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2);
+ x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2);
wxBrush brush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
dc.SetBrush(brush); // FIXME: needed?
// We'll add rectangles to the list of update rectangles according to which
// bits we've exposed.
wxList updateRects;
if (dx > 0)
wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
rect->y = y;
rect->width = dx;
rect->height = h;
XFillRectangle(display, window,
(GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
rect->x = rect->x;
rect->y = rect->y;
rect->width = rect->width;
rect->height = rect->height;
updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
else if (dx < 0)
wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
rect->x = x + w + dx;
rect->y = y;
rect->width = -dx;
rect->height = h;
XFillRectangle(display, window,
(GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width,
rect->x = rect->x;
rect->y = rect->y;
rect->width = rect->width;
rect->height = rect->height;
updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
if (dy > 0)
wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
rect->x = x;
rect->y = y;
rect->width = w;
rect->height = dy;
XFillRectangle(display, window,
(GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
rect->x = rect->x;
rect->y = rect->y;
rect->width = rect->width;
rect->height = rect->height;
updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
else if (dy < 0)
wxRect *rect = new wxRect;
rect->x = x;
rect->y = y + h + dy;
rect->width = w;
rect->height = -dy;
XFillRectangle(display, window,
(GC) dc.GetGC(), rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
rect->x = rect->x;
rect->y = rect->y;
rect->width = rect->width;
rect->height = rect->height;
updateRects.Append((wxObject*) rect);
// Now send expose events
wxNode* node = updateRects.First();
while (node)
wxRect* rect = (wxRect*) node->Data();
XExposeEvent event;
event.type = Expose;
event.display = display;
event.send_event = True;
event.window = window;
event.x = rect->x;
event.y = rect->y;
event.width = rect->width;
event.height = rect->height;
event.count = 0;
XSendEvent(display, window, False, ExposureMask, (XEvent *)&event);
node = node->Next();
// Delete the update rects
node = updateRects.First();
while (node)
delete rect;
node = node->Next();
- XmUpdateDisplay((Widget) GetMainWidget());
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWindow::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget * WXUNUSED(pDropTarget))
+void wxWindowX11::SetDropTarget(wxDropTarget * WXUNUSED(pDropTarget))
// Old style file-manager drag&drop
-void wxWindow::DragAcceptFiles(bool WXUNUSED(accept))
+void wxWindowX11::DragAcceptFiles(bool WXUNUSED(accept))
-void wxWindow::DoSetToolTip(wxToolTip * WXUNUSED(tooltip))
+void wxWindowX11::DoSetToolTip(wxToolTip * WXUNUSED(tooltip))
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLTIPS
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// popup menus
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxWindow::DoPopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, int x, int y)
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
- /* The menuId field seems to be usused, so we'll use it to
- indicate whether a menu is popped up or not:
- 0: Not currently created as a popup
- -1: Created as a popup, but not active
- 1: Active popup.
- */
- if (menu->GetParent() && (menu->GetId() != -1))
- return FALSE;
- if (menu->GetMainWidget()) {
- menu->DestroyMenu(TRUE);
- }
- menu->SetId(1); /* Mark as popped-up */
- menu->CreateMenu(NULL, widget, menu);
- menu->SetInvokingWindow(this);
- menu->UpdateUI();
- // menu->SetParent(parent);
- // parent->children->Append(menu); // Store menu for later deletion
- Widget menuWidget = (Widget) menu->GetMainWidget();
- int rootX = 0;
- int rootY = 0;
- int deviceX = x;
- int deviceY = y;
- /*
- if (this->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxCanvas)))
- {
- wxCanvas *canvas = (wxCanvas *) this;
- deviceX = canvas->GetDC ()->LogicalToDeviceX (x);
- deviceY = canvas->GetDC ()->LogicalToDeviceY (y);
- }
- */
- Display *display = XtDisplay (widget);
- Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen (XtScreen((Widget)widget));
- Window thisWindow = XtWindow (widget);
- Window childWindow;
- XTranslateCoordinates (display, thisWindow, rootWindow, (int) deviceX, (int) deviceY,
- &rootX, &rootY, &childWindow);
- XButtonPressedEvent event;
- event.type = ButtonPress;
- event.button = 1;
- event.x = deviceX;
- event.y = deviceY;
- event.x_root = rootX;
- event.y_root = rootY;
- XmMenuPosition (menuWidget, &event);
- XtManageChild (menuWidget);
- return TRUE;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// moving and resizing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxWindow::PreResize()
+bool wxWindowX11::PreResize()
return TRUE;
// Get total size
-void wxWindow::DoGetSize(int *x, int *y) const
+void wxWindowX11::DoGetSize(int *x, int *y) const
- if (m_drawingArea)
+ Window window = (Window) m_mainWidget;
+ if (window)
- CanvasGetSize(x, y);
- return;
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ Status status = XGetWindowAttributes(wxGlobalDisplay(), window, & attr);
+ wxASSERT(status);
+ if (status)
+ {
+ *x = attr.width /* + 2*m_borderSize */ ;
+ *y = attr.height /* + 2*m_borderSize */ ;
+ }
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- Dimension xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- if(x) *x = xx; if(y) *y = yy;
-void wxWindow::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
+void wxWindowX11::DoGetPosition(int *x, int *y) const
- if (m_drawingArea)
- {
- CanvasGetPosition(x, y);
- return;
- }
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- Position xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
- // We may be faking the client origin. So a window that's really at (0, 30)
- // may appear (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
- if (GetParent())
+ Window window = (Window) m_mainWidget;
+ if (window)
- wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
- xx -= pt.x;
- yy -= pt.y;
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ Status status = XGetWindowAttributes(wxGlobalDisplay(), window, & attr);
+ wxASSERT(status);
+ if (status)
+ {
+ *x = attr.x;
+ *y = attr.y;
+ // We may be faking the client origin. So a window that's really at (0, 30)
+ // may appear (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
+ if (GetParent())
+ {
+ wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ *x -= pt.x;
+ *y -= pt.y;
+ }
+ }
- if(x) *x = xx; if(y) *y = yy;
-void wxWindow::DoScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const
+void wxWindowX11::DoScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
- Display *display = XtDisplay((Widget) GetMainWidget());
- Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(widget));
- Window thisWindow = XtWindow(widget);
+ Display *display = wxGlobalDisplay();
+ Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));
+ Window thisWindow = (Window) m_mainWidget;
Window childWindow;
int xx = *x;
XTranslateCoordinates(display, rootWindow, thisWindow, xx, yy, x, y, &childWindow);
-void wxWindow::DoClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const
+void wxWindowX11::DoClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
- Display *display = XtDisplay(widget);
- Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(widget));
- Window thisWindow = XtWindow(widget);
+ Display *display = wxGlobalDisplay();
+ Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));
+ Window thisWindow = (Window) m_mainWidget;
Window childWindow;
int xx = *x;
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar etc.
-void wxWindow::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
+void wxWindowX11::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetClientWidget();
- Dimension xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- if(x) *x = xx; if(y) *y = yy;
-void wxWindow::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
- // A bit of optimization to help sort out the flickers.
