parser with the command line options for this application. The base class
versions adds support for a few standard options only.
-\func{void}{OnQueryEndSession}{\param{wxCloseEvent\& }{event}}
-This is an event handler function called when the operating system or GUI session is
-about to close down. Typically, an application will try to save unsaved documents
-at this point.
-If \helpref{wxCloseEvent::CanVeto}{wxcloseeventcanveto} returns true, the application
-is allowed to veto the shutdown by calling \helpref{wxCloseEvent::Veto}{wxcloseeventveto}.
-The application might veto the shutdown after prompting for documents to be saved, and the
-user has cancelled the save.
-Use the EVT\_QUERY\_END\_SESSION event table macro to handle query end session events.
-You should check whether the application is forcing the deletion of the window
-using \helpref{wxCloseEvent::GetForce}{wxcloseeventgetforce}. If this is true,
-destroy the window using \helpref{wxWindow::Destroy}{wxwindowdestroy}.
-If not, it is up to you whether you respond by destroying the window.
-The default handler calls \helpref{wxWindow::Close}{wxwindowclose} on the top-level window,
-and vetoes the shutdown if Close returns false. This will be sufficient for many applications.
-Under X, OnQueryEndSession is called in response to the `save session' event.
-Under Windows, OnQueryEndSession is called in response to the WM\_QUERYENDSESSION message.
-\wxheading{See also}
\func{virtual int}{OnRun}{\void}