-\func{void}{OnIdle}{\param{wxIdleEvent\& }{event}}
-Override this member function for any processing which needs to be done
-when the application is idle. You should call wxApp::OnIdle from your own function,
-since this forwards OnIdle events to windows and also performs garbage collection for
-windows whose destruction has been delayed.
-wxWindows' strategy for OnIdle processing is as follows. After pending user interface events for an
-application have all been processed, wxWindows sends an OnIdle event to the application object. wxApp::OnIdle itself
-sends an OnIdle event to each application window, allowing windows to do idle processing such as updating
-their appearance. If either wxApp::OnIdle or a window OnIdle function requested more time, by
-caling \helpref{wxIdleEvent::RequestMore}{wxidleeventrequestmore}, wxWindows will send another OnIdle
-event to the application object. This will occur in a loop until either a user event is found to be
-pending, or OnIdle requests no more time. Then all pending user events are processed until the system
-goes idle again, when OnIdle is called, and so on.
-\wxheading{See also}
-\helpref{wxWindow::OnIdle}{wxwindowonidle}, \helpref{wxIdleEvent}{wxidleevent},\rtfsp
+%% VZ: the wxApp event handler are private and should not be documented here!
+%%\func{void}{OnIdle}{\param{wxIdleEvent\& }{event}}
+%%Override this member function for any processing which needs to be done
+%%when the application is idle. You should call wxApp::OnIdle from your own function,
+%%since this forwards OnIdle events to windows and also performs garbage collection for
+%%windows whose destruction has been delayed.
+%%wxWindows' strategy for OnIdle processing is as follows. After pending user interface events for an
+%%application have all been processed, wxWindows sends an OnIdle event to the application object. wxApp::OnIdle itself
+%%sends an OnIdle event to each application window, allowing windows to do idle processing such as updating
+%%their appearance. If either wxApp::OnIdle or a window OnIdle function requested more time, by
+%%calling \helpref{wxIdleEvent::RequestMore}{wxidleeventrequestmore}, wxWindows will send another OnIdle
+%%event to the application object. This will occur in a loop until either a user event is found to be
+%%pending, or OnIdle requests no more time. Then all pending user events are processed until the system
+%%goes idle again, when OnIdle is called, and so on.
+%%\wxheading{See also}
+%%\helpref{wxWindow::OnIdle}{wxwindowonidle}, \helpref{wxIdleEvent}{wxidleevent},\rtfsp
+%%\func{void}{OnEndSession}{\param{wxCloseEvent\& }{event}}
+%%This is an event handler function called when the operating system or GUI session is
+%%about to close down. The application has a chance to silently save information,
+%%and can optionally close itself.
+%%Use the EVT\_END\_SESSION event table macro to handle query end session events.
+%%The default handler calls \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} with a true argument
+%%(forcing the application to close itself silently).
+%%Under X, OnEndSession is called in response to the `die' event.
+%%Under Windows, OnEndSession is called in response to the WM\_ENDSESSION message.
+%%\wxheading{See also}