- int oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH;
- GetSize(& oldW, & oldH);
- GetPosition(& oldX, & oldY);
- if ( !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) )
- {
- if ( x == -1 )
- x = oldX;
- if ( y == -1 )
- y = oldY;
- }
- if ( width == -1 )
- width = oldW;
- if ( height == -1 )
- height = oldH;
- bool nothingChanged = (x == oldX) && (y == oldY) &&
- (width == oldW) && (height == oldH);
+ Window window = (Window) m_mainWidget;
- if (!wxNoOptimize::CanOptimize())
- {
- nothingChanged = FALSE;
- }
- if ( !nothingChanged )
+ if (window)
- if (m_drawingArea)
+ XWindowAttributes attr;
+ Status status = XGetWindowAttributes( wxGlobalDisplay(), window, &attr );
+ wxASSERT(status);
+ if (status)
- CanvasSetSize(x, y, width, height, sizeFlags);
- return;
+ *x = attr.width ;
+ *y = attr.height ;
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- if (!widget)
- return;
- bool managed = XtIsManaged( widget );
- if (managed)
- XtUnmanageChild(widget);
- int xx = x;
- int yy = y;
- AdjustForParentClientOrigin(xx, yy, sizeFlags);
- DoMoveWindow(xx, yy, width, height);
- if (managed)
- XtManageChild(widget);
- // How about this bit. Maybe we don't need to generate size events
- // all the time -- they'll be generated when the window is sized anyway.
-#if 0
- wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(wxSize(width, height), GetId());
- sizeEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent);
-#endif // 0
-void wxWindow::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height)
+void wxWindowX11::DoSetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags)
- if (m_drawingArea)
- {
- CanvasSetClientSize(width, height);
+ if (!GetMainWindow())
- }
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetTopWidget();
- if (width > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNwidth, width, NULL);
- if (height > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNheight, height, NULL);
- wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(wxSize(width, height), GetId());
- sizeEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent);
-// For implementation purposes - sometimes decorations make the client area
-// smaller
-wxPoint wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin() const
- return wxPoint(0, 0);
-// Makes an adjustment to the window position (for example, a frame that has
-// a toolbar that it manages itself).
-void wxWindow::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int& x, int& y, int sizeFlags)
- if (((sizeFlags & wxSIZE_NO_ADJUSTMENTS) == 0) && GetParent())
- {
- wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
- x += pt.x; y += pt.y;
- }
-void wxWindow::SetSizeHints(int minW, int minH, int maxW, int maxH, int incW, int incH)
- m_minWidth = minW;
- m_minHeight = minH;
- m_maxWidth = maxW;
- m_maxHeight = maxH;
+ XWindowChanges windowChanges;
+ int valueMask = 0;
- wxFrame *frame = wxDynamicCast(this, wxFrame);
- if ( !frame )
+ if (x != -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- // TODO what about dialogs?
- return;
+ int yy = 0;
+ AdjustForParentClientOrigin( x, yy, sizeFlags);
+ windowChanges.x = x;
+ valueMask |= CWX;
- Widget widget = (Widget) frame->GetShellWidget();
- if (minW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNminWidth, minW, NULL);
- if (minH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNminHeight, minH, NULL);
- if (maxW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNmaxWidth, maxW, NULL);
- if (maxH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNmaxHeight, maxH, NULL);
- if (incW > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNwidthInc, incW, NULL);
- if (incH > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(widget, XmNheightInc, incH, NULL);
-void wxWindow::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- XtVaSetValues((Widget)GetTopWidget(),
- XmNx, x,
- XmNy, y,
- XmNwidth, width,
- XmNheight, height,
- NULL);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// text metrics
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int wxWindow::GetCharHeight() const
- wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "valid window font needed" );
- WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_font.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
- int direction, ascent, descent;
- XCharStruct overall;
- XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
- &descent, &overall);
- // return (overall.ascent + overall.descent);
- return (ascent + descent);
-int wxWindow::GetCharWidth() const
- wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "valid window font needed" );
- WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_font.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
- int direction, ascent, descent;
- XCharStruct overall;
- XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
- &descent, &overall);
- return overall.width;
-void wxWindow::GetTextExtent(const wxString& string,
- int *x, int *y,
- int *descent, int *externalLeading,
- const wxFont *theFont) const
- wxFont *fontToUse = (wxFont *)theFont;
- if (!fontToUse)
- fontToUse = (wxFont *) & m_font;
- wxCHECK_RET( fontToUse->Ok(), "valid window font needed" );
- WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = theFont->GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
- int direction, ascent, descent2;
- XCharStruct overall;
- int slen = string.Len();
-#if 0
- if (use16)
- XTextExtents16((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, (XChar2b *) (char*) (const char*) string, slen, &direction,
- &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
- XTextExtents((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, string, slen,
- &direction, &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
- if ( x )
- *x = (overall.width);
- if ( y )
- *y = (ascent + descent2);
- if (descent)
- *descent = descent2;
- if (externalLeading)
- *externalLeading = 0;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// painting
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void wxWindow::Refresh(bool eraseBack, const wxRect *rect)
- m_needsRefresh = TRUE;
- Display *display = XtDisplay((Widget) GetMainWidget());
- Window thisWindow = XtWindow((Widget) GetMainWidget());
- XExposeEvent dummyEvent;
- int width, height;
- GetSize(&width, &height);
- dummyEvent.type = Expose;
- dummyEvent.display = display;
- dummyEvent.send_event = True;
- dummyEvent.window = thisWindow;
- if (rect)
+ if (y != -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- dummyEvent.x = rect->x;
- dummyEvent.y = rect->y;
- dummyEvent.width = rect->width;
- dummyEvent.height = rect->height;
+ int xx = 0;
+ AdjustForParentClientOrigin( xx, y, sizeFlags);
+ windowChanges.y = y;
+ valueMask |= CWY;
- else
+ if (width != -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- dummyEvent.x = 0;
- dummyEvent.y = 0;
- dummyEvent.width = width;
- dummyEvent.height = height;
+ windowChanges.width = width /* - m_borderSize*2 */;
+ valueMask |= CWWidth;
- dummyEvent.count = 0;
- if (eraseBack)
+ if (height != -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
- wxClientDC dc(this);
- wxBrush backgroundBrush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
- dc.SetBackground(backgroundBrush);
- if (rect)
- dc.Clear(*rect);
- else
- dc.Clear();
+ windowChanges.height = height /* -m_borderSize*2*/;
+ valueMask |= CWHeight;
- XSendEvent(display, thisWindow, False, ExposureMask, (XEvent *)&dummyEvent);
-void wxWindow::Clear()
- wxClientDC dc(this);
- wxBrush brush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
- dc.SetBackground(brush);
- dc.Clear();
+ XConfigureWindow(wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+ valueMask, & windowChanges);
-void wxWindow::ClearUpdateRects()
+void wxWindowX11::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height)
- wxRectList::Node* node = m_updateRects.GetFirst();
- while (node)
- {
- wxRect* rect = node->GetData();
- delete rect;
- node = node->GetNext();
- }
+ if (!GetMainWindow())
+ return;
- m_updateRects.Clear();
+ XWindowChanges windowChanges;
+ int valueMask = 0;
-void wxWindow::DoPaint()
- //TODO : make a temporary gc so we can do the XCopyArea below
- if (m_backingPixmap && !m_needsRefresh)
- {
- wxPaintDC dc(this);
- GC tempGC = (GC) dc.GetBackingGC();
- Widget widget = (Widget) GetMainWidget();
- int scrollPosX = 0;
- int scrollPosY = 0;
- // We have to test whether it's a wxScrolledWindow (hack!) because
- // otherwise we don't know how many pixels have been scrolled. We might
- // solve this in the future by defining virtual wxWindow functions to get
- // the scroll position in pixels. Or, each kind of scrolled window has to
- // implement backing stores itself, using generic wxWindows code.
- wxScrolledWindow* scrolledWindow = wxDynamicCast(this, wxScrolledWindow);
- if ( scrolledWindow )
- {
- int x, y;
- scrolledWindow->CalcScrolledPosition(0, 0, &x, &y);
- scrollPosX = - x;
- scrollPosY = - y;
- }
- // TODO: This could be optimized further by only copying the areas in the
- // current update region.
- // Only blit the part visible in the client area. The backing pixmap
- // always starts at 0, 0 but we may be looking at only a portion of it.
- wxSize clientArea = GetClientSize();
- int toBlitX = m_pixmapWidth - scrollPosX;
- int toBlitY = m_pixmapHeight - scrollPosY;
- // Copy whichever is samller, the amount of pixmap we have to copy,
- // or the size of the client area.
- toBlitX = wxMin(toBlitX, clientArea.x);
- toBlitY = wxMin(toBlitY, clientArea.y);
- // Make sure we're not negative
- toBlitX = wxMax(0, toBlitX);
- toBlitY = wxMax(0, toBlitY);
- XCopyArea
- (
- XtDisplay(widget),
- (Pixmap) m_backingPixmap,
- XtWindow (widget),
- tempGC,
- scrollPosX, scrollPosY, // Start at the scroll position
- toBlitX, toBlitY, // How much of the pixmap to copy
- 0, 0 // Destination
- );
- }
- else
+ if (width != -1)
- // Set an erase event first
- wxEraseEvent eraseEvent(GetId());
- eraseEvent.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(eraseEvent);
- wxPaintEvent event(GetId());
- event.SetEventObject(this);
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
- m_needsRefresh = FALSE;
+ windowChanges.width = width ;
+ valueMask |= CWWidth;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// event handlers
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children.
-void wxWindow::OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event)
- wxWindowList::Node *node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
- while ( node )
+ if (height != -1)
- // Only propagate to non-top-level windows
- wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
- if ( win->GetParent() )
- {
- wxSysColourChangedEvent event2;
- event.m_eventObject = win;
- win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event2);
- }
- node = node->GetNext();
+ windowChanges.height = height ;
+ valueMask |= CWHeight;
+ XConfigureWindow(wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+ valueMask, & windowChanges);
-void wxWindow::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+// For implementation purposes - sometimes decorations make the client area
+// smaller
+wxPoint wxWindowX11::GetClientAreaOrigin() const
- // This calls the UI-update mechanism (querying windows for
- // menu/toolbar/control state information)
- UpdateWindowUI();
+ return wxPoint(0, 0);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// accelerators
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxWindow::ProcessAccelerator(wxKeyEvent& event)
+// Makes an adjustment to the window position (for example, a frame that has
+// a toolbar that it manages itself).
+void wxWindowX11::AdjustForParentClientOrigin(int& x, int& y, int sizeFlags)
- if (!m_acceleratorTable.Ok())
- return FALSE;
- int count = m_acceleratorTable.GetCount();
- wxAcceleratorEntry* entries = m_acceleratorTable.GetEntries();
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ if (((sizeFlags & wxSIZE_NO_ADJUSTMENTS) == 0) && GetParent())
- wxAcceleratorEntry* entry = & (entries[i]);
- if (entry->MatchesEvent(event))
- {
- // Bingo, we have a match. Now find a control that matches the
- // entry command id.
- // Need to go up to the top of the window hierarchy, since it might
- // be e.g. a menu item
- wxWindow* parent = this;
- while ( parent && !parent->IsTopLevel() )
- parent = parent->GetParent();
- if (!parent)
- return FALSE;
- wxFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast(parent, wxFrame);
- if ( frame )
- {
- // Try for a menu command
- if (frame->GetMenuBar())
- {
- wxMenuItem* item = frame->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(entry->GetCommand());
- if (item)
- {
- wxCommandEvent commandEvent(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, entry->GetCommand());
- commandEvent.SetEventObject(frame);
- // If ProcessEvent returns TRUE (it was handled), then
- // the calling code will skip the event handling.
- return frame->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(commandEvent);
- }
- }
- }
- // Find a child matching the command id
- wxWindow* child = parent->FindWindow(entry->GetCommand());
- // No such child
- if (!child)
- return FALSE;
- // Now we process those kinds of windows that we can.
- // For now, only buttons.
- if ( wxDynamicCast(child, wxButton) )
- {
- wxCommandEvent commandEvent (wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, child->GetId());
- commandEvent.SetEventObject(child);
- return child->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(commandEvent);
- }
- return FALSE;
- } // matches event
- }// for
- // We didn't match the key event against an accelerator.
- return FALSE;
-// ============================================================================
-// Motif-specific stuff from here on
-// ============================================================================
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// function which maintain the global hash table mapping Widgets to wxWindows
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxAddWindowToTable(Widget w, wxWindow *win)
- wxWindow *oldItem = NULL;
- if ((oldItem = (wxWindow *)wxWidgetHashTable->Get ((long) w)))
- {
- wxLogDebug("Widget table clash: new widget is %ld, %s",
- (long)w, win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
- return FALSE;
- }
- wxWidgetHashTable->Put((long) w, win);
- wxLogTrace("widget", "Widget 0x%08x <-> window %p (%s)",
- w, win, win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
- return TRUE;
-wxWindow *wxGetWindowFromTable(Widget w)
- return (wxWindow *)wxWidgetHashTable->Get((long) w);
-void wxDeleteWindowFromTable(Widget w)
- wxWidgetHashTable->Delete((long)w);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// add/remove window from the table
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Add to hash table, add event handler
-bool wxWindow::AttachWidget (wxWindow* WXUNUSED(parent), WXWidget mainWidget,
- WXWidget formWidget, int x, int y, int width, int height)
- wxAddWindowToTable((Widget) mainWidget, this);
- if (CanAddEventHandler())
- {
- XtAddEventHandler((Widget) mainWidget,
- ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask, // | KeyPressMask,
- False,
- wxPanelItemEventHandler,
- (XtPointer) this);
- }
- if (!formWidget)
- {
- XtTranslations ptr;
- XtOverrideTranslations ((Widget) mainWidget,
- ptr = XtParseTranslationTable ("<Configure>: resize()"));
- XtFree ((char *) ptr);
- }
- // Some widgets have a parent form widget, e.g. wxRadioBox
- if (formWidget)
- {
- if (!wxAddWindowToTable((Widget) formWidget, this))
- return FALSE;
- XtTranslations ptr;
- XtOverrideTranslations ((Widget) formWidget,
- ptr = XtParseTranslationTable ("<Configure>: resize()"));
- XtFree ((char *) ptr);
- }
- if (x == -1)
- x = 0;
- if (y == -1)
- y = 0;
- SetSize (x, y, width, height);
- return TRUE;
-// Remove event handler, remove from hash table
-bool wxWindow::DetachWidget(WXWidget widget)
- if (CanAddEventHandler())
- {
- XtRemoveEventHandler((Widget) widget,
- ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask, // | KeyPressMask,
- False,
- wxPanelItemEventHandler,
- (XtPointer)this);
- }
- wxDeleteWindowFromTable((Widget) widget);
- return TRUE;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Motif-specific accessors
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get the underlying X window
-WXWindow wxWindow::GetXWindow() const
- Widget wMain = (Widget)GetMainWidget();
- if ( wMain )
- return (WXWindow) XtWindow(wMain);
- else
- return (WXWindow) 0;
-// Get the underlying X display
-WXDisplay *wxWindow::GetXDisplay() const
- Widget wMain = (Widget)GetMainWidget();
- if ( wMain )
- return (WXDisplay*) XtDisplay(wMain);
- else
- return (WXDisplay*) NULL;
-WXWidget wxWindow::GetMainWidget() const
- if (m_drawingArea)
- return m_drawingArea;
- else
- return m_mainWidget;
-WXWidget wxWindow::GetClientWidget() const
- if (m_drawingArea != (WXWidget) 0)
- return m_drawingArea;
- else
- return GetMainWidget();
-WXWidget wxWindow::GetTopWidget() const
- return GetMainWidget();
-WXWidget wxWindow::GetLabelWidget() const
- return GetMainWidget();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Motif callbacks
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// All widgets should have this as their resize proc.
-// OnSize sent to wxWindow via client data.
-void wxWidgetResizeProc(Widget w, XConfigureEvent *WXUNUSED(event), String WXUNUSED(args)[], int *WXUNUSED(num_args))
- wxWindow *win = wxGetWindowFromTable(w);
- if (!win)
- return;
- if (win->PreResize())
- {
- int width, height;
- win->GetSize(&width, &height);
- wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(wxSize(width, height), win->GetId());
- sizeEvent.SetEventObject(win);
- win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent);
- }
-static void wxCanvasRepaintProc(Widget drawingArea,
- XtPointer clientData,
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * cbs)
- if (!wxGetWindowFromTable(drawingArea))
- return;
- XEvent * event = cbs->event;
- wxWindow * win = (wxWindow *) clientData;
- switch (event->type)
- {
- case Expose:
- {
- win->AddUpdateRect(event->xexpose.x, event->xexpose.y,
- event->xexpose.width, event->xexpose.height);
- if (event -> xexpose.count == 0)
- {
- win->DoPaint();
- win->ClearUpdateRects();
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-// Unable to deal with Enter/Leave without a separate EventHandler (Motif 1.1.4)
-static void wxCanvasEnterLeave(Widget drawingArea,
- XtPointer WXUNUSED(clientData),
- XCrossingEvent * event)
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct cbs;
- XEvent ev;
- ((XCrossingEvent &) ev) = *event;
- cbs.reason = XmCR_INPUT;
- cbs.event = &ev;
- wxCanvasInputEvent(drawingArea, (XtPointer) NULL, &cbs);
-// Fix to make it work under Motif 1.0 (!)
-static void wxCanvasMotionEvent (Widget WXUNUSED(drawingArea), XButtonEvent * WXUNUSED(event))
-#if XmVersion <= 1000
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct cbs;
- XEvent ev;
- ev = *((XEvent *) event);
- cbs.reason = XmCR_INPUT;
- cbs.event = &ev;
- wxCanvasInputEvent (drawingArea, (XtPointer) NULL, &cbs);
-#endif // XmVersion <= 1000
-static void wxCanvasInputEvent(Widget drawingArea,
- XtPointer WXUNUSED(data),
- XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct * cbs)
- wxWindow *canvas = wxGetWindowFromTable(drawingArea);
- XEvent local_event;
- if (canvas==NULL)
- return;
- if (cbs->reason != XmCR_INPUT)
- return;
- local_event = *(cbs->event); // We must keep a copy!
- switch (local_event.xany.type)
- {
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify:
- case ButtonPress:
- case ButtonRelease:
- case MotionNotify:
- {
- // FIXME: most of this mouse event code is more or less
- // duplicated in wxTranslateMouseEvent
- //
- wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_NULL;
- if (local_event.xany.type == EnterNotify)
- {
- //if (local_event.xcrossing.mode!=NotifyNormal)
- // return ; // Ignore grab events
- eventType = wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW;
- // canvas->GetEventHandler()->OnSetFocus();
- }
- else if (local_event.xany.type == LeaveNotify)
- {
- //if (local_event.xcrossingr.mode!=NotifyNormal)
- // return ; // Ignore grab events
- eventType = wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW;
- // canvas->GetEventHandler()->OnKillFocus();
- }
- else if (local_event.xany.type == MotionNotify)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_MOTION;
- }
- else if (local_event.xany.type == ButtonPress)
- {
- if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button1)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN;
- canvas->SetButton1(TRUE);
- }
- else if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button2)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN;
- canvas->SetButton2(TRUE);
- }
- else if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button3)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN;
- canvas->SetButton3(TRUE);
- }
- }
- else if (local_event.xany.type == ButtonRelease)
- {
- if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button1)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_LEFT_UP;
- canvas->SetButton1(FALSE);
- }
- else if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button2)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP;
- canvas->SetButton2(FALSE);
- }
- else if (local_event.xbutton.button == Button3)
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_RIGHT_UP;
- canvas->SetButton3(FALSE);
- }
- }
- wxMouseEvent wxevent (eventType);
- wxevent.m_leftDown = ((eventType == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
- || (event_left_is_down (&local_event)
- && (eventType != wxEVT_LEFT_UP)));
- wxevent.m_middleDown = ((eventType == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN)
- || (event_middle_is_down (&local_event)
- && (eventType != wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP)));
- wxevent.m_rightDown = ((eventType == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN)
- || (event_right_is_down (&local_event)
- && (eventType != wxEVT_RIGHT_UP)));
- wxevent.m_shiftDown = local_event.xbutton.state & ShiftMask;
- wxevent.m_controlDown = local_event.xbutton.state & ControlMask;
- wxevent.m_altDown = local_event.xbutton.state & Mod3Mask;
- wxevent.m_metaDown = local_event.xbutton.state & Mod1Mask;
- wxevent.SetTimestamp(local_event.xbutton.time);
- if ( eventType == wxEVT_MOTION )
- {
- if (local_event.xmotion.is_hint == NotifyHint)
- {
- Window root, child;
- Display *dpy = XtDisplay (drawingArea);
- XQueryPointer (dpy, XtWindow (drawingArea),
- &root, &child,
- &local_event.xmotion.x_root,
- &local_event.xmotion.y_root,
- &local_event.xmotion.x,
- &local_event.xmotion.y,
- &local_event.xmotion.state);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- // Now check if we need to translate this event into a double click
- if (TRUE) // canvas->doubleClickAllowed)
- {
- if (wxevent.ButtonDown())
- {
- long dclickTime = XtGetMultiClickTime((Display*) wxGetDisplay());
- // get button and time-stamp
- int button = 0;
- if (wxevent.LeftDown())
- button = 1;
- else if (wxevent.MiddleDown())
- button = 2;
- else if (wxevent.RightDown())
- button = 3;
- long ts = wxevent.GetTimestamp();
- // check, if single or double click
- int buttonLast = canvas->GetLastClickedButton();
- long lastTS = canvas->GetLastClickTime();
- if ( buttonLast && buttonLast == button && (ts - lastTS) < dclickTime )
- {
- // I have a dclick
- canvas->SetLastClick(0, ts);
- wxEventType typeDouble;
- if ( eventType == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN )
- typeDouble = wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK;
- else if ( eventType == wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN )
- typeDouble = wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK;
- else if ( eventType == wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN )
- typeDouble = wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK;
- else
- typeDouble = wxEVT_NULL;
- if ( typeDouble != wxEVT_NULL )
- {
- wxevent.SetEventType(typeDouble);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // not fast enough or different button
- canvas->SetLastClick(button, ts);
- }
- }
- }
- wxevent.SetId(canvas->GetId());
- wxevent.SetEventObject(canvas);
- wxevent.m_x = local_event.xbutton.x;
- wxevent.m_y = local_event.xbutton.y;
- canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (wxevent);
-#if 0
- if (eventType == wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW ||
- eventType == wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW ||
- eventType == wxEVT_MOTION
- )
- return;
-#endif // 0
- break;
- }
- case KeyPress:
- {
- KeySym keySym;
-#if 0
- XComposeStatus compose;
- (void) XLookupString ((XKeyEvent *) & local_event, wxBuffer, 20, &keySym, &compose);
-#endif // 0
- (void) XLookupString ((XKeyEvent *) & local_event, wxBuffer, 20, &keySym, NULL);
- int id = wxCharCodeXToWX (keySym);
- wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_CHAR;
- wxKeyEvent event (eventType);
- if (local_event.xkey.state & ShiftMask)
- event.m_shiftDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & ControlMask)
- event.m_controlDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & Mod3Mask)
- event.m_altDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & Mod1Mask)
- event.m_metaDown = TRUE;
- event.SetEventObject(canvas);
- event.m_keyCode = id;
- event.SetTimestamp(local_event.xkey.time);
- if (id > -1)
- {
- // Implement wxFrame::OnCharHook by checking ancestor.
- wxWindow *parent = canvas->GetParent();
- while (parent && !parent->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)))
- parent = parent->GetParent();
- if (parent)
- {
- event.SetEventType(wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK);
- if (parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event))
- return;
- }
- // For simplicity, OnKeyDown is the same as OnChar
- // TODO: filter modifier key presses from OnChar
- event.SetEventType(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
- // Only process OnChar if OnKeyDown didn't swallow it
- if (!canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event))
- {
- event.SetEventType(wxEVT_CHAR);
- canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case KeyRelease:
- {
- KeySym keySym;
- (void) XLookupString ((XKeyEvent *) & local_event, wxBuffer, 20, &keySym, NULL);
- int id = wxCharCodeXToWX (keySym);
- wxKeyEvent event (wxEVT_KEY_UP);
- if (local_event.xkey.state & ShiftMask)
- event.m_shiftDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & ControlMask)
- event.m_controlDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & Mod3Mask)
- event.m_altDown = TRUE;
- if (local_event.xkey.state & Mod1Mask)
- event.m_metaDown = TRUE;
- event.SetEventObject(canvas);
- event.m_keyCode = id;
- event.SetTimestamp(local_event.xkey.time);
- if (id > -1)
- {
- canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent (event);
- }
- break;
- }
- case FocusIn:
- {
- if (local_event.xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer)
- {
- wxFocusEvent event(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, canvas->GetId());
- event.SetEventObject(canvas);
- canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
- }
- break;
- }
- case FocusOut:
- {
- if (local_event.xfocus.detail != NotifyPointer)
- {
- wxFocusEvent event(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, canvas->GetId());
- event.SetEventObject(canvas);
- canvas->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
-static void wxPanelItemEventHandler(Widget wid,
- XtPointer WXUNUSED(client_data),
- XEvent* event,
- Boolean *continueToDispatch)
- // Widget can be a label or the actual widget.
- wxWindow *window = wxGetWindowFromTable(wid);
- if (window)
- {
- wxMouseEvent wxevent(0);
- if (wxTranslateMouseEvent(wxevent, window, wid, event))
- {
- window->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(wxevent);
- }
+ wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
+ x += pt.x; y += pt.y;
- // TODO: probably the key to allowing default behaviour to happen. Say we
- // set a m_doDefault flag to FALSE at the start of this function. Then in
- // e.g. wxWindow::OnMouseEvent we can call Default() which sets this flag to
- // TRUE, indicating that default processing can happen. Thus, behaviour can
- // appear to be overridden just by adding an event handler and not calling
- // wxWindow::OnWhatever. ALSO, maybe we can use this instead of the current
- // way of handling drawing area events, to simplify things.
- *continueToDispatch = True;
-static void wxScrollBarCallback(Widget scrollbar,
- XtPointer clientData,
- XmScrollBarCallbackStruct *cbs)
+void wxWindowX11::SetSizeHints(int minW, int minH, int maxW, int maxH, int incW, int incH)
- wxWindow *win = wxGetWindowFromTable(scrollbar);
- int orientation = (int) clientData;
+ m_minWidth = minW;
+ m_minHeight = minH;
+ m_maxWidth = maxW;
+ m_maxHeight = maxH;
- wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_NULL;
- switch (cbs->reason)
+ XSizeHints sizeHints;
+ sizeHints.flags = 0;
+ if (minW > -1 && minH > -1)
- {
- break;
- }
- {
- break;
- }
- case XmCR_DRAG:
- {
- break;
- }
- {
- break;
- }
- {
- break;
- }
- {
- break;
- }
- case XmCR_TO_TOP:
- {
- eventType = wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_TOP;
- break;
- }
- case XmCR_TO_BOTTOM:
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- // Should never get here
- wxFAIL_MSG("Unknown scroll event.");
- break;
- }
+ sizeHints.flags |= PMinSize;
+ sizeHints.min_width = minW;
+ sizeHints.min_height = minH;
+ }
+ if (maxW > -1 && maxH > -1)
+ {
+ sizeHints.flags |= PMaxSize;
+ sizeHints.max_width = maxW;
+ sizeHints.max_height = maxH;
+ }
+ if (incW > -1 && incH > -1)
+ {
+ sizeHints.flags |= PResizeInc;
+ sizeHints.width_inc = incW;
+ sizeHints.height_inc = incH;
- wxScrollWinEvent event(eventType,
- cbs->value,
- ((orientation == XmHORIZONTAL) ?
- event.SetEventObject( win );
- win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event);
+ XSetWMNormalHints(wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) GetMainWindow(), & sizeHints);
-// For repainting arbitrary windows
-void wxUniversalRepaintProc(Widget w, XtPointer WXUNUSED(c_data), XEvent *event, char *)
+void wxWindowX11::DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- Window window;
- Display *display;
+ DoSetSize(x, y, width, height);
- wxWindow* win = wxGetWindowFromTable(w);
- if (!win)
- return;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// text metrics
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- switch(event -> type)
- {
- case Expose:
- {
- window = (Window) win -> GetXWindow();
- display = (Display *) win -> GetXDisplay();
+int wxWindowX11::GetCharHeight() const
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "valid window font needed" );
- if (event -> xexpose.count == 0)
- {
- win->DoPaint();
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_font.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
- win->ClearUpdateRects();
- }
- else
- {
- win->AddUpdateRect(event->xexpose.x, event->xexpose.y,
- event->xexpose.width, event->xexpose.height);
- }
+ int direction, ascent, descent;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
+ &descent, &overall);
- break;
- }
- }
+ // return (overall.ascent + overall.descent);
+ return (ascent + descent);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CanvaseXXXSize() functions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// SetSize, but as per old wxCanvas (with drawing widget etc.)
-void wxWindow::CanvasSetSize (int x, int y, int w, int h, int sizeFlags)
+int wxWindowX11::GetCharWidth() const
- // A bit of optimization to help sort out the flickers.
- int oldX, oldY, oldW, oldH;
- GetSize(& oldW, & oldH);
- GetPosition(& oldX, & oldY);
+ wxCHECK_MSG( m_font.Ok(), 0, "valid window font needed" );
- bool useOldPos = FALSE;
- bool useOldSize = FALSE;
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = m_font.GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
- if ((x == -1) && (x == -1) && ((sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE) == 0))
- useOldPos = TRUE;
- else if (x == oldX && y == oldY)
- useOldPos = TRUE;
+ int direction, ascent, descent;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ XTextExtents ((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, "x", 1, &direction, &ascent,
+ &descent, &overall);
- if ((w == -1) && (h == -1))
- useOldSize = TRUE;
- else if (w == oldW && h == oldH)
- useOldSize = TRUE;
+ return overall.width;
- if (!wxNoOptimize::CanOptimize())
- {
- useOldSize = FALSE; useOldPos = FALSE;
- }
+void wxWindowX11::GetTextExtent(const wxString& string,
+ int *x, int *y,
+ int *descent, int *externalLeading,
+ const wxFont *theFont) const
+ wxFont *fontToUse = (wxFont *)theFont;
+ if (!fontToUse)
+ fontToUse = (wxFont *) & m_font;
- if (useOldPos && useOldSize)
- return;
+ wxCHECK_RET( fontToUse->Ok(), "valid window font needed" );
+ WXFontStructPtr pFontStruct = theFont->GetFontStruct(1.0, GetXDisplay());
+ int direction, ascent, descent2;
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ int slen = string.Len();
+#if 0
+ if (use16)
+ XTextExtents16((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, (XChar2b *) (char*) (const char*) string, slen, &direction,
+ &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
- Widget drawingArea = (Widget) m_drawingArea;
- bool managed = XtIsManaged(m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
+ XTextExtents((XFontStruct*) pFontStruct, string, slen,
+ &direction, &ascent, &descent2, &overall);
+ if ( x )
+ *x = (overall.width);
+ if ( y )
+ *y = (ascent + descent2);
+ if (descent)
+ *descent = descent2;
+ if (externalLeading)
+ *externalLeading = 0;
- if (managed)
- XtUnmanageChild (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY, NULL);
- int xx = x; int yy = y;
- AdjustForParentClientOrigin(xx, yy, sizeFlags);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// painting
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!useOldPos)
+void wxWindowX11::Refresh(bool eraseBack, const wxRect *rect)
+ if (eraseBack)
- if (x > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
+ if (rect)
- XtVaSetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNx, xx, NULL);
+ // Schedule for later Updating in ::Update() or ::OnInternalIdle().
+ m_clearRegion.Union( rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height );
- if (y > -1 || (sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE))
+ else
- XtVaSetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNy, yy, NULL);
+ int height,width;
+ GetSize( &width, &height );
+ // Schedule for later Updating in ::Update() or ::OnInternalIdle().
+ m_clearRegion.Clear();
+ m_clearRegion.Union( 0, 0, width, height );
- if (!useOldSize)
+ if (rect)
+ {
+ // Schedule for later Updating in ::Update() or ::OnInternalIdle().
+ m_updateRegion.Union( rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height );
+ }
+ else
+ int height,width;
+ GetSize( &width, &height );
+ // Schedule for later Updating in ::Update() or ::OnInternalIdle().
+ m_updateRegion.Clear();
+ m_updateRegion.Union( 0, 0, width, height );
+ }
+ // Actually don't schedule yet..
+ Update();
- if (w > -1)
- {
- if (m_borderWidget)
- {
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) m_borderWidget, XmNwidth, w, NULL);
- short thick, margin;
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_borderWidget,
- XmNshadowThickness, &thick,
- XmNmarginWidth, &margin,
- NULL);
- w -= 2 * (thick + margin);
- }
+void wxWindowX11::Update()
+ if (!m_updateRegion.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ X11SendPaintEvents();
+ }
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNwidth, w, NULL);
- Dimension spacing;
- Widget sbar;
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNspacing, &spacing,
- XmNverticalScrollBar, &sbar,
- NULL);
- Dimension wsbar;
- if (sbar)
- XtVaGetValues (sbar, XmNwidth, &wsbar, NULL);
- else
- wsbar = 0;
+void wxWindowX11::Clear()
+ wxClientDC dc((wxWindow*) this);
+ wxBrush brush(GetBackgroundColour(), wxSOLID);
+ dc.SetBackground(brush);
+ dc.Clear();
- w -= (spacing + wsbar);
+void wxWindowX11::X11SendPaintEvents()
+ m_clipPaintRegion = TRUE;
-#if 0
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNwidth, w, NULL);
-#endif // 0
- }
- if (h > -1)
+ // if (!m_clearRegion.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ wxWindowDC dc( (wxWindow*)this );
+ dc.SetClippingRegion( m_clearRegion );
+ wxEraseEvent erase_event( GetId(), &dc );
+ erase_event.SetEventObject( this );
+ if (!GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(erase_event))
- if (m_borderWidget)
+ wxRegionIterator upd( m_clearRegion );
+ while (upd)
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) m_borderWidget, XmNheight, h, NULL);
- short thick, margin;
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_borderWidget,
- XmNshadowThickness, &thick,
- XmNmarginHeight, &margin,
- NULL);
- h -= 2 * (thick + margin);
+ XClearArea( wxGlobalDisplay(), (Window) m_mainWidget,
+ upd.GetX(), upd.GetY(), upd.GetWidth(), upd.GetHeight(), False );
+ upd ++;
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNheight, h, NULL);
- Dimension spacing;
- Widget sbar;
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow,
- XmNspacing, &spacing,
- XmNhorizontalScrollBar, &sbar,
- NULL);
- Dimension wsbar;
- if (sbar)
- XtVaGetValues (sbar, XmNheight, &wsbar, NULL);
- else
- wsbar = 0;
- h -= (spacing + wsbar);
-#if 0
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNheight, h, NULL);
-#endif // 0
+ m_clearRegion.Clear();
- if (managed)
- XtManageChild (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow);
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE, NULL);
+ wxNcPaintEvent nc_paint_event( GetId() );
+ nc_paint_event.SetEventObject( this );
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( nc_paint_event );
-#if 0
- int ww, hh;
- GetClientSize (&ww, &hh);
- wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(wxSize(ww, hh), GetId());
- sizeEvent.SetEventObject(this);
+ wxPaintEvent paint_event( GetId() );
+ paint_event.SetEventObject( this );
+ GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( paint_event );
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent);
-#endif // 0
+ m_clipPaintRegion = FALSE;
-void wxWindow::CanvasSetClientSize (int w, int h)
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// event handlers
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Responds to colour changes: passes event on to children.
+void wxWindowX11::OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event)
- Widget drawingArea = (Widget) m_drawingArea;
+ wxWindowList::Node *node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
+ while ( node )
+ {
+ // Only propagate to non-top-level windows
+ wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
+ if ( win->GetParent() )
+ {
+ wxSysColourChangedEvent event2;
+ event.m_eventObject = win;
+ win->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event2);
+ }
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_ANY, NULL);
+ node = node->GetNext();
+ }
- if (w > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNwidth, w, NULL);
- if (h > -1)
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNheight, h, NULL);
+void wxWindowX11::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ // This calls the UI-update mechanism (querying windows for
+ // menu/toolbar/control state information)
+ UpdateWindowUI();
-#if 0
- // TODO: is this necessary?
- allowRepainting = FALSE;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// function which maintain the global hash table mapping Widgets to wxWindows
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- XSync (XtDisplay (drawingArea), FALSE);
- XEvent event;
- while (XtAppPending (wxTheApp->appContext))
+bool wxAddWindowToTable(Window w, wxWindow *win)
+ wxWindow *oldItem = NULL;
+ if ((oldItem = (wxWindow *)wxWidgetHashTable->Get ((long) w)))
- XFlush (XtDisplay (drawingArea));
- XtAppNextEvent (wxTheApp->appContext, &event);
- XtDispatchEvent (&event);
+ wxLogDebug("Widget table clash: new widget is %ld, %s",
+ (long)w, win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
+ return FALSE;
-#endif // 0
- XtVaSetValues(drawingArea, XmNresizePolicy, XmRESIZE_NONE, NULL);
-#if 0
- allowRepainting = TRUE;
- DoRefresh ();
+ wxWidgetHashTable->Put((long) w, win);
- wxSizeEvent sizeEvent(wxSize(w, h), GetId());
- sizeEvent.SetEventObject(this);
+ wxLogTrace("widget", "XWindow 0x%08x <-> window %p (%s)",
+ w, win, win->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName());
- GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(sizeEvent);
-#endif // 0
+ return TRUE;
-void wxWindow::CanvasGetClientSize (int *w, int *h) const
+wxWindow *wxGetWindowFromTable(Window w)
- // Must return the same thing that was set via SetClientSize
- Dimension xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_drawingArea, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- *w = xx;
- *h = yy;
+ return (wxWindow *)wxWidgetHashTable->Get((long) w);
-void wxWindow::CanvasGetSize (int *w, int *h) const
+void wxDeleteWindowFromTable(Window w)
- Dimension xx, yy;
- if ((Widget) m_borderWidget)
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_borderWidget, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- else if ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow)
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- else
- XtVaGetValues ((Widget) m_drawingArea, XmNwidth, &xx, XmNheight, &yy, NULL);
- *w = xx;
- *h = yy;
+ wxWidgetHashTable->Delete((long)w);
-void wxWindow::CanvasGetPosition (int *x, int *y) const
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// add/remove window from the table
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// X11-specific accessors
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Get the underlying X window
+WXWindow wxWindowX11::GetXWindow() const
- Position xx, yy;
- XtVaGetValues (m_borderWidget ? (Widget) m_borderWidget : (Widget) m_scrolledWindow, XmNx, &xx, XmNy, &yy, NULL);
+ return GetMainWindow();
- // We may be faking the client origin.
- // So a window that's really at (0, 30) may appear
- // (to wxWin apps) to be at (0, 0).
- if (GetParent())
- {
- wxPoint pt(GetParent()->GetClientAreaOrigin());
- xx -= pt.x;
- yy -= pt.y;
- }
+// Get the underlying X display
+WXDisplay *wxWindowX11::GetXDisplay() const
+ return wxGetDisplay();
- *x = xx;
- *y = yy;
+WXWindow wxWindowX11::GetMainWindow() const
+ return m_mainWidget;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TranslateXXXEvent() functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool wxTranslateMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& wxevent, wxWindow *win, Widget widget, XEvent *xevent)
+bool wxTranslateMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& wxevent, wxWindow *win, Window window, XEvent *xevent)
switch (xevent->xany.type)
- case EnterNotify: // never received here - yes ? MB
- case LeaveNotify: // never received here - yes ? MB
+ case EnterNotify:
+ case LeaveNotify:
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
case MotionNotify:
wxEventType eventType = wxEVT_NULL;
- // FIXME: this is never true I think - MB
- //
- if (xevent->xany.type == LeaveNotify)
+ if (xevent->xany.type == EnterNotify)
- win->SetButton1(FALSE);
- win->SetButton2(FALSE);
- win->SetButton3(FALSE);
- return FALSE;
+ //if (local_event.xcrossing.mode!=NotifyNormal)
+ // return ; // Ignore grab events
+ eventType = wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW;
+ // canvas->GetEventHandler()->OnSetFocus();
+ }
+ else if (xevent->xany.type == LeaveNotify)
+ {
+ //if (local_event.xcrossingr.mode!=NotifyNormal)
+ // return ; // Ignore grab events
+ eventType = wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW;
+ // canvas->GetEventHandler()->OnKillFocus();
else if (xevent->xany.type == MotionNotify)
if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button1)
eventType = wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN;
- win->SetButton1(TRUE);
button = 1;
else if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button2)
eventType = wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN;
- win->SetButton2(TRUE);
button = 2;
else if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button3)
eventType = wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN;
- win->SetButton3(TRUE);
button = 3;
// check for a double click
- //
- long dclickTime = XtGetMultiClickTime((Display*) wxGetDisplay());
+ // TODO: where can we get this value from?
+ //long dclickTime = XtGetMultiClickTime(wxGlobalDisplay());
+ long dclickTime = 200;
long ts = wxevent.GetTimestamp();
int buttonLast = win->GetLastClickedButton();
if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button1)
eventType = wxEVT_LEFT_UP;
- win->SetButton1(FALSE);
else if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button2)
eventType = wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP;
- win->SetButton2(FALSE);
else if (xevent->xbutton.button == Button3)
eventType = wxEVT_RIGHT_UP;
- win->SetButton3(FALSE);
else return FALSE;
- Position x1, y1;
- XtVaGetValues(widget, XmNx, &x1, XmNy, &y1, NULL);
- int x2, y2;
- win->GetPosition(&x2, &y2);
- // The button x/y must be translated to wxWindows
- // window space - the widget might be a label or button,
- // within a form.
- int dx = 0;
- int dy = 0;
- if (widget != (Widget)win->GetMainWidget())
- {
- dx = x1;
- dy = y1;
- }
- wxevent.m_x = xevent->xbutton.x + dx;
- wxevent.m_y = xevent->xbutton.y + dy;
+ wxevent.m_x = xevent->xbutton.x;
+ wxevent.m_y = xevent->xbutton.y;
wxevent.m_leftDown = ((eventType == wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)
|| (event_left_is_down (xevent)
return FALSE;
-bool wxTranslateKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& wxevent, wxWindow *win, Widget WXUNUSED(widget), XEvent *xevent)
+bool wxTranslateKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& wxevent, wxWindow *win, Window WXUNUSED(win), XEvent *xevent)
switch (xevent->xany.type)
char buf[20];
KeySym keySym;
-#if 0
- XComposeStatus compose;
- (void) XLookupString ((XKeyEvent *) xevent, buf, 20, &keySym, &compose);
-#endif // 0
(void) XLookupString ((XKeyEvent *) xevent, buf, 20, &keySym, NULL);
int id = wxCharCodeXToWX (keySym);
// Colour stuff
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if 0
#define YAllocColor XAllocColor
XColor g_itemColors[5];
int wxComputeColours (Display *display, wxColour * back, wxColour * fore)
return (result);
-// Changes the foreground and background colours to be derived from the current
-// background colour. To change the foreground colour, you must call
-// SetForegroundColour explicitly.
-void wxWindow::ChangeBackgroundColour()
- WXWidget mainWidget = GetMainWidget();
- if ( mainWidget )
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(mainWidget, m_backgroundColour);
- // This not necessary
-#if 0
- if (m_scrolledWindow && (GetMainWidget() != m_scrolledWindow))
- {
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_scrolledWindow, m_backgroundColour);
- // Have to set the scrollbar colours back since
- // the scrolled window seemed to change them
- wxColour backgroundColour = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DFACE);
- if (m_hScrollBar)
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_hScrollBar, backgroundColour);
- if (m_vScrollBar)
- DoChangeBackgroundColour(m_vScrollBar, backgroundColour);
- }
-void wxWindow::ChangeForegroundColour()
+bool wxWindowX11::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col)
- WXWidget mainWidget = GetMainWidget();
- if ( mainWidget )
- DoChangeForegroundColour(mainWidget, m_foregroundColour);
- if ( m_scrolledWindow && mainWidget != m_scrolledWindow )
- DoChangeForegroundColour(m_scrolledWindow, m_foregroundColour);
+ wxWindowBase::SetBackgroundColour(col);
-// Change a widget's foreground and background colours.
-void wxWindow::DoChangeForegroundColour(WXWidget widget, wxColour& foregroundColour)
- // When should we specify the foreground, if it's calculated
- // by wxComputeColours?
- // Solution: say we start with the default (computed) foreground colour.
- // If we call SetForegroundColour explicitly for a control or window,
- // then the foreground is changed.
- // Therefore SetBackgroundColour computes the foreground colour, and
- // SetForegroundColour changes the foreground colour. The ordering is
- // important.
- Widget w = (Widget)widget;
- XtVaSetValues(
- w,
- XmNforeground, foregroundColour.AllocColour(XtDisplay(w)),
- );
+ if (!GetMainWindow())
+ return FALSE;
-void wxWindow::DoChangeBackgroundColour(WXWidget widget, wxColour& backgroundColour, bool changeArmColour)
- wxComputeColours (XtDisplay((Widget) widget), & backgroundColour,
- (wxColour*) NULL);
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
- XmNbackground, g_itemColors[wxBACK_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNtopShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxTOPS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNbottomShadowColor, g_itemColors[wxBOTS_INDEX].pixel,
- XmNforeground, g_itemColors[wxFORE_INDEX].pixel,
- NULL);
- if (changeArmColour)
- XtVaSetValues ((Widget) widget,
- XmNarmColor, g_itemColors[wxSELE_INDEX].pixel,
- NULL);
+ Display *xdisplay = (Display*) wxGlobalDisplay();
+ int xscreen = DefaultScreen( xdisplay );
+ Colormap cm = DefaultColormap( xdisplay, xscreen );
-bool wxWindow::SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& col)
- if ( !wxWindowBase::SetBackgroundColour(col) )
- return FALSE;
+ wxColour colour( col );
+ colour.CalcPixel( (WXColormap) cm );
+ XSetWindowAttributes attrib;
+ attrib.background_pixel = colour.GetPixel();
- ChangeBackgroundColour();
+ XChangeWindowAttributes(wxGlobalDisplay(),
+ (Window) GetMainWindow(),
+ CWBackPixel,
+ & attrib);
return TRUE;
-bool wxWindow::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& col)
+bool wxWindowX11::SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& col)
if ( !wxWindowBase::SetForegroundColour(col) )
return FALSE;
- ChangeForegroundColour();
return TRUE;
-void wxWindow::ChangeFont(bool keepOriginalSize)
- // Note that this causes the widget to be resized back
- // to its original size! We therefore have to set the size
- // back again. TODO: a better way in Motif?
- Widget w = (Widget) GetLabelWidget(); // Usually the main widget
- if (w && m_font.Ok())
- {
- int width, height, width1, height1;
- GetSize(& width, & height);
- // lesstif 0.87 hangs here
- XtVaSetValues (w,
- XmNfontList, (XmFontList) m_font.GetFontList(1.0, XtDisplay(w)),
- NULL);
- GetSize(& width1, & height1);
- if (keepOriginalSize && (width != width1 || height != height1))
- {
- SetSize(-1, -1, width, height);
- }
- }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the current mouse position.
wxPoint wxGetMousePosition()
- Display *display = (Display*) wxGetDisplay();
+ Display *display = wxGlobalDisplay();
Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen (DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));
Window rootReturn, childReturn;
int rootX, rootY, winX, winY